A History of Giggleswick School Part 18

A History of Giggleswick School -

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Recognita coram me Mattheo Carew, milite, in Cancellaria Magistro per suprascriptum Gervasium Helwis, militem, octavo die Februarii anno suprascripto 1610.



Capta et recognita per predictum Ricardum Williamson militem coram me Willelmo Gee, milite, uno magistrorum alme Curie Cancellarie dicti domini Regis apud Ebor. xxo die Decembris anno supradicto.

Cognosco recognicionem W. Gee.

Sealed and deliuered by the within named Sir Gervysse Helwysse,[D] in the presence of Christopher Batesonn, Edward Astone.

Sealed and delivered by the within named Sir Richard Williamson, in the presence of--

William Nowell.

Thomas Preston.

Henry Somerscales.

George Bainton.

Giglesweke Schoole Helwyss et alius et Shutt et alii.

In dorso clausarum cancellarie infrascripti domini Regis nono die ffebruarii anno infrascripto.

Per Johannem Torr.


1. [Or, a fess azure debruised by a bend gules?]--Helwys--impaling [?

or] a cross engrailed [per pale gules and sable?].--Broke. Crest: Five arrows, 1 in pale and 4 in saltire, points in base [or, armed and flighted argent] entwined by a serpent [proper].

2. [Or], a chevron [gules] between 3 trefoils slipped [sable] a crescent in chief for difference.--Williamson.


[C] Modern (eighteenth century) hand.

[D] Sir Gervase Helwys was Lieutenant of the Tower, and was executed in connection with the Overbury Murder, 1615.



_The Foundation._

1. In this Scheme the expression "the Foundation" means the Grammar School, in the Parish of Giggleswick, in the Administrative County of the West Riding of Yorks.h.i.+re, now regulated by a Scheme made under the Endowed Schools Acts on 9 August 1872, as amended and altered by Schemes of 3 April 1886, 26 November 1897, and 23 April 1903.

_Repeal and Subst.i.tution._

2. The provisions of the Scheme of 9 August 1872 as amended and altered are hereby repealed, and the provisions of this Scheme are subst.i.tuted therefor; provided that nothing in this Scheme shall derogate from the exclusive right of the Board of Education to exercise any rights or powers of the Visitor of the Foundation exercisable through or by them immediately before the date of this Scheme.

_t.i.tle of Foundation._

3. The Foundation and its endowment (including the particulars specified in the Schedule to this Scheme) shall be administered under the name of GIGGLESWICK SCHOOL.


_Governing Body._

4. The Governing Body of the Foundation, in this Scheme called the Governors, shall, when complete, consist (subject as in this Scheme provided) of 18 persons, being:--

TEN Representative Governors to be appointed

TWO by the West Riding County Council;

ONE by the Council of St. John's College, Cambridge;

ONE by the Provost and Fellows of Queen's College, Oxford;

ONE by the Master and Fellows of Christ's College, Cambridge;

ONE by the Council of the Victoria University of Manchester;

ONE by the Council of the University of Leeds;

ONE by the Governing Bodies of Bingley Grammar School and the Keighley Trade and Grammar School alternately;

ONE by the Governing Bodies of Burnley Grammar School and the c.l.i.theroe Grammar School alternately; and

ONE by the Governing Bodies of Ermysted's Grammar School at Skipton and the Kirkby Lonsdale Grammar School alternately; and

EIGHT Cooptative Governors, to be appointed by resolution of the Governors.

A Representative Governor need not be a member of the appointing body.

Every Governor to be appointed by the County Council shall be appointed for a term of office ending on the date of the appointment of his successor, which may be made at any time after the ordinary day of retirement of County Councillors next after his appointment. The other Representative Governors shall be appointed each for a term of three years, and the Cooptative Governors each for a term of five years.

Wherever alternate election by two Governing Bodies is prescribed, the first election after the date of this Scheme shall be made by the Governing Body, whose turn it would have been to elect, if this Scheme had not been made.

_Existing Representative Governors._

5. The persons in office at the date of this Scheme as Representative Governors of the Foundation shall be ent.i.tled to remain in office as Representative Governors under this Scheme each for the remainder of the term for which he was appointed, but in other respects shall be counted as if they had been appointed under this Scheme.

_Existing Cooptative Governors._

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