Devil's Waltz Part 40

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"Sure you're not dope-chilled?"

"I'm okay, man."

Milo looked at me. "Robert mixes powders as well as fluids. Quite an amateur chemist-isn't that right, Robert?"

Another shrug.

"Got a day job, Robert?"

Shake of the head.

"Your P.O. know you're working here?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

Milo leaned in closer and smiled patiently. "Because you, as a habitual although petty felon, are supposed to stay away from bad influences, and those folks in there don't look any too wholesome."

Gabray sucked his teeth and looked at the ground. "Who told you I was here?"

Milo said, "Spare me the questions, Robert."

"It was that b.i.t.c.h, wasn't it?"

"What b.i.t.c.h is that?"

"You know."

"Do I?"

"You musta-you knew I was here."

"Angry at her, Robert?"


"Not at all?"

"I don't get mad."

"What do you get?"


"You get even?"

Gabray said, "Can I smoke?"

"She paid your bail, Robert. In my book that makes her the hero."

"I'll marry her. Can I smoke?"

"Sure, Robert, you're a free man. Least till your trial. 'Cause the b.i.t.c.h made your bail."

Gabray pulled a pack of Kools out of his p.j. pants. Milo was ready with a match.

"Let's talk about where you were three months ago, Robert."

Gabray smoked and gave another foggy look.

"A month before you got busted, Robert. March."

"What about it?"

"The Mayan Mortgage."

Gabray smoked and looked at the sky.

"Remember it, Robert?"

"What about it?"


Milo slid something out of his s.h.i.+rt pocket. Penlight and a color photo. He held the picture in front of Gabray's eyes and s.h.i.+ned the light on it. I stepped behind Gabray and peered over his shoulder.

Same face as in the snapshot the Murtaughs had given me. Below the hairline. Above it, the skull was flattened to something that was incapable of holding a brain. What was left of the hair was a matted red-black cloud. Eggsh.e.l.l-colored skin. A black-red necklace encircled the throat. The eyes were two purple eggplants.

Gabray looked at it, smoked, said, "So?"

"Remember her, Robert?"

"Should I?"

"Her name's Dawn Herbert. She was offed near the Mayan and you told some detectives you saw her with some guy."

Gabray flicked ashes and smiled. "That's what this is about? Yeah, I told them. I guess."

"You guess?"

"It was a long time ago, man."

"Three months."

"That's a long time, man."

Milo moved closer to Gabray and stared down at the smaller man. "You gonna help me on this? Yes or no?" Waving the homicide photo.

"What happened to the other cops? One a them was a beaner, I think."

"They took early retirement."

Gabray laughed. "Where? In Tia Wanna?"

"Talk to me, Robert."

"I don't know nothing."

"You saw her with a guy."


"Did you lie to those poor hardworking detectives, Robert?"

"Me? Never." Smile. "Perish my thoughts."

"Tell me what you told them."

"Didn't they write it down?"

"Tell me anyway."

"It was a long time ago."

"Three months."

"That's long, man."

"Sure is, Robert. Ninety whole days, and think about this: Your record, even a little weed could put you away for two, three times that long. Think of three hundred cold days-that was a lot of gra.s.s in your trunk."

Gabray looked at the photo, turned his head, and smoked.

"It wasn't mine. The weed."

Milo's turn to laugh. "That gonna be your defense?"

Gabray frowned, pinched his cigarette, sucked smoke through it. "You're saying you can help me?"

"Depends on what you come up with."

"I seen her."

"With a guy?"


"Tell me the whole thing, Robert."

"That's it."

"Tell it like a story. Once upon a time."

Gabray snickered. "Yeah, sure. Once upon a time . . . I seen her with a guy. The end."

"In the club?"


"Where outside?"

"Like . . . a block away."

"That the only time you saw her?"

Gabray contemplated. "Maybe I seen her another time, inside."

"Was she a regular?"


Milo sighed and patted the barkeep's shoulder. "Robert, Robert, Robert."

Gabray flinched with each mention of his name. "What?"

"That's not much of a story."

Gabray ground out his cigarette and produced another. He waited for Milo to light it and when that didn't happen, pulled out a book of matches and did it himself.

"I seen her maybe one more time," he said. "That's it. I only worked there a couple of weeks."

"Trouble holding down a job, Robert?"

"I like to move around, man."

"A ramblin' guy."


"Twice in a couple of weeks," said Milo. "Sounds like she enjoyed the place."

"f.u.c.kheads," said Gabray with sudden pa.s.sion. "All a them, rich dumb f.u.c.ks, coming down to play street-life, then running back to Rodeo Drive."

"Dawn Herbert come across as a rich b.i.t.c.h?"

"They're all the same, man."

"Ever talk to her?"

Alarm in the barkeep's eyes. "Nah. Like I said, I only seen her once, maybe twice. That's it. I didn't know her from s.h.i.+t-I had nothing to do with her and nothing to do with that." Pointing at the photo.

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