Dragon's Fury - Dragon's Breath Part 19

Dragon's Fury - Dragon's Breath -

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"I will personally make a pilgrimage from Karkuk to Irbil, beginning next week, to resolve this issue through negotiation and diplomacy. I call on all the faithful leaders in the area to meet with me. Together we will resolve this issue peacefully."

"For those who would interfere, I warn you: Though our aim is peace, though we seek not the invasion or destruction of other lands, we have proven our ability to resist your interference and to deter you in your vain attempts to divide us. We will not brook interference. We will resolve our issues among ourselves with peace, dignity and honor."

"Good night, and may Allah rest your spirits and soothe your souls."

November 3rd, 2005, 10:16 Broadcast Studios, WNN Headquarters New York City, New York As the final touches of makeup were applied in preparation for another Special Report, David Krenshaw reviewed in his mind the events of the past few days.

The many weeks of U.S. and allied buildup in Saudi Arabia and Turkey had culminated in hostilities two days ago. The surprising audacity of the GIR and its willingness to incur casualties as it met its objectives had surprised the world. The videos and reports from Maria at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey, as it was attacked by GIR aircraft, resulting in the destruction of that U.S. Air base-as well as the live feed of the deaths of Maria and her crew-were unsettling, and unprecedented.

How could one reconcile the expensive (in terms of human life and materiel) victory as GIR forces bore down on Irbil, followed by the shocking unilateral halt in that offensive, which seemed to be on the verge of accomplis.h.i.+ng its costly mission? And now there was the amazing, unprecedented announcement that had just been made by Hasan Sayeed...Hasan Sayeed who had only been interviewed once by any western media organization...Hasan Sayeed who had given that exclusive interview to David Krenshaw himself.

In response to an urgent indication from one of the producers, the make up personnel moved away.

"Three, two, one...On Air!"

"Good morning. This is David Krenshaw with a Special Report from WNN. The leader of the GIR, Hasan Sayeed, has just made a startling announcement indicating a unilateral cessation of hostilities in and around the northern provinces of the former nation of Iraq."

"With the success of the GIR offensive to bring these same provinces into line with the unification election results of two months ago, it was expected that the GIR would only have a mop up operation left after the capture of Irbil, the capital of the breakaway provinces. But, moments ago, Hasan Sayeed called a unilateral halt to that offensive and now indicates that he personally will lead a diplomatic delegation to Irbil. In his internationally broadcast announcement, which WNN aired earlier today, Sayeed appealed directly to the Islamic faithful in those provinces to join with him, indicating that this gesture of halting the offensive was tied to obscure and ancient prophesies in the Islamic faith."

"Officials from the Republic of Kurdistan immediately accepted Sayeed's cease fire proposal and his request for negotiations. In truth, given the tactical situation and defeated condition of their armed forces, they had little choice."

"We are still awaiting the official U.S. response. There is no doubt that the GIR has the upper hand, both militarily and diplomatically, as a result of Hasan Sayeed's humanitarian gesture. The real question now is whether he can maintain the advantage he enjoys."

November 3rd, 2005, same time Situation Room, The White House Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.

The President sat listening to the WNN report with his closest advisors and cabinet members. Alan Reeves, the Vice President, Fred Reissinger, the Secretary of State, Tim Hattering, the Secretary of Defense, John Bowers, the National Security Advisor, General Jeremy Stone, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Mike Rowley, the Director of the CIA, were all listening with the President.

When the broadcast ended and the normal programming resumed, the President broke the quiet and somber mood of the gathering.

"Well, this Hasan Sayeed is a very shrewd operator. He has presented the Kurd leaders with a way out short of abject defeat, and he is effectively forestalling our "knock-out" punch to his air a.s.sets within his borders. Jeremy, have we got those airfields targeted?"

Over the last two days, General Jeremy Stone had spent many hours listening to advisors and planners of all types. Personnel at the War College, personnel from the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), national security advisors, advisors from every branch of the armed forces at the Pentagon and, of course, the planners from Central Command themselves had all partic.i.p.ated.

After the first day of failing to achieve any of their objectives, the second day had been a partial success.

More importantly, the second day had helped pinpoint the location of several of the airfields within the former borders of Iraq and Iran from which the ma.s.sive numbers of GIR aircraft were originating.

a.n.a.lysis of the last two days had given America and her allies a pretty good idea of when the aircraft were launching each day. This intelligence had led to the planning of ma.s.sive raids on those airfields for the next morning. Those raids would include cruise missile launches from the Navy and from Air force B1-B Lancers, followed by the launching of strike packages from the USS Carl Vinson in the Mediterranean and from the Izmir Air Base.

"Mr. President, Central Command is prepared to give the launch order for this evening's raid at 3:30 this afternoon. I recommend we give the order in spite of the unilateral cease-fire by the GIR. We need to thin the GIR aircraft numbers out faster. The best time to do that is while they are on the ground. Besides, we need to teach these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds a hard lesson about messing with the United States of America."

Norm Weisskopf knew his Secretary of State wanted to respond to the General, but he held his hand up to indicate that he, Weisskopf, had the floor, and he was not about to relinquish it.

"Fred, I know what you are going to say, and at this point I have to agree with you, irrespective of how much I would like to allow the General to carry the fight to those airfields for both of the reasons he gave."

"However, we would be hard pressed to defend such an action in the face of Sayeed's proposal.

Particularly since we are not in a declared state of war, and particularly since his forces have stood down."

"Believe me, from my own time over there, I have heard this rhetoric from the more fundamental Muslims over and over. Such cunning strategizing has been going on a long time, and was a major concern before and during Desert Storm. Hasan Sayeed considers the "unfaithful" to be Saudi Arabia, the UAR, Turkey, Egypt and anyone else who is willing to work with the west. In this regard, Sayeed is no different than Saddam Hussein, except that he is not corrupt, and he is much more dangerous than we ever conceived Hussein of being. In a similar fas.h.i.+on, his desire to unite all of Islam under his fundamental interpretations are no different that Usama bin Laden's were, except Hasan Sayeed is not off trying to do it on his own. He has the full support of the main stream clerics and several Islamic governments behind him. He is going about his goal to unite Islam in a much more strategic manner. Despite the death and destruction Usama bin Laden caused, I believe Hasan Sayeed has the potential of being much more dangerous to this country."

"Mike, what is your intelligence telling you about Sayeed? Where's he taking this thing? What is "punis.h.i.+ng" the unfaithful going to mean?"

Mike Rowley had antic.i.p.ated this line of discussion. His people had been a.n.a.lyzing Sayeed specifically.

What the President really was asking was, "How big a threat is Hasan Sayeed himself?"

"Mr. President, as you know, Sayeed has the unparalleled and unprecedented support of both the s.h.i.+a and Sunni sects of Islam. The people see him as their Mahdi-in plain English that translates pretty much into "Messiah." An a.n.a.lysis of their prophesies and beliefs, shows us that the majority of Muslims believe that the Mahdi will unite the faithful in Islam in a ma.s.sive Jihad, or Holy War, against the unfaithful and the infidels."

"We at the Agency believe that Hasan Sayeed, on his own, will develop into a very dangerous threat to world stability, world peace and to our own vital national interests. When coupled with his ties to the CAS in general, and to Beijing in particular, the situation has the potential of developing into a bigger threat to the United States than the Axis powers of World War II, or the Soviet Union of the Cold War era."

President Weisskopf had already come to this conclusion, especially the part coupling Jien Zenim and Hasan Sayeed.

"Let's talk about Red China in a moment. Mike, we still have that team on the ground in Kurdistan, right? What is their location and status?"

Mike Rowley thought about the team he had in Iraq.

"Yes, Sir. Eight former Special Forces personnel, most of them former Delta Force. The leader is one of our best field operatives. During the blocking actions they had been divided up between the various divisions as forward air controllers for our aircraft, but are now all reunited with Jabal's headquarters company north of Irbil."

The President mentally envisioned a map of the region.

"Good, Mike. I would like you and John to meet with me after this meeting to discuss the most expedient method of extracting that team. Let's meet right here."

"Beyond that, Fred, I believe that we need to prepare for the eventuality that Kurdistan is going to capitulate, and agree to relinquish its independence and unite with the GIR. I want to know what diplomatic and economic steps we can take to demonstrate our firm disagreement. Clearly the Kurds are being coerced into this. In addition, discreetly arrange an offer for the existing leaders there to have the opportunity to take refuge under our protection and continue their efforts from exile. Please coordinate this."

"Now, a final point I want to make before we adjourn. The Red Chinese are continuing to build their military at a break-neck pace. Their launching of this new "Sea Control Carrier" is indicative of their intentions."

"I know everyone is busy and extremely preoccupied with the situation in the Mid East. That is understandable, particularly given our buildup there, and the current confrontation. At the same time, we cannot afford to take our eyes off of what China is doing. John, make sure the NRO and our other reconnaissance a.s.sets don't forget that."

"Specifically, I want to know how quickly they are going to launch these new carriers, and I want to know how in the world they are going to support them. Somewhere there's a logistics chain built up to maintain these vessels and their carrier wings. I want to know the weak links in that chain."

November 3rd, 2005, 10:37 Situation Room, The White House Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.

"OK, Mike. What is the likelihood that your team can get into position along Sayeed's intended path and observe his "pilgrimage" before we extract them?"

Mike Rowley weighed carefully what his President was asking him.

"Mr. President, I can order them to accomplish such a task very quickly. I have full confidence that they could take up the best possible position for such observation within twenty-four hours. But Mr.

President, what is the purpose of such an observation? WNN and every other major media outlet will probably carry Sayeed's "walk" live."

The President understood exactly what he had to order, and he knew these two men were among the most trusted whom he knew.

"Mike and John, I want this perfectly understood. Our duty is to protect and defend the Const.i.tution of the United States and bear true faith and allegiance to the same. We have all served in the uniform of our country in allegiance to that oath. We are to defend said Const.i.tution, and, by extension, the life, liberty and well being of our nation and its citizens against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Do both of you concur? John?"

John already had deduced what was coming. From the moment the President had asked about Sayeed's personal threat, he had guessed where this was leading. When the President asked about that CIA team in Kurdistan, it had removed all doubt.

"Yes, Mr. President. That is exactly how I perceive it."

The President turned back towards Mike.


Mike knew where this was going as well. He had personally known Tony, whose cover name was Will Peterson, for eight years, and had known of him for long before that. There wasn't a better field operations man to have on the ground over there.

"Mr. President, of course I agree 100% with your a.s.sessment."

The President was gratified at the unwavering dedication of these two men. They knew where he was going-where hehad to go, and they were steady as a rock in the face of it.

"OK, then, with that understanding, I want your team led it Tony?"

At Mike Rowley's nod, the President continued.

"Yes. Well, inform Tony that he has NCA approval to take whatever measures he deems necessary to protect and defend the vital interests of this nation against its enemies while he is observing near Irbil."

Mike Rowley had to be sure of the full implications. He had to voice his need for complete comprehension.

"Mr. President, you understand the likely implications? The likely consequences for these men?"

Norm Weisskopf was not a stranger to command decisions, or the mortal consequences they could carry. He had agonized over such decisions involving hundreds of thousands of young Americans some sixteen years earlier. But he had never wavered or faltered in that decision-making capacity. Any man who had ever served under his command, who had any knowledge of him, knew that the "General"

would gladly stand in for them inany duty he ordered them to fulfill. It was no different now.

"Yes, Mike. I understand all too well the likely consequences. Pa.s.s the order along. After making the observations, and executing any measures he deems necessary, have them get out of there and egress to the nearest pick-up point-and, Mike, tell Tony directly from me, G.o.d's speed."

November 5th, 2005, 15:37 local time A bluff above the main highway to Karkuk Irbil, Kurdistan There was alot of security. Anything within about a thousand meters of the highway was literally blanketed by GIR security forces. Infantry, APC's, tanks stationed at critical junctures and a lot of helicopters flying up and down the route on both sides. Although the vast majority of GIR troops in the vicinity had not advanced beyond the lines established by Hasan Sayeed's unilateral cease-fire declaration. He apparently was more than willing to allow a strong contingent to line the road to ensure the security aspect of his intended "pilgrimage" into Irbil.

Will Peterson viewed the scene from over 1800 meters away. He was clad in a complete desert ghillie suit and had his egress route planned. Jabal had insisted on serving as his security, and they were both in the firing position they had chosen the day before-a location that overlooked the main road. The rest of Peterson's team, and a number of Jabal's men, were waiting another four hundred meters behind them, further into the hills. They would serve as additional security during their egress, if required.

Very early in the morning on the day before, the orders had come in over the satellite set, direct from Was.h.i.+ngton. It had not taken Will more than an instant to understand exactly what he was being ordered to do. He contemplated those orders now as he awaited Hasan Sayeed's entourage.

"You will take up a position to observe the advance of GIR military and Command and Control (C&C) a.s.sets towards Irbil. You are authorized to act with extreme prejudice in engaging any high-value targets that pose a threat to the national security interests of the United States. After observing the pa.s.sage of GIR C&C, and taking any action deemed necessary, egress the area and arrange for pick-up at the nearest landing zone (LZ)."

Will's weapon of choice in very long-range situations like this was the "Windrunner" .50 cal. Compact Tactical Sniper Rifle (CTSR). He had arranged for the CIA to purchase one for him some years ago.

Will believed this weapon to be far superior to the military's M82A1A .50 cal. sniper rifle. The CTSR was more accurate at longer range than the M82A1A. In tests at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds it had recorded an incredible 1/2-minute of angle (MOA) at over 1000 yards. In addition, the CTSR had a removable barrel with fixed-head s.p.a.cing, was made of 4140 chromoly heat-treated steel, had an adjustable sliding stock with adjustable cheek rest, and weighed in at less than thirty pounds-including the rifle, bipod and scope. Will had a standard M14 bipod mounted on the rifle and used a Leupold SN-1/TAR Long Range Precision Sniper Optical System.

"I have them, Will. There are two T80 tanks followed by a BTR-80 command vehicle just coming out from behind that hill to the south. There are BMP-2's on either side of the road and another BTR-80 and two tanks bringing up the rear. They're moving slow, and there is definitely a group of individuals walking on the road in the middle of the formation."

"Yes! There's Sayeed. He's dressed in the lightly colored, robe walking in the middle of a number of Mullahs and a security detachment."

Jabal thought about what he'd just said. A number of Mullah's, probably even Ayatollahs, were with Sayeed; men of the faith: Jabal's spiritual leaders. But of course they would be. They had officially recognized him as the Imam for all of Islam.

"OK, Jabal. Great. I've got him. I make the range just under two miles. We'll let him come to us."

November 5th, 2005, 15:42 local time On the main highway to Karkuk Irbil, Kurdistan Hasan Sayeed was closer to Irbil and his dream of a united Islam. Thus far, his plans had gone amazingly well. Surely the hand of Allah was with him.

Jien Zenim, the Chinese leader, had called him personally and asked him to reconsider this "pilgrimage."

But Jien Zenim did not understand matters of faith. He was a G.o.dless infidel, but he was a very powerful and wise infidel whose influence had opened many doors. Nonetheless, Jien Zenim had not been happy at Hasan's insistence that this pilgrimage, and direct involvement, was necessary if Hasan was going to bring closure to this "rebellion," this fracture with the Kurds.

Of course Hasan's own staff and many of the faithful had also asked him to reconsider, fearing for his life. He understood their concerns, but did not share them. His objective was to see the fulfillment of the burning desire in his breast, the fulfillment of what the internal, eternal voice whispered to him: Unite Islam! Purge the unfaithful! Excise the infidel! All else, even his own life, or at the least the risks to his life, were secondary.

In Hasan's mind, the choices were simple. If Allah wanted him to complete his calling, he would. If, in Allah's wisdom, he was not to complete it, but was to die in the attempt...well, what of it? He would not try to defy the will of Allah. He had learned long ago the useless nature of such a fight by seeing others engaged in it.

So, here he was within five kilometers of the outskirts of Irbil. Tonight he would be in the city, preparing for tomorrow's negotiations with the defeated Kurd leaders. He had every confidence those negotiations would go well, and he intended to show great compa.s.sion and mercy to the Kurds in general, although a few harsh examples would have to be made.

As these thoughts pa.s.sed through his mind, he turned to get a better view of his surroundings. This close to Irbil, more and more people were beginning to gather along the security perimeter that had been established by his forces. In addition, a number of western news teams were present.

Viewed from this particular location, to his right there was a long sloping rise to a bluff overlooking the road a little less than two kilometers away. The bluff itself appeared to be outside the direct security area.

Strange, Hasan thought. Looking up there just now he could have sworn he had seen a glint of sunlight reflecting off of something for just an instant.

Hasan Sayeed had been in mortal danger too many times not to give heed to the sinking sensation that suddenly called out for recognition from the pit of his stomach. While he continued to gaze, he spoke to his good friend, the foreign minister.

"Sadiq, have the commander of the security attachment notified. I want him to send a squad of men up to that bluff. I just saw a glint of sunlight up there that is very out of place."

November 5th, 2005, 15:43 local time The bluff above the main highway to Karkuk Irbil, Kurdistan As Will Peterson saw the upturned face, he took a deep breath and slowly began to release it as he prepared to apply pressure to the trigger. As he did so, Jabal, who was kneeling behind him, thought, "The 12th Imam...he will make peace with his brothers...he will call a halt to the fighting amongst the faithful...he will uniteall of Islam. Yes, hewill unite all of Islam!"

As Jabal thought this, Will was just beginning to apply pressure to the trigger as he focused through his scope and became "one" with his rifle. While doing so he thought, "There, just like that, you SOB. Come on now. Hold that pose and I'll..."


Those were Will Peterson's last living thoughts as a 9mm bullet from Jabal's pistol slammed into the back of his head, destroying his brain stem, killing him instantly.

Jabal knelt over the now-dead body of the CIA operative and former Delta Force commander, as the report of the pistol echoed down the valley and reached the road. The procession abruptly stopped.

Security guards jumped on top of Hasan and rode him to the ground, covering and protecting his body with their own. Others, both from the road and from the surrounding security forces, looked towards the firing position, searching for the source of the shot.

"Will, you were a good soldier, but I have finally come to see you for the infidel you were in the service of the Great Satan."

Laying the pistol down, Jabal laid out spread-eagle on the ground as the nearest soldiers, APC's and helicopters converged on his position.

November 5th, 2005, 15:45 local time Behind the bluff above the main highway to Karkuk Irbil, Kurdistan As soon as the shot rang out, the other members of the CIA team knew something had gone horribly wrong. That was no rifle shot. Their training and instructions kicked in immediately. At a signal from their second in command, Lt. Riley Adams, the team quickly issued orders to their Kurd compatriots and quietly turned away, back towards the scrub-covered hills. Using the cover of the scrub brush along the side of the particular hill on which they were positioned...they successfully moved away while the attention of the security forces was focused on the firing position where Jabal now lay on the ground.

Within two days, the remainder of the team would be picked up by a specially configured CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft which had been outfitted for CIA insertions and extractions. In it, they were carried away from the short-lived Republic of Kurdistan, which by the time they landed in Turkey, no longer existed.

November 5th, 2005, 22:55 local time Special Conference Room, University of Salah al-Din Irbil, Kurdistan "My Imam, there is no identification on the body of the shooter. The body itself is that of a male in his late thirties whose exact origins are indeterminate, though his dental work would indicate western origins, probably the United States, perhaps England or Israel. The weapon is an American made .50 cal sniper rifle, but not the type normally carried by U.S. military personnel."

"There is no doubt that this individual was positioned to make an attempt on your life. If the rebel, Jabal, had not killed him, it is likely that the would have succeeded in his attempt."

Hasan Sayeed considered the report from the commander of his security detachment. Someone, probably the Americans, perhaps the Israelis, was getting very concerned about him. Clearly, Allah was watching over him and his call to unite the faithful.

"And what of this Jabal? Is he talking?"

The security commander had spent several hours watching the interrogation of Jabal, who was well known as the military leader of the people they had been sent here to subdue. The interrogation had gone smoothly. Jabal was more than willing to cooperate. There had been no need for extra persuasive measures or threats. Everything Jabal was telling them checked out, in as far as their own security and intelligence apparatus allowed them to verify it on such short notice.

"My Imam, Jabal has indicated that this was a CIA attempt on your life, and that he could not allow it to proceed. He indicated that the name of the dead man is Will Peterson, but we have found no such name in our records, or in any review of the data we have on known American operatives. It is likely that this name was a cover."

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