The Communistic Societies of the United States Part 40

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Jenkins, 1846. pp. 156. (The Preface is dated "Turtle Creek, 1807.")

8. _The Same._ Press of John W. Brown, Liberty Hall, Cincinnati, 1807.

9. _The Same._ Albany, 1808.

10. A Short Treatise on the Second Appearing of Christ in and through the Order of the Female. By F. W. Evans, New Lebanon, N. Y. Boston, 1853, pp. 24.

11. A Brief Exposition of the Established Principles and Regulations of the United Society of Believers called Shakers. New York, 1851, pp. 30.

12. _The Same._ Watervliet, Ohio, 1832.

13. _The Same._ Canterbury, N. H., 1843.

14. Shaker Communism; or Tests of Divine Inspiration. The Second Christian or Gentile Pentecostal Church, as exemplified by Seventy Communities of Shakers in America. By F. W. Evans. London, James Burns, 1871, pp. 120.

15. Religious Communism. A Lecture by F. W. Evans (Shaker), of Mount Lebanon, Columbia Co., New York, U.S.A., delivered in St. George's Hall, London, Sunday evening, August 6th, 1871; with Introductory Remarks by the Chairman of the Meeting, Mr. Hepworth Dixon. Also some Account of the Extent of the Shaker Communities, and a Narrative of the Visit of Elder Evans to England. An abstract of a Lecture by Rev. J. M. Peebles, and his Testimony in regard to the Shakers.

16. Plain Talks upon Practical Religion. Being Candid Answers to Earnest Inquirers. By Geo. Albert Lomas, Shaker. (Watervliet), N. Y., 1873, pp.


17. Ann Lee, the Founder of the Shakers. A Biography, with Memoirs of her Companions. Also a Compendium of the Origin, History, Principles, Rules and Regulations, Government and Doctrines of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing. By F. W. Evans. London, J.

Burns. (The same as No. 5.)

18. The Shaker and Shakeress. A monthly paper. Published by the United Society, Mount Lebanon, N. Y. F. W. Evans, Editor.

19. Social Gathering Dialogue between Six Sisters of the North Family of Shakers, Mount Lebanon, N. Y. Albany, 1873, pp. 18.

20. Shakerism, the Possibility of the Race. Being Letters of A. B. B.

and Elder F. W. Evans. Office of the _Shaker_, 1872, pp. 14.

21. The Universal Church. By F. W. Evans. Office of the _Shaker_, 1872, pp. 16.

22. Catalogue of Medicinal Plants, Barks, Roots, Seeds, Flowers, and Select Powders, with their Therapeutic Qualities and Botanical Names; also Pure Vegetable Extracts, prepared in vacuo; Ointments, Insp.i.s.sated Juices, Essential Oils, Double-distilled and Fragrant Waters, etc., raised, prepared, and put up in the most careful manner by the United Society of Shakers at Mount Lebanon, N.Y. First established in 1800, being the oldest of the kind in the country. Albany, N. Y., 1873, pp.


23. Plain Evidences by which the Nature and Character of the True Church of Christ may be known and distinguished from all others. Taken from a work ent.i.tled, "The Manifesto, or a Declaration of the Doctrines and Practice of the Church of Christ." Published at Pleasant Hill, Kentucky, 1818. By John Dunlavy. Printed by Hoffman & White, Albany, 1834, pp. 120.

24. A Collection of Millennial Hymns, adapted to the present Order of the Church. Printed in the United Society, Canterbury, N. H., 1847, pp.


25. A Sacred Repository of Anthems and Hymns, for devotional Wors.h.i.+p and Praise. Canterbury, N.H., 1852, pp. 222.

26. Testimonies concerning the Character and Ministry of Mother Ann Lee and the First Witnesses of the Gospel of Christ's Second Appearing, given by some of the aged Brethren and Sisters of the United Society; including a few Sketches of their own Religious Experiences. Approved by the Church. Albany, printed by Packard & Van Benthuysen, 1827, pp. 178.

27. Familiar Dialogues on Shakerism; in which the Principles of the United Society are ill.u.s.trated and defended. By Fayette Mace. Portland, Charles Day & Co., Printers, 1838, pp. 120.

28. _The Same_. Concord, 1838.

29. A Discourse of the Order and Propriety of Divine Inspiration and Revelation, showing the Necessity thereof in all Ages to know the Will of G.o.d. Also, a Discourse on the Second Appearing of Christ in and through the Order of the Female. And a Discourse on the Propriety and Necessity of a United Inheritance in all Things in order to Support a true Christian Community. By William Leonard. Harvard (Ma.s.s.), published by the United Society, 1853, pp. 88.

30. A Brief Ill.u.s.tration of the Principles of War and Peace, showing the ruinous Policy of the former, and the superior Efficacy of the latter, for National Protection and Defense; clearly manifested by their practical Operations and opposite Effects upon Nations, Kingdoms, and People. By Philanthropos. Albany, printed by Packard & Van Benthuysen, 1831, pp. 112.

31. Some Lines in Verse about Shakers, not Published by Authority of the Society so called. New York, William Taylor & Co., No. 2 Astor House, 1846, pp. 56.

32. A Concise Answer to the General Inquiry who or what are the Shakers.

First printed at Union Village, Ohio, 1823. Reprinted at Enfield, N.H., 1825. Albion Chase, Printer, pp. 14.

33. The Life of Christ is the End of the World. By George Albert Lomas.

Watervliet, 1869, pp. 16.

34. The Higher Law of Spiritual Progression. Albany, 1868, pp. 32.

35. The Social Evil. By James J. Prescott. North Union (Ohio), 1870, pp.


36. A Shaker's Answer to the oft-repeated Question "What would become of the World if all should become Shakers?" Orders supplied by John Whiteley, s.h.i.+rley Village, Ma.s.sachusetts. Boston, 1874, pp. 32.

37. _The Same_. By R. W. Pelham. Cincinnati, 1868, pp. 32.

38. Shakers: A Correspondence between Mary F. C., of Mount Holly City, and a Shaker Sister, Sarah L., of Union Village. Edited by R. W. Pelham.

Union Village, Ohio, 1868, pp. 24.

39. Respect and Veneration due from Youth to Age. New Bedford, 1870, pp.


40. The Universal Church. By F. W. Evans. Office of the _Shaker_.

Shakers, N. Y., 1872, pp. 10.

41. Improved Shaker Was.h.i.+ng-machine, etc. Manufactured and for sale by the United Society of Shakers, at Shaker Village, N. H., pp. 12.

42. The Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom, revealing the Word of G.o.d, out of whose Mouth goeth a sharp Sword. Written by Paulina Bates, at Watervliet, New York, United States of North America; including other Ill.u.s.trations and Testimonies. Arranged and prepared for the Press at New Lebanon, N. Y. Published by the United Society called Shakers.

Printed at Canterbury, N. H., 1849, pp. 718.

43. A Holy, Sacred, and Divine Roll and Book, from the Lord G.o.d of Heaven to the Inhabitants of Earth. Revealed in the United Society at New Lebanon, County of Columbia, State of New York, United States of America. Received by the Church of this Communion, and published in Union with the same. Printed in the United Society, Canterbury, N.H., 1843, pp. 412.

44. A Summary View of the Millennial Church, or United Society of Believers, comprising the Rise, Progress, and Practical Order of the Society, together with the general Principles of their Faith and Testimony, 1823. (3d edition, revised and improved) republished by the United Society with the approbation of the Ministry. Albany, printed by C. Van Benthuysen, 1848, pp. 384.

45. The Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing; containing a general Statement of all Things pertaining to the Faith and Practice of the Church of G.o.d in this Latter Day. Published in Union by Order of the Ministry. Lebanon, Ohio, from the Press of John M'Clean, office of the _Western Star_, 1808, pp. 618.

46. _The Same_. 2d edition, corrected and improved. Albany, 1810, pp. 660.

47. _The Same_. 3d edition, corrected and improved. Union Village, Ohio. B. Fisher & A. Burnett, Printers, 1823, pp. 621.

48. Account of some of the Proceedings of the Legislatures of the States of Kentucky and New Hamps.h.i.+re, 1828, etc., in Relation to the People called Shakers. Reprinted, New York, 1846, pp. 103.

49. A Selection of Hymns and Poems for the Use of Believers; collected from sundry Authors. By Philos-Harmoniae. Watervliet, Ohio, 1833, pp.


50. The Const.i.tution of the United Society of Believers called Shakers; containing sundry Covenants and Articles of Agreement definitive of the Legal Grounds of the Inst.i.tution. Watervliet, Ohio, 1833, pp. 16.

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