Kung Fu Nuns Part 7

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"Have you settled on a price for everything?"

"Everything! f.u.c.k! Suck! Lick a.s.s! Even let you lick p.u.s.s.y!"

"I may think of something that's not on list. Something especially odd and erotic."

The girl whose mouth was not in use at the moment suddenly said, "Bulls.h.i.+t!"

"Watch your mouth," shouted Kee Chin-Fui. "You do anything he want. If Uncle Ma tell me tomorrow he like, we give bonus credit."

"I'm not doing anything weird," was her reply, her voice indicating somewhat of an education.

"The weirdest thing you could do in this world, young lady," laughed Uncle Ma, "is borrow money from the Kee family. Everything else after is yin and yang itself." Wis.h.i.+ng to rid himself of the whole group as soon as possible, he motioned her toward him, took her hand, and placed it on his still-soft Joy Stick. "If she wants to earn her money, she's going to put some time and effort into it," he thought. To Kee Chin-Fui he said, "I'll keep careful count on my pocket calculator."

"I don't trust calculator. Use pen and pencil!" Kee Chin-Fui rose and crossed to Uncle Ma. "We pick you up tomorrow, big feast!"

Uncle Ma nodded. Kee Chin-Fui went to the front door and started out of the suite. Noticing that the seated girl was still sucking away on Sin Op's Joy Stick, and that he was just about to pop his cork, Uncle Ma called out, "I think your sons are ready to go with you."

"They stay here."

"Stay here?"


"Bull!" said Uncle Ma.

"No bull! Something happen to you, I get blame. Think I kill you to take over from big boss." He ended the discussion by stepping smartly out the door and slamming it shut behind him. Uncle Ma said to the naked girl beside him, "I didn't get your name."

"Mai Li," she said.

"Real name?"

"No. What do you think?"

"Well, Mai Li, lead me into bedroom by my c.o.c.k," said Uncle Ma, feeling unusually adventurous.


"Because it's somewhat erotic foreplay," he replied, trying to think of something she could do to make the evening interesting.

Mai Li said, "We don't get paid extra for that dumb stuff!"

"You may get a large tip if you try to be amiable!"

"All you guys say that, and we end up with nothing!" She thought silently for a while and then, without much enthusiasm, led Uncle Ma into the bedroom by his Joy Stick.

With the closed door separating himself from the repulsive Kee boys outside, Uncle Ma waited patiently for Mai Li to do something. She finally said, "What's next?"

"What do you think?"

"I'm not a mind reader! Suck? f.u.c.k? What?"

"You could take it out for me."

"Take it out yourself. We don't have to do anything fancy!"

"Nothing fancy, but disgusting is okay?"

"Depends on the price. I don't want to spend the rest of my life catering to old guys' limp p.r.i.c.ks."

"Cantonese hookers," thought Uncle Ma. "I don't know how they do any business. Even if I s.h.i.+t in her mouth, all she'd think of is money."

He was at a loss to imagine anything that would bring his Joy Stick to life. The second girl burst into the room, her cheeks puffed, her mouth filled with Sin Op's Golden Orb juice, some of which had already trickled down over her lower lip. Brus.h.i.+ng by Uncle Ma, she ran into the bathroom where she spat the whole load into the sink and then turned on the water to wash it down the drain. Hurriedly removing the paper wrapper from a hotel gla.s.s, she filled it water and then washed her mouth out. "Yuck!" she shouted. "Do you have any Listerine? That Kee's c.o.c.k tastes worse than his a.s.shole."

"I wouldn't know," said Uncle Ma. "I've never tasted his a.s.shole." He waited for a reaction, but his comment pa.s.sed way above her head.

When the second girl came out of the bathroom wiping her face with a white towel, he asked, "What do you call yourself?"

"He told you! Toy Kwai." she replied. "Listen, if you got Joy Stick trouble, we'll keep our mouths shut. Just give us credit for two f.u.c.ks and two sucks, and fifty dollars cabfare each." Then looking at her watch she said, "You know, piecework! We can't clear our debts sitting around making lovey dovey all evening. We got dates!"

Uncle Ma could have given himself a small thrill by letting the girls have a go at f.u.c.king each other. They were such lazy tramps that it just didn't turn him on to think of watching them rub p.u.s.s.ies, but a fantasy of lesbo love did flash through his mind for one second.

He imagined the two girls buck naked, in a sixty-nine position. The one on top would have her rear end and Mystic Place totally open to Uncle Ma's view, as the one beneath her licked and sucked on the pink p.u.s.s.y flesh of her sister s.l.u.t. The two would suck c.l.i.ts and finger-f.u.c.k each other and moan. Then they could get into a seated scissor position and rub their Mystic Places against one another until t.w.a.ts and c.l.i.ts touched and kissed. Then they could make out, with long soul kisses, so that all he could see were the two tongues slas.h.i.+ng around in one another's mouths. Maybe they'd even have a little fun with a golden shower, and tinkle on each other's t.i.tties while he watched.

He wondered, for a moment, if it was at all worth it to spend any time looking into those two smooth, pink p.u.s.s.ies, or if it would be at all interesting to stick his own nose and mouth between either set of legs, to sniff and lick their hidden places; or if it would be fun to finger-f.u.c.k them both at once. He dreamed, for a moment, that maybe he'd take advantage of his relative's generous offer and do everything with the two common s.l.u.ts. But he decided to forget about p.u.s.s.y for now, and go off in search of what he'd come to find.

"Oh, what poor wh.o.r.emasters the Kees make," sighed Uncle Ma under his breath. "Well, I shan't waste my few precious remaining erections on these s.l.u.ts, but they may be useful." He said more loudly, "... If you give me a few more minutes, I'll make it worth your while!" Sitting on the bed, he opened his small pocket address book and dialed the telephone number of Tommy Chu, the man that had supposedly actually met a Shar Yip.

Chu answered almost immediately. Uncle Ma addressed him in Mandarin, as he didn't want the two to be aware of all his plans for the evening. He was quite pleased when Chu replied in kind. After introducing himself, he said, "I wonder if you would be kind enough to join me for dinner this evening? I am at loose ends and would rather free myself of family entanglements."

"Possible, possible," replied Chu. "It's about that time, although I don't usually dine this early. You know, Dr. Moi Tan cabled me this afternoon and mentioned that you might call."

"He's a nice man," said Uncle Ma.

"You're interested in the Shar Yip?"


"Then you must visit me. c.o.c.ktails. We can hold the decision on what exactly we'll do for dinner in abeyance. Where are you?"

"The Hilton."

"You're only fifteen minutes away. I'm at twenty-four Repulse Bay Road, the second building. Flat twelve. Write that down. There's another T. Chu in the building."

"Give me half an hour," replied Uncle Ma. He thanked Chu for the invitation, hung up, and then turned his attention to the two less-than-amiable, naked Cantonese girls and said, "I'd like you to do something special for me!"

"Out with it," said Mai Li. "With us it's all cash and carry."

"Do you think you can get the two Kee boys outside hard again?"

"Hard?" said Toy Kwai. "Those two freaks f.u.c.k anything, anytime!"

"Then crawl back into the living room and start licking their toes. I want them f.u.c.ked and sucked all night. Tell them it's on Uncle Ma's account."

"All night? Bulls.h.i.+t!" said Mai Li. "We got boyfriends." Uncle Ma zipped open his over-the-shoulder bag and removed a bundle of cash from it; their eyes bulged out. "Hey! How about giving us a shot at some of that? We'll get you hard like you never were before."

Ignoring her, Uncle Ma peeled off four fifty dollar bills in American currency from the top of the stack and handed two of them to each of the girls. "If you're still here in the morning, I'll double it."

"What you want to do?" asked Mai Li. "Watch?"

"No, I'm just an old man that needs his sleep. I don't want to be disturbed." He thought, "Let Kee Chin-Fui think my Joy Stick is no longer operational. Who gives a f.u.c.k."

The girls, grasping their new wealth tightly, started out of the room. Uncle Ma shouted, "I said crawl! Don't you girls know how to earn your money?"

Mai Li and Toy Kwai dropped flat on their faces and started forward, their firm b.u.t.tocks waddling behind them. "Nice," thought Uncle Ma. "Probably never been speared up the rear gate. I'm so pedantic that I would probably enjoy educating them. If I had them for a week, they'd learn what f.u.c.king is all about. I would also enjoy spanking them. They're both in need of a good thras.h.i.+ng."

Another fantasy about the two s.l.u.ts crossed his mind, as he imagined spanking them each and then f.u.c.king them both in their back gates. He could have one hold open the a.s.s cheeks of the other and take turns with them--one would help while the other one got it! He could even have one girl lubricate the other with a nice, wet tongue-f.u.c.k first. Then again, it could be pretty hot to tie them both up, and have one watch in fear of being next while the other got a nice thras.h.i.+ng and a.s.s-f.u.c.king. Uncle Ma's c.o.c.k got a bit hard just thinking about it. But he had better things to do while in town.

Uncle Ma waited until room service arrived and he was able to fortify himself with a drink before, money bag slung over his shoulder, he ventured into the living room of the suite again. The two Kee boys and the two were entangled in one ma.s.s on the floor. Sin Op was alert enough to glance over his shoulder to say, "Thank you! Thank you, Honorable Uncle Ma."

As soon as he turned his head and drooling lips back towards the girl he was mounting, Uncle Ma slipped quietly out of the front door.


Tommy Chu was a small man with somewhat of an Indonesian cast about him. He beat his servant to his front door and flung it open wide. Before Uncle Ma could speak, he said, "The Honorable Mr. Ma from Saigon. Please, please, come in."

"Mr. Chu," said Uncle Ma extending his hand to be shook in the western manner. "Ah, from Canton?"

"No," said Chu tracing the ideograph for his name in the air with his hand. "Shanghai! But up north before then. And you?"

"Kee, like in gangster!"

"Yes, I know," laughed Chu. "Dr. Moi refers to you as the only good one!"

"Oh, there have been other failures in the family. I'm the only one to attain any longevity."

Snapping his finger, Chu said to his servant, "We'll have c.o.c.ktails in the den." To Uncle Ma he added, "I'm a one-martini man myself. Two sometimes. Depends on how the evening goes."

"Can't handle them! Scotch?"

"Chivas? You name it, I've got it." He said to the servant, "Did you hear that? Chivas and my usual."

Turning, he started down a long corridor. As Uncle Ma followed, Che said, "I'd introduce you to my wife, but she locked herself in her bedroom. I told her that a Kee family boss was coming over."

"You shouldn't have done that! I'm not a boss."

"I know," laughed, Chu. "Just wanted to raise her hackles a bit. Otherwise we'd have no privacy." Stopping before an open door, he motioned for Uncle Ma to proceed him. "My den."

Uncle Ma was immediately taken by the view of the bay through the picture windows, and by the Western, book-lined ambiance of the room. "Browse! Browse!" urged Chu. "Tell me how you like my collection."

It was a moment before Uncle Ma realized that almost every free bit of s.p.a.ce in the den was occupied by a piece of erotica, mostly Chinese. He started to count the representations of Joy Sticks in wood, ivory, teak, and metal, having to stop when he realized that there were at least two hundred.

"All authentic period d.i.l.d.os," said Chu. "No reproductions. Not the junk the tourists can buy."

"You're really into Joy Sticks," was the only reply that Ma could muster.

"You're not being observant, my friend. There is a receptacle for every rod in the room. I wouldn't have it any other way. Yin and yang. Each must have its counterpart."

It was then that Uncle Ma realized that each Joy Stick in the room was accompanied by a female organ of matching size. Chu smiled and said, "My wife and sons think I'm a pervert! But if one must have a hobby, why not erotica." He gestured toward a wall of books. "You're going to try to see the monks," he said. "Good! See my Shar Yip collection."


"Eight hundred to be exact. They're not craftsmen, you know. No artifacts. All they do is fight and screw!"

"May I?" asked Uncle Ma.

"Please," replied Chu.

Uncle Ma took one of the books off the shelf and read the t.i.tle out loud, "Revenge of the Shaolin Nun."

"It was published in seven languages. I have every edition."

"My uncle has Revenge of the Shar Yip at home."


Uncle Ma nodded. Chu said, "Taiwan, nineteen fifty-seven. No intrinsic value. They're still printing off the same plates. Actually, none of the books are worth very much. There aren't that many people in the world that care anything about the Shar Yip. There is, however, one that's truly rare. Secrets of the Monastery with Three Entrances. By a Swiss author. Cranston, nineteen hundred and one."

"You have it of course." said Uncle Ma.

"I'd pay a fortune for it. Every copy seems to have disappeared, even the one in the British Museum. It supposedly had some of their 'real' secrets in it. The Abbot ordered every copy destroyed."

Uncle Ma returned the book in his hand to the shelf and helped himself into his seat. "A legend and the dream of a very old, cruel man."

"The Shar Yips are still very active," said Chu, sitting opposite Uncle Ma. Before he had gotten one more word out, he rose and went to the door and shouted, "Wai! Wai!" Turning to Uncle Ma he said, "I talk better with a drink in my hand. My lazy old servant is coming now."

When a tray that contained a bottle of Chivas and the makings of several very dry martinis was settled on the c.o.c.ktail table before them, Chu rose, closed the door of the den, and sat opposite Uncle Ma. Speaking softly and in a serious tone of voice, he said, "I f.u.c.ked a Shar Yip nun once."

"When you were young and she was old? Yes, there could have been some left over from before the event of the Reds."

Shaking his head, Chu replied, "It was only sixteen years ago, and her age remains in question."

Have you ever been to visit the monastery?" asked Uncle Ma.

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