Dragon's Fury - Dragon's Breath Part 25

Dragon's Fury - Dragon's Breath -

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But Jess knew that this small talk about weather was just that. He knew Cindy was concerned about the declaration of war and the notice he had already received. This was not going to be any short duration TDY type of thing. He was being called to active duty for the duration. And his intuition told him that it could be a long time.

He couldn't tell Cindy where he was going. The verbal orders, delivered over secure lines, posting him to Israel to deliver a secretly purchased squadron of Comanches and to train the Israeli military in their use was all very much top secret-and it was indicative of the view of leaders.h.i.+p just where this fighting was going to ultimately lead. But, he knew he could be completely open with her about the gravity of the situation and its likely duration, and he knew he would have to do that tonight.

"Boy that smells good honey! Can't wait to get a bowl full into me. Even with the welder going in the barn, it was awful cold out there this afternoon."

After the prayer, and after Jess got started, Cindy broached the topic.

", I got your things together and they are packed and ready. morning is going to come quick. Do you think this will blow over as quick as that last set-to did?"

Jess could only be as honest as his oaths and sworn duty would allow...but he owed it to this, his best friend and closest confidant in the world.

"Honey, I am afraid this is "the big one." The GIR has a lot of resources and is buying up a lot of modern equipment. From everything I have read, they have developed a phenomenal training program and they are committed. Who would have thought they could pull off those attacks on Incirlik, and now the invasions of Turkey, Kuwait and Saudi."

"It's going to be a tough, long fight in pus.h.i.+ng them back, and that's if some of these other tinhorns that have an axe to grind with us don't jump in somewhere else around the world. No, I believe you'll see me now and again on leave when that can be arranged, but I'm afraid we're in this for the long haul.

Probably end up being a lot of austere war-time provisions, maybe a lot like our parents experienced in World War II."

Cindy had feared as much, but she was grateful that Jess always served it up to her straight. They discussed preparations and they discussed Billy and his likely role, particularly his timing as he finished his training and went on to the various schools. Then as they finished cleaning up the dishes, Cindy took Jess's hand and said.

"Babe, given what we are facing, we're just going to have to work real hard to get as prepared as we can. We'll also have to work extra hard at giving you the kind of send off my man deserves and one you can keep close to your heart through whatever you may be called to face."

January 26, 2006, 22:00 Marine Recruit Training Depot San Diego, California Company B of the 1stBattalion at the San Diego Recruit Training Depot was ready to enter its live fire training. For the next two weeks, they would become versed in the operation and firing of the standard issue M-16A2 a.s.sault rifle.

"OK girls, listen up! Over the next two weeks you are going to be dedicated to extensive weapons training and all-out live-fire training with your M-16 rifles. You'll fire on a variety of targets, still, moving and pop-up and you will fire on both normal straight ranges and combat ranges."

"All of youwill qualify as a "marksman" before this two week period is complete."

'Each of you has already spent many hours taking this rifle apart, cleaning it thoroughly, and putting it back together, familiarizing yourselves with every piece of it. But now, before we actually let you children fire one of these fine weapons, you will practice aiming and dry-firing your rifle until you can't stand it anymore. By the time you fire that first actual shot, you'll have dry-fired your rifle in every conceivable position many hundreds of times."

"In addition to rifle training, during these two weeks, you'll receive basic training on grenades and other types of weapons."

"I expect each of you to pay close attention. As has already been drilled into you, this is your most basic implement as a Marine. We are teaching you to kill and destroy our nation's enemies, and as recent events are proving, we have plenty of them that would like nothing better than to bring the eagle down.

So, of necessity, we are training you to be very good at it. While all of your training is paramount to your survival, coming to know and respect your weapon in intimate detail will make the difference in your life or death. The weapon must become an extension of you, and we'll make it just that."

"Remember this, every Marine, from the lowliest private to a fighter jock, to medics and doctors is an infantryman first and foremost. You take and hold ground with people, plain and simple. It's the way it has always been, and it is no different now, regardless of how much high tech they create and introduce.

Don't ever forget it Marines. At some point, that knowledge will be your friend and save your tail."

Both Billy Simmons and Leon Campbell listened intently. They were both natural leaders and other recruits were already following their lead. Jess had a lot of experience with rifles, having shot many thousands of rounds through his Mini-14 on the ranch back home. He had also been well versed in its operation, maintenance and a.s.sembly by his Dad. Leo had learned quickly and had benefited from his friends.h.i.+p with Billy. To anyone noticing, it was clear that Leon had every intention of taking his DI's words to heart. The rifle was becoming a part of him, and he a part of it. It was the path he had chosen, recon-sniper.

They had both come into boot camp in relatively good shape, but the last six weeks had honed each of them down to the epitome of lean, mean fighting machines. Drill evaluations, 3- 4- and 5-mile hikes with fully loaded packs, the Confidence Course, Combat Water Survival and Martial Arts training had all contributed.

Both were also excelling in their academic Core values, first aide, Marine customs, survival and many other topics were adding to the well-rounded nature of the training all of the recruits were receiving, where excellence was demanded. Already, in their own private discussions, the DI's from various platoons and even the other companies were talking about the "magnificent duo" that existed in Billy and Leon.

In private, more than a few bets were being placed on how these two, in the same platoon, would impact the overall platoon compet.i.tion that was a part of the tradition. Of course, none of this was ever alluded to in front of any of the recruits. There, the equality of the discipline and "strong encouragement"

to excellence, to achievement and to learning and maintaining the high standard of the Marine Corps reigned supreme. It could be no other way.

February 2, 2006, 06:00 Situation Room, The White House Daily War Briefing Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.

Jeremy Stone had taken on the daily task of briefing the President and his key cabinet members. His briefings were attended by the other Joint Chiefs of Staff and key Congressional leaders whenever possible.

"Let's begin. Mr. President, we will start with the current, on-the-ground situation in Turkey, followed by the same in Saudi Arabia. We will then briefly touch on developments in and around Egypt.

"In Turkey, we have established a defensive line from Samsun to the north, down to Kayseri in the center and it is holding. The GIR Army Group out of the former Iran has only probed our defenses there, and it's a good thing since the defense is not yet established in depth. But that is improving as those lines are augmented by elements of the 82ndAirborne, just arriving British forces and of course, in the main by the Turkish army.

"We expect the first heavy armor out of Germany and infantry out of Canada to arrive in the next seven to ten days, but this will then take several days to get moved to the front lines. In the mean time, the GIR is consolidating its holdings and is being helped by the more hard line Islamic citizens who are welcoming them as heroes, especially in the cities of Erzurum and Malatya. Nonetheless there is significant partisan and guerilla activity behind their lines, particularly in the mountains. We are in contact with the remnants of part of the Incirlik security forces. In fact, the commanding officer of those security forces has linked up with some Turkish partisans there.

"To the south in Turkey, the news is not as good. Our original plan to try and establish an anchor on the coast at Mersin has failed. We were unable to get enough forces in place after the rapid fall of Incirlik and Adana. A full battalion of the 82ndAirborne was flown in and worked well with the local Turkish forces, but it was a case of too little too late. Heavy losses were inflicted on the advancing Syrian Army Group, but that close to the GIR, with their ma.s.sive numbers of aircraft, air superiority was not achieved and we were left with no choice but to withdraw. It was orderly, but we suffered moderate losses amongst elements of the 1stBrigade of the 82ndAirborne that were engaged there. We also suffered significant attrition in the air wing of the U.S.S. Eisenhower as it flew support operations along with our aircraft out of Izmir.

"We are now working at establis.h.i.+ng an interim defense point at Ulukisia in the canyons there exiting the Taurus Mountains, but it is likely that our firm defense will have to be set up where the central plain there narrows between Lake Golu and Konya.

"Speaking of the GIR air forces, satellite imagery indicates that they are close to having the airbase at Incirlik repaired and operational. We expect a fairly ma.s.sive influx of aircraft there as they s establish forward air bases to support their ongoing offensive in Turkey. We are waiting for those aircraft and intend to spring a surprise of our own. Admiral Crowler and General Livingston will hold a briefing on this operation at 4 p.m. today.

"Finally, in Saudi Arabia. Our Marine Expeditionary Unit has made an orderly retreat with elements of the Kuwait army in front of the advancing GIR 1stArmy Group. We estimate that nearly 200,000 effective combat troops with 1,200 tanks and the same number of APC's are moving across the Kuwait border as we speak. We intend to fight a holding action from the Saudi border at Al Khafji on the Persian Gulf to KK Military City. If the GIR forces are serious about advancing, we will conduct a fighting withdrawal from those points back to firmer defenses we are now establis.h.i.+ng stretching from Abu Hadriyah to Az Zilfi to Medina.

"Mr. President, knowing the Kingdom as you do, I believe now is the time for the Summit you proposed so that the King can prepare the people for this invasion. As in Turkey, there are factions within Saudi Arabia that will welcome Hasan Sayeed and proclaim him their Imam."

The President asked a few pertinent questions regarding the disposition of forces and how long it would take to gather enough forces to blunt the enemies' offenses and then mount a credible offense of their own. Having had experience in Desert Storm, he knew it would be a long wait. The "nightmare scenario"

from Desert Storm, an invasion of Saudi Arabia before their defenses were prepared, was playing out in front of him. Not only that, another serious invasion was already in process in Turkey and a third appeared to be imminent in Egypt.

"Fred, are we ready for the summit? We are talking about Egypt, Turkey, Saudi, Great Britain, Canada and Germany. I expect to talk frankly about these events and regarding what I view as the very real possibility of conflict in Asia while this is occurring."

Fred Reissinger was on top of this. He had made all of the contacts and he had done it discreetly. The plans were already in place for a discreet, really a secretive, meeting early next week.

"Mr. President, the meetings are set up for next week, February 6thand 7thin Iceland. You will be flying out on Air Force One Sunday morning the 5th, and returning to Andrews on the morning of the 8th."

Norm Weisskopf nodded his approval.

"Good, it can't be soon enough. I have a feeling we are looking at a long hard road in front of us gentlemen-of major world war proportions. We must discreetly prepare and plan accordingly. After lunch, we will be meeting with Curt to put FEMA preparations into motion for our Federal War Time footing, which we then hope to roll out to each of the states. General Stone, please continue, what is the situation in Egypt?"

February 2, 2006, 11:10 Lot 8, Building 14, Woodfield Industrial Park Schaumburg, Illinois The industrial park consisted of over one hundred buildings, each with either a private or semi-private entry drive that could accommodate semi tractor-trailers off of Woodfield Road, near its intersection with National Parkway in Schaumburg. Each industrial building had elevated docks with entry bays, which could accommodate equipment or vehicles up to thirty feet wide and twenty-five feet tall.

Ahmed Haddad entered the small entry door. His presence had been noted and accepted by the security staff that manned the security console twenty-four hours a day. That staff was small, but well trained. Like Ahmed, most had been in America for many years, some had been born here. They had all worked in the security profession for most of their careers, some having included local law enforcement work.

Ahmed's presence had been noted when his vehicle turned into the lot, his license had been matched via digital video recording and character recognition. Once Ahmed exited his vehicle and began approaching the building, he was watched closely by the duty officer. Finally, before entering the building, a personal identification card, which was digitally encoded with Ahmed's entry code, was read at the door. The bay door, and the inset door within it, were both made of solid steel, three inches thick.

But, to outward appearances, other than the reader on the inset door, the entire facility looked like the other bland warehouse and industrial buildings in the complex. The only identification was a small sign on the front door that said, "Haddad and Jones Enterprises." Anyone checking into the name would show that the firm specialized in the repair and rework of dental equipment. Nonetheless, with the enhanced security in America since September of 2001, one could never be too careful.

The bay that Ahmed entered was a self-contained portion of the building. It had the single outside entry and a single, similarly secure inside entry to the rest of the facility. Within the thirty-foot wide, by sixty-foot long, by twenty-five foot high bay, there were numerous work, equipment, machinery and storage facilities-and sitting in the middle of the bay was the "Dhul Fiqar": "The Prophet's Sword."

As he looked over the lines of this forty-two foot houseboat, he noted the visible progress on the modifications. The strengthened and protected attachment points along the railings, the mountings along the aft quarter deck and the numerous antennae and electronic fairings along the top of the wheel house, which was really looking more and more like the control room it would be. As he noticed this, he called out.

"My brothers, how is our work progressing today?"

Almost immediately, a dark headed and bearded man of approximately thirty years of age stuck his head out of the wheel house and responded.

"Ahmed,great to see you my friend. Progress is proceeding ahead of schedule. All of the electronics are in; all of the attachment points are completed. We have only to test the circuitry and then apply a thorough quality test for reliability and functioning under shock conditions. I antic.i.p.ate we will be ready to load the boat for transportation to our berth within a four to five days if you so desire."

Ahmed considered this response. It was really quite good news, but they weren't scheduled to be complete until the 10thof March, with actual travel occurring almost anytime thereafter. But, having a few extra weeks would be good as long as security held. The other boats were not ahead of schedule and Ahmed wanted to make sure that the timing of all of the missions was as perfectly synchronized as possible.

"Outstanding, Jahmil. I was just at the other Schaumburg location off of Golf Road and Esau is on schedule. Two of our other locations, Aurora and Joliet are actually two days behind, so early completion here will allow us to s.h.i.+ft the proven expertise of your group to a.s.sist in those locations.

Loading and transportation will stay on the current schedule. We'll just use the extra time to ensure everyone is ready. Now, show me how the special equipment is going to attach to the hardened and protected points you've created."

February 3, 2006, 13:23 local time Gavank, 800 KM northwest of Krasnoyarck Siberia, The Russian Federation The insulation sleeve had been fitted around the last joint and the welders had finished their task. This was the last section of the pipeline that would now carry the fruits of their labors to India and to the Russian Federation. From his control vehicle, Dr. Buhpendra Gavanker observed the final construction sequences with satisfaction.

These last few miles had been accomplished in conditions that Dr. Gavanker would have thought impossible. Winds howling at over 80 km/hour, actual temperature at minus forty centigrade, snow coming down horizontally and drifting well over two meters. No, Dr. Gavanker had been briefed, he had seen films, he had heard the stories, but to experience it was something else all together. Thank goodness the Russians had sent in their team of specialists: men who were versed in applying Gavanker's instructions in these harsh conditions. The results? Well, very soon now, perhaps as early as tomorrow, full time, year round crude oil production would commence.

The railhead would still be used for transportation of materiel, supplies and personnel. The year-round airfield was also capable of bringing in personnel and supplies. But the crude, in the quant.i.ties that these fields would produce, that required the large pipelines like the one that had just been completed. By spring, another one just like it would be in place. Given the escalating war in the Middle East, it was going to be very timely. His nation would be able to significantly reduce its dependence on Middle East oil, even if the GIR was officially part of the CAS.

Always best to be self sufficient thought the Doctor.

As he contemplated this, his a.s.sistant, who was monitoring outside communications from the front portion of the cabin, turned in his seat and addressed him.

"Dr., I have a relayed call to you from General Nosik. Would you like to take it back there at your seat Sir?"

The Doctor nodded his a.s.sent, and when the red light on his handset blinked, he picked up the phone and spoke.

"Andrei, how are you? Very good to hear from you. I imagine you are interested in the progress on the pipeline?"

Listening for a brief moment to the General's reply, the Doctor continued.

"Yes, we have just finished with the final a.s.sembly and fabrication. We are finalizing the test of the welds and the integrity of this last section and expect oil to be flowing as soon as tomorrow morning, perhaps by tomorrow evening...How are the mining operations progressing? The Chinese Cobalt.i.te and our low-sulfur c.o.king coal mine."

The Doctor's eyes lit up at the short response.

"Now, now, Andrei. You know I am not intending to breach your security. For mercy's sake, those mines and their locations have been written up in several trade publications with readers.h.i.+p on three continents. And your own nation announced to the world your promotion to General and your responsibilities over the security for those very mines. Or do you fear your own internal security my friend?"

Buhpendra laughed at the reply.

"Fine, I will be more careful on these "un-secure" lines. Are we still on for that schedule review day after tomorrow? I have been requested to make a personal report back in New Delhi at the end of the month and we will need to work that into our mutual operational plans."

After another short pause, Gavanker finished the conversation.

"Great, we will see you then. Goodbye."

February 4, 2006, 17:28 local time COSTIND Headquarters Beijing, PRC General Hunbaio was excited about this meeting. It was a preliminary culmination of many years of work. COSTIND's weapons and systems development efforts (over which the General presided) were proving successful beyond their most aggressive projections. To see many years of work come together in success was always rewarding and gratifying, particularly when it had such a strong impact on his nation's strategic goals.

As antic.i.p.ated, several of these new systems were coming on line now, ahead of schedule, and were already well into their trial periods. New aircraft, new missiles systems, new s.h.i.+p of all types, new weapons systems-all coming together at the appointed time.

The new conversion s.h.i.+ps were astounding in their ease of manufacture and their capabilities. Four of the Sea Control carriers, eight of the tactical a.s.sault s.h.i.+ps and six of the Amphibious a.s.sault s.h.i.+ps were already at sea. The latter two of vessel were still unknown to the west, because until used for their appointed purposes, they could pa.s.s for the container s.h.i.+ps from which they had been converted. This was exactly the intent, as several more of each would be ready before commencement of "Breath of Fire."

The Project 071, Yunana II cla.s.s landing craft that would be so critical for the full implementation of "Breath of Fire" were now being produced by the score. The new LRASD Super Cavitating weapons and the s.h.i.+p borne strategic missile derivatives had been fully tested and excelled in all of their operating parameters. Production efforts for these two weapons systems had ramped up to where dozens of each were being produced each week.

In attendance at this meeting were Admiral Lu Pham, Sr. Vice President, Sung Hsu, a.s.sistant Vice Minister Qiao Wenzhong and the commanding Admiral of the PLAN, Li Huang and their aides. All of these individuals would be briefing not only General Hunbaio, but more importantly, they would be briefing their special guests, President Jien Zenim and Chairman Chin Zhongbaio and their top aides regarding the operational status of each of these systems and their availability for the upcoming operations.

After an introduction to this effect, Chin Zhongbaio, the Chairman of COSCO and a high ranking Politburo member, addressed the gathering.

"Comrades, I need not go into great detail regarding the importance of these meetings and the briefings they will encompa.s.s. The work your various organizations have accomplished are of the utmost importance to the future and viability of our People's Republic and our continuing People's Revolution as couched in the work of the Three Wisdoms that our leader has introduced to the world. The change and improvement to social equity and justice that this revolution will now bring to the world as a whole, and to the developing nations and their people will be as momentous and as long lasting as any change witnessed throughout recorded history. Your efforts represent the very foundational insurance for that change.

"I want to reiterate to each of you, our foremost desire is for these changes to occur as the peaceful, natural consequence of social evolution that they represent. However, in order to overcome the less equitable capitalistic and cla.s.s-dividing western systems that currently pollute our regions, it is likely that we will have to make use of the insurance your developments represent. As you know, we antic.i.p.ate this to be the case and have prudently made plans accordingly. We look forward to now hearing of your preparations and status with respect to those plans."

Lu Pham sat through these opening remarks reflecting on the amazing developments in the last few years.

Not only for him personally, but for the nation and social system that he was involved with. Oh, he knew as well as the Chairman here, as well as Jien Zenim himself in fact, that the system they were talking about would still have its inequities. Such a system would always need those with the strength and vision to implement the necessary changes. He was marveling that somehow he had become one of those directly involved with the vision.

It has always been thus, thought Lu. Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh-and now Jien Zenim. The Americans had developed their own: Was.h.i.+ngton, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Reagan and now Weisskopf. But Lu was convinced that this developing system would truly eclipse all others in terms of its ability to provide for fuller social justice and equity for the teaming of Asia and any other developing nations. The American model pitted people against one another as individuals, always striving to improve themselves over others around them. Lu felt this had provided for marvelous innovation and the ability for a relative few to fulfill their potential. But he felt it was limited by its nature in its ability to bring such achievement and fulfillment to the entire society. The model Jien Zenim espoused called for the group, the collective to willing work together and improve all; and it was molded for once in a fas.h.i.+on that Lu truly felt would allow for it to be accomplished, far superior to the corruption plagued Stalinist systems of prior times.

Of course, what Lu failed to take into account in this optimistic a.n.a.lysis was that his enthusiasm for the new system was directly related to his own personal involvement in the upper levels of the decision-making. His relative new status as one of the inner circle allowed him to enjoy the types of lat.i.tude and personal decision making freedom that he eschewed the rival "western" system for. It would only be after significant trial, hards.h.i.+p and eye opening experience acquired over years of actually attempting to implement the "Three Wisdoms" dream that this would dawn on Lu.

Chapter 9.

"The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water"-Solomon

February 6, 2006, 03:23 local time USS Michigan SSGN-727 300 nautical miles south of Adana, Turkey Mediterranean Sea All along the length of the boat, behind the sail, the coverings for fifteen of the Multiple All-up-round Canisters (MAC's) were hinging back to reveal the lethal cargo they protected. Underneath each covering, fitted into each of the former tubes for Trident missiles, the MAC's housed seven Tomahawk SLCM's (Sub Launched Cruise Missiles).

The Michigan was one of four conversions that had been made to former Trident SSBM submarines between the years of 2001 and 2004, enabling them to carry up to 154 SLCM's each, along with a significant contingent of Navy SEAL personnel for special operations. Two served in the Pacific and two in the Atlantic. Since the outbreak of hostilities last November, one of the two Atlantic boats had been on patrol in the Mediterranean for just such a contingency as this current mission.

"We have the mark. Conn, steady as she goes, bearing one two zero degrees. Missile Control, you may commence firing sequence when ready."

In the missile control center, the fire control officer responded.

"Aye, aye Sir, all systems arego and ready for launch. Ripple firing sequence commencing on my mark. Three, two, one...Mark!"

The MK 98 digital computer fire control system, which had been modified for the SSGN conversion to integrate the tactical Tomahawk weapon control systems, took over from that point. Target coordinates and flight profiles had already been downloaded into the missiles.

Within four minutes, over one hundred SLCM's had been launched and were out of the water and on their way. Flying at a very low level for most of the trip, each missile would arrive at their destination precisely thirty-three minutes after launch, where they would perform a pop-up maneuver over their targets and announce their deadly presence.

February 6, 2006, same time Thruster Flight, B1-B Lancer Bombers 357 miles west of Adana, Turkey The four stealthy wraiths were flying nape of the earth, just under Mach One over south-central Turkey.

Over Egridir Lake, Thruster flight reached its launch point.

"Weapons release in on my mark in!"

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