The Communistic Societies of the United States Part 21

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_A_. I told it all, however black--I fully freed my soul.

_Q_. Do you expect to persevere, and ev'ry evil shun?

_A_. My daily cross I mean to bear, until the work is done.

_Q_. Well, is it now your full intent all damage to restore?

_A_. If any man I've wrong'd a cent, I'll freely give him four.

_Q_. And what is now the greatest foe with which you mean to war?

_A_. The cursed flesh--'tis that, you know, all faithful souls abhor.

_Q_. Have you none of its sly deceit now lurking in your breast?

_A_. I say there's nothing on my mind but what I have confess'd.

_Q_. Well, what you have proclaim'd abroad, if by your works you show, You are prepar'd to wors.h.i.+p G.o.d, so, at, it, you, may, go."

"The Steamboat" seems to me a characteristic rhyme, which no doubt came home to Believers on the western rivers, when they were plagued with doubters and cold-hearted adherents:

"While our steamboat, Self-denial, Rushes up against the stream, Is it not a serious trial Of the pow'r of gospel steam?

When Self-will, and Carnal Pleasure, And Freethinker, all afloat, Come down snorting with such pressure, Right against our little boat.

"Were there not some carnal creatures Mixed with the pure and clean, When we meet those gospel-haters, We might pa.s.s and not be seen; But the smell of kindred senses Brings them on us fair broadside, Then the grappling work commences-- They must have a fair divide.

"All who choose the tide of nature, Freely take the downward way; But the doubtful hesitater Dare not go, yet hates to stay.

To the flesh still claiming kindred, And their faith still hanging to-- Thus we're held and basely hinder'd, By a double-minded few.

"Wretched souls, while hesitating Where to fix your final claim, Don't you see our boiler heating, With a more effectual flame!--When the steam comes on like thunder, And the wheels begin to play, Must you not be torn asunder, And swept off the downward way?

"Tho' Self-will and Carnal Reason, Independence, l.u.s.t, and Pride, May r.e.t.a.r.d us for a season, Saint and sinner must divide; When releas'd from useless lumber-- When the fleshly crew is gone-- With our little faithful number, O how swiftly we'll move on!"

The "Covenant Hymn" was publicly sung in some of the Western societies, "so that no room was left for any to say that the Covenant [by which they agree to give up all property and labor for the general use] was not well understood." I quote here several verses:

"You have parents in the Lord, you honor and esteem, But your equals to regard a greater cross may seem.

Where the gift of G.o.d you see, Can you consent that it should reign?

Yea I can, and all that's free may jointly say--Amen.

"Can you part with all you've got, and give up all concern, And be faithful in your lot, the way of G.o.d to learn?

Can you sacrifice your ease, And take your share of toil and pain?

Yea I can, and all that please may freely say--Amen.

"Can you into union flow, and have your will subdu'd?

Let your time and talents go, to serve the gen'ral good?

Can you swallow such a pill-- To count old Adam's loss your gain?

Yea I can, and yea I will, and all may say--Amen.

"I set out to bear my cross, and this I mean to do: Let old Adam kick and toss, his days will be but few.

We're devoted to the Lord, And from the flesh we will be free; Then we'll say with one accord--Amen, so let it be."

It is evident from these verses that the early Shakers had among them men who at least could make the rhymes run glibly, and who besides had a gift of plain speech. Here, for instance, is a denunciation of a scandal-monger:

"In the Church of Christ and Mother, Carnal feelings have no place; Here the simple love each other, Free from ev'ry thing that's base.

Therefore when the flesh is named, When impeachments fly around, Honest souls do feel ashamed-- Shudder at the very sound.

"Ah! thou foul and filthy stranger!

What canst thou be after here?

Thou wilt find thyself in danger, If thou dost not disappear.

Vanish quick, I do advise you!

For we mean to let you know Good Believers do despise you, As a dang'rous, deadly foe.

"Dare you, in the sight of heaven, Show your foul and filthy pranks?

Can a place to you be given In the bright angelic ranks?

Go! I say, thou unclean devil!

Go from this redeemed soil, If you think you cannot travel Through a lake of boiling oil."

In those earlier days, as in these, idle persons seem to have troubled the Shakers with the question "What would become of the world if all turned Shakers," to which here is a sharp reply:

"The multiplication of the old creation They're sure to hold forth as a weighty command; And what law can hinder old Adam to gender, And propagate men to replenish the land?

But truly he never obey'd the lawgiver, For when the old serpent had open'd his eyes, He sought nothing greater than just to please nature, And work like a serpent in human disguise."

"Steeple houses" are as hateful to the Shakers as to the Quakers and the Inspirationists of Amana, and they are excluded in an especial manner from the Shakers' Paradise:

"No sin can ever enter here-- Nor sinners rear a steeple; 'Tis kept by G.o.d's peculiar care, For his peculiar people.

One faith, one union, and one Lord, One int'rest all combining, Believers all, with one accord, In heav'nly concert joining.

"Far as the gospel spirit reigns, Our souls are in communion; From Alfred to South Union's plains, We feel our love and union.

Here we may walk in peace and love, With G.o.d and saints uniting; While angels, smiling from above, To glory are inviting."

Occasionally the book from which I am quoting gives one of those lively brief verses to which the Shaker congregation marches, with clapping hands and skipping feet; as these, for instance:

"I mean to be obedient, And cross my ugly nature, And share the blessings that are sent To ev'ry honest creature; With ev'ry gift I will unite, And join in sweet devotion-- To wors.h.i.+p G.o.d is my delight, With hands and feet in motion."

"Come, let us all be marching on, Into the New Jerusalem; The call is now to ev'ry one To be alive and moving.

This precious call we will obey-- We love to march the heav'nly way, And in it we can dance and play, And feel our spirits living."

In the newer collection, ent.i.tled "Millennial Hymns, adapted to the present Order of the Church," and printed at Canterbury, New Hamps.h.i.+re, in 1847, a change is noticeable. The hymns are more devotional and less energetic. There are many praises of Mother Ann--such lines as these:

"O Mother, blest Mother! to thee I will bow; Thou art a kind Mother, thou dost teach us how Salvation is gained, and how to increase In purity, union, in order and peace.

"I love thee, O Mother; thy praise I will sound-- I'll bless thee forever for what I have found, I'll praise and adore thee, to thee bow and bend, For Mother, dear Mother, thou art my known friend."

Or these:

"I will walk in true obedience, I will be a child of love; And in low humiliation I will praise my G.o.d above.

I will love my blessed Mother, and obey her holy word, In submission to my elders, this will join me to the Lord.

"I will stand when persecution doth around like billows roll; I will bow in true subjection, and my carnal will control.

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