Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - LightNovelsOnl.com
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=picante=, highly seasoned; piquant.
=picanteria=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), a cheap eating place; "hashery."
=picaru=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a South American fish.
=pieza=, _f._, piece, fragment; room; bird or animal of the chase, quarry; =---- de moneda=, coin; =---- de autos=, records or pleadings of a lawsuit st.i.tched together.
=pila electrica=, _f._, battery.
=pilcha=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), any piece of wearing apparel; saddle trappings.
=pileta=, _f._, pool; trough, vat, basin.
=pillo, -a=, rascally.
=pimenton=, _m._, ground red pepper.
=pimiento=, _m._, capsic.u.m, pepper (_fruit of the capsic.u.m_).
=pincelada=, _f._, brush stroke.
=pingo=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a fine saddle-horse.
=pingue=, plentiful, abundant.
=pino-limon=, _m._, a South American fruit tree.
=pintada=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), Guinea-fowl.
=pintor=, _m._, painter, artist, delineator.
=pintorrear=, to daub, to paint without skill.
=pira=, _f._, pyre; bonfire.
=pisar=, to trample, to crush, to tread.
=piso=, _m._, floor, pavement; story _or_ floor; loft, flat.
=pisoteado, -a=, trampled.
=pisotear=, to tread under foot.
=pista=, _f._, track, footprint; scent, clue.
=pistonudo, -a= (_Sp. A._), fine, big, great, admirable.
=pito=, _m._, pipe, small flute, whistle.
=placar=, to placate; to mitigate.
=plafonnier=, _m._, ceiling electric light.
=plan=, _m._, plan, design, scheme.
=planada=, _f._, plain, level ground.
=planilla=, _f._, list, account sheet.
=planta=, _f._, sole of the foot, foot; plan of a building, its site or plant.
=plantel=, _m._, nursery garden; (_Sp. A._) herd of highly bred animals; establishment.
=planidero, -a=, plaintive, wailing, sobbing.
=plata=, _f._, silver; =---- en barras=, silver bullion.
=platano=, _m._, banana.
=platea=, _f._, that section of the theater called "pit" in England and "orchestra" in the U. S.
=platillos=, _m. pl._, bosses (_metal work_).
=plaza=, _f._, square; market.
=plazo=, _m._, credit, term, time; =a ----=, on credit.
=pleito=, _m._, litigation, lawsuit.
=pleno, -a=, full, ample.
=pliegue=, _m._, fold or pleat; gathers.
=poblado=, _m._, town, village or other inhabited place.
=poco, -a=, little; =---- a ----=, gently, softly, little by little; =de ---- tiempo aca=, latterly; =a ----=, in a short time; =por ----, en ----=, almost, nearly; =un ----=, a little.
=podar=, to prune, to clip.
=poder=, _m._, power; =en ---- de=, in the possession of, in the hands of.
=podrido, -a=, rotten, putrid.
=podrir=, to rot, to become putrid.
=polaco, -a=, a Pole; a Polish dance.
=polemista=, _m._, polemic; a controversialist.