Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 99

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=entrefuerte=, middling strong.

=entregar=, to deliver, to give.

=entretejer=, to interweave, to knit.

=entuerto=, _m._, offence, harm, grievance, mischief.

=envase=, _m._, packing; =el ----=, the container (_as wrapper_, _box_, _case_, _etc._).

=envejecer=, to grow old.

=enyugar=, to yoke cattle.

=epoca=, _f._; =hacer ----=, epoch-making, to make or break the record.

=epopeya=, _f._, a series of heroic deeds; an epic.

=equino, -a=, equine.

=equipo=, _m._, equipment, accoutrements, trappings; athletic team.

=equivoca.r.s.e=, _refl._, to be mistaken.

=era=, _f._, wheat field.

=erguido, -a=, raised up straight.

=erguir=, to erect, to raise.

=erizar=, to stand on end.

=errar=, to miss a blow _or_ a shot.

=escabel=, _m._, footstool.

=escala=, _f._, ladder; scale; (_sing. and pl._) route or itinerary of a river, coastwise or ocean going steams.h.i.+p.

=escalar=, _m._, to climb.

=escamas=, _f. pl._, fish-scales.

=escaparate=, _m._, show window.

=escarcha=, _f._, h.o.a.r frost.

=escarpado, -a=, craggy, rugged, crabbed.

=escasez=, _f._, scantiness, want, lack.

=escenario=, _m._, stage.

=esclusa=, _f._, lock, sluice, floodgate, milldam.

=escoger=, to select, to choose, to pick out.

=escogido, -a=, chosen, picked out, selected.

=escolar=, _m._, scholar, student.

=es...o...b..o=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), mackerel.

=esconderse=, _refl._, to hide one's self.

=escondidas, a ----=, in a secret manner.

=escondido, -a=, hidden, concealed.

=escondite=, _m._, hide and seek; hiding place.

=escopeta=, _f._, gun, firelock.

=escribania=, _f._, office of a notary public.

=escribano=, _m._, notary.

=escribiente=, _m._, clerk.

=escritorio=, _m._, office; writing-desk.

=escuadra=, _f._, fleet; square, an instrument for measuring right angles.

=escuela=, _f._, school.

=escurrirse=, _refl._, to slip away, to slip out.

=esmalte=, _m._, enamel.

=espaldera=, _f._, trellis work for the support of climbing plants.

=espantar=, to frighten, to horrify.

=espata=, _f._ (_Bot._), spathe.

=especia=, _f._, spice.

=especieria=, _f._, grocery store.

=especifico=, _m._, patent medicine.

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