Dragon's Fury - Dragon's Breath Part 10

Dragon's Fury - Dragon's Breath -

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Mike Rowley looked up from his seat over on the far side of the table from General Stone.

"Mr. President, the fact is we have had people in many of these nations since the wall came down and the Soviet Union split up. We are weak in Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq, but have good a.s.sets in place in all of the others. What they are already telling us is troubling."

"Within ten days of the announcements, Iranian military advisors were in each of these nations. They are also already in Pakistan even though there has not even been an announcement there yet. They are setting up a rigorous training program for the officers and senior non-commissioned officers that will then be rolled out to their troops in general. This program looks like an Iranian version of a combined arms tactics course, and it emphasizes increased communications and mobility.

"In addition, they are setting up the training and military infrastructure to allow for fairly dynamic logistical flexibility. In the commercial or at least non-military sector, we are seeing a similar ramp up in terms of preparing for the civil infrastructure to support this.

"Bottom line? Mr. President, we feel that within twelve months they are going to be fairly cohesive.

Within twenty four months, if they continue on the path they are on right now, they will have strong mobility and logistic capability throughout their area of influence."

Fred Reissinger, the Secretary of State, interrupted at this point.

"Come on, Mike. Isn't this forecast a little aggressive? I mean we are talking about desert wasteland and terribly rough mountainous terrain. It would require an effort on their part that would be something equivalent to our effort to get to the moon. I can't believe they have the expertise, equipment or money to pull it off."

"Mr. Secretary, they certainly have the money-and money talks. In order to prevent the realization of this scenario, what we need is to convince our European allies, and even our own corporations, not to help the Islamic effort. We also need this necessary allied understanding in place soon, or we need the necessary trade restrictions in place to prevent what you have described from coming to pa.s.s. Our major concern is that the Coalition of Asian States will decide to get involved in helping this from an infrastructure and construction standpoint. If that happens, then there may be very little we can do to prevent it, and it may accelerate their capability."

The President interjected.

"That's exactly my concern, Jeremy. What we are seeing here is a tremendous s.h.i.+ft in power and influence in Asia, the subcontinent and the Mid-East. It is one we have little hope of influencing or controlling unless we act very quickly to find some leverage or division that we can exploit and use to fracture it. Fred, Mike and John, we need some answers on this. If it builds up too much momentum, and if somehow this Greater Islamic Republic and the Coalition of Asian States get together...well, with Russia playing footsie with them, we could have a huge problem in Asia and the Mid East. I mean ahuge problem."

Fred Reissinger had been thinking about just these things.

"Mr. President, I believe that the long-standing enmity between India and Pakistan is one of the keys in what you just mentioned. I believe that the friction between Iraq and Iran is the other one. There are enough ideological differences and long-term animosities in those areas right there, if we exploit them, to fracture this."

John Bowers, who had been quiet the entire meeting, now took this opportunity to speak up.

"I agree, Mr. Secretary. But, Mr. President, we are behind the eight ball on this. Things over there have taken on a life of their own. The religious unity that Sayeed is bringing to both the Sunnis and s.h.i.+as in all of these nations is unprecedented, and it is breaking down some of those animosities. If we expect to capitalize on any of their historical differences, I believe from a diplomatic and economic standpoint we are going to have to do it in a hurry."

President Weisskopf nodded his agreement.

"I agree, John. Ok, here's what I would like to do. Alan, I'd like you to head up a working team with Fred, Mike and John to develop some options here in the next five to seven days. Let's plan to get back together on the 25thwith the idea of deciding on some firm options in the diplomatic and economic areas that we can move forward with by the first of August. It's time we had a surprise "announcement" of our own, perhaps by the 28th. Alan, keep me apprised of the group's progress."

"Thank you all for attending, and thank you, Jeremy, for an excellent briefing."

July 18, 2005, 23:10 Private presidential quarters, The White House Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.

The First Lady, Linda Weisskopf, was sitting up in bed, reading an historical novel about colonial America, waiting for her husband.

"Norm, could you get me a gla.s.s of water when you come to bed?"

President Weisskopf had been sitting in his lounge chair in the living room, winding down from the day somewhat, but still reviewing in his mind the developments in the Mid East and the Far East and how they were fitting together. He knew there was a "plan" and that the Chinese were somehow behind it, but what was the end game?

"Sure, honey. I'll be in there in just a second."

Linda loved her husband so much. No matter how high a level his career and capabilities had taken him to, he never forgot what she considered to be the "important things." Things like being willing, without question or reservation, to get a gla.s.s of ice water for his wife, or taking walks along the river in the moonlight. She thought, "Norm Weisskopf is as capable a leader, thinker, strategist and warrior as his nation has probably ever produced, but he never lets it go to his head, and he never, ever forgets any of those who have helped him get there."

As the President handed his wife the ice water and then climbed into bed beside her, she sensed his continued unease.

"You're still worried about a Zenim/Sayeed alliance aren't you?"

Having discussed his apprehensions with her somewhat on the night of the WNN Special Report on Sayeed, and then again when the various surrounding Islamic nations announced their alignment with the "Greater" Islamic Republic, Norm Weisskopf was not surprised that his wife had taken note. He was also not the least bit surprised that she had pegged his continued and growing apprehension in that regard.

"Alliance? Perhaps not that strong. But am I worried about an alignment of convenience? Yes I am, very much so. Despite the unlikely nature of it, there are just too many unprecedented things happening, and I can't help but feel that they are not coincidental."

"Someone is going somewhere with this, and I believe Jien Zenim and Red China are involved. I just can't put my finger on exactly where they are going. It's clear that our best interests are not a part of that equation, and I am feeling this urgent need to get those interests out front and center, and to make sure they are accounted for as this picture comes into focus."

Linda was not an expert on foreign policy or the strategy a.s.sociated with all of the economic, diplomatic and military pieces that populated the game board in Norm's mind. She was, however, an expert on Norm. And she knew that, whether she understood the game or not, it was critical to have people like her husband who did understand it in leaders.h.i.+p positions-people who played the game with the understanding that "American interests" served as the game-piece that would not be sacrificed under any circ.u.mstances. It seemed to her that Norm was the first President squarely focused on those interests since the early 1980's, almost twenty-five years ago. She also knew that Norm had a basic religious faith, and that a higher power often guided his good heart through those feelings he experienced and the ideas that germinated as a result of them.

"Norm, listen to your heart and the feelings you've been blessed with. They have never led you astray. I believe they come from G.o.d."

"Also, listen to the good, honest people you have been impressed to surround yourself with. I have faith in you, honey. If anyone can see clearly how to keep the peace and maintain our nation's interests, it's you. You're not in this position alone-or by accident-and we both know it."

The President regarded his wife's wisdom and forthrightness with awe on many occasions. This was one of those occasions.

"Thanks, sweetheart. What you say is true. I believe in my heart that America is guided by the hand of G.o.d. It's just difficult to keep that belief in perspective in the middle of a long day with so many issues mounting....Good night."

As he closed his eyes, and laid his head back into his favorite feather pillow. Before sleep took him, he voiced this simple request in his mind.

"Dear Father, let Linda be right. Just point me."

A few minutes later, Linda finished her small gla.s.s of water. She noticed that Norm's breathing had become deep and regular and he was asleep. As she turned out the light, she uttered her own prayer.

"Please, Lord. Just show him the right direction. He can take it from there and, with Your help, accomplish what needs to be done."

July 21, 2005, 02:10 local time Near the entrance of Shanghai harbor Shanghai, PRC The leading escort cut a fine line through the water as it entered Shanghai harbor. It was an updated Jiangwei frigate, the 540 Huainan, and it entered the harbor first and feathered off to one side to stand as a sentinel for the procession that followed. Behind it, in a much tighter group than they had formed during the early evening hours, came three of the most modern and fastest container s.h.i.+ps in the world.

Trailing them was a single Luhai guided missile destroyer, the 168 Shenzhen, bristling with modern weapons systems, sensors and two modern anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopters. One of those helicopters hovered near the mouth of the harbor as the convoy entered, using its dipping sonar to ensure that no unwanted guests were lurking nearby.

As the Shenzhen loitered near the mouth of the harbor, the three container s.h.i.+ps slowly moved towards their pre-a.s.signed dry docks. By morning they would be secured in them.

What the ASW helicopter and the escorts did not pick up were the small surveillance devices anch.o.r.ed to the bottom of the harbor. As each of the Chinese s.h.i.+ps maneuvered into the harbor, they pa.s.sed over these devices that were hidden in the silent blackness 4060 meters below. These were the MUAS devices that the SEAL team from the USS Jimmy Carter had 'planted' almost a month before. Each of them faithfully recorded the presence and movement of each s.h.i.+p that pa.s.sed close enough to activate its sensors.

The same scenario played itself out several hundred miles to the north/northeast, as a similar convoy of two military escorts and three container s.h.i.+ps entered the harbor at Tanjin. There, the faithful MUAS devices activated and recorded the presence and pa.s.sage of each s.h.i.+p as well.

But what was not recorded by any American surveillance device were the other two, separate convoys that entered different harbors that night. Nor would any recording be made of the pa.s.sage of convoys, over the next several weeks, into eight other harbors not covered by MUAS devices around the People's Republic of China.

Within twenty-four hours of the pa.s.sage of the convoys, the first signal was transmitted from the ELF facilities stretching across Michigan to the MUAS devices in Shanghai and Tanjin harbors. That signal activated the release of the first communication buoys from each of the devices. The release occurred on a staggered, thirty-minute schedule between releases. This was a safeguard against detection by the Chinese as a result of too many devices communicating at once, even at the low power setting. Once the buoys reached the surface, they transmitted the information to the waiting satellite.

July 31, 2005, 10:45 WNN broadcast studios New York City "Summarizing then, our guest today on "Meet the Nation" has been Secretary of State, Fred Reissinger.

Mr. Reissinger made surprise announcements regarding diplomatic relations in the Mid East and in India."

"In the initial announcement, the Secretary announced new and much more aggressive relief and aid packages directed at Iraq. Food, agricultural initiatives, economic development initiatives and significant incentives to American companies to take the lead in implementing them have all been announced.

Secondly, in a startling and important announcement, the Secretary of State outlined new proposals for economic, diplomatic and military initiatives with India. This is an announcement of great surprise coming so soon on the heels of the formation of the Coalition of Asian states by the People's Republic of China and India."

"Just how China will respond to the Indian initiative of the United States is yet to be seen. In addition, the reaction of the Greater Islamic Republic and its leader, Hasan Sayeed, is awaited with equal antic.i.p.ation."

"Speaking of Hasan Sayeed, WNN is proud to announce that the Imam Sayeed's first western interview will be held by WNN's own David Krenshaw one week from tomorrow night at 7 pm EDT. As world events continue to unfold, we know our viewers will not want to miss such an important interview."

"Mr. Secretary, thank you for agreeing to appear on "Meet the Nation." We look forward to the press conference the President will hold regarding these announcements tomorrow. Now, as is our custom on "Meet the Nation," the last word is yours, Mr. Secretary."

From years of experience dealing with on-air interviews, Secretary Reissinger expertly turned and faced the active camera.

"Thank you. Let me just say that the United States has shown its willingness to help the peoples of the world, even its own adversaries, when they are faced with hards.h.i.+p and trial. Today, we have offered to significantly escalate our efforts in Iraq, hoping they will accept our outstretched hand and continue along the path started in 2003 and Operation Iraqi Freedom, to improve the quality of life and the liberty of the Iraqi people."

"At the same time, the United States is known for its ability to enhance a nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and standard of living through trade, technology exchanges and strong diplomatic ties. In the sub-continent region, it is past time that America strengthen its ties with the largest Republic in the world: India. With today's proposed initiatives, we have taken important steps to accomplish this alliance. We look forward to the opportunity to work with our friends in India to make it a reality."

As Secretary Reissinger finished, the host of WNN's "Meet the Nation" turned toward the camera and closed the show.

"Thank you, Mr. Secretary. Folks, that's all we have time for. This has been Sunday Morning's "Meet the Nation" on WNN. Thank you and good day."

July 22, 2005, 13:15 National Reconnaissance Office headquarters IMINT Directorate Chantilly, VA The signals from the MUAS devices were processed from the military satellite in gyro-synchronous...o...b..t over the Philippine Sea and relayed to CINCPAC (Commander in Chief Pacific) naval headquarters in Hawaii for a.n.a.lysis. Simultaneously, they were transmitted to the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) in the Pentagon, and to the NRO offices in Virginia.

Tom Lawton had received the information almost an hour-and-a-half ago. He had been waiting for it impatiently. Once he received it, he immediately processed it into an a.n.a.lysis program he had written himself for this very purpose. The program had plotted the location of each MUAS device onto digital images of the two harbors. When the data was processed, the program would plot the tracks of any s.h.i.+ps recorded by the devices that fit within the parameters of their sensor algorithms.

Tom Lawton was studying the printout of data from the recordings made early on the morning of July "I believe we have something here, Bill. Looks like, that early on the morning of the 21st, we had convoys that appear to have been escorted by military vessels enter both Shanghai and Tanjin harbors.

The s.h.i.+ps they were escorting were large container s.h.i.+p varieties, and all of them moved immediately towards the dry dock facilities we have been observing at Shanghai and Tanjin."

Bill Hendrickson had a.s.sisted Tom in writing the a.n.a.lysis program through which Tom had just run the data. After taking in what Tom had said and considering it for a moment, he knew exactly what they needed to do with this information.

"Have you run that part of the data through the second stage a.n.a.lysis to identify the specific s.h.i.+p types?"

In fact, Tom had just submitted the data for a.n.a.lysis. Once something of interest was located using the initial portion of the program that plotted the time, location, size and basic type of s.h.i.+p, it could be run through a second a.n.a.lysis which compared the acoustical and electronic data against known signatures for various s.h.i.+ps. The result of that a.n.a.lysis could deliver specific s.h.i.+p, and even the name and designation of each specific s.h.i.+p.

"I just entered it, Bill. Should have the results in a couple of minutes."

"Ok, here it comes now. We're looking at a Jianwei frigate and a Luhai destroyer escorting three of...what looks like their newer large container s.h.i.+ps. Each of those container s.h.i.+ps made for individual dry dock facilities in each harbor."

Bill Hendrickson considered this. Those dry dock facilities had been logistically set up for significant conversion and, from their prior surveillance and a.n.a.lysis, had significant underground storage areas for the materiel that would go into those conversions.

"This looks like it's developing into something significant. We need to continue to watch the satellite imagery, and maybe schedule more time if we see them doing anything to those container s.h.i.+ps that could be remotely related to their naval air activities."

"Let's go ahead and doc.u.ment these findings as soon as possible. I'll set up a conference call with the Naval folks at CINCPAC and the ONI. I expect they will come to similar conclusions, but let's go through the motions to make sure. After that, it'll be time to get Mr. Bowers involved again and see where they want to take this."

"It'll be interesting to see what takes shape in those dry docks. Tom, I don't know why I didn't think of it before, but take the deck configuration from those airfields and overlay it on one of those container s.h.i.+ps going into the dry docks up there at Tanjin. Let's see what we get."

Chapter 4.

"He who sells his next life for his life in this world, loses both of them."The Prophet

August 2, 2005, 14:00 local time Presidential bunker complex number A312C Outside of Baghdad, Iraq Isam Chaliberi contemplated the meeting that was about to be held. Here, in one of the ten remaining presidential bunkers, fifty meters below the ground, more very secretive attacks on the Israelis, the "Little Satan," would be planned. Despite the best efforts of America, and despite their victory in Operation Iraqi Freedom and installation of what they perceived to be a pro-American, pro-western regime, that same regime had quickly continued funding and planning retribution and violence on the Jews who continued to occupy Palestine and who continued to persecute what almost all Muslims considered its rightful citizens, the Palestinians.

Today, Sahid Ibrahim, the operations officer for the Hamas, one of the organizations conducting operations against the Israelis on the West Bank, was meeting with Chaliberi and his closest and most trusted aides. Chaliberi was really his own council, particularly since being backed by the Americans and most of these men simply carried out his wishes. The subject of today's meeting would be the funding of the next month's operations for the Hamas. Chaliberi funded these activities out of accounts which, if ever fully traced, would lead away from Iraq to Iranian off-sh.o.r.e commercial interests.

In this thing, Chaliberi trusted no one. He had survived for several decades as an exiled opposition leader for Iraq, surviving the very worst that any enemy, particularly the ruthless Hussein, had attempted against him. He had done so by being cunning, ruthless and completely thorough in his security arrangements, while convincing in his support for whomever he felt could advance his that case the Americans.

Anyone gaining access to him in one of these secretive meetings had to pa.s.s through metal detectors, dogs trained to find explosives and a complete body search, including a thorough x-ray. At all times, when within fifty meters him, any visitor was covered by no less than three locked and loaded weapons.

The guards carrying these weapons were prepared to defend Chaliberi at all costs. They were extremely loyal to him due to the promotions and favors that Chaliberi had showered upon them since coming to power-and due to the imminent threat of death that hung over their entire families should there be even a suspicion of disloyalty.

Even those armed and primed guards, whose loyalty was thought completely secure, were themselves under the eye of other hidden and completely compartmentalized snipers whose loyalty was similarly ensured.

All of these security arrangements were complemented by the presidential bunkers that Chaliberi had taken over and applied to the use of his own government. It had been a rather simple thing to convince the Americans of the need, so long as they were allowed regular access.

No matter, words were all that were spoken here, and Chaliberi had been able to outfit at least one room in each facility to be completely free of any outside eavesdropping.

In truth, Chaliberi's greatest anxiety was caused by the protracted "war on Terrorism" that the United States was continuing to conduct. It required more of a presence of American military and state department personnel in Iraq than Chaliberi was comfortable with. But there was little he could do about it...and in truth, knew that he needed the additional protection against the more fundamental segments of the population, at least until he could consolidate the government and his hold on the system of democracy as it was developing here in Iraq.

That consolidation would ultimately hold because it was thoroughly understood and completely compromised by Chaliberi's operatives. It also worked in this instance, in such a risky and secretive meeting because the security was rigidly enforced. Today, after they were cleared for access to meet with him, Ibrahim and his aid would not be allowed to bring their own pens, pencils, notebooks or any other article to the meeting. Despite the fact that Chaliberi had known Sahid personally for over fifteen years and had held many meetings with him, security could never be compromised or taken for granted.

"No," Chaliberi thought, "I have not survived the best attempts of my many adversaries for so long by being lax on security measures." To date those measures had allowed him to outlive his principle antagonist, Saddam Hussein, and live to take his place as the leader of Iraq. He felt certain they would continue to protect him today.

But he was wrong.

Chaliberi took notice of the movement at the door. As he watched, Sahid and his aid were brought into the conference room. As the door was closed, Chaliberi rose and greeted his longtime compatriot from the head of the table.

"Is-salaam maleek.u.m , my brother, keef Haalak."

Sahid returned the cla.s.sic Arab greeting as he was guided towards his chair.

"Wa maleek.u.m is-salaam, il-Hamdulillaah!"

As he was moving towards his seat, Sahid took note of his surroundings. There were ten armed guards in the room, his own aid, eight of Iraq's military council, and, of course, Chaliberi. Sahid thought for a moment about his mission and all of the planning that had gone into it-all of the faith that was vested in it. The truth was, he had always thought highly of Chaliberi and amazing ability he had to influence the west towards his own ends.

But, despite this admiration, over the years it had become clear to Sahid that little if any progress was being made in the holy cause of Islam. In fact, Sahid had become convinced that the Great Satan was using Chaliberi much more than Chaliberi was using the Great Satan. They were using his position and their military might to keep the Israelis strong and to keep their own people and industries focused, united, against Islam and blinded to the travails of his people.

Although Sahid had firmly come to these conclusions, until recently he had felt that these difficulties were Allah's will, and he was content to await the hand of Allah in showing how they should fight their enemies more effectively. That "hand," and the long-antic.i.p.ated answer for Sahid, had finally come in the form of the great Imam Hasan Sayeed.

Faithful Arabs in many countries were calling him the "Great Uniter," the modern messenger of Allah.

Sahid believed he was the 12th Imam who had returned to lead Islam to victory over the infidels. Sahid was prepared to sacrifice his all, his very life, to help ensure that victory. Right now, that victory required Iraq to join with the Greater Islamic Republic for a mighty Jihad against the unfaithful, and then against their enemies. But Chaliberi had chosen to place his own thirst for prestige over the will of Allah, and this self-aggrandizing behavior was thwarting the growth of the Greater Islamic Republic.

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