Dragon's Fury - Dragon's Breath Part 8

Dragon's Fury - Dragon's Breath -

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"Let me see your commset, XO. I'd like to address the crew."

The XO handed Captain Thompson the handset, and Thompson raised it to his mouth.

"Crew, this is the Captain. We have retrieved our special guests who successfully completed their mission. Great job to all for detecting, identifying and then avoiding those contacts earlier. It allowed us to stealthily and successfully retrieve our friends. I know we have been running silent for the last several days, but we have several more days of the same to complete the remainder of the mission. I want you to know I am proud of your performance and proud to serve with each of you. Carry on."

Handing the commset back to the XO, the Captain continued, addressing him.

"Thanks, XO. Once you get us underway for the other objective in this OPPLAN off of Tanjin, please find Lieutenant Commander Sheffield and then the two of you join me in my quarters. I'd like to review each of your a.s.sessments and factor them into the Tanjin operation. The closer quarters up there have me nervous and we're going to have to be at 110%."

June 27, 2005, 19:00 WNN Broadcast Studios WNN HQ, New York City Looking into the camera with his famous "serious" look, David Krenshaw began the "News Special"

regarding the remarkable rise to power of Hasan Sayeed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight WNN news brings you a special broadcast regarding a remarkable individual of whom many of you have heard, but about whom little is known, other than the fact that he has recently come to power in Iran."

"What is remarkable, at least from the Western perspective, is the age of this new leader. Hasan Sayeed is thirty-nine years old and has taken his position at the pinnacle of a religious, political and military hierarchy where most leaders' ages are nearly twice his own. Yet these venerable leaders, including the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, who was the leader of Iran until early last month, have willingly stepped aside to allow this individual to a.s.sume power peacefully, and, by all accounts, very effectively."

"Naturally, we here at WNN are investigating how this came about and why. Tonight, as a result of the type of exclusive sources that you have come to expect from WNN, we believe we can answer some of those questions. Please stay with us for those answers after this break for our commercial advertisers."

David was excited about the next several weeks. This show would kick off the plans he had made with his WNN producers and management, which mirrored the plans he had made with Jien. Over the next ten days, a virtual whirlwind of activity would take place in the Mid-East with the emergence of a greatly-expanded Islamic republic. And David and WNN would be right in the middle of it-exclusively in the middle of it.

After the break, in a multi-media display that dazzled the viewers, David told bits and pieces of Hasan's life story. David touched on Hasan's birthday and how it fell on the same date as that of the mystical 12thImam of s.h.i.+a faith and the strong beliefs the Sunni's had regarding the 12thImam. He portrayed Hasan's remarkable entry into the religious schools and programs in Iran at such an early age. Using old Iranian military film, he showed live clips of Hasan's death-defying charges at Abadan during the Iraq/Iran conflict. This footage was followed by various still and video clips of his years in leaders.h.i.+p positions within the Pasdara, and then some very rare photos of his pilgrimage in the mountains and deserts of the 'stan regions surrounding Iran.

This was all done through various narratives and interviews by other WNN commentators, and a few Islamic clergy who had spoken of Hasan in the past. The segment neared its end with video footage of the thousands of loyal followers who led Hasan out of the Center for Theological Studies in Qom, Iran after the Islamic recognition and confirmation of him as the Imam Hasan Sayeed. The segment concluded with a video of Hasan boarding a Lear jet, which would fly him to Tehran.

"So, what does this mean to America and to the west in general? This is a question that is difficult to answer at the moment. To date, Imam Sayeed, as he is called, has called for religious unity amongst all Islam, and has preached tolerant and peaceful co-existence with other nations of the world who do not interfere with the affairs of the Islamic Republic. While the message calling for the unification of Islam will give many Americans great unease, reminding us all of the events of September 11, 2001, the message of peace and tolerance is the ant.i.thesis of the message preached by those who were responsible for that horrific attack."

"We at WNN are seeking to understand and report the implications of this story. The history of the West and Persia, and particularly the United States and Iran is a history of mixed signals and precarious diplomatic relations. Perhaps Hasan Sayeed can re-open ties with the West, but to date there has been no indication that this is his intention. Inside Iran, the power of the Islamic faith, and the s.h.i.+a faith in particular, is consolidating and continuing its hold over virtually every aspect of society. Clearly, the source for the most reliable information is none other than Hasan Sayeed. As we close tonight, we at WNN are proud to announce an exclusive interview with the Imam Sayeed that has been scheduled for 7PM EST on August 9th. Please tune to WNN at that time as I interview this dynamic, new leader of Iran."

"This is David Krenshaw, thanking you on behalf of WNN. Goodnight."

As the "live" indicator went out and his producer gave him a "thumbs up," David thought about how well the show had gone. The presentation had come off about as perfectly as possible.

"I wonder what those bozos over at Weisskopf's State Department thought about that," David wondered as he got up and began walking towards his dressing room. "Their jaws are probably hanging down to the floor right about now. Ha! Rank amateurs!"

June 27, 2005, 20:05 State Department Conference Room Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.

"Where does this guy get his information?"

Fred Reissinger looked around the room at Mike Rowley, the Director of the CIA, and several of their jointly-a.s.sembled subordinates.

"I swear, I feel like we're looking at scenes from Baghdad all over again. I remember back then during Desert s.h.i.+eld, and then Desert Storm, when many of us in the State Department and even over in Defense were getting part of our intelligence from the Cable News of the day.

"It's too bad we don't have anyembedded reporters working this one like we did in Operation Iraqi Freedom."

Mike Rowley was also surprised at the depth of information that WNN had acc.u.mulated on Hasan-more than his own operatives had been able to gather for sure. Perhaps it was time that they started checking into Mr. Krenshaw and his "contacts"...if for no other reason than to gather intelligence and be able to be working on it before it was announced over the nightly news. Clearly, somehow, WNN was connected.

But Mike Crowley was also peeved.

"That little fart Krenshaw rubbed this in our face, Fred. The very idea of him calling your deputy like that and "advising" us to take a look at 7 p.m. this evening for 'all we ever wanted to know, but hadn't been able to find out about Hasan Sayeed.'"

"If I thought he was a loyal American and that he made that statement out of concern for our decided lack of intelligence that would be one thing. But of course, in that case he would have shared the information with us earlier. In addition, his commentaries on the President and his clear "longing" for the "good old days" of a couple of administrations ago just don't sit well with me. It was those "good old days" that created the majority of the problems we are facing right now."

Secretary Reissinger nodded appreciatively at the comments of his friend and compatriot in the Weisskopf administration. It was rare that the Secretary of State and the Director of the CIA saw things so similarly...'and it was also an indication of the wisdom and capability of the President in putting together his cabinet,' thought Secretary Reissinger.

"Mike, I understand your feelings, but whether it was an intended snub or not doesn't matter at this point. At least we were watching it and can now get our staffs working on this, instead of hearing about it late tonight or tomorrow morning."

"I'd like to suggest we form a couple of task forces to look more closely at the situation: One can a.n.a.lyze things from a potential religious standpoint as it impacts the people in the region...that part about the confluence of s.h.i.+a and Sunni faiths on this 12thImam. The other can a.n.a.lyze things from a strictly political perspective, to find out how susceptible the surrounding governments are to any unifying influence Sayeed may wield."

June 30, 2005, 11:45 local time Public a.s.sembly Square Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Abduhl Selim was seventeen years old, soon to be eighteen. He was not happy about being here in the middle of this hot day in the middle of this big city, waiting for an announcement by his government.

Abduhl had been raised in the Kara k.u.m desert near the Kopet Mountains. What he enjoyed most was being able to sit in the shade of the trees at the oasis in the foothills near his home, watering his father's sheep and looking out over the expanses of the desert. He wished he were doing that right now.

Although raised in a faithful Islamic family, Abduhl had not "taken" to the religious instruction like his siblings and many of his friends. Oh, he believed in Allah and believed that Mohammed was His prophet.

He also said his prayers-when he was close to home. When he was away from home and away from the pious adults, he did not think on religion much at all, preferring to learn about the animals or the desert; or, more and more lately, about weapons.

But today, his father had insisted that they be in the capitol, Ashgabat, for the important government announcement. His father had indicated that their leader would today announce something of over-riding political and religious importance, and that it would be an historic occasion that they would all look back on with pride. So, they had made the long trip and here he was.

"Allah be praised that the fruit markets are open and have plentiful stock this day!' Abduhl thought as the mid-day heat and the proximity of tens of thousands of others kept him uncomfortable. Actually, his discomfort came more from the pressing crowds than the heat. But the fruit was good, so he ate another slice of the tangerine he had purchased and savored the flavor as he let the juice slowly run down his throat.

As he was savoring the sweet taste, and appreciating the juice quenching his thirst, there was movement on the great balcony of the government building that overlooked the large public square where Abduhl and his family were standing. He noticed the western TV personnel with camera crews off to each side and in front of the balcony. He recognized the President and Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Saparmurat Niyazov, standing with several of the leading members of the Halk Maslahaty and a.s.sembly or Majlis. After a moment, the President began walking towards the podium.

As he did, Abduhl's Father, Muhamet, said, "Son, listen now and pay attention. It is said that this announcement will change all of our lives forever."

"My fellow countrymen. Today we are gathered here in our Capital for an announcement of great import. The proceedings are being televised throughout the nation and the world. My voice is being carried by radio wave to those areas where a television signal is not available."

"As most of you know, or may have heard, Hasan Sayeed became the leader of the Islamic Republic to our south early last month. It is a moment of great import for all Islam as Ayatollah Ol Osam Hasan Sayeed is recognized for his leaders.h.i.+p, piety, wisdom and knowledge in all of Islam. He visited our country a number of years ago and shared his views and vision of a truly united Islam with our scholars and religious leaders. I had the opportunity to speak with him at length then, and have done so many times since."

"Early this spring, Hasan and the leading Ayatollah Ol Osams from the Islamic Republic began working with our own Halk Maslahaty and the a.s.sembly or Majlis. As a result, a vote has been cast in both a.s.semblies, and I have expressed my concurrence. On Independence Day, 27 October of this year, there will be a national referendum putting to the will of the people the issue of aligning ourselves with, and becoming a part of, the "Greater Islamic Republic.""

An audible intake of breath was heard throughout the crowd. Almost 90% of the population of Turkmenistan was Islamic. Such a prospect, a truly united Islam, was deeply rooted in the heart of all the faithful. That a true opportunity was presenting itself was both surprising and exhilarating to most of those a.s.sembled here. Soon, cries of, ""Allah Ahkbar!" and "Imam Sayeed!" began echoing in the square and growing in volume.

Abduhl did not know what to think. Although he recognized the import of this announcement, to him, one government seemed like it would be pretty much like another. At the oasis and in the deserts, little government interaction was required or expected.

The President let the excitement build for a moment or two, then using the power of his amplified microphone, he continued.

"I am happy to announce, that today similar announcements are being made in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Iran."

With this, the cheers and the calls from the crowd climaxed. After several minutes, the President was again able to make himself heard.

"In some of these countries, the transition is being made immediately as of today. In others, like our own, referenda of the people will be held to approve the votes cast by their representatives. The target date is for full alignment and sovereignty as a single Greater Islamic Republic, made up of a const.i.tution of these various republic states, by November of this year, with the Imam Sayeed as our leader."

"What it will mean is the creation of a nation numbering over one hundred twenty million, stretching from the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea to the Himalayas. A unified nation of Islam with the petroleum, precious metals, agricultural and moral strength to take its place at the seat of the world's great powers!

To this I say, Allah mak! Allah mak!"

Despite his previous reservations, Abduhl joined with the tens of thousands gathered in the square as they shouted their a.s.sent along with their leader.

"Allah mak! Allah mak! Allah mak!"

June 30, 2005, 3:17 WNN Broadcast Studios WNN HQ, New York City "We repeat, WNN has been on the scene in the capital cities of Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan for the stunning announcements by the respective governments regarding the merger of these nations into a Greater Islamic Republic."

"Each nation, excepting Iran and Afghanistan, has announced referendum votes for the approval of the action being taken by their executive and legislative bodies. It is expected, given the overwhelming majority of Islamic people in each nation, that these referenda will pa.s.s."

"One of the surprises here is the actions in Afghanistan. We all remember there the military actions that resulted in the death of Usama bin Laden and the toppling of the Taliban. It was thought that the resulting governing body, which was a mixture of democratic process coupled with more moderate Islamic clerics, would have been more resistant to such a merger. Clearly, that was an incorrect impression."

"If all of these referenda pa.s.s, as we believe they will, this will result in a unified nation of Islam numbering in excess of one hundred twenty-five million people possessing great natural resources. The on-screen map we have maintained throughout this broadcast in the inset on your screen to my upper right, is a map of the resulting 'Greater Islamic Republic.' Our understanding is that the capital will be in Tehran, and the President will be Hasan Sayeed, about whom we here at WNN aired a special report several days ago."

"We expect reaction from the surrounding governments of Iraq, Pakistan, India, Kazakhstan, China and Russia within the next few hours."

"The reaction from the United States, Europe, and, in particular, from Israel, should be forthcoming as the day progresses. We will inform you of any such announcements as they occur."

"Again, ladies and gentlemen, this has been David Krenshaw, reporting live on WNN with the stunning announcements which today are creating the new nation of the Greater Islamic Republic."

June 30, 2005, 8:20 Oval Office in the White House Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.

"Somebody tell me why it is I feel like a fellow who hasn't been invited to a party that all my friends are talking about. Fred, Mike, what in the h.e.l.l is going on? First this unprecedented Coalition of Asian States, and now a "greater" Islamic Republic, as if we didn't have a big enough headache with the "lesser" one.

Come on guys, we're not living in a vacuum here."

"And what is this with Afghanistan? I thought the Northern Coalition, which helped us in the fight against the Taliban was going to ensure that this type of thing did not happen. What's this with the immediate unification with Iran?"

Clearly, President Weisskopf was upset and frustrated. His own domestic agenda was progressing nicely through both a Senate and a House decidedly in the majority on his side of the issues. His agenda, which included governmental fiscal responsibility, more local control of education, seriously looking at a national sales tax to replace the IRS and the income tax and more emphasis on prosecuting and incarcerating violent criminals while utilizing rehabilitation, detoxification and community programs for the non-violent had broad based support. But achieving success in monitoring potentially dangerous international situations seemed to be an almost futile endeavor for Weisskopf and his cabinet.

Fred Reissinger slowly shook his head and looked at his boss and said, "Mr. President, we have a couple of task forces that are making good progress on understanding Hasan Sayeed and his potential influence in the area. I held a review meeting with them yesterday afternoon before we heard of these announcements. They have indicated a strong possibility, due to Sayeed's religious instruction, the date of his birth and his stated views concerning Islamic unification that both the Sunni Muslims and the s.h.i.+a Muslims may unite behind him. I was preparing a report for the cabinet last evening when this news broke. We were concerned that Afghanistan would quickly move to align themselves with Sayeed, and, even more disconcerting, we are concerned that at some point both Pakistan and Iraq may also enter into this 'alignment.'"

At this suggestion, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the Secretary of Defense began speaking simultaneously.

"Great. That would result in one of our worst fears...a nuclear armed Islamic Republic!" was General Stone's frustrated comment, while Secretary Hattering exclaimed, "Having a much larger and stronger nuclear power on their borders would scare the living daylights out of the Indians.

"And what's this talk of Iraq maybe going the same way? What of oursupportive Islamic democracy there? What of Chaliberi? I mean we put this guy in power...he owes everything he has to us. Can this Sayeed undo Iraqi Freedom just like that? Is the entire world turning upside down on us here?"

Secretary Reissinger spoke again.

"Gentlemen, please let me continue. Diplomatically, I believe it is absolutely critical that we consolidate and rea.s.sure our allies with all due haste. This must be an effort on two fronts now. "

"We already started an effort in Asia with the Philippines, j.a.pan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia in the face of the CAS. I might add that we are experiencing good progress, particularly with the Philippines and Thailand, in securing forward bases of operation in those two nations.

Secretary Hattering is working closely with me on that. This is occurring in the face of significant protest from the Chinese concerning our efforts in this regard, and over the most recent surveillance flight."

"In the Mid East we must redouble our efforts to ensure that we do the same negotiating and discussing with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt in the Mid-East. In my opinion, those four nations are the key to heading off this Islamic fervor, with perhaps Iraq being the lynch pin. What we have accomplished there since Iraqi Freedom in 2003 is viewed by everyone as our own proof of concept. We cannot afford to allow Iraq to be pulled into this. We have done all in our power to establish Chaliberi in a position that is autonomous of our direct influence, while at the same time helping him develop a moderate, secular democracy in Iraq that we can work with. I cannot believe that he will be pulled away from that.

"If we can keep working with those other three nations to influence him and keep them all strongly "in the fold," I believe we can counter the growth and influence of Sayeed. It goes without saying that Israel remains our closest ally in the region."

The President agreed with what his Secretary of State was saying, but was still uneasy. He had met Jien Zenim and could not shake the feeling that his Chinese counterpart was somehow deeply involved in all of this.

"What are the Chinese saying, Fred?"

Fred had expected such a comment, and was prepared to discuss it.

"Mr. President, they issued a prepared statement this morning, about three hours after the announcements. Basically, they are saying that they welcome the developments. Their official comments were, as I recollect, 'The People's Republic of China welcomes and approves when any poor and oppressed peoples join together in unity and social equity to raise themselves above their circ.u.mstances and sit proudly at the table of world events.' Apparently, they plan to change their emba.s.sies in these nations to consulates, and then have the main in Tehran serve as their for them all as soon as the referenda are held."

At this juncture, Mike Rowley, the Director of the CIA, spoke up.

"Mr. President, we at CIA are involved with Fred's people in the task forces looking into the potential influence of Sayeed on the governments and people in the area. It is important to note that these countries are peopled by large majorities of Islamic. The largest non-Islamic population is in Kyrgyzstan, where the Russian Orthodox population numbers 20%. "

"Apparently there is some resistance in that nation to this announcement. In fact, there was some violence in Bishkek during the announcement. From all accounts, the uprising has been apparently quickly and brutally suppressed. We have received reports of refugees already heading towards the Kazakhstan border. This is important because Kazakhstan was the focus of heavy Russian immigration during the Soviet years-which resulted in that nation's population being almost equally split between Europeans and Asians, and between the Russian orthodox faith and Islam. Not surprisingly, the people of European heritage hold most of the power there. We could be looking at a potential trouble spot in the region."

The President had heard enough. His press secretary was due to make an announcement at 9 a.m., and he wanted to obtain a consensus on the wording.

"Okay, Mike and Fred, keep on it. I want this situation to be emphasized in the daily briefings. Right now we have to announce something to the world. I am inclined to use the opportunity to suggest we normalize relations with Iran, and ensure that American companies and citizens in these other nations are rea.s.sured. Fred, please work with my press secretary to come up with wording to that effect and let's review it here at eight forty five."

"In addition, Fred, please move forward with the plans you spoke of regarding our allies and friends in Asia and the Mid-East. In that regard, I would like you to arrange for me to speak with King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, Prime Minister Netinyahu of Israel and President Sezer of Turkey ASAP.

"Tim and General Stone, I would like you to work up an a.s.sessment of the military strength of these aligning nations and how quickly they can combine, both logistically and operationally. Include a worst case scenario that takes into account Pakistan and Iraq. Please schedule a meeting for early next week to review and discuss the implications."

July 4, 2005, 21:45 University of Wyoming football stadium Laramie, Wyoming "Whoa, dude, look at that!"

Alan was really getting into this fireworks display.

"It sho' is somethin. I never would've thought to be here. Leon, we got you to thank fo' it. Mmmm, but I love this cool air up here."

Leon Campbell looked over at his mother. They had arrived in Laramie yesterday evening pretty late, and upon hearing about the big 4thof July celebration, had decided to stay an extra day to take it in. He was glad they had. What a great time they were having. In fact, the last week had been the best time he could remember. He, his brother Alan and his momma, Geneva, all traveling out west together, seeing things none of them had ever seen before.

It hadn't taken long either. As they drove west on Interstate 80, they left the city of Chicago behind soon enough. As soon as they got 20 miles outside the city, they reached the furthest extent that any of them had ever traveled. It was such an experience seeing all of the open farmland right there in Illinois. They had never imagined it was like that so close to them.

Then, they had crossed the Mississippi River at Rock Island. They had all heard of the Mississippi and how it was a large river, but nothing compared to driving almost a mile across the biggest bridge they had ever seen, over water the entire time.

The further west they had gone, the more amazing the experience had been to them all. As they traveled across Iowa, they were amazed at the cornfields. Row after row, field after field.

"Now I knows where all dat corn a fixed for you boys growin' up came from," had been their mother's comment after pa.s.sing by one extremely large field. They had all laughed together at the statement.

Surely, they thought, no place on earth could grow so much corn.

Then had come Nebraska. The sheer magnitude of it, the open s.p.a.ces, the scenery of rolling hills for mile after mile. They had stopped in North Platte and visited the Buffalo Bill Ranch State Park near there and had purchased some souvenirs. Trying to imagine a time when buffaloes by the millions roamed that land was not as difficult when you were driving across its great expanse.

The further west they went, the more the scenery changed. Soon, they weren't looking at all of the green gra.s.s or fields of corn. There were more and more wheat fields as the land became progressively drier.

There were more and more hills and rock outcroppings.

Although Nebraska seemed to go on forever, soon enough they came to the Wyoming border. Not long after entering that state they got their first glimpse of mountain ranges off in the distance. When they did, Leon stopped the car and got out. As he was gazing into the distance, he spoke to his brother Alan.

"Would you look at that, Alan! Who would have imagined it? Those mountains must be over sixty or seventy miles away. The pioneers must have felt something like this!"

Alan couldn't say he was as excited as Leon, but he had to admit that this first glimpse of the Rocky Mountains was quite the experience.

"I know I feel like a pioneer, Leon. This is all new to me, bro. I never would have thought there was so much open s.p.a.ce in the whole world!"

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