Shadow Dweller - Redemption Part 9

Shadow Dweller - Redemption -

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The movement increased as Shai and Sunni's voices joined the men's.

"Nas miosa imich an seo-a mhain an leus failte."

With each utterance, the movement increased and the temperature dropped. Much more of this and she'd be able to see her own breath. A scent like that of burning leaves filled the air. Concentrating on the cloud, Maeve licked her lips and began whispering the words.

"Nas miosa imich an seo-a mhain an leus failte."

"Nas miosa imich an seo-a mhain an leus failte."

"Nas miosa imich an seo-a mhain an leus failte."

"Nas miosa imich an seo-a mhain an leus failte."

Quinn raised his hand and pointed a finger at the spinning darkness.


The quietly spoken word had a cataclysmic effect. The cloud coalesced into the form of a dagger, its sharp point directed at Quinn.

"Oh my G.o.d," Maeve whispered.

The smoke-dagger hurled itself at him, yet he didn't flinch. As the tip reached his chest, it lost form and surrounded his chest and arms in a wide band of darkness.

"Remove yourself and your vile stench of malignancy and leave us in peace."

The smoke fused into a cloud once more, accompanied by a hollow, ghostly wail. The manifestation flew around the room. Maeve dropped to the floor when it came close to her head as it raced past her. The candelabrum tilted, and for a second she thought it would come down upon her. She grabbed the base to steady it before climbing to her feet in time to see the cloud slam into the center window. With a crash, the window exploded outward. An unearthly crack of thunder shook the house and set the candle flames to dancing. Quinn raised his hand once more, made a motion, and the flames stilled. Within seconds came a wail of frustration.

She looked at Quinn, who nodded in answer to her unasked question. It was Mortianna, thwarted at last.

"It's a very old spell, but my father taught me well. As long as the candles continue to burn, the vampire will be free from harm. However, there are only two ways to reverse theA' bhais Cadail. Either she has to do it herself or it will occur automatically should she die." His gaze seared into hers. "We have three days at most."

Maeve's heart leapt as she heard footsteps pause outside her bedroom door. It could only be Quinn as the others had left the house to feed.

Would he enter? Did she want him to come to her?


Her shoulders slumped as she heard him walk across the hall to his own room. Seconds later, the door creaked as he opened it, then again as it closed. She grabbed a pillow and held it over her face as she let loose a noisy groan of frustration.

Her emotions were tangled when it came to Quinn. One minute she wanted nothing more than to spend eternity wrapped in his arms, other times she felt guilty for deceiving him. Cowardice had kept her silent when she could have told him the truth earlier tonight. But he'd leave if he knew the reality of her life. She dropped the pillow. She should be working on her plan, not dallying with him. But never had she met a man like him and never would she again. He reached a part of her soul she'd long since thought dead.

Could she walk away from that?


He made her feel more alive than ever before. The reality of their situation was that their time was limited. Knowing that tomorrow for them did not exist, could she go to him?


Her stomach clenched as the answer reverberated in her head. Yes, she could and would go to him.

That decided; she rolled off the bed and padded to the wardrobe in stocking-clad feet. Stripping her clothing as she went, she discarded them in a trail on the floor. She opened the door and rifled though the contents. d.a.m.n! Didn't she have anything that wasn't black? Just as she reached the back of the cupboard, she found the perfect garment.

Her palms broke into a sweat as she pulled the satin hanger from its dark repose. The emerald green silk s.h.i.+mmered in the candlelight as she inspected the gown and robe. Lacking any adornment, the chemise straps were set wide apart and the matching robe was long-sleeved and came to mid-thigh on her.

It was the perfect outfit for seduction. She slipped the gown from the hanger and pulled the cool silk over her body. Glancing in the mirror, she noticed the chemise skimmed her curves and showed, without doubt, that she was a woman. She licked her lips. She'd never tried to seduce a man. Seduction wasn't something she'd ever had time to play with.

In her experience, men were like the old joke about how to get a man into bed. You bring beer and show up naked.

But she had a feeling Quinn wouldn't fall for that.

She pulled the robe on and tied the sash, s.h.i.+vering as the silk covered her skin. Even though she had a fire burning in the room to ward off the chill, she was cold from the inside out.

Only one thing could warm her, and he was in the next room.

Picking up a candle, Maeve faltered as she crept out her door. What if he turned her away?

What if he doesn't?

Good point.

The floor was cold beneath her feet as she approached his bedroom door. Partially opened, she glanced down to see that a wrinkle in a rug had stopped the door from shutting all the way. The fates were on her side. She peeked through the opening and caught a glimpse of a huge fire crackling in the fireplace and dancing shadows on the wall.

It was now or never.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open, wincing as it creaked loudly. She stepped inside and shut the door behind her, mindful of the wrinkle in the carpet. The warmth from the fireplace surrounded her as she approached the bed, her heart in her throat.


Her voice came out as a squeak and she fought the urge to laugh. Look at her, Miss Kick-a.s.s-And-Take-Names-Later, quivering over a man. Shai would get a kick out of that. That's all he was, a man. Holding her candle higher, she stepped to the foot of the bed. Just an ordinary, run-of-the-mill- He was asleep.

His silky blond hair was tumbled over his brow, giving him the appearance of an exhausted child. His skin was golden against the pale sheets and it appeared he slept in the nude. The cover was pushed low on his stomach and a fine line of silken hair ran down the center of his abdomen to vanish beneath the sheet. He lay on his side, arm outstretched as if reaching for someone on the empty side of the bed.

Her stomach gave a quiver and she licked her lips. Now what should she do? Climb in bed with him?

Wake him up? Leave? As she reached out and brushed her finger across his palm, a s.h.i.+ver racing up her arm.

She glanced at his handsome face. Okay, so maybe he was more than just a man. What she'd witnessed downstairs was certainly testament to that. He was a witch of tremendous power and certainly too good for the likes of her. She should leave. Turning, she froze as strong fingers curled around her wrist, preventing her escape.

"Don't go."

Quinn sat up and tugged her closer. Taking the candle from her, he set it on the bedside stand. Helpless to resist, she climbed into his bed when he pulled back the covers, inviting her in.

"I'm so cold." She was dismayed to hear her voice break.

"Let me warm you."

He replaced the covers, then tugged her into his arms. Heat surrounded her as he drew her to close to his body, and she wanted to weep at the sheer pleasure of it. Their legs tangled as she placed her hands on his chest. His heartbeat thudded against her palm.

She raised her head, her nose b.u.mping his. The scent of warm man swirled around her. His breath mingled with hers and she inhaled his essence. Eyes locked, a slow tingle began in her throat as their breathing mated.





His face was less than an inch from hers and she tasted him on her lips. He mimicked her and placed his hand over her heart, their bodies aligned as her heart joined his in rhythm. Warmth shafted through her body, expanded into her chest, and coursed down her arms with each beat of her heart. His free hand slid around her body to the base of her spine, bringing her body tight against his.

"Put your hands on me." His voice was warm velvet.

Maeve slipped her arm around him, aping his movements by placing it on the base of his spine. His swift intake of breath indicated she'd done the right thing. She slid her other arm around his neck, bringing him within millimeters of her mouth.

It was incredibly erotic to lie in a man's arms and touch, yet nottouch . She ached: her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her mouth, her thighs, the warm, honeyed flesh between them. She was powerless as sensations washed through her, her desire growing with each breath. Her body softened and moistened to accept him, yet he made no move to take her any further.

Their joint breaths quickened and desire rode low and hard in her abdomen. Their breathing deepened.

Her nipples tightened as the tension spiraled even higher. Air raged through her lungs, as their gazes remained locked. His blue eyes were dilated and stormy with arousal. Their breathing quickened and, without warning, she peaked, spasms of ecstasy moving through her as gentle and welcome as a sunrise.

Wave after wave of delicious sensation undulated through her as a soft cry escaped her mouth. As the final shock waves ebbed, he tucked her head into his shoulder as she floated back to earth once again,secure in his arms.

Moments later as the lethargy receded, she stirred, only to realize that Quinn hadn't found his own release. Full and heavy, his erection lay between them, pulsing against her lower stomach. His breathing was harsh. She pulled away to meet his dark eyes. They glowed with an inner warmth she didn't have the strength to question.

"What did you do to me?" she whispered.

He rubbed the back of a finger down her cheek. "I didn't do anything. We did it together."

"I've never-" She stopped when those mouthwatering lips curled into a satisfied grin. "I mean, I have, of course. With you, even... I haven't been...I mean, I'm hardly a virgin at my age-"

"Of course." His grin grew wider as she became more fl.u.s.tered.

"I've just never-" She waved her hand as words deserted her. How could she describe such an experience?

"Very few have." His smile turned wicked. "But there's more to come."

Heat curled in her low belly. "Mmm, I'm not sure I can survive much more, but I'll do my best." She rubbed her foot against the back of his calf, enjoying the friction of his hair against her sole. "Lead on, teacher."

He nuzzled her collarbone. "Mmm, nice outfit."

She glanced at the rumpled silk. "Thanks."

"Now take it off."

She smiled and reached for the belt, but he stopped her.

"Allow me."

She fairly purred as he urged her onto her back and shoved the sheets out of the way. He rose over her as naked as the day he was born. Bracing his hands on either side of her waist, he leaned forward and picked up one end of the belt with his teeth. His eyes giving heated promises soon to be delivered, he leaned back, pulling the silk with him to loosen the bow.

The robe slithered open to reveal the chemise beneath.

He dropped the tie. "You're so beautiful," he whispered.

In that moment, she truly felt beautiful, but an attack of shyness had her wanting to cover herself. "Only through your eyes." Her voice caught and she was startled to feel the p.r.i.c.k of tears.

"You were beautiful long before I set eyes on you."

He moved forward to place a kiss on the exposed skin of her throat. At his urging, she sat up and he slipped the robe off, discarding it over the foot of the bed. Unhurried hands brushed the straps from hershoulders, his mouth caressing each inch of flesh he uncovered.

Maeve tipped her head back as he pushed the chemise to pool about her waist. Cool air washed over her skin. Instinctively, she curved into him, offering herself. His hands stroked her sensitive flesh, her nipples hardening to aching fullness. Sensation crowded her mind as he took one into his mouth.

She gasped, clutching his shoulders as he teased her with his tongue. Sobs escaped her as he suckled, first one, then the other. She lay back on the bed, pulling him with her, tangling her fingers in his hair as he nibbled on her skin.

His fingers pulled up the hem of the chemise, stroking the sensitive skin of her inner thigh before delving into her damp flesh. A groan rumbled from his chest, a mixture of desire and impatience.

She reached for him, her fingers curling around his hardened shaft. Stroking his sensitized head, she whispered, "Come into me."

He braced himself over her and kissed her, a mere brus.h.i.+ng of lips. His chest rubbed hers as he nibbled at her lips before biting the lower one. She slipped her hands to his waist to guide him into her. She felt the warm, damp head of his erection pressing against her. Instinctively, she arched.

"Now." She hissed.

He entered her with a smooth thrust, and she took him deep.


His strangled cry was music to her soul. She linked her ankles around his waist and urged him on. Each thrust grew wilder as his skin dampened with his exertions. With every motion, she rushed to meet him, glorying in the sensations he aroused within her.

Her cries mingled with his as they approached the summit. In a blinding flash, ecstasy exploded within her body. Delight rippled through her as he joined her on his journey.

With his weight barely supported on shaky arms, she easily tugged him down upon her and he tumbled with a groan. Contentment flooded her sated limbs as she reveled in the pleasure of keeping him still buried deep within her.

Never had she felt like this with any other man. Quinn reached a part of her she'd never explored. A smile rode her mouth as she closed her eyes, basking in the rare feeling of well-being. She only hoped it lasted a while longer.

Chapter 9.

All his life he'd been capable of handling any situation. His stepmother had taught him how to cook, wash clothes, gather herbs and heal the sick. His father had taught him to be independent, trust his instincts and examine every aspect of a given situation. The only thing Quinn had never been able to handle was a crying woman. He'd rather do back handsprings through a briar patch than deal with a woman's tears. He felt helpless when a woman cried, just like he did now.

He watched Maeve struggle for control before she finally gave up and rolled away from him. She was leaving. Without thinking, he reached for her, wrapping her in his arms. For a second, he thought she'd protest; instead, she relaxed against him. Tremors wracked her body as she fought to rein in her emotions. Silent tears continued to fall as she settled her back against his chest. She surrounded him with her female scent, and his burgeoning arousal nestled against her backside. He dropped a kiss just below her ear.

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