Dragon's Fury - Dragon's Breath Part 35

Dragon's Fury - Dragon's Breath -

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"And we will stand with you to the end. If you choose not to, then all we ask is for you to stay out of the way, we will do this with, or without help.

"To our forces who are fighting on in Asia in the face of monumental odds. Who fight with the knowledge that our relief efforts have failed and that relief is far off, I say: "Fight on.

"Fight this enemy wherever you may find him and out of whatever circ.u.mstances you may find yourself.

Take to the hills if you must, take to the streets, take to the night. They are the enemies of all we believe in and all we as a people stand for.

"Fight on.

"With your weapons, with your fists, with stones and clubs if you must. Fight with your words, fight with non-compliance, fight with your silence. Like an American hero from the Vietnam War, Rocky Versace.

When they captured him and beat him and ultimately marched him off to execute him, he was singing "G.o.d bless America."

"Fight on.

"And never give up. We will make every effort to come for you soon, but if we cannot, do not despair.

As surely as the sun rises in the east, we are coming. The time will arrive when like at Normandy on June 6th, 1944, you will look out and see the sea and the sky filled with the innumerable host of your comrades come to liberate the captive and put down the tyrant.

"To the American people I say, take heart! Yes, armies of tyranny and coercion are on the march in the Middle East and now ominously in Asia. Yes, many of our own have died at the hands of these tyrants.

Yes, some of our friends will undoubtedly fall under the control of these tyrants, but our fathers and grandfathers faced the same threats. The fight for liberty has always been so tested. Like them, America will rise to the challenge and again be the vanguard for liberty for the world. We will liberate the captive and destroy the despot.

"In the mean time,We hold the course .

"We will hold new elections to replace those who have fallen.

"We hold the course.

"We will submit new names for the heads of those agencies to congress for approval where the former leaders have been taken from us.

"We hold the course.

"We will establish, in keeping with the brave example from Idaho that yesterday saved tens of thousands of lives, a national Homeland Defenders, a Home Guard program. This program will be established at the local level, allowing any American to sign up and defend infrastructure in this nation in the best traditions of local militia and deputized civilians defending their own.

"We hold the course.

"I announce today, two national goals a.s.sociated with the war effort, from which we will not step back even after we win this war.

1. We will betotally energy independent within eighteen months.

2. We will build and deploy an effective anti-ballistic missile s.h.i.+eld for the entire United States within three years.

"We hold the course and that course is liberty!

"It is individual liberty, morality, accountability and responsibility. These are the key ingredients of our success as a people and our way of life.

"To punctuate this, let me close with the following two quotes.

"From the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self evident. That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

"The other is from Patrick Henry. "

"We shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just G.o.d who presides over the destinies of Nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, Sir, is not to the strong alone. It is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, Sir, we have no choice. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery!"

"So my fellow Americans,we hold the course. Though we have been injured, though we have been grievously hurt, we do not bow, andwe do not cower. "

"Millions who have gone before have purchased our right to stand now. Millions who are yet to come are depending on us. We shall overcome this darkest day in American history, and when we do, with the help of G.o.d we will find the bright lining that rims every dark cloud. "

"Thank you all, keep the faith, and may G.o.d bless America in this, the hour of our greatest need!"

The end of Volume I.

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms


AAW -Anti-Aircraft Warfare Abrams -Premier main battle tank designated M1A1. (U.S.) ABM -Anti-Ballistic Missile ABS -American Broadcasting System ADCAP -Advanced Capability AEGIS -An advanced phased array radar system for acquiring, tracking and engaging airborne targets (U.S. Navy) AH-64 -Most capable western attack helicopter called Apache (U.S.) ALCM -Air Launched Cruise Missile ALRAAM -Advanced Long Range Anti-Aircraft Missile AMRAAM -Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile Apache -Most capable western attack helicopter designated AH-64 (U.S.) APS -Armored Personnel Carrier APSRON -Afloat Pre-positioning s.h.i.+p Squadron (U.S. Navy) ARCM -Anti-Radiation Cruise Missile ASAT -Anti-Satellite ASDS -Advanced SEAL Delivery System ASROC -Anti-Submarine Rocket a.s.sisted torpedo ASW -Anti-Submarine Warfare ATO -Asian Theater of Operations AV-8B+ -VTOL or STOL fighter-bomber used by U.S. Marines called Harrier. (U.S.) Avenger -AAW variant of HMMWV carrying Stinger missiles. (U.S.) AWACS -Airborne warning and command aircraft B-1B -Advanced supersonic, Long range bomber called Lancer or Bone (U.S.) B-2 -Sub-sonic, long range stealth strike bomber called Spirit (U.S.) Backfire -Supersonic, long range Russian strike aircraft, exported and license built designated TU-22M.

(Red China, India) Badger -Older, subsonic, 1970's vintage Russian strike aircraft export designated TU-16(Red China, India, GIR) Bandit -Enemy Aircraft BATF -Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (U.S.) BDA -Bomb or Battle Damage a.s.sessment Bear -Older, prop-driven Russian reconnaissance & ASW aircraft designated TU-142. Exported and license built. (India) BMD -Ballistic Missile Defense BRITREP -British Representative Buddy Stores -Refueling tanks CANTFOR -Canadian Task Force CAP -Combat Air Patrol CAS -Coalition of Asian States CBC -Continental Broadcasting Company CBG -Carrier Battle Group CBT -Carrier Battle Task Force CENTCOM -Central Command (U.S.) CIA -Central Intelligence Agency (U.S.) CIC -Combat Information Center CINC -Commander in Chief CINCCENT -Commander in Chief Central (U.S.) CINCPAC -Commander in Chief Pacific (U.S.) CIR -Council on International Relations CIWS -Close in Weapons System CNO -Chief of Naval Operations (U.S.) CO -Commanding Officer Comanche -Advanced, stealthy recon/attack helicopter. RAH-66 (U.S.) Condition Zebra -Watertight combat threat condition for naval vessels.

CONUS -Continental United States COSAS -Coalition of South American States COSCO -China Ocean-going s.h.i.+p Company COSTIND -Commission of Science, Technology & Industry for National Defense (Red China).

CTF -Combined Task Force CVN, CVX -Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier, CVX is the latest generation DDG -Guided Missile Destroyer DDH -Large helicopter carrying destroyer DNC -Democratic National Committee DOE -Department of Energy (U.S.) E-2C -Naval Airborne Early Warning and Command aircraft called Hawkeye. (U.S.) E-3 -Air Force warning and command aircraft called Sentry. (U.S., U.K., j.a.pan) Eagle -High performance, supersonic fighter aircraft designated F-15C. (U.S.) ELINT -Electronic Intelligence EMCOMM -Electronic Emissions and Communications EMP -Electromagnetic Pulse EMT -Emergency Medical Technician ETO -European Theater of Operations EU -European Union EW -Electronic Warfare F/A-18E -Most modern, supersonic, high-performance naval fighter/attack aircraft called Super Hornet.


F/A-18F -Two seat attack/strike/EW version of F/A-18E. (U.S.) F-14D -Latest upgrade (early 90's) of supersonic, high performance, long range , 1970's carrier based fighter/bomber called Tomcat (U.S.) F-15 -High performance, supersonic fighter aircraft called Eagle (U.S.) F-15E -Two-seat strike version of F-15C aircraft called Strike Eagle (U.S.) F-16 -Highly maneuverable fighter/bomber called Falcon or Viper (U.S. and allies) F-22 -Advanced, stealthy, high performance fighter, the Raptor (U.S.) F-35 -New, very advanced, multi-service fighter-bomber called the Joint Strike Fighter. STOL and VTOL. (U.S. and allies) Falcon -Highly maneuverable fighter/bomber, F-16 (U.S. and allies) FBC-7 -Long range strike aircraft (Red China) FBI -Federal Bureau of Investigation (U.S.) FEMA -Federal Emergency Management Agency (U.S.) Fencer -Long Range Strike Aircraft called designated SU-24 (China. GIR and India) FFG -Guided Missiles Frigate Flanker -Advanced Russian fighter/bomber exported and license built designated SU-30. (Red China, GIR, India) Foxbat -High speed, 1970's vintage Russian export interceptor designated MIG-25. (North Korea, GIR).

FTP -File Transfer Protocol Fulcrum -High performance Russian export and license built fighter bomber designated MIG-29 (Red China, India, GIR) GIR -Greater Islamic Republic Global Sentinel -High alt.i.tude, long endurance unmanned aerial vehicle. (U.S.) GOA -Government Office of Accounting GPS -Global Positioning System HARM -High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile Harrier -VTOL or STOL fighter bomber used by U.S. Marines and U.S. allies designated AV-8B+ (U.S.).

Hawkeye -Naval Airborne Early Warning and Command aircraft designated E-2C. (U.S., Taiwan, j.a.pan, France) h.e.l.lFIRE -Laser guided anti-tank or surface missile (U.S.) HGP -Human Genome Project HMMWV -High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle HR-7 -Hyper-velocity, exo-atmosphere reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft called the Thunder Dart. (U.S.) HUMRAMM -AAW variant of HMMWV carrying ground-launched AMRAAM missiles. (U.S.) ICBM -Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (Nuclear) IDF -Israeli Defense Force, or Indigenous Defense Fighter (ROC) IFF -Identification Friend or Foe designator IFV -Infantry Fighting Vehicle INS -Immigration and Naturalization Service J-10 -Advanced fighter/interceptor/attack aircraft. (Red China) JGI -Joint Genome Inst.i.tute (U.S.) JH-7 -Long range interceptor aircraft (Red China) JMSDF -j.a.panese Maritime Self Defense Force JSF -Joint Strike Fighter (U.S.) JSOW -Joint Standoff Weapon JSTAR -Battlefield management aircraft using synthetic aperture radar and advanced processing (U.S.) KFOR -Korean Forces KS-2(+)-Advanced surface to air missile, Plus (+) variety has similar characteristics to Patriot. (Red China) KS-3 -Advanced version of the KS-2+ missile capable of TMD (Red China) KV -Kill Vehicle Lancer -Advanced supersonic, long-range bomber, the B-1B (U.S.) LAWS -Light Armor Weapon System LAX -Los Angeles International Airport LCU -Landing Craft Utility LRASD -Long Range Anti-s.h.i.+pping Device M1A1 -Premier main battle tank called Abrams. (U.S.) Mach -Designation for the speed of sound MAD -Mutually a.s.sured Destruction MLRS -Multiple Launch Rocket System MEB -Marine Expeditionary Brigade (U.S.) MEU -Marine Expeditionary Unit (U.S.) MFD, MFCD -Multi Function Display, Multi Function Color Display MIG-25 -High speed, 1970's vintage, Russian exported interceptor called Foxbat. (North Korea, GIR).

MIG-29 -High performance Russian export and license built fighter bomber called Fulcrum (Red China, India, GIR) MOS -Military Occupational Specialty MPSRON -Maritime Pre-positioning s.h.i.+p Squadron (U.S. Navy) MUAS -Miniature Underwater All-aspect Surveillance Devices NAFTA -North American Free Trade Agreement NAS -National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) NASA -National Aeronautical and s.p.a.ce Administration NATO -North Atlantic Treaty Organization NCA -National Command Authority (The President of the United States) NCO -Non-Commissioned Officer in the military NEW -National Endowment for Women NGO -Non-Governmental Organization (Affiliated with the United Nations) NHGRI -National Health Genome Research Inst.i.tute (U.S.) NIH -National Inst.i.tute of Health (U.S.) NORAD -North American Air Defense Command (U.S. and Canada) NORCOM -Northern Command (U.S.) NRO -National Reconnaissance Office (U.S.) NSA -National Security Advisor or Agency (U.S.) OIC -Officer in Charge OPLAN -Operation Plan Orion -Turbo prop ASW, Recon & strike aircraft designate P-3C (U.S. and allies) P-3C -Turbo prop ASW, Recon & strike aircraft called Orion (U.S. and allies) Patriot Missile -Land based, long range, anti-aircraft missile system.

PDWE -Pulse Detonation Wave Engine Peacekeeper APC -Highly exported APC armed with .50 cal. machine gun. (U.S.) Pervador -New high speed, high alt.i.tude, reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft designated SR-77.

Replaced the SR-71 Blackbird. (U.S.) Phoenix -Long range air to air missile designated AIM-54 (U.S.) PKF -Patriotic Kurdistan Front PLA -People's Liberation Army (Red China) PLAN -People's Liberation Army Navy PRC -People's Republic of China (Red China) PTO -Pacific Theater of Operations RAH-66 -dvanced, stealthy recon/attack helicopter called Comanche (U.S.) RAM -Rolling Airframe Missile Raptor -Most advanced, stealthy, high performance air superiority fighter aircraft designated F-22 (U.S.).

ROC -Republic of China (Taiwan) ROC(AF) (N) -Republic of China Air Force or Navy RORO -Roll On Roll Off transport s.h.i.+p RPG -Rocket Propelled Grenade R&R -Rest and relaxation RTB -Return to Base RV -Re-entry Vehicle SAC -Strategic Air Command or Special Agent in Charge SAG -Surface Action Group Sea Flanker -Navy version of SU-30 called designated SU-33. (Red China, India) Sea Sparrow -Medium range, s.h.i.+p launched radar guided anti-missile missile. (U.S.) SEAL -Sea, Air & Land Special Forces (U.S. Navy) SECDEF -Secretary of Defense (U.S.) Sentry -Air Force warning and command aircraft designated E-3. (U.S., U.K., j.a.pan) Sidewinder -Advanced all aspect short-range air to air missile designated AIM-9X (U.S.) SITREP -Situation Report SLCM -s.h.i.+p or Submarine Launched Cruise Missile Spirit -Highly stealthy, sub-sonic, long range strike bomber designated B-2 (U.S.) SR-77 -New high speed, high alt.i.tude recon and surveillance aircraft called the Pervador. Replaced the SR-71 Blackbird. (U.S.) SSBN -Nuclear Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine carrying ICBM's.

SSGN -Nuclear Powered Guided Missile Submarine carrying SLCM's.

SSN -Nuclear powered attack submarine Standard Missile -Long range U.S. anti-air missile. Advance used for TMD.

Stinger missile -Short range, all aspect, self-guided anti-air missile. Shoulder, vehicle, helicopter, aircraft or s.h.i.+p fired. (U.S. & allies) STOL -Short Take-off and Landing Strike Eagle -Two-seat strike version of F-15C aircraft designated F-15E (U.S.) SU-24 -Long Range Strike Aircraft called Fencer (Red China. GIR and India) SU-30 -Advanced Russian fighter/bomber exported and license built called Flanker. (Red China, GIR, India) SU-33 -Naval version of SU-30 called Sea Flanker. (Red China, India) SU-35 -Two seat strike/radar suppression/EW version of SU-30 aircraft. (Red China) SUBT CIWS -Sub-surface Threat Close in Weapons System Super Hornet -Most modern, supersonic, high performance naval fighter/attack aircraft designated F/A-18 E (U.S.).

SUV -Sport Utility Vehicle SWAT -Special Weapons and Tactics (Police) T-72 -1980's variety main battle tank employed by GIR and CAS.

T-80 -1990's variety main battle tank employed by GIR and CAS.

Tango -Military term for a terrorist TAS -Tactical a.s.sault s.h.i.+p (Red China) Ta s.h.i.+h -Chinese anti-stealth sensor, acquisition and fire control system.

TF -Task Force Thunder Dart -Hyper-velocity, exo-atmosphere reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft designated HR-7. (U.S.).

Threat Zebra -Watertight combat threat condition for naval vessels.

TMD -Theater Missile Defense Tomcat -Supersonic, high performance, long range , 1970's carrier based fighter/bomber designated F-14D (U.S.).

Top Dome -Russian provided radar system for advanced surface vessels. (Red China) Top Plate -Russian radar system for advanced surface vessels. (PRC) TOW -Wire guided anti-tank missile TU-16 -Older, subsonic 1970's vintage Russian strike aircraft called Badger (Red China, India, GIR) TU-22M -Supersonic, long range Russian strike aircraft, exported and license built called Backfire (Red China, India) TU-142 -Older, prop-driven Russian reconnaissance & ASW aircraft called Bear Exported and license built. (India) UAE -United Arab Emirates UAV -Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UEDF -Unified European Defense Force USCGS -United States Coast Guard s.h.i.+p USFK -United States Forces Korea V-150 -Highly exported APC armed with a 20mm cannon used by U.S. Air Force security. (U.S. and allies) VLF -Very Low Frequency VLS -Vertical Launch System VTOL -Vertical Take-off and Landing WNN -World News Network XO -Executive Officer

About the Author.

Jeff Head is a 48 year-old father of five living in southwest Idaho. He and his wife of 25 years are the proud grandparents of two grandchildren. He has worked as an engineer and consultant for the last twenty-four years in the defense, nuclear power, and computer industries where he has been involved in a number of projects in various engineering, support, and management capacities. These included the A-7 attack aircraft program, the San Onofre Nuclear Power project, the Multiple Launch Rocket System program, and the Theater High Alt.i.tude Air Defense System.

While working as a director at Structural Dynamics Research Corporation, Mr. Head was involved in efforts at the Thiokol Corporation Strategic Operations Division to review and improve their operations in the years following the shuttle Challenger disaster. As a result of that effort, in 1992 Mr. Head was presented a Vice President's award from Thiokol Strategic Operations for his teams efforts in the Computer-Aided-Engineering and Design (CAE/CAD) area.

Since 1995, in both a program management and consulting role, Mr. Head has traveled extensively overseas on behalf of U.S. firms to establish manufacturing and development operations in the Far East, India, and Eastern Europe.

Mr. Head has also been involved in several civic events including the "Klamath Basin Water Crisis" in Oregon in 2001. In August of 2002, Mr. Head accepted a "Person of the Year" award from theFre web site resulting from his involvement at Klamath Falls and his work on issues a.s.sociated with 9-11.

Mr. Head is also very active in his Church and involved with the Boy Scouts of America, helping withraf ting trips andwinter camps in the mountains of southwest Idaho.

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About Dragon's Fury - Dragon's Breath Part 35 novel

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