The 'Burg: Hold On Part 102

The 'Burg: Hold On -

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"What?" Mike asked, stopping short by Garrett.

"What?" Cal growled, and Garrett spared a glance to the sidewalk where Cal and his kids were.

He looked back to Mike. "Keys."

"You aren't drivin', brother," Mike replied quietly.

Garrett leaned his way. "Give me the G.o.dd.a.m.ned keys."

"Round the car, Merry. I drive," Mike returned.

They faced off.

For half a second.

Then Garrett jogged around the car so they could get to Bobbie's.

Cher From my place, lying in the backseat of a car, hands zip-tied behind my back, I stared at the profile of Walter Jones, who was driving.

"You're not ex-FBI, are you?" I whispered.

He said nothing.

"You're not ex-FBI. You're one of those sick f.u.c.ks who gets off on all things Dennis Lowe," I guessed.

"Shut the f.u.c.k up."

He was.


He was.

And he had me.

"I got a kid. I got a mom. I got a man. I got a life. I'll repeat, I got a kid," I told him.

"Shut the f.u.c.k up."

"He's eleven."

I rolled to the floor when he suddenly stopped the car, pain shooting up my shoulder and across my hips, both of which hit first.

By the time I twisted my head to look up, he was leaned around the driver's seat, pointing his gun at me.

"I said," he whispered, "shut the f.u.c.k up."

I shut the f.u.c.k up.

He waited.

Then he turned back around and drove.

Garrett "She didn't run."

Garrett stood in the parking lot of Bobbie's with Colt, Mike, and Sully, listening to Susie Shepherd talk, Mia standing next to her but not close. Both of them were visibly freaked right the f.u.c.k out, but surprisingly, it was Susie who had it together to report what had happened.

He tried to stay locked on Susie, but he couldn't.

His eyes wandered to the back of the Equinox. The hatch up.

She'd been loading bags when Mia confronted her. Interrupted by his f.u.c.king ex-wife, then abducted by an unknown man with a weapon.

Six shopping bags he could count.

f.u.c.king six.

She was excited for Christmas. Christmas with him and her boy.

Pink ornaments.

"It was too late, though. He was right on her. Snuck up the side of her car. She didn't see him because she was dealing with Mia, and I didn't see him because I was too. Cher didn't have time to run," Susie finished, and Garrett looked back to her.

"Merry," Mia whispered.

Abe ran up. "BOLO out on the vehicle. They're settin' up roadblocks. Everyone's been called in." His eyes fell on Merry. "Everyone, dude. Everyone's out lookin'."

Even though the man had shot three rounds into the air to make his point, everyone getting that point and scattering, Susie had managed to have it together enough to see what car the man took Cher to. Make, model, but she got no plate.

Now they had a BOLO.

"Merry," Mia whispered again.

"Describe him again," Garrett clipped at Susie.

"Dark hair. Receding. Gray in it. Same with his goatee," she described. "Good clothes. Blue s.h.i.+rt, nice jeans, nice leather jacket. He had some heft, but it worked on him." She glanced at Colt before she returned her attention to Merry. "You know my type, so just to be helpful, I wouldn't f.u.c.k him. He's too short, he wasn't all that, and he's clearly a psychopath, shooting gunshots in the air in a f.u.c.king garden shop parking lot."

Garrett turned to his partner. "Find Ryker."

"You got something?" Mike asked.

"Just find Ryker."

Mike nodded and stepped back, pulling out his phone.

He looked to Colt and Sully. "Call Warren. Nowakowski. Find out if Walter Jones was FBI."

"Jesus, Merry, you think-?" Colt started.

Garrett looked back at Susie. "You said his vehicle looked like a rental?"

She nodded. "I saw a decal. Didn't see it clearly, but it didn't say dealers.h.i.+p. It said rental. Just didn't see which company."

Garrett turned to Colt. "Description matches, Colt."

"I'll call Nowakowski," Sully murmured. "You call Warren."

They pulled out their phones.

"Merry," Mia whispered.

Hearing her repeat his name, he felt it snap. It was a twinge right at his heart, small but not insignificant, seeing as it reverberated through his frame, exploding in his brain.

Compelled by the explosion, Garrett turned to her and roared, "Not now, Mia!"

Her pale face turned ash.

"You love her," she kept whispering.

"Jesus, f.u.c.k," Garrett clipped, turning to put distance between himself and his ex, not to mention get to the G.o.dd.a.m.ned car so he could look for his woman, doing this while ordering to a hovering Marty, "Get that b.i.t.c.h away from me."

He could not go apes.h.i.+t crazy. He had to keep it locked down. If he lost his mind, he couldn't use it to find his woman. And when he found her, he'd be in no place to be there for her.

He had to lock it down.

"Uh...Mia, if you'd-" Marty started.

"I'm gonna go out and look for her."

Garrett turned back at his ex-wife's words.

"I'm gonna look for her," she declared again.

She lifted her chin and caught hold of Susie's hand.

Mia Merrick, spoiled rich girl, holding f.u.c.king Susie Shepherd's hand, Susie being spoiled b.i.t.c.h girl.

"Me and Susie. Me and Susie are gonna go look for Cher," she kept at it.

Susie yanked her hand away and looked down in disgust at Mia, demanding to know, "Have you lost your mind?"

Mia looked up at Susie. "You said you were sisters."

Cher and Susie, sisters?

"We are, but I'm not doin' s.h.i.+t with you. I got nothing to prove. And anyway, might be a good idea you let the people who know what they're doing do it without you in the way," Susie returned, and looked to Garrett. "Are we done?"

"Keep your phone close," Garrett told her.

She nodded, glared at Mia, and stomped away.

"Well, I'm gonna look for her myself, then," Mia declared.

"You impede this search, I swear to f.u.c.k-" Garrett started.

"I want to help," she returned.

She wanted to make a point. She wanted to make a play.

And now was so not the time, it wasn't f.u.c.king funny.

"Then how about you shut up and go home," Mike asked, phone still to his ear, irate eyes on Mia.

She looked with surprise at Mike then to Garrett.

"Okay. Maybe I'll just go home," she decided hesitantly, watching Garrett closely.

"Good call," Colt muttered.

She looked to Colt then again to Garrett.

She had no traction there, no support, no one giving any indication they thought there was anything left of Merry and Mia. Or that they even liked Mia, with or without Merry.

And she got not one thing from Garrett.

So finally, he got what he was expecting.

It was too much for her, she was giving up.

It was written all over her face. An expression he'd seen a lot over a lot of years and missed repeatedly.

He didn't miss it then.

He just didn't care.

"I just...I hope she's okay, Merry," she said.

"Whatever," he muttered, turning away.

The minute he did, she was out of his head.

He moved as he bit out, "Mike."

Mike looked his way. Phone still to his ear, he moved with Merry.

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