Kung Fu Nuns Part 1

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Eugenia Florette was just eighteen when she was sold into the Kee family to be forever known as Luen Sang-Yet Lai-Mat, Beautiful Birthday Present. An exquisite creature, half-Caucasian and half-Shanghainese, and just blossoming into womanhood, she had been given, as a toy would be given, to Kee Djung Pau, the eighty-two-year-old head of the Kee Clan, the most despised Black Family in all of Asia. They told her that her father, Christian, had parted with her willingly, for a vast sum of money, and then left Vietnam forever. This she refused to believe, instead choosing to fantasize that the older women in the Kee family, the Aunties, were lying. That handsome, suave Christian, whom she adored more than anybody else in the world, would return someday soon and take her away--back to Paris where she could continue her education at the Ecole de St. Marie and resume the life of a normal French high school girl. She accepted the fact that Christian must have been in dire straits to leave her behind and thought that the use of her moist, hot mouth and tight Mystic Place to please the mottled-toothed, cracked-lipped, thin-boned Cantonese elder that slept beside her was the least she could do to help her father out of a difficult situation.

She turned to look at the ancient gangster, sighed, and told herself, "It's not forever. Nothing is forever. Daddy will come for me!" She had been curious about s.e.x before being sold to the Old Boss--school-girl curious, although all she knew of it was what she heard from the older students at her school. She was determined to experiment with someone young and attractive, giving herself totally. For now though, no matter how repulsive the Old Boss was, she found each encounter with him educational if not enriching. His body, though aged, had an earthy aroma that appealed to her, and, although he had a reputation as a s.a.d.i.s.t, he had treated her with extreme delicacy from the moment he first touched her Mystic Place.

Eugenia had thought of nothing but "le" since the act was described to her by a younger cla.s.smate at the exclusive Ecole de St. Marie in Paris. She now learned the art because the Aunties forced her to practice pleasing the Old Boss through daily training using an ivory d.i.l.d.o. This replicated the Old Boss's Joy Stick in every detail except for the crook, as the artisan that carved it knew that Kee Djung Pau was extremely sensitive about the deformity.

When Eugenia started to take an avid interest in her lessons, the old Aunties, whom age had given wisdom to, were never quite sure if it was the threat of punishment or a true s.e.xuality that made her approach the task at hand with enthusiasm. They began to treat her less as a slave and more as a member of the family and were pleased that she had the ability to quickly learn their sub-dialect of Cantonese which was unique only to the Kee family and their ancestral village. Still each time she applied tongue and mouth to the ivory d.i.l.d.o or mounted the stack of pillows that represented the Old Boss and grimly proceeded to do what she was supposed to do, the Aunties would bend over double and fight to keep themselves from being overcome by torrents of hysterical laughter. They were sure that the lessons were nothing more than form because the Old Boss could do nought but eat the olive. Their childish reactions to her efforts, which would destroy a weaker young woman than Eugenia, only caused her to try harder.

Old Lady Kee, Kee Djung Pau's wife, who had developed a liking for the young girl, barred all the Aunties who could not control themselves from the training room. She herself would sometimes enjoy a taste of the girl's Mystic Place, as well as showing her how to pleasure an Auntie's p.u.s.s.y, letting Eugenia practice on hers. She had Older Niece Kee see to it that further lessons were carried on in an atmosphere of serious intent. Older Niece Kee's motives were entirely altruistic. It was she who suggested an expensive birthday present for the Old Boss, and she who bore the greater portion of the purchase price. She also selected Eugenia from the hundreds of young virgins offered to the family because her son, Chuk Foo Kee, was next in line to succeed the Old Boss and she was tired of waiting for Kee Djung Pau to die. She thought, "If the old man actually tries to f.u.c.k her, he'll die trying and, if he doesn't, everyone will think he did because I'll poison him." Uncle Ma, Kee Djung Pau's closest relation, wasn't in the running. Educated at the Sorbonne, he was even more spineless than Chuk Foo Kee. In fact, Older Niece Kee had cause to bemoan her own son's education in the West--which she had once advocated wholeheartedly--when he himself took a s.h.i.+ne to Beautiful Birthday Present.

Older Niece Kee and her son would have been minor figures in the clan if it weren't for the Old Boss's love of money and his constant refusal to part with any except for the enhancement of his own pleasures. Known as Big Crooked Staff in his younger days, he had more than a dozen official wives, many Aunties, and hundreds upon hundreds of casual relations.h.i.+ps in the province. Since he never forgot to compensate the family of one of these romances--most of them bordering on the act of rape--his attention to one's daughter was somewhat welcome in that poverty-stricken area of Vietnam, although he was rather repulsive in appearance. He had no idea how many children he had sired--especially since the Kee family didn't count those born without Joy Sticks. Girl children had to be clothed and fed until they were ripe for plucking, at which point they would be wedded into other Black Families to cement temporary alliances. Unfortunately, since the Old Boss's daughters weren't noted for their good looks--tending to be exact replicas of him--they were taken only under duress. If husbands weren't found for them, they would be sold off into prost.i.tution before they became too much of a burden on the family finances. Even then, the amount the family could expect for their Mystic Places didn't cover the cost of raising them to an age when they would be desirable as s.e.x receptacles to men with hot Joy Sticks. In fact, in the time before the Old Boss, they were strangled at birth.

Men did count in the clan and the Old Boss managed to produce two fine sons in the Kee mold. That is, they were almost illiterate, totally self-centered, bloodthirsty, and extremely greedy. They were called Little d.i.c.k One and Little d.i.c.k Two. So named by Old Boss the only time he ever bothered to pay attention to them, which was shortly after their births when he removed their swaddling clothes to make sure they had Joy Sticks and the midwives weren't deceiving him.

They were both born when the Old Boss was along in years and sure that absolutely no one ever told him the truth. All the other Black Families in Southeast Asia watched the maturing of the two Little d.i.c.ks carefully. They hoped at least one of them would obtain some common sense along the road of life--enough to lead the Kee family into the twentieth century with a new persona. The Kees were considered the garbage of the Chinese underworld, and if the other Black Families could ever stop their petty squabbling and unite, the first thing they would do was wipe the despised family off the face of the earth.

Little d.i.c.k One and Little d.i.c.k Two grew up surprising no one. Exact replicas of the Old Boss, although they had different mothers, they left only two questions unanswered. The first was which one of the sons would kill the other to clear the way for his ascent to the head of the family; the second was how long the survivor would wait before doing away with the Old Boss if nature took too much time in taking its course. Fate wrote a different ending to the tale of Little d.i.c.k One and Little d.i.c.k Two.

The brothers, unhappy with their share of the family's earnings from those rackets traditionally accorded to the Kee family, decided to make a large amount of money quickly by getting into the heroin business and establis.h.i.+ng their own supply route through Thailand to Burma--even though the Kee family, by agreement, was specifically forbidden from engaging in the yellow brick trade. Their practical intelligence fell short of their rapacity, and, in their father's mold and trusting no one, they both journeyed to Burma to palaver with Lim Tax Sing, the renegade ex-nationalist Chinese who controlled most of the trade.

Old General Lim was delighted. Never having any intention to sell them any yellow bricks in the first place because the reputation of the Kee family had preceded them, he immediately had them bound and incarcerated in a bamboo hut, duly dispatching a ransom demand to the Old Boss for two million U.S. dollars. The Old Boss, a.s.suming that his sons thought like he did, came to the conclusion that whole situation was a scheme devised by the boys to extort money from him. He ignored General Lim's letter. He even ignored the second bit of correspondence which came along with a package containing two left ears. The third message was a bit more convincing. It was accompanied by two little fingers and a photo of the two Little d.i.c.ks sans the aforementioned body parts.

Old Boss would have written off the two Little d.i.c.ks completely if it weren't for kindly, aged Uncle Ma who convinced him that he might have a bit of trouble pa.s.sing through the Seven Gates of h.e.l.l to heaven if he didn't leave an heir. Taking the phrase heir in the singular, he decided to be frugal and only ransom one of his sons as a million dollars was a lot of money and he could always make another baby. It took him so long to decide which one of the Little d.i.c.ks to rescue that General Lim grew bored with the whole game. Rather than continue with the expense of feeding the two Kees, he had them dispatched and sent their crooked Joy Sticks to their father noting that "they may be of some use in producing a grandchild, but I'm not fully aware of advances in Western medicine as Time magazine takes a long time to reach me here in Burma."

The incident changed Older Niece Kee's place in the household pecking order as it placed Chuk Foo Kee next in line for the bossdom, and her in control of the day-to-day operations of the family's many businesses. That is, it would have if Old Boss, then in his seventies, hadn't announced that he fully intended to produce another heir; he began to solicit young virgins from the province to a.s.sist in the undertaking. The other Aunties laughed at the idea--of course, not in his presence--but Older Niece Kee panicked. She took the train to Saigon to visit Dr. Simpson Lee, who trained in the West and had a cornucopia of modern drugs that would hasten the Old Boss's entrance through the First Gate of h.e.l.l and not leave a trace. The local, traditional pract.i.tioner would have provided the same services gladly if he had known who was being poisoned, but having had experience in such matters, Older Niece Kee knew that the homeopathic brand sometimes didn't work and, when it did, was usually quite obvious. She was not without enemies in the Kee family.

The Aunties purchased a strong, st.u.r.dy country girl for the Old Boss with wide hips that would have no trouble dropping a strong son. They needn't have gone to the expense. Although they gave the girl some training before her first night with the Old Boss, and even jumped in themselves to apply their talented tongues to the famed crooked Joy Stick, the member remained soft. It stayed that way even after they retained, at great expense, Hong Kong's famed Madame Hot and Moist Mouth, who legend said had once even managed to raise the Joy Stick of a corpse. It remained soft no matter how many portions of powdered rhinoceroses' horn or snake's blood the Old Boss consumed. Older Niece Kee smiled a secret smile and put away the drugs Dr. Simpson Lee had provided her with. The Old Boss resorted to eating olives marinated in the Mystic Places of his new acquisitions, although the leaders of the other Black Families claimed maliciously that he had iron rods implanted in the crooked shanks of his dead sons and used them on alternate nights in place of his own.

Kee Djung Pau had only intended to toy with her until she had relaxed enough to allow him to insert an olive into her chamber of delights. He would let it marinate for twenty-four hours before sucking it out of her--a ritual that was said to slowly steal the essence of her youth. It was all that the old gang boss could as his Joy Stick had not a.s.sumed the position of the Guardsman's-Spear-at-Full-Attention for several years.

She was tight and dry, nervous but not scared, when the Old Boss cackled and first applied his drooling lips to the entrance of her Mystic Place. As his tongue flickered against her c.l.i.toris, a whelp of joy escaped from his lips, and a bright gleam appeared in his eyes. He rose unsteadily from the side of the bed, stared down at his withered loins, and gasped. His Joy Stick was fully erect--erect as it hadn't been since he was in his teens. Eugenia, catching sight of his device, lost all thoughts of fear and giggled girlishly because the rod he possessed--thin but rather long for a Cantonese--had a decided crook in it. It appeared to her as having a mind of its own and wanting to proceed in two directions at once.

The Old Boss was so stupefied by the sight of his newly rejuvenated member that he froze in place, and, when the long-dormant tactile senses emanating from that organ reached his brain, he dared not move in fear that it would immediately revert to its usual flaccid state. Kee Djung Pau, usually a man of action, found himself, for the first time in his long life, completely at loss to what he should do next, lest the wrong decision rob him of the one thing that he desired more than anything else in the world--a usable erection.

It was the miraculous erection that occurred on the Old Boss's first night with Beautiful Birthday Present that completely destroyed the tranquil state that the Kee clan had fallen into during the last years of Old Boss's reign. Kee Djung Pau was so shocked by the occurrence that he had no idea what to do with it, but Eugenia immediately took matters into hand--actually into mouth. Kneeling before him in front of the group, she began to perform exactly as she had been taught, adding some personal prerogatives to the movement of her tongue and lips. They were all techniques she dreamed would be used on her first real boyfriend, yet here she was sucking the Joy Stick of a man more than six decades older than her.

She held the crooked shank in her soft, small hands and pulled it toward her open mouth, simultaneously bringing her mouth down on the Joy Stick. She slipped the head in, and then pulled in more of the shaft, until Old Boss's aged c.o.c.k was deep inside her youthful mouth. He squealed with true delight as she sucked vigorously. Just when he thought the sensation would send him fast to the First Gate of h.e.l.l, she added the extra bonus of ma.s.saging his Golden Orbs, taking the s.c.r.o.t.u.m sack into her hands and rubbing the two against one another until the friction drove the Old Man wild.

The Old Boss was beginning to pump his male meat deep into the throat of his young wh.o.r.e, moving his flabby backside in unison with his gyrating hips. Beautiful Birthday Present continued sucking and fondling him with the grace of a true lover. She felt the juice of his desire begin to swell in his Golden Orbs, and was all set to capture the flavorful s.e.x brew in her sweet mouth when the Old Boss began to pull away. He did not want to waste his hard-on or his Golden Orb juice.

Old Boss cackled, "Stop, stop!" in his particular dialect of Cantonese, which was even more unintelligible than the rest of the family's. He then regained his senses enough to realize that he not only wanted to make use of the mongrel virgin on her knees before him, but, more importantly, he wanted to display his refreshed Joy Stick to all of the Aunties in the household so that the world would know that he was still a man to be contended with. If, at that moment, he had unleashed his Golden Orbs into Eugenia's mouth, he would have been furious, blaming her for causing the loss of what he had worked so long to regain. But his Golden Orbs did not disgorge until he mounted her, deflowering her easily with his crooked, thin shaft.

Overcoming his initial excitement enough to get serious about f.u.c.king Eugenia, Old Boss took Eugenia's cherry with all the tenderness of a husband in love with his wife. He placed the girl upon his bed and gently parted her trim, creamy-fleshed thighs, looking lovingly into her Mystic Place as he prepared to claim his prize.

Her inner sanctum was a very pale pink and smooth, with barely a fold of p.u.s.s.y flesh noticeable. It was so sweet-smelling and enticing that before puncturing the tight, warm, wet, mystic entrance, he wanted to taste the dew of her youth. With long, thin, slightly gnarled fingers, he gently pried the tight entrance open and teased it with a middle finger, getting Eugenia used to the feeling of being probed in her Mystic Place. Then he bent his head between her wide-open, waiting thighs and kissed the sweet bud of her c.l.i.toris, sending a sensation of pleasure through her pet.i.te frame. She moaned in pleasure, and this gave Old Boss great joy, making his Joy Stick even harder and more ready for its task ahead.

He began to lick the entrance to her Mystic Place, pressing his tongue in a little deeper every time it revisited the now-juicy openings. The old man licked the c.u.n.t dew out of her and made her wetter still with his saliva, as he began to seriously dive into her virgin hole, f.u.c.king her Mystic Place with his hot, wet tongue. Alternating motions, he first dragged his long, wet tongue up to her love bud and licked intensely for a few moments before bringing his licks back to her opening.

Despite the fact that she was a love slave, and despite the fact that she was owned by an old man she would have never chosen on her own, Beautiful Birthday Present was feeling the sweet sting of l.u.s.t take over her as her elder partner worked on her Mystic Parts with all the artfulness of a master. Her p.u.s.s.y was hot, and she felt the muscles clenching in desire for something more, something bigger to probe her deeper. Her thighs began to tremble and twitch with desire and, reading the cues and following the instincts of his newly erected spear, Old Boss slowly crawled over Eugenia's flat belly, mounted her sweet flesh, and poised his crooked shaft at the entrance of her Mystic Place.

She spread herself open, as wide as she could, and began to press her hips toward his c.o.c.k. The very tip of him was rubbing against the very opening of her. He began to press into the lubricated entrance and Eugenia moaned in a dialect he could understand. "I want all of your Joy Stick," she said, letting him know in a language he could comprehend.

The verbal stimulation, coupled by the fact that she was pressing herself up to greet him, challenging his Joy Stick to jab her even deeper, made the Old Boss quite wild with s.e.x fire and inspired him to press his c.o.c.k even further. Before he knew it, he was halfway in. It was at that point, when the crook in his c.o.c.k met the opening of her Mystic Place, that Beautiful Birthday Present's hymen tore asunder, creating a wider opening so that Old Boss could plunge fully into the depths of his beautiful virgin prize.

Although she flinched when his c.o.c.k ripped open her hymen, Eugenia soon forgot her pain and surrendered to the pleasure of the old man's hot rod plowing into her once-virgin p.u.s.s.y. She thrust her hips up to meet the crooked shaft and rejoiced in the feel of his crooked shank as it plunged in and pulled softly out, then plunged in and went deeper still.

Kee Djung Pau felt his Golden Orbs about to burst and Eugenia, remembering her training from the Aunties, began to clench her c.u.n.t muscles around the Joy Stick, so as to pull from Old Boss's c.o.c.k the essence of his love juice, and then the juice itself; in exchange, he was receiving the blessing of her youth and vitality.

Old Boss grunted and groaned and f.u.c.ked wildly as he felt the Golden Orb juice begin to leave its warm sac and travel through his Joy Stick to explode into the sweet, devirgined c.u.n.t that held it so dearly.

He cried out, "I am coming! My Golden Orbs are exploding and I am give you the gift of my seed." And the come juice followed, spurting wildly from the tip of his c.o.c.k as he pounded inside her, pressing himself up to the b.a.l.l.s as the last of the liquid left his body and went into hers.

He rested his head upon her soft shoulder, momentarily exhausted by the wild o.r.g.a.s.m. Then, suddenly overcome by a burst of youthful energy and strength, his erection was renewed, and he repeated the experience, once again taking Eugenia as if she were his bride. He came again and, this time, Eugenia also experienced an o.r.g.a.s.mic explosion of l.u.s.t. The two were soaked with sweat and come by the time they were done. Then they did it again and again and again.

The rest became legend among Black Families everywhere. The younger men scoffed, but all the Old Bosses, even those sworn to the death of every last Kee, chose to believe it because they wished the same for themselves.

Eugenia Florette, most Beautiful Birthday Present, was so desirable and so innately talented that not only was she able to induce the geriatric old monster to pluck her juicy red cherry, but she alone was responsible for aiding Old Boss in maintaining the youthful state of his Joy Stick through that night, until the golden rays of dawn peeked through the cracks in the cane shutters of the Kee mansion.

No one witnessed the scene. The Aunties, who usually remained on hand to coach and lend encouragement to the initiates, as well as lend their experienced tongues to the Old Boss's shaft itself, had repaired to the kitchen to gossip over a game of Russian poker. They had, many a time, stood by and watched as the old man inserted the olive. There was nothing in the procedure that interested them.

They only smiled politely and nodded when Old Boss came down to the breakfast table for the first time in years and joyfully regaled them with a detailed account of his accomplishments. He even reserved terms of endearment for Eugenia, which he had never done for anyone--even his official wives. Elder Niece Kee attributed his babbling to senility and hoped it signaled the approach of the end. No one was particularly disturbed when he called for a meeting of all the Kee sub-bosses to be held within fourteen days. As he hadn't paid attention to the day-to-day operations of the clan for years, they a.s.sumed it was just to allow him to regale his a.s.sorted nephews, grandnephews, and cousins with tales of his s.e.xual accomplishments, which they were sure were a fantasy.

It was Uncle Ma who, in innocence, rose the first flag of warning. Even though he was educated and held two doctorates, he bore a sincere sort of affection for the Old Boss, which Kee Djung Pau recognized and returned as well as the power-mad, bloodthirsty, animal-like creature could. Uncle Ma dined with Old Boss at least once a week and made the pretense of reporting on the daily operations of family business, which the old man usually paid no attention to.

After Uncle Ma's first meal with Kee Djung Pau following that first night with Eugenia, Elder Niece Kee escorted Uncle Ma to the door of the mansion as she always did. Even she, the most rapacious of the Kee women, admired his educational accomplishments; a functional illiterate, she could barely read.

"Old limp d.i.c.k has been behaving like a kid since we gave him the gift," she remarked. "I bet all he could talk about was his amazing feats with his crooked shaft. Ha! The only way Old Boss is going to get hard again is if he dies and stiffens up."

"I really think he's f.u.c.king her," replied Uncle Ma casually.

"Even Madame Hot Lips couldn't get that deformed poker to perk up," Elder Niece Kee insisted. "Come on Uncle Ma, wise up. Age is age. Even your wife says you're a once-a-week Charlie now. What, you're half his years."

"I think he's really f.u.c.king her," said Uncle Ma again, with emphasis.

As he stepped out of the front door and turned, he said, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, "He wants everyone to bring their books to the meeting. He's going to go over them himself."

"Accounts!" screeched Elder Niece Kee. "He hasn't asked to see the accounts in years."

"He hasn't had a stiff Joy Stick in years either," remarked Uncle Ma, as he turned and headed off toward his own apartments in the same compound.

The accounts were a serious matter. Old Boss expected all the men of the clan to steal from him--after all, they were only Kees--but he was expressly against anyone in his own household lifting as much as the smallest copper coin. Elder Niece Kee once saw him strangle a housemaid for misplacing a sack of rice. She thought, "I have to look into this matter of the miraculous Joy Stick. I've been stealing him blind for years."

She peeked through the rattan shutters of Old Boss's bedroom to discover him standing nude before his kw.a.n.g. Her view of his Joy Stick was obstructed by Eugenia, who knelt before him, her head bobbing back and forth as her s.h.i.+mmering ebony hair took on a magical translucence in the dimly lit room.

Eugenia was licking the old man's c.o.c.k as if it were a lollipop, running her tongue up and down the shaft and then wrapping her whole mouth around the rod and sucking it deeply into her mouth. Old Boss moaned and groaned and held tight to the beauty's head, pulling it onto his hard c.o.c.k as she sucked.

Eugenia grabbed hold of the Golden Orb bag in one hand and manipulated the b.a.l.l.s so that the two round ornaments of male l.u.s.t were rubbing against one another. With her other hand, she crept up toward the old man's puckered a.n.u.s and pressed a small finger against the tight hole until it finally slipped inward. Thus, Beautiful Birthday Present finger-f.u.c.ked his back gate, played with his b.a.l.l.s, and sucked his Joy Stick until the old man, practically pulling her hair out because he was so wild with excitement, began to pump himself into her mouth as if out of control.

Eugenia f.u.c.ked his a.s.shole vigorously, pumping it full of yet another finger, and grabbed his b.a.l.l.s tightly, as she continued to suck. She knew his time was near and became an open receptacle for his s.e.x juice. He called out her name just as the juice began to explode through his Joy Stick into her awaiting mouth. He was nearly in tears as he pressed the last of it into her mouth. He then relaxed and looked down on her fondly.

Because Eugenia's head was blocking her view, Elder Niece Kee could not see the monstrous erection, nor could she tell that the old man's c.o.c.k had actually come and risen again. Then Eugenia pulled away from her sucking duties to hungrily and dutifully lick all the juice from the tip of his c.o.c.k and the rest of his groin, lapping at his Joy Stick, his b.a.l.l.s, and his upper thigh until his spear was again standing at full attention.

Elder Niece Kee t.i.ttered at first and thought, "Lick away, slave. You'll wear you're tongue to a stub and the old fart still won't spring to life. The well is dry. His Golden Orbs are capable of producing only dust." Then suddenly she realized that the old man's male meat was hard as a rock.

The smile on Elder Niece Kee's face froze in place, and a gasp escaped from her lips--a gasp so loud that she thought it would alert the Old Boss no matter how bad his hearing was. Not only was the Old Boss hard as a rock, he was getting sentimental with his love slave. Kee Djung Pau took Eugenia's head gently in his hands and lifted her face to his, burying his tongue in her mouth. Elder Niece Kee was mortified. She shook her head again and again. "That just isn't done! That just isn't done! Kissing a mongrel slave just is not done."

The woman leaned forward and carefully spread the rattan slats of the blind to get a better view of the couple before her. The fact that he had kissed Eugenia was repulsive to her but mattered little in her plans for the Kee family. The state of his Joy Stick did. It was still hidden by Eugenia's back and still-childlike round, firm b.u.t.tocks.

Elder Niece Kee almost screamed out loud as she viewed what happened next. Old Boss, who had trouble lifting his writing brush for years, placed his hands around Eugenia's waist, which was so narrow that his fingertips touched. He lifted the mongrel slave clear up into the air and placed her gently on the bed, granting the now-furious woman a full, head-on view of his Joy Stick. That organ was not only totally erect, but seemed larger than life as it spewed lubricant from its tiny mouth and seemed to cast a sarcastic smile in Elder Niece Kee's direction. The eighty-two-year-old man arranged Eugenia's head comfortably on the pillow and, as he kissed her again, the half-breed gwai lo spread her thighs to receive him and motioned him toward her with what seemed to be a look of desire on her face. Old Boss returned her smile and after arranging her spread legs and bent knees more to his satisfaction, mounted and entered her fully. The young girl moaned a moan of delight when one would have expected a gasp of fear or, at least, a sigh of resignation. The old man pierced the young woman's sweet p.u.s.s.y flesh and the two became a unit of sheer pleasure as they f.u.c.ked, the Joy Stick easily sliding in and out of the Mystic Place.

Elder Niece Kee was shocked by the sight. "I can't believe this," she muttered. "f.u.c.k him good! f.u.c.k him good, pale-faced wh.o.r.e! f.u.c.k him to death."

It was a moment before the thought entered her mind, "He's not f.u.c.king her like a wh.o.r.e--he's f.u.c.king her like a wife he wants to make a baby with." The idea seemed implausible for a moment, and then she recalled tales of other Old Bosses who made sons when they were past Kee Djung Pau's age. "No! His Golden Orbs must have pumped themselves dry years ago. But what if ..." It was then that Elder Niece Kee decided to poison Beautiful Birthday Present, lest by some miracle the pretty half-breed became heavy with child--the Old Boss's child, who would usurp her son's place as head of the Kee family.

"That little wh.o.r.e may be smarter than I thought," Elder Niece Kee mumbled to herself. "It doesn't have to be his child--it could be anybody's child. She must also be taking on every young Joy Stick in the village."

The plans that started to form in her mind were aborted by a gnarled hand on her shoulder and the wispy, thin voice of Old Lady Kee, Kee Djung Pau's wife, who was said to be even older than her husband. The old woman cackled, "You don't have to play sneaky-peeky. The master likes an audience, quite proud you know. He'll even let you lick it. He let me."

"Honorable Aunt, I'm his niece, not one of his women."

"Niece? Hah! That hasn't stopped any of the men in the Kee family!"

"It's against our law!"

"The only thing against our law is pleasuring your own daughter. A Kee can get his Monkey's Apples sliced off for that. Daughters are for commerce. Their little devil holes are for renting out or trading in our culture! But then, again, you're not even a Kee. I was a third cousin."

"I'm a Kee by marriage and my son will run this family one day."

"Your son, Mr. Read and Write Mandarin, hasn't got a drop of Kee blood in him."

Elder Niece Kee stood and screamed in the old lady's face, "b.i.t.c.h! His father was the most cunning and bloodthirsty of the Kees. If it weren't for fate, he would have been head of the clan."

"Fate?" cackled the old lady. "He was so smart that the Hop Sings caught him in Thailand with his pants down and his rod up the rear of a young man. And they killed him on the spot, his d.i.c.k still hard in the backdoor of a nineteen-year-old."

Elder Niece Kee spat. As far as she was concerned, the rumor about her husband's death in Thailand was something concocted by his enemies in the Kee family, although she always suspected that he was less than normal. He had only a casual interest in her Mystic Place and would ignore her for months at a time. She only a.s.sumed that her son, Chuk Foo Kee, was natural-born of his legal father because he appeared nine months after her husband deigned to dip his Joy Stick into her, but since she had many other lovers during the same period she couldn't be sure. The actual truth didn't matter much. The Kee way of thinking was to get away with as much as you could without getting caught.

The old lady cackled once more and said, "What kind of a big boss will your sissy-boy of a son make? He hasn't ever killed anybody yet. He has to prove his worth by killing someone in front of all the elders. Your sissy-boy probably has a pig's Joy Stick all acurl, and Golden Orbs filled with warm milk rather than man juice!"

The old crone hit a sore point. She reminded Elder Niece Kee that Chuk Foo Kee would have to strangle someone to take what she thought was his rightful position as head of the clan. It didn't matter who! In cases like his, when there wasn't a war between the Black Families, and no poor villager was into the family for money beyond any hope of ever paying it back, a cheap virgin was purchased. The candidate for Bossdom would usually deflower and decapitate her at the same a.s.semblage. Chuk Foo Kee couldn't even slaughter a duck. She thought, "He's going to learn." Looking straight into the old lady's eyes, Elder Niece Kee said, "My son will do exactly as I say."

"Even strangle with those sissy-boy hands of his?"

"Even strangle," nodded Elder Niece Kee.

"My boys, the Little d.i.c.ks, had no trouble killing. They eliminated dozens before they were even sixteen."

"They weren't your boys, old b.i.t.c.h. They popped out of younger wives!"

"I'm mother. They're all my children. Any Joy Stick produced by Kee Djung Pau's Golden Orbs, even the part-mongrel man-baby he's making in there right now!"

Elder Niece Kee, horrified at the thought, turned and headed back toward her apartment. The old woman shouted, "Honorable Grandniece! There are many young nephew Kees who think they are more qualified to run this family than your limp Joy Stick of a son. If Beautiful Birthday Present has a strange accident or suddenly falls sick to one of those illnesses that even Dr. Chung can not explain, I'll see that you get f.u.c.ked rightfully so, and not by normal Joy Sticks, but by criminal animals who've had no s.e.x in years. You'll be devoured."

Elder Niece Kee decided that if Chuk Foo Kee had to strangle anyone before taking over the Kee family, it would be Beautiful Birthday Present. When she returned to her quarters she found him seated, as he was every evening, reading in the parlor. She shrieked, "I'm sorry we sent you away to that gwai lo school! Now all you do is read while your granduncle is busy making babies."

Chuk Foo Kee looked over the top of his hornrimmed reading and replied, "Honorable granduncle Old Boss is stuffing himself with olives, not making babies."

"No!" shouted his mother. "I saw! He was making love to her."

"Raping her you mean," shot back Chuk Foo Kee. He had fallen instantly in love with Eugenia the first moment he had laid eyes on her and did his best to extract her from the situation she was in, until he realized that his own mother would have killed him if he pressed the issue any further.

"Making love! Making babies. Whatever you call it. What if she drops a mongrel man-child? The first thing he'll do is strangle you."

"I'm not going to pack my bags and run. I think I'll wait until the kid learns how to walk first. Come on, Mama! The Old Boss is eighty-two years old."

"Is it possible?" shouted his mother. "Is it possible Western-educated big-shot professor?"

Chuk Foo Kee yawned, "Possible, but not probable." The thought suddenly occurred to him that his life would improve distinctly if Old Boss disgorged a load from his Golden Orbs that hit the target. He would be out of the running for leaders.h.i.+p of the clan and allowed to live someplace other than Vietnam.

His mother, reading his mind, said, "You think a mongrel kid by Beautiful Birthday Present solves all your problems? You go live United States? Old Boss have you strangled first thing to keep you from drowning baby."

"I think that Old Boss knows me well enough to be aware that I wouldn't drown anyone, especially an infant."

"He wouldn't care! He'd do it just to make big face."

"The Old Boss doesn't have enough energy enough left to strangle anyone, let alone make a baby with poor little Eugenia Florette."

"Don't use her gwai lo name. She has our name now. The name I gave her. She's a Kee family slave, and if you were a true Kee, you'd go right in there and slit both their throats like your father would have done."

The only throat that Chuk Foo Kee ever seriously considered slitting was that of his mother. He said, "My father! I doubt if you know who my real father was."

She shouted back at him, "Whoever he was, at least he had a pair of Golden Orbs."

"Mother, give up already!" he replied in French. "I'm a hopeless cause. I'm a nearsighted, weak-kneed bookworm. No one will accept me as Big Boss and you know f.u.c.king well that I could never strangle some poor village child just to entertain my cousins."

"I would! You want me show you?"

"Please! I know you would! You proved it to me once before. And it's your f.u.c.king fault! When I was nine I thought I'd outs.h.i.+ne all the other boys in the family. Murder, rape, steal! Then you got a bit of cla.s.s and forced me into that fancy French school down in Saigon. Education, any little bit of education, doesn't go hand in hand with becoming a Kee boss. And," he sputtered, reverting to the low Kee dialect of Cantonese, "it's all your d.a.m.n fault! Old Boss would have been happy with a simple, little ignorant girl from the village for his birthday present. I told you to give Eugenia to me."

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