Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 89

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=circundar=, to surround.

=circunstantes=, _m. pl._, bystanders, persons present.

=circunvecino, -a=, neighboring, adjacent, contiguous.

=cirio=, _m._, long, thick wax candle.

=ciruela=, _f._, plum.

=cita=, _f._, appointment, summons; quotation.

=claraboya=, _f._, skylight; transom.

=clarificador=, _m._, a machine in sugar mills which clarifies and purifies sugar.

=claro=, _m._, lacune, gap, skylight, void.

=clase=, _m._, cla.s.s, rank; (_Mil._) petty officer.

=clausura=, _f._, closure, confinement, retirement.

=clave=, _f._, key.

=clerical=, relating to clergymen or religion.

=cloaca=, _f._, sewer.

=coartar=, to limit, to restrain.

=cobrar=, to collect, to acquire.

=cobrizo, -a=, coppery, copper-colored.

=coca=, _f._, the dried leaves of coca, coca.

=cocer=, to boil, to cook.

=cocotero=, _m._, cocoanut tree.

=cocuyo=, _m._, firefly.

=coche=, _m._, coach; (_Sp. A._) railroad or street car.

=cochino=, _m._, hog, pig.

=codear=, to elbow.

=cohete=, _m._, rocket, firecracker.

=coliseo=, _m._, theater, coliseum.

=colmado, -a=, filled, heaped.

=colmar=, to fill, to crown, to heap.

=colocacion=, _f._, position, job, employment.

=coloniaje=, _m._, colonial period in Spanish American history.

=colono=, _m._, colonist, planter, agricultural worker.

=colorido=, _m._, coloring.

=collado=, _m._, foothill; fell, a small eminence.

=comadreja=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), weasel.

=comarca=, _f._, district, territory, countryside.

=comedia=, _f._, comedy; =---- de enredo=, a comedy, the merit of which consists in the complexity of the plot and the ingenuity shown in its development as contrasted with the _comedia de costumbres_, the object of which is to portray the life and customs of a country.

=comedido, -a=, civil, polite, obliging.

=comedimiento=, _m._, kindness, willingness to oblige.

=comercio=, _m._, commerce; shop.

=comite=, _m._, committee.

=comoda=, _f._, bureau, a chest of drawers.

=compas=, _m._, pair of, callipers.

=competir=, to compete with, to vie, to contest, to rival.

=componer=, to compose _or_ write; to mend, to repair.

=comportar=, to carry, to bring together; _refl._, to behave _or_ conduct one's self.

=compostura=, _f._, mending, repairing; composure.

=comprometer=, to expose, to endanger.

=compuerta=, _f._, lock _or_ sluice-gate.

=con=, with, toward; =para ----=, toward; =---- tal que=, provided that; =---- que=, so then; =---- todo= _or_ =todo eso=, nevertheless, notwithstanding.

=conciliabulo=, _m._, secret meeting _or_ confab.

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