Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 102

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=flota=, _f._, fleet, squadron.

=flotilla=, _f._, a small fleet.

=fogonero=, _m._, fireman, stoker.

=fogoso=, =-a=, fiery, vehement, ardent, fervent; lively.

=foguista=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), _see_ =fogonero=.

=follon=, _m._, rogue, villain; mean, despicable fellow.

=fomento=, _m._, patronage, protection, support, encouragement; improvement.

=fondo=, _m._, depth; fund; (_Sp. A._) back yard.

=foramen=, _m._, hole in the nether millstone.

=forjado, -a=, forged, framed.

=forjar=, to frame, to make, to invent; to work out in a foundry; to counterfeit.

=forraje=, _m._, fodder.

=fortaleza=, _f._, fort.i.tude, firmness; fortress.

=fraile=, _m._, friar, monk.

=franquear=, to exempt, to grant immunity from; to pay the postage.

=frecuentado, -a=, frequented, visited often.

=frecuentar=, to visit often, to frequent.

=frenesi=, _m._, frenzy, madness, distraction.

=freno=, _m._, bridle _or_ bit of the bridle.

=frente=, _f._, forehead; _m._, front.

=fresco=, _m._, cool temperature; =pintar al ----=, to fresco.

=frescura=, _f._, coolness.

=frigio, -a=, Phrygian, pertaining to Phrygia.

=frigorifico=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), packing house; refrigerating plant.

=frijol=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), bean.

=friso=, _m._, frieze.

=frondoso, -a=, leafy, luxuriant.

=fronterizo, -a=, frontier; on the border.

=fronton=, _m._, main wall of a hand-ball court.

=fructuoso, -a=, fruitful, useful, profitable, fecund.

=fruta=, _f._, fruit; =---- de conde=, a South American fruit.

=fruticultura=, _f._, fruit-growing.

=frutilla=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), strawberry.

=frutos=, _m. pl._, vegetable products in general.

=fuente=, _f._, source; fountain, spring.

=fuera=, out, outside; =---- de=, out of; =---- de eso=, besides, moreover; =---- de esto=, short of this; =---- de que=, beside this.

=fuereno, -a= (_Sp. A._), an outsider, a person from the provinces.

=fuerza=, _f._, power; =---- motriz=, horse, steam _or_ electric power.

=funcion=, _f._, performance; =---- de abono=, subscription performance; =---- ordinaria=, popular performance; =---- de moda=, society performance; =---- por secciones= _or_ =por tandas=, continuous performance.

=fundicion=, _f._, foundry.

=fundo=, _m._,., rural property; (_Sp. A._) large estate.

=fusion=, _f._, fusion, amalgamation, union.

=fuste=, _m._, saddle-tree, wooden framework of a saddle.

=gabazo=, _m._ (_also_ =bagazo=), sugar cane from which the juice has been extracted, refuse from a sugar mill.

=gachas=, _f. pl._, any sort of soft pap _or_ porridge.

=galan=, _m._, gentleman; =---- joven=, actor who takes the part of a lover.

=galante=, courtly, particularly toward ladies.

=gallardia=, _f._, graceful air and deportment; manly grace.

=galleta=, _f._, biscuit, hardtack.

=gallet.i.ta=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), small biscuit _or_ cracker.

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