Sexy: Behind The Lens Part 23

Sexy: Behind The Lens -

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After breakfast we parted ways to get ready, and I told him I would meet him at my table. Once my long brown hair had curls in it, my makeup was perfect, and I put on a cute dress with my boots, I was ready to rock. I set up my table, chatting with some of the authors I've become friends with, and meeting new ones. We took several pictures before the models and readers got there. It was a really great start to a crazy day.

"So, I'm just supposed to sit here?" I look at Blake and laugh. This is his first signing and I'm excited I get to pop his cherry.

"You can get up. You don't need to sit here. Bring the readers over with your s.e.xiness." He smirks at me and winks. d.a.m.n, I love my job.

"You want the women over here, you got it." I laugh and he gets up and pulls his f.u.c.king s.h.i.+rt off. Yep, that will bring them over. He glances down at me and smiles. "Give me five minutes." He once again winks and heads off into the crowd. The amount of people is insane, and I have no doubt that it's because of the models, and honestly, Kallie. I think most readers want to see the it' couple in the flesh. I've watched her and she is completely professional. She doesn't let the fans interrupt her concentration, and that right there is what makes me finally decide to talk to her about doing all of my future shoots.

Blake comes back and holds his hand out to me. "You have plans?" He laughs and I place my hand in his and he helps me up.

"I may have a small crowd coming over who are very interested in your book." When you have a model that is just as invested in your book as you are, well, s.h.i.+t, there's nothing better. When I stand up, son of a b.i.t.c.h, he wasn't kidding. There's a group of giggling young girls heading our way. I look up at him and laugh.

"You are too much." He smiles down at me and puts his arm around me.

"Just trying to do my part." That is exactly what he did. It was the most interactive signing I've been to. Blake made sure to keep the readers coming over, and once they did, I had so much fun talking about my books and taking pictures. He kept me laughing the entire day. He definitely isn't just a s.e.xy guy, he's fun as h.e.l.l to hang out with, which makes me even happier that Kallie invited me out with all of them tonight. I haven't gone out and let my hair down in a long time. I've been so busy writing, I think I deserve a night of fun.

After the signing, I went back to my room and changed into a pair of skinny jeans, a black and white tank, and my black heels. I fixed my hair, throwing in a few more curls, and applied more makeup, making it more dramatic for going out. I check myself out and smile. I love getting myself done up like this. I need to do it more often. I go back into the bedroom and get my debit card and stick it in my pocket. I hate bringing my purse when I go out, it's too much to worry about. I sit down on the bed and text Kallie, asking her what time we're meeting up in the lobby. She gets right back, telling me they're going to head down now. I smile, put my phone in my pocket, and head out to meet them.

"Wow, you look amazing, London." I hug Kallie because I already feel like we're going to have this amazing friends.h.i.+p.

"You're pretty hot yourself." Blake wraps his arm around me and I stare up at him.

"Hey, I'm your model. How do I look?" I laugh and tell him how s.e.xy he is. He winks at me and I say my h.e.l.los to Jax and Max. It is actually surreal to think I'll be spending the night hanging out with all of these beautiful people.

We hit several different clubs and I have the best time. Kallie and I dance and I get more drunk with each stop. By the time we hit the last club, I am having a hard time walking. We go inside and I laugh when I see all the women. Every club we've been to, the women have been all over Jax, Blake, and Max. Kallie and I have started taking bets how long it will take before they notice them. Jax, of course, smiles and take photos, but always comes right back to Kallie's side. Blake and Max are really enjoying the women, and I think it's fun seeing this personal side of them.

"Hey what's so funny?" I snap out of my thoughts and glance up at Blake.

"All the women. We won't see you guys once we get a few more feet in." I laugh again and he wraps his arm around me when I sway to one side.

"Well, how about I just hang out with you at this one?" I smile up at him, liking the idea of him hanging out with just me.

"Sure. Let's go get a drink." He leads me over to the bar and orders us each a shot and a beer. We get our shots and I hold mine up. "To the best cover model and guy I've been lucky enough to meet." He winks and we throw our shots back. We grab our beers and go in search of everyone else. They're already on the dance floor. Kallie and Jax are all over each other and I feel a bit of jealousy. I wish I had a guy who couldn't keep his hands off of me. I just stand there watching, captivated by the love they have for each other.

"London?" I gaze up at Blake and he grabs my hand, pulling me close. "If we're going to hang out, you need to dance with me." I'm so drunk, I laugh and try to put my arms around his neck. I end up spilling some of my beer and he laughs, pulling it out of my hands. He places it on the table behind us and then pulls my body flush against his. "This is better." Holy f.u.c.k, is it ever. We start moving, and the more we move the more I feel myself getting turned on. That's probably not a good thing, but s.h.i.+t, what author isn't attracted to her models? He spins me around and wraps his arms around my waist. I bend forward, allowing my a.s.s to push up against his c.o.c.k. He runs one of his hands down my back and around to the front of my upper thigh. My p.u.s.s.y clenches, knowing his hand is that close.

"London, here. I got you two shots." I turn to Kallie and smile. She glances behind me at Blake, and she doesn't look happy. It's probably because I haven't hung out with her and I start to feel bad. I start to pull away from Blake, but he keeps a strong arm around my waist. I turn my head back to him and he gives me that grin I find so f.u.c.king s.e.xy.

"Take your shots." I smile and take the first one from Kallie. She and I throw it back and I know I shouldn't take the last one. I'm trashed.

"I'm good, Kallie. Thank you." Blake reaches over my shoulder and takes it from her.

"You want to come dance?"

"Hey. London and I are hanging out." She lifts her eyebrows and I smile.

"Yep, Blake is all mine right now." She shakes her head and goes back over to Jax.

Blake and I continue dancing, and the more we dance the more s.e.xual it starts to feel. I would be lying if I said I wasn't loving it. I loved having his attention, being in his s.e.xy tattooed arm, and having his hands on my body. This is by far the most fun I've had in probably years, and the most turned on I've been in longer than that. I haven't been with anyone since Axel, and being here with Blake makes me realize just how long it's been.

I wake up the next morning with my head pounding. s.h.i.+t, I don't even remember leaving the club last night. I was really trashed. I roll over and just about have my heart jump out of my chest. Next to me, completely naked, is Blake Foster. I pull the covers up over my naked body, and cover my face with my hands. Holy f.u.c.k, I think I just made the biggest mistake of my life.


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My b.i.t.c.hes! I don't know what I would do without each and every one of you. You are the most amazing support team anyone could ever be lucky enough to have. You make me laugh, cry (tears of happiness, of course), and brighten every single day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and love. . I love you all.

I could not have done this without the love and support of my beta readers, who are also my amazing friends. Alexandra G.o.dfrey, Lizette Palleschi, and Angel Follansbee. Thank you for your honest opinions, for pointing out things that I may want to fix, and for loving my story. You girls have no idea how much confidence you gave me. I love you all more than you could ever imagine. Thank you for making me laugh, smile, and cry tears of pure happiness. You all have a special place in my heart!

My amazing friend who has never once made me feel otherwise, Alexandra G.o.dfrey (Ally). Thank you for everything you do for me, from being my PA to listening to everything I have to say, making me laugh, and making sense out of so many things. You've been there from the start and I can't tell you how much that means to me.

A huge thank you to Stephen Thomas for giving me insight into the world of modeling. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions, even the most ridiculous ones.

Tiffany J West and Dawn Sullivan, I don't know what I would do without the both of you. We are cheerleaders for one another and I wouldn't have it any other way. I lov`e you ladies so much! #BT2090 #BT2020 #3some My Naughty Chick b.i.t.c.hes for your endless support and encouragement! I LOVE you all.

A huge thank you to Deranged Doctor Design for such a kicka.s.s, stunning cover. You are amazingly talented.

To all the blogs and bloggers that help spread the word, read my books, and write amazing reviews. Without you the Indie world would be a much harder place. I can't thank you enough for all the support you have given me. You are all my rock stars!

A special thanks to my husband, Russell. You put up with a lot, don't think I don't appreciate it. You sh.e.l.l out a lot of money to make my dreams come true. Thank you for your support. I love you.

Thank you to my three amazing kids, Russell Jr, Jeanette, and Hailey. Thank you for understanding when I yelled that it was because I was writing. For dealing with a grumpy mom a lot of the time. Most of all, thank you for being three of the best kids a mom could have. I love you all with all my heart! To each and every one of my readers, without you I am nothing. I cannot thank you enough for being along for the journey. You are the reason I love doing what I do, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

About the Author.

Heather Dahlgren writes Contemporary Romance, sprinkling each book with a bit of humor, a lot of naughty and true love. She self-published her first book in 2014 and continues to do so today. Her over active mind promises the stories are in no short supply.

Heather grew up and still resides at the Jersey sh.o.r.e. She loves being so close to the Atlantic Ocean and the Pine Barrens. She is surrounded by the best of both worlds.

She is married to her high school sweetheart and has three kids. There is nothing more important in the world to her then her family.

When Heather isn't writing you can find her getting lost in a great book, spending time with family and helping her fellow authors.


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About Sexy: Behind The Lens Part 23 novel

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