Kung Fu Nuns Part 18

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"They hurt themselves; they stepped into my s.p.a.ce. Two ice cubes and only a little water, just like Old Master, please."

Uncle Ma poured two stiff drinks, and handed one to the Shar Yip, who seated himself at the kitchen table. Uncle Ma then said, "You are the worker of miracles. I'm a new man already. You just stepped into the room ... But, please, no more erections!"

"No more erections?"

"My Joy Stick has been the ruination of my life."

"It is the source of life. A good erection is what keeps the planet going!"

"Please! No!" stammered Uncle Ma. "That's the last thing in the world I need now."

"Only the women can do that!" said the Shar Yip, with a laugh.

"But you have equal powers with the opposite s.e.x?"

The Shar Yip nodded and smiled. "We can drive them crazy, but it's not something to be abused." He took a drink from his gla.s.s and then said, "Very powerful, this scotch!"

"Don't get drunk. I've heard stories about Chinese monks drinking."

"I've never been drunk, but, again, I never drank scotch before. Please, sit!"

Sliding gingerly into a chair, Uncle Ma said, "I'm Kee Lai-ou Ma. Consider me your servant, holy one."

"I'm Bein-Pai. We throw away our family names!"

"Take me away from here, please! I'll be a servant, tend the pigs, anything!"

Holding out his gla.s.s for a refill, the Shar Yip replied, "I've come for Eugenia."

Uncle Ma filled his gla.s.s almost to the brim and then said, "She's dead!"

The monk took one stiff drink and then another before giggling.

"I don't think it's very funny! She's dead. Murdered!"

The monk giggled again and then smiled, "No!"

"No?" said Uncle Ma, staring directly in his eyes.

"No! Impossible! She's been chosen! No one can kill a chosen one. She's in trouble! She calls to me all the time. I can hear her now, I just don't know where she is."

"Are you sure?"

The monk nodded. "Come on!" said Uncle Ma. He slipped into a pair of pants and then led the Shar Yip across the courtyard to the door of Elder Niece Kee's apartment. Before they reached it, the smell of the smoke of the yellow flower graced his nose. Uncle Ma turned the k.n.o.b and burst into the room to find Chuk Foo Kee, pipe in hand, seated in an easy chair.

Chuk Foo Kee yawned, "Ah, Uncle Ma, my fellow no-b.a.l.l.s!"

"Where's Eugenia?" shouted Uncle Ma.

"One whack and my mother cut her head off!" said Chuk Foo Kee with a smile.

Uncle Ma leaped across the room and drove his thumbs into Chuk Foo's neck. "If you don't tell me where she is, I'll kill you."

"You won't find anybody more appreciative if you do!"

Uncle Ma found himself rising in the air to slam gently against a far wall without the feeling of ever having been touched. Chuk Foo Kee looked up at the Shar Yip and said, "Who's this? Your new slave? Have you turned to boys now, Ma?"

The monk's hand rested itself ever so lightly on Chuk Foo's shoulder. There was a silent scream and he fell out of the chair, writhing in agony. The monk had touched a nerve that only Shar Yips knew existed. "Where is Eugenia?"

Chuk Foo Kee moaned, "She sold her to Black Sam!"

Spittle flew out of Uncle Ma's mouth, as he threw himself into the bedroom, shouting, "Now I will drown her in a bucket of pigs.h.i.+t!"

Still in agony, Chuk Foo Kee laughed like a maniac and said, "Mother is in Saigon trying to buy her back!"

He was more than eager to tell them the rest of the story when the Shar Yip released his grip, as long as he was allowed to smoke the yellow flower while he revealed the truth about Eugenia's whereabouts.


Elder Niece Kee, of course, had chafed at the idea of paying Black Sam the second payment of the twenty five thousand U.S. dollars that were promised to him upon succeeding to procure a gwai lo pig to be slaughtered in Eugenia's bed. She thought of killing him as soon as his part of the business was done, but quickly dropped the idea when she realized that the Black Family that ruled his territory would demand much more than that in compensation if they traced the deed to her.

The day of her planned takeover of the Kee family, she arranged a quick shopping trip to Saigon for Beautiful Birthday Present, just so Black Sam could give Bobby, the dumb American, an accurate description of the young beauty he was to f.u.c.k that night. She didn't want him wandering into the wrong apartment and raping one of the old Aunties. Later, when Elder Niece Kee and Black Sam met in a coffee shop to make final arrangements for the deed, he said with starry eyes, "Christian Florette's daughter is beautiful. I am sure I could make a fortune with her. She looks like a movie star, a Western fas.h.i.+on model."

He was just talking in a matter-of-fact way, but Elder Niece Kee saw dollar signs. Greed overtook her and without thinking, she said, "I sell her to you!"

"How much?" he replied, not quite believing her.

"Fifty thousand U.S. dollar!"

"Fifty thousand U.S. dollars?" he winced. "The most I can do with my daughters is six or seven a night, and that's on a weekend."

"Think!" cackled the old lady. "She beautiful! Get better cla.s.s customer. And ..." She dropped her voice to a whisper, "Soon plenty American soldier in Saigon. You make fortune with her. Your daughters too ugly. Only good b.l.o.w.j.o.b if drunk."

Black Sam smiled. There was nothing else in the world he would rather do at that moment than confront Christian Florette and inform him that his daughter was sucking c.o.c.k for his business. He said, "Fifty thousand U.S. dollars. She's not even cherry."

"So what? She educated girl! She trained f.u.c.k!"

It didn't take Black Sam long to realize that with a star attraction such as Eugenia in his stable, the success that had always eluded him in the past was more than likely to present itself now.

"Look, I make easy for you." said Elder Niece Kee. "Take her. No get other twenty-five thousand U.S."

"Okay!" said Black Sam quickly, in case the old woman changed her mind.

Elder Niece Kee, just as quickly, rushed back to the province and bought a young virgin that looked somewhat like Eugenia. She braided her hair in the Kee style, got her so drunk that she pa.s.sed out, unconscious, and then chopped off her head just before the car arrived with Black Sam and the American. Eugenia, fleeing in terror on that fateful night, ran through the garden gate and, seeing the automobile waiting with its door opened, actually thought her father had come. As she got in, Black Sam hit her over the head with a sock full of sand, pushed her into the back seat, and then drove off. Chuk Foo Kee reached the road in time to see the car depart and thought that for once his mother had been telling the truth. Beautiful Birthday Present was on her way back to France. It wasn't until the next day that she told him the truth.

Black Sam had decided to indoctrinate Eugenia quickly into the life of a wh.o.r.e. He had fliers printed up advertising the hottest Eurasian p.u.s.s.y in town and distributed them all over Saigon, figuring he'd sell her at least one hundred times before bothering to feed her. His daughters carried her upstairs for him and dumped her on his bed. Dousing her with water, they yelled: "Wake up! Our father is going to f.u.c.k you!"

Black Sam had already undressed carefully, hanging up his expensive white suit. His Joy Stick was stiff with expectation because just the thought of f.u.c.king Christian Florette's daughter delighted him and made his b.a.l.l.s sizzle with hot juice. "Get her clothes off, you c.u.n.ts!" he commanded.

Eugenia began to stir as the girls stripped her, their laughs loud enough to distract the patrons in the bar below. As they removed her s.h.i.+rt, the sisters toyed with Eugenia's sweet nipple buds. Then they removed her above-the-knees skirt, and Black Sam's eyes bulged at the sight before him. Not only did she have a gorgeous body--she had a money purse strapped to her body! "What the f.u.c.k?" exclaimed Black Sam.

He reached down and ripped the treasure belt from her waist. "What the f.u.c.k it this?" When he yanked at the st.i.tches, a cascade of thin gold bars fell to the floor. His daughters dropped to their knees to scoop them up, as well as the currency and stones that followed. Black Sam scowled and then said, "Drop it! Drop every last bill!"

"Where does it come from?" asked one of the girls.

"It's none of your business. Get down stairs and go to work. There are customers waiting. You've got c.o.c.ks to suck!"

Paying no attention to Eugenia's moans, he stared at the treasure before him for an hour before attempting to count it. When he did, the currency alone added up to just over five hundred thousand dollars. He had no idea of the value of the diamonds. Locking the door, he pushed his wardrobe away from the wall to reveal a niche cut into the brick. He hid everything there, pushed the wardrobe back into place, and then went to Eugenia and applied a cold compress to her head. When she awoke fully, he placed his Joy Stick in front of her lips and commanded, "Suck!" Having found the stash of money and jewels, he was even hotter and harder than before.

Eugenia, quite skilled at le b.l.o.w.j.o.b, took Black Sam's big, hairy d.i.c.k into hand, and then to mouth, and sucked him like he'd never been sucked in all his born days. Much as she despised her newest captor, she thought the old rule of give-good-service and get-good-treatment would apply--as it had with her now-deceased husband, Old Boss. But Black Sam was a lowlife, and, even though Eugenia administered the most delicious c.o.c.k-sucking of his life, he was mean to her. And he was too stupid to know a good thing when he found it.

Had Black Sam been brighter, or even somewhat educated, he would have a.s.sessed the situation better. He now had enough money--enough to retire from pimping a wealthy man--but his new fortune, to him, represented prestige, and prestige meant the purchase of proper suck girls, not his ugly daughters, and a business that would be the envy of every other scoundrel in Southeast Asia. He a.s.sumed that his new piece of property had taken the money from the Kee, and since she was now his, so was all that she possessed. He was, however, aware of the fact that if the Ho Choi family that ran his district became aware of his good fortune, they would be less than satisfied with their regular twenty-five percent, and more likely to kill him and take it all. It was the only thing that disturbed him. He couldn't put Eugenia on the market because she might be silly enough to tell a customer of his new-found wealth. He thought of injecting her with yellow brick until her mind was gone, but realized that a girl in that state couldn't be rented to the type of clientele he hoped to attract.

To make the best of a bad situation, he chained her to his bed and kept her as his own personal p.u.s.s.y-slave, making use of her whenever his Joy Stick was inspired, and spanking her when she was bad.

Poor Eugenia's behind was becoming bruised from Black Sam's frequent b.u.t.t whippings. He'd place her, b.u.t.t-naked and accessible, over his lap, and apply small slaps at first. But then his big hand would come down harder, and the slaps could be heard in other parts of the house. Eugenia, never adverse to a good spanking, just couldn't get into Black Sam because he was such a malicious a man. Her husband, a tyrant in his own right, had softened when introduced to the warm ways of Eugenia. But Black Sam just wanted to get his d.i.c.k sucked and his taste for rough play satisfied. And sometimes he just wanted to open Eugenia's young t.w.a.t and ram it with his hard rod until the come dripped out of him, into her, and onto the bedsheets. In his animal l.u.s.t and his greedy desire to hang on to the cash and goods that Beautiful Birthday Present had brought, he was totally blind to the truth of the situation. All he knew was that his d.i.c.k was hard and his savings were bigger since Christian Florette's daughter came onto his scene.

Elder Niece Kee, on the other hand, immediately a.s.sessed the truth of the situation after Kee Djung Pau's body had been tossed in the river and the floor of his apartment ripped up to reveal an empty treasure chest. The excavation was done on the same morning that the cook complained somebody had used his coal shovel to dig in hard earth and had ruined the blade. Unable to unearth every possible location in walking distance of the compound without the family becoming aware that there was something more amiss than the location of Old Boss's funds, she cursed herself. If the Kees found out that she had stupidly sold the one person who knew where the treasure was, her competence would quickly fade in their eyes, and she would join what was left of the Old Boss in the river.

Unaware of the money belt, and sadly over-estimating Black Sam's mental capacities, she made a discrete offer to buy Eugenia back, praying daily that the young girl hadn't already entered into a plot with the pimp to retrieve the Old Boss's nest egg on their own when things calmed down. The whole thing could have been settled over one pot of tea if the Hoi Choi were involved for fifty percent of the amount recovered, but Elder Niece Kee was unwilling to give them that much. She was ready to put Eugenia on the first flight back to Paris if the girl told where she hid the fortune, although the older woman would have preferred torturing the information out of her.

But, when negotiations started, Black Sam thought the repurchase price included returning the contents of the money belt and said no.

When Elder Niece Kee raised her bid to one million dollars, a sum in excess of what Eugenia had brought with her, he still said no, expecting some sort of trick. It had just begun to dawn upon him that his new slave may have possessed some sort of a value far beyond that of Elder Niece Kee's offer when Uncle Ma's Mercedes parked in front of his bar. The Shar Yip studied the entrance for a moment, reached down, and with a twist of his wrist snapped the huge padlock securing the sheet metal shutters. Uncle Ma, anxious to contribute, rushed ahead and picked the two locks of the front door professionally, as he had been taught when he was young. When they rushed toward the rear of the establishment, one of Black Sam's daughters came down the narrow staircase, clad only in a dirty T-s.h.i.+rt. She yawned sleepily and said, "Bar closed. b.l.o.w.j.o.b this hour twice double!" Yawning again, she continued on her way to the toilet at the rear of the kitchen.

In a room at the top of the landing, the men found Black Sam's two other daughters asleep in the same filthy bed. One of them awoke and stared at them in fright. Black Sam was in the second room, locked between Eugenia's legs as she begged him in French to give her sore p.u.s.s.y a rest. Uncle Ma and the monk entered the room in silence and sneaked up behind Black Sam just as his d.i.c.k was about to explode inside Eugenia.

The Shar Yip's palm fell on his neck, and he was lifted off her and flung against the far wall with such force that the vibration caused a window to crack. Still erect, he looked from the monk to Uncle Ma and then said, "When the Hoi Choi hear of this, you're both dead men! f.u.c.king Kees! You can't steal her back; you have to buy her." The young monk studied Eugenia's body and the chains that bound her wrists to the bedpost. Black Sam, deciding to bluff it out, staggered toward him and demanded, "That's my piece of p.u.s.s.y, boy. If you want to f.u.c.k it, you have to pay for it."

The Shar Yip pivoted in a dancelike movement, and his hand snaked with such speed that Black Sam doubled over in pain before Uncle Ma realized that the monk had even moved. The pimp's screams brought his daughters into the room; they stared at the scene silently with open mouths. Black Sam was unconscious. Eugenia, having no idea that she was being rescued, was even more terrified of the visitors than she had been of Black Sam, whose wants she could at least understand. The first person to move was the pimp's youngest daughter. She went to his pants, which were folded neatly over the back of a chair, reached into a pocket, and removed a key that she used to release Eugenia from her bondage. Beautiful Birthday Present sat up, pushed her aside, and stumbled toward the wardrobe, totally nude. She sobbed, "I want my money," as she tried to push the heavy piece of furniture aside.

Uncle Ma came to her aid. With one heave, he thrust the wardrobe clear from the wall. Eugenia reached into the niche and carried only what was hers back to the bed.

"Take it all," said Uncle Ma.

"No!" said the Shar Yip, "Only what is hers."

When Black Sam's oldest daughter returned with a dress for Eugenia, she made it a point to step over her father's ashen face as she crossed the room, offering him no a.s.sistance or compa.s.sion. Eugenia dressed quickly and then counted the gold sticks, diamonds, and currency again, before placing everything in a pillowcase which she slung over her shoulder. The Shar Yip took her by the hand and they started out of the room. "Come Uncle Ma," said Beautiful Birthday Present. "You're a good man."

"Not before I'm done with this b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" He spat in Black Sam's face as a small, Kee fis.h.i.+ng knife slipped down his sleeve and into his hand. Peaceful Uncle Ma was mad enough to kill, but the Shar Yip's wisdom prevailed.

"No!" said the monk. "Enough is enough. I've taken the power from his Golden Orbs and Joy Stick. He will never abuse another woman; he will not have the means."

Sighing, Uncle Ma turned to follow them out of the room when he felt a tug on his sleeve. It was Black Sam's youngest girl. Her eyes were on the two heroes as they departed with Beautiful Birthday Present, and without words she looked at him as if asking to be saved as well. Noticing this, the monk looked at a speechless Uncle Ma, and then at the girl. "You have the power to save yourselves," said the monk. "The money left behind, the money your father made by selling your bodies, is yours by cosmic right. Take the money; go to Paris. Start fresh.

As the two heroes and the one heroine took off, the sisters began to pack their meager belongings and gather up their father's cash and valuables. They were gone within an hour, off to a new life.


Eugenia was dreaming again. In the dream she was back in Paris, and her mother was still alive, asleep beside her in the same bed. When she rolled over to touch her, she felt the sharp edge of a stone, and it all came back to her. She wasn't in France but in China, and she'd slept by a road far from any city, next to a handsome young man who Uncle Ma said was a monk, although he didn't have his hair shaved like a friar and carried no rosary. Both Uncle Ma and Bein-Pai told her that she could go back to France if she wished, but strongly suggested that the best place for her was in a monastery school, the same school that the young man studied in. Not wanting to be alone and unprotected ever again, and feeling extremely secure in the company of the younger man, who treated her with courtesy and understanding, she opted for the school, thinking that, having been technically dishonored over and over again, no man would want her as a wife; she would have to make a go at the world alone, a modern world that required an education.

If the recent crimes against her person had wounded her, they had not scarred her. In her mind, she had gone from thinking of the abuse as something that she had had to accept in order to help her beloved father, to understanding that even extraordinary circ.u.mstances--say something more urgent than his imminent death--would not have justified his making such a request. And he hadn't even asked. She hadn't been sullied; she'd been betrayed.

The only sin that she bore she could share with no one. Her Mystic Place burned and burned for the young man she traveled with: a Holy Man whom she a.s.sumed had taken a vow of celibacy, and whom she could d.a.m.n to h.e.l.l if she applied what she learned in the Kee household to his person. She had tried to explore his interest in her as they made their way toward Henan, but he did not speak Cantonese or French, and she did not know Mandarin and English, his two languages. They were, however, learning how to communicate with each other more and more as each day pa.s.sed. Soon, with the help of the monk's magic, they were able to speak in dialogue understood by them both, although there was still some frustration on Eugenia's part when trying to explain or ask for things having to do with s.e.x and, hence, emotion. Whenever she brought up the subject of s.e.x or chast.i.ty, or even attempted to be alluring, Bein-Pai would ignore her or reply in riddles. She thought that he found her terribly unattractive, even though the marks of her days as a s.e.xual captive were fading.

Eugenia reached out to touch him because the feel of his warm flesh was enough to make her feel young and whole again; and she was determined to touch him down there, further, to see if his Joy Stick reacted, even if he had sworn a thousand vows. She had to do it that day, because they were getting close to the monastery school. If it was anything like the Ecole de St. Marie, the girls would be kept as far away from the boys as possible. Her hand reached out and touched nothing but cold earth, and she sat up to discover an empty s.p.a.ce where his body had been. Terrified by the thought that he may have deserted her, she screamed, "Bein-Pai!"

His voice replied comfortingly from afar, "Good morning, Eugenia!"

She rose and looked off to find him below her in a fast-rus.h.i.+ng stream, bathing. It was a few moments before she realized that he was totally nude. Not wanting to miss the opportunity to see him naked, as all she had experienced up till that time were older and uglier men, she rose and ran quickly to the water, pretending to shocked when he turned to face her. She was more shocked by the fact that the young monk continued to soap himself without concern, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for him to stand nude before her. When she found her voice, she shouted, "You're very handsome."

"What?" he replied.

"Handsome! Good-looking!"

"I know!" he said as he splashed the suds off his body to reveal his Joy Stick. The object in question was not only larger and thicker than the Old Boss's, but extremely well formed, and of a skin tone so enticing that she could already taste it. Her eyes were fixed on it and she told herself, "Eugenia, you're going to burn in h.e.l.l! He's a monk!"

He shouted back, "It's beautiful, isn't it!"

"What? I don't know what you're talking about."

He turned toward her and his Joy Stick grew erect in front of her eyes. "Well," she said, "I can't do much about it from here."

He motioned her toward him. She shouted, "In the water?" Bein-Pai nodded. She was so anxious to finally possess him that she threw off her clothes and splashed into the stream, only to scream, "It's freezing!"

"But just think how much warmer the cold air will be when you get out!" He handed her a bar of soap and said, "Wash your hair! You look like a dirty little beggar."

"That's because we're walking. Why are we walking? We were offered two rides!"

"You need the exercise and I haven't come this way before. You miss things in a vehicle."

The water was so cold that Eugenia forgot all about his Joy Stick and her Mystic Place. When she was done with her bath, she rushed to the small charcoal fire he had built in the interim, and he wrapped her in a blanket and started to dry her hair for her. As her body warmed up and her senses returned, she could stand it no longer. Turning to face him she said, "I want to suck your c.o.c.k. I don't care if you're a monk. I don't care if I burn in h.e.l.l!"

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