Dragon's Fury - Dragon's Breath Part 15

Dragon's Fury - Dragon's Breath -

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"No, Sir. My Dad is in the U.S. Army reserve and flies the RAH-66 Comanche. It's a great bird with unbelievable stealth characteristics, and very maneuverable-but it can't carry the ordinance the King Cobra can."

Gunny "D" was impressed.

"Well, Billy, you sure know your helo's. And from what Sergeant major Jenkins told me about you, Leon, you're anxious to look at how to become a Marine while taking advantage of your scholars.h.i.+p."

"Tell you both what. Why don't you come over to my office and I'll show you some films. Some of them will knock your socks off because of the neat, intense scenes of our equipment in action...tanks, LAV's, helicopters, jet aircraft, amphibious a.s.sault s.h.i.+ps, aircraft carriers, etc."

"Others will tell you a lot about the Marine Corps and the various ways to sign up. Either way, you are both welcome any time. How about this afternoon, or right now if you have the time?"

The Sergeant had taken the liberty of looking at Leon's schedule before coming. He knew Leon was free this afternoon and now hoped that his friend, Billy, was too.

"Soundsgreat to me," said Billy, "I wouldn't miss it and I can come over right now. "

Leon also agreed, and all three left the Engineering building for Sergeant Bennett's office.

September 14, 2005, 20:30 Lazy H Ranch Outside Montague, Texas "OK, that's great, honey. Glad to hear you enjoyed it so much. Yes, you bet, I'll be sure to pa.s.s that on to your father. Please wait for him to talk to you before you make any final decision. I know, I know; that's the main reason you called."

"Tell Leon and his family hi for us. Good luck in the game this weekend...we hope you get to play.

Don't forget your studies. Yes, I know you do. Ok, honey. Bye."

Cindy hung up the phone. Billy sure had been impressed by a Marine recruiter there on the BSU campus. Well, this was no big surprise. He had always indicated a preference for the Marine Corps. But Cindy sure wanted him to take advantage of his education before he joined up. Well, Jess would talk it over with him and give him the best advice possible. She was confident Billy would then make the best decision. As she thought about this, she heard the pickup pull into the driveway and the engine stop. A few seconds later, the front door opened.

"There you are. I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten lost."

Jess crossed the room and gave his wife a hug and then walked into the kitchen with her.

"Nope, just had to d.i.c.ker with old long-winded Harv Harberson about that hay he wants to buy. In the end that was alright, though, because he ended up settling for more than I was going to ask. Sort of talked himself into it. Anyhow, sorry I was late."

As they sat down at the table together, Cindy rea.s.suringly put her hand on Jess's arm.

"Well, it was no big thing. Too much longer and I honestly would have started worrying, though. But you did miss a call from Billy."

Jess had thought a lot about his son over the last few weeks since he and Cindy had returned from Idaho. He wanted to know what was going on...wanted to know how his son was faring...what was the football program like...whom was he were his Jess trusted his son implicitly.

He just wanted to share these things with him. Cindy wanted to know all of this too, and even more. But wisely, they knew that their son was off on his own and needed some independence and s.p.a.ce to let him stand on his own two feet. He would call them if he needed help or had news.

"Now," Jess thought, "I've missed one of those calls."

"What did he have to say?"

Cindy watched Jess's eyes carefully as she told him of Billy's meeting with the Marine recruiter and Billy's excitement at the films he had watched. She particularly watched Jess as she told of Billy's excitement as he learned of the capabilities of the AH-Z King Cobra helicopter the Marines were deploying.

"He's talking about trying to find a way to join the Marines now and get his basic training out of the way after football season or next summer. He says he thinks he can work it out between the school and the Marines to defer his active duty until after graduation, or something like that."

"Jess, he sure sounded excited. I could hear it in his voice. He has the eyesight and the smarts for it. He wants to be a pilot like his Dad."

Jess's eyes never betrayed any hint of disappointment regarding a possible Marine career for his son as opposed to the U.S. Army. There was none. Jess knew it was an honorable thing to desire to serve your nation in any capacity and Jess already had great respect for the U.S. Marine Corps.

"I'll have to look into whether the Marines have such programs and what the particulars are for them.

My guess is they will help him with some of his expenses, although the football scholars.h.i.+p is full ride."

"That new Cobra is a nice bird. He could do a heck of a lot worse. I'm glad they are on our side, although the Comanche is still the hottest thing flying under a rotor."

As Jess said this, the phone rang.

"I'll get it, honey."

"h.e.l.lo. Yes, this is he....I see. When? Yep, that'll be more than enough. Ok. Ok. Not a problem, I'll be there. Thanks. Goodbye."

When Jess hung up the phone, Cindy stood and walked over to him. They had been together too long and she had heard too many similar calls to not recognize the inflection in his voice or the types of answers he had given. She could recognize in an instant his "military" voice and knew he had just received some type of call pertaining to it.

"Jess, I already know. When do you have to report?"

"It's a call to active duty. Couldn't go into any details over the phone, but I am to report to Tampa, Florida next Wednesday, the 20th. It's a minimum of three months."

September 15, 2005, 9:50 local time Former Iran/Iraq frontier Between Abadan and Basra, GIR Abduhl Selim was exhilarated as his squad leader announced that they had just crossed into the former nation of Iraq. So much had happened in the last four months since his country of Turkmenistan had united with Iran and helped to form the Greater Islamic Republic.

Abduhl had turned eighteen years old soon after the announcement of that unification. That announcement had changed his life and stirred his soul. It had been almost a religious event for him as he had cheered the announcement of unification and the creation of a greater Islamic Republic. Although not overly religious himself, that event had given birth to a keen desire within his soul to be a part of the historical events unfolding around him. When they had returned to their home after the announcement, he had gone to his father and shared with him his love for weapons and his desire to join the armed forces of this blossoming new world power.

His father had shared much with Abduhl. To Abduhl's utter shock and amazement, his father had not only a.s.sented, but had talked long hours with him about Abduhl's feelings, and what his father considered his strengths and weaknesses. It turned out, his father knew more than he would have possibly imagined...and his father understood him.

From that point, he had gone into the basic training with the former Turkmenistan armed forces. That very training was in the process of being modified and updated by representatives from Iran, now the Greater Islamic Republic. During his six weeks of training, Abduhl had proven so phenomenally proficient with a rifle that he had been recommended and approved for transfer to one of the more elite regular GIR units. As a result, upon completion of his basic training, Abduhl was on his way south into the former Iran and to his new unit, an a.s.sault company in the 2ndArmy group of the Greater Islamic Republic.

Now, a month later, here he was, traveling as a part of a scout squad for his company, riding in a eight-wheeled BTR-80 armored personnel carrier. Every few moments the sound of low flying attack helicopters or jet aircraft could be heard pa.s.sing overhead.

"Abduhl, come forward. It's your turn to take watch."

The BTR-80 had several firing and observation ports through which the embarked infantry could observe their surroundings and fire their weapons in response to combat situations. While in transit, in non-combat areas, the soldiers had been trained to keep a regular watch through a few of the observation/firing ports in an effort to avoid their being surprised by enemy forces or insurgents.

Although many of the soldiers did not like this duty, Abduhl enjoyed it because it provided a break in the monotony of riding in the canvas seats, and it let him see glimpses of the countryside through the clouds of dust raised by other vehicles.

"Yes, Sir! Right away, Sir!"

The sergeant hid a smile at the enthusiasm and willingness of this young soldier.

Allah be praised, he thought, I pray this youngster's att.i.tude is infectious.

"Just make sure you keep your eyes open. As we approach closer to Basra, there will be more buildings and we want to be on our guard. In Basra, our column will be taking the "E" highway to the north towards Baghdad and support of the Iraqi forces preparing to reclaim the regions in the north, should the rebels continue in their rebellious ways. We'll change watch in Basra. That's about two hours from now."

Abduhl smiled as he cradled his AK-74 a.s.sault rifle in his arms and took up his position at the observation port. Two hours to Basra! Baghdad by tomorrow evening! And all of it as a part of his nation: one people, one faith and one leader.

That leader was one Abduhl was coming to trust and respect more as the days went on. He was a leader who had the will to secure their nation's place in world affairs...a leader who would not let any other power, particularly any western power, interfere in the affairs of their nation. Although Abduhl was mature enough to understand that it would be better for the Kurds to align themselves with their Islamic brothers peacefully and willfully, a part of him hoped they would try to maintain their rebellion. He wondered if the Americans would be inclined to interfere.

Abduhl did not have to wait long to find out.

September 15, 2005, 19:00 The Oval Office, The White House Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.

"Good evening, my fellow Americans. I come before you this evening to inform you directly of certain actions your government is taking in response to world events. I believe it is imperative that the people of this nation are as informed as possible regarding the state of international conditions world-wide. It is equally imperative that the citizens are informed regarding our national interests and how we, as your elected representatives respond to them on your behalf. We are a nation governed by the people and for the people, and it is, and will continue to be, this administration's policy to never forget that critical and fundamental principle."

"As most of you are aware, there have been extraordinary developments in world affairs over the last several months. In the Far East a very strong Coalition of Asian States formed several months ago with the idea of uniting dissimilar cultures, governments and peoples along ideological and economic lines that are extremely socialistic at best, and Marxist at worst. They are attempting to accomplish this coalition by entering into exclusive trade agreements with several nations, Russia in particular. These relations have harmed many corporations based in America and Europe, as well as many in Asia, which are headquartered in nations outside of the CAS. This is because in those areas being exploited by the CAS, the arrangements are exclusive to CAS member states and, accordingly, the host countries have canceled contracts and arrangements of long standing with our corporations and many corporations of our friends and allies."

"In addition, within the CAS, a new tariff has been attached to the labor force of the member countries.

This high tariff has driven many more American and other firms out of the market, forcing them to abandon significant capital investments which the CAS nations then pick up for pennies on the dollar at best. Many of our companies are going out of business as a result."

"Inasmuch as these practices violate the very essence of free and fair trade, we are taking the following action by way of response."

"First, we are asking the National Economic Council, headed by the Secretary of the Treasury, to examine the impact of removing normal trade status from the nations of India, The People's Republic of China and all members of The Greater Islamic Republic. Unless these nations indicate a clear commitment to reverse these unfair and confrontational trade practices, as President I will recommend revocation of normal trade relations for these countries by November 1stof this year."

"Such measures, if they are implemented, will create hards.h.i.+p for some American companies. We will offset these hards.h.i.+ps through short-term subsidies to encourage economic development and the opening of markets in other areas more favorable for US trade. Conditions for said subsidies and areas targeted for companies desiring to qualify will be announced in concert with any suspension in normal trade relations with the aforementioned nations."

"My fellow citizens, it is past time that we step forward in our fair and free trade efforts and ensure that said trade is always fair to American firms and in keeping with American national interests. In so doing, we will not impair or impede the free market. We will apply normal trade relation status with all three of these criteria in, fair to America and not at odds with American national interests. It will require the efforts of all of us, working together as individual citizens, to ensure that these measures work.

Send a personal message to these nations with your pocketbook."

"Second, on the agenda tonight, is a matter of utmost importance, and one that strikes at the heart of our most cherished national principles. It is the principle of self-determination and sovereignty. As most of you are aware, the nation of Iraq has virtually ceased to exist. Our ally in the region, President Chaliberi, was recently, and the nation of Iraq fell into a state of virtual anarchy. The resulting atmosphere in the Mid East has been one of extreme tension, and we have been monitoring that potentially volatile atmosphere closely."

"We have supported the UN initiative to allow the people of Iraq to hold a referendum to establish the direction of their peoples. The results of that election sent two very important and distinct messages to the world."

"First, the peoples of central and southern Iraq voted clearly to unite themselves with the Greater Islamic republic. We support their will in this decision, although we would rather have seen them remain independent."

"Second, the already autonomous Kurdish areas of northern Iraq voted to establish their independence.

This is something they have sought since World War I when the current borders of Iraq were imposed upon them. They have never ceased working for their independence and were kept from it by one of the most brutal tyrants of the last fifty years. The suffering of the Kurds has been well doc.u.mented."

"Now these people have voted overwhelmingly for self determination and independence in creating the Republic of Kurdistan."

"Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow citizens and all those listening across the world. Tonight, as President of the United States, and in concert with the nations of Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Israel, Turkey and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I announce the official recognition of the Republic of Kurdistan as a free and independent, sovereign nation."

"In the weeks to come, we will establish our in the capitol of Irbil."

"We urge calm and peace in the region. We especially urge the Imam Hasan Sayeed and the Greater Islamic Republic to honor the express wish of the people of the Republic of Kurdistan. The borders of the Republic of Kurdistan and its sovereignty must be respected."

"To help ensure the integrity of this sovereign nation, the United States will present a resolution to the security council and the general a.s.sembly of the United Nations calling for the establishment of observers on the border and calling for mediation between the GIR and the Republic of Kurdistan. These resolutions will also propose creating a "buffer" zone between the two forces until a diplomatic resolution is reached. For your information, the map being displayed on your TV screen and on our live broadcast site on the Internet, portrays the location of the new Republic of Kurdistan, the proposed buffer zones, and the final vote counts according to the UN monitoring teams."

"As a precaution against coercion by outside forces, and as a demonstration of our own commitment, I have activated a number of U.S. Army reserve units to be available to support our Marine Expeditionary Unit which is in Kuwait training at the moment. These forces will also be available to support our forces on the ground in Turkey should they require such support for any contingency. The specific units and their function will be announced tomorrow morning at a press conference to be held by the Secretary of Defense, Tim Hattering, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Jeremy Stone."

"We believe these measures const.i.tute an appropriate response to conditions which pose risks and challenges to our national interests and our ability to conduct free and fair trade. We urge the nations of the CAS to carefully consider their economic policies, and to work to meet us half way in developing fair trade policies between the CAS member nations and America and her allies."

"Again, we urge restraint on the part of the Greater Islamic Republic in dealing with the new nation, the Republic of Kurdistan. In the spirit of our own independence, we in America, along with several of our allies, have taken the step to recognize them as an independent nation because of the historical nature of their struggle, and because of the ideals they embrace."

"We state in clear and unmistakable language, to any nation that would attempt to coerce a free people: the decision we have made to recognize the Republic of Kurdistan is not a step we have taken lightly.

Nor is it one from which we will walk away."

"Now, my fellow citizens, goodnight, and may G.o.d bless our great Republic; may G.o.d bless the United States of America."

September 16, 2005, 08:03 WNN Broadcast Studios New York city, New York "Continuing with our top story."

"Reactions to President Weisskopf's dramatic announcements yesterday are pouring in from around the world. Impact on Wall Street has been mixed as the Blue Chips have been steady to higher while the Technology sector is taking a beating. The volatility is due to the large investment in high tech design and manufacturing in the People's Republic of China and the impact that cessation of normal trade relations will have on those investments."

"On Capitol Hill, many on both sides of the aisle are condemning the announcement by the President as being too harsh and too reactionary. Others, predominantly conservatives, are hailing the President's actions as long overdue, given the continued military build-up of the People's Republic of China and its expanding unfair and unfriendly economic influence in the region."

"Reactions from overseas are mixed."

"The most severe reactions, as might be expected, are coming from The Greater Islamic Republic, India and The People's Republic of China."

"President Jien Zenim of the People's Republic of China was quoted this morning in the China News with this response:"

"It is unfortunate that the United States has chosen to react in this fas.h.i.+on. Economically and diplomatically, President Weisskopf has embarked on a path of confrontation and vilification instead of understanding. The People's Republic of China will not follow suit. We will work both with the United States and with our CAS partners and come to as amiable a solution to these difficulties as possible."

"Harsher words were quoted by the Imam Hasan Sayeed, the leader of the Greater Islamic Republic:"

"How dare the United States interfere with our internal affairs as a sovereign nation? The people of Iraq have spoken, in the American tradition of democracy, and have voted to unite themselves with the Greater Islamic Republic. The elections were monitored and certified by the United Nations and sanctioned by the general a.s.sembly of that body, despite violence that attempted to disrupt and destroy the election, perpetrated by the very people whom the United States claims it is backing. "

"We repeat to the United States and to the world: we will not tolerate outside interference in our internal affairs. We are negotiating with the leaders in the autonomous northern regions of the former Iraq in good faith. We offer amnesty to those involved with the independence movement, other than those we intend to identify who committed violence during, or attempted to defraud, the election process itself. We guarantee the continued autonomy of the region within the Greater Islamic Republic. We urge all citizens in the region, both Kurds and those of other ethnic or cultural backgrounds, to maintain order and avoid outside influence and attempts to divide our nation and our faith."

"We repeat. Any efforts, after November 1st, to divide our nation will not be tolerated. We warn those nations establis.h.i.+ng diplomatic ties with this break-away region: you will not be accorded normal diplomatic protections should the revolt continue. We do not recognize the rebellion or any of the inst.i.tutions which are trying to legitimize it."

"Other nations either condemning the moves by the U.S. President, or responding negatively to them, are India, Russia, Libya, North Korea, Vietnam, South Africa, and the Western Hemisphere nations of Cuba, Venezuela and Panama."

"Finally, reactions from America's allies and friends are cautious. Support ranging from cautious to unqualified comes from England, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, South Korea and Taiwan. Germany, Italy, France, Greece, Brazil, Egypt and j.a.pan have all expressed their reservations and their intent to await further developments."

"With the response around the world varying so widely, it is highly unlikely that the United States will realize its desires for a UN monitoring force in the region to establish a buffer zone between the former Iraq and the break-away Republic of Kurdistan. We will update our viewers immediately with breaking news from the region."

"Now, for other news."

September 19, 2005, 15:28 local time COSTIND Headquarters Beijing, PRC Seated in the plush corporate management conference room were: General Hunbaio, the commander of all of The People's Republic of China's weapons development, along with several of his deputies, Chin Zhongbaio, the CEO of Red China's COSCO s.h.i.+pping company, the largest s.h.i.+p builder in the world, along with his managing directors, Lu Pham, the mastermind behind, and designer of, Red China's newest and most secret weapon, the LRASD and, Sung Hsu, the ingenious head of COSCO manufacturing.

The General was addressing the group, and was completing a review of the status of progress on the COSCO s.h.i.+pping military conversion project, and building towards two special presentations.

"I am pleased to announce that as of this morning we have launched the Beijing, our first Sea Control Carrier from the Tanjin s.h.i.+pyards. This is a proud day for the People's Republic of China and her people. We have entered a new era of Naval Power and Naval history for the People's Republic of China. And we intend to continue along that path. We expect to begin launching more of these s.h.i.+ps from our more secure facilities by the middle of November.

"In addition, over the next two weeks, we will launch our first Amphibious a.s.sault s.h.i.+p and our first Tactical Attack s.h.i.+p from our other conversion facilities. These s.h.i.+ps will not only allow us to extend our capacity to project our nation's foreign policy around the globe, but the new LRASD weapons systems which they carry will also allow us to do so without fear or concern of how our adversaries might attempt to interfere."

"In addition to this review, today we have gathered ourselves together to recognize the tremendous efforts and roles of two of our most talented personnel in the achievement of these accomplishments. One of these two individuals is Commodore Lu Pham, the designer and developer of our new LRASD weapon system. The other individual is Sr. Manager Sung Hsu, the brilliant manufacturing manager who has seen to it that the conversion of these vessels proceeded smoothly and ahead of schedule."

"In recognition of those efforts, Lu and Sung, please stand up."

Sung Hsu was embarra.s.sed, proud, moved and patriotic all at the same time as he stood next to his friend, Lu Pham. He was glad that Lu was here to experience this with him. He only wished his wife and children could also share it with him. No matter, he would spare no description in sharing it with them (at least as much as security would allow) when he got home.

For his part, Lu Pham was proud and richly gratified as he stood. He was fulfilling his dream of creating an extremely complex and revolutionary weapons system that would be used to pay back the United States for its crimes against his family. He had never allowed this underlying desire for retribution to affect or taint his work, but it had been a fundamental motivation for him the entire time, nonetheless.

"Commodore Lu Pham, in recognition of your contributions and command performance, I am proud to promote you to Admiral in the Navy of the People's Republic of China. From this point, you will report directly to me in your efforts on the LRASD weapons system and its integration into the fleet.

Congratulations in your new responsibilities Admiral Lu."

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