Soul Savers: Faith Part 11

Soul Savers: Faith -

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"Oh my G.o.d!" I squeaked as I jumped backwards and out of the way.

He remained on all fours as they uncurled from his back, growing and stretching up toward the sky until they reached their full height at least five feet above him, casting a shadow on my face as I stared in awe. Dark, silvery gray feathers that became a s.h.i.+ny black at the shafts glinted in the sunlight as the wings came back down and closed in around his torso.

He jumped to his feet, grabbed the pieces of his ruined s.h.i.+rt and tore it off completely, and then he craned his head to stare over his shoulder.

"What. The. f.u.c.k. Are. THOSE?" he bellowed.

Then he turned in circles, like a puppy chasing its tail. The shock worn off, I doubled over, cackling with laughter.

Not very nice of me, I knew. I'd felt exactly as he had when my wings first appeared and surely looked just as comical, if not worse. But something about seeing my Tristan, whose heart and soul were stronger and more righteous than almost anyone I'd ever met, with wings as dark as mine felt like a huge weight had been lifted. I still didn't know what they meant about us and who or what we were, but at least we were alike.

He stopped turning and glared at me. His wings opened wide, spreading out to the sides, monstrous yet more stunningly beautiful than I'd seen on any Angel in the Otherworld. Although, I liked mine a tad more with their purple coloring, especially now. But even so, I couldn't possibly have looked as breathtaking as he did, standing there with no s.h.i.+rt, his muscles taut, like a powerful, avenging Angel.

My laughter had died with the sight, and I rose to my feet and un-hid my own wings.

"I don't know if they're from the Angels, h.e.l.l, or something in between, but, yeah, I have them, too."

His face softened, and his wings retracted closer to his body as he walked around to investigate mine.

"I thought I saw them in h.e.l.l," he said, his voice filled with awe. "I swore we flew over the lake of fire. But when I woke up and you didn't have them, I figured they'd been a figment of my imagination while down there. Wishful thinking."

"You can hide them, just like Sasha can." I made mine disappear and reappear. He did the same.

Then a huge, lovely grin lit up his face, and he bent his knees and jumped upward.

"Wait!" I called. "It's not that easy ..."

My voice trailed off as I watched him soar over the island, bank his turns, swoop down and back up again, even make loops in the beautiful blue sky as puffy white clouds skimmed high above him. I crossed my arms over my chest and scowled. Well, didn't that figure. It took me hundreds of attempts, crashes, scratches, and bruises, and he just did it naturally. What a jerk.

He made a perfect landing in front of me, the gold in his eyes sparkling beautifully as that sublime smile still covered his entire face. "This is ... incredible."

"I hate you," I muttered, staring at the lines and curves of his bare chest and abs, the beauty of which eradicated any meaning I might have had in the three words. "Do you know how many times I crashed into that stupid pile of rocks?"

"Hmm ... Well, you said we were in the North Pole with wind, snow, and ice, right?" he offered. "That couldn't have been easy to stand in, let alone learn to fly."

I narrowed my eyes, wanting to be mad at him for patronizing me, but I couldn't hold it. He looked sincere. G.o.d, I loved this man so much.

"Yeah, that's it," I agreed, although I was sure I would have crash-landed even on a day as beautiful as this one.

He took my hand. "Come on."

He launched himself in the air, pulling me with him. He had to release my hand when our wings spread out, but we flew side-by-side over the ugly remains and lovely beaches of Amadis Island. Almost the whole island was a grayish-tan color, like the sand, and the few parts that weren't had been blackened from fire. No green gra.s.s or leaves. No more eclectically colored homes the mages had built. Everything just a dull, dead gray.

My heart hurt at the view, but flying with Tristan by my side made it all a little more bearable.

After surveying the island, we neared the council hall, and he pulled himself more upright, and I came up, too. I turned to face him as we hovered in the air.

"How do you feel?" he asked, a sparkle of mischief in his eyes.

My wings beat against the air to keep me upright while my stomach quivered. "Physically? Good, for the most part." I gave him a flirtatious little smile. "There might be a few places that could use a kiss to make them better, though."

His hands lashed out, grabbed my wrists, and yanked me into him so that only a breath of s.p.a.ce remained between us. His eyes smoldered as his palms braced my face, and then he leaned in and captured my mouth with his full, delicious lips. Electricity jolted through me with the light but pa.s.sionate kiss, and I melded against him as we floated thirty feet in the air. I parted my lips, and when his tongue slipped in, I met it with my own. He tasted better than ever, which I hadn't thought possible, and I deepened the kiss, wanting to devour him. Our wings dropped, nearly vertical, and closed around us, my tips brus.h.i.+ng against his feathers and sending a brand new sensation through me that tingled all the way to my core. He must have felt it, too, because the bulge in his leathers instantly grew, pressing against my belly.

His hands slid back, into my hair, gripping and ma.s.saging as he pulled me even closer. My whole body pressed against his, and I ground against his erection as the kiss sent torturous levels of desire through me. Slowly, we lowered to the ground, landing on a big slab of marble, his mouth never leaving mine. With the same thought on our minds, our wings disappeared. His hands glided down my back, his fingers curling into the tips of my hair and pulling, tilting my head back. My lips were suddenly cold, abandoned by his as they traveled over my chin and jaw. His mouth lingered over my throat as his tongue swirled arousal into me, drawing a sigh from me as my hands gripped his thick shoulders.

A warm electrical web spread over my skin as his hands slipped between my leather top and the waistband of my pants. His fingertips slowly caressed the bottoms of my ribs as they moved around to come between us. His mouth had reached my collarbone when his fingers went to the top of my vest, and my b.r.e.a.s.t.s tightened with antic.i.p.ation as he pulled the zipper down, separating the two sides. When they fell apart, his head pulled back, and he frowned. The expression of disdain and repulsion sent a dagger through my heart. I stepped back and yanked the two pieces together.

"I know," I said, tears stinging my eyes. He'd never, ever looked at me that way before. "It's ugly."

Chapter 12.

My muscles tensed when I saw the look on her face, heard the hurt in her words.

I covered her small hands with my large ones and shook my head at her misunderstanding. "It's beautiful. It's part of you. Of all the battles we've been in, you have this one scar that serves as a reminder of what you did for me. Because you love me. You should be proud of it."

Her bottom lip trembled. "It's ugly, Tristan. I saw it on your face."

My eyes snapped up to hers, and the pain in them nearly killed me. How could I make her understand that she was still the most beautiful creature on Earth? In any realm? That it wasn't the scar that sickened me, but the fact that I'd essentially been the one to put it there?

I was glad to have awoken before her, because the fit of rage I'd felt when I saw the injury would have sent her back to the Otherworld if she'd seen it. The guilt had nearly sent me back to h.e.l.l. I'd barely been able to control myself-not all of the destruction in the village had been from Norman bombs and the Daemoni, some had been caused by my own hands-but I forced myself. She had that scar because of my guilt. When I told her last night how I'd asked the Demon to take me to her in the Otherworld, she'd thrown a fit, but I knew without a doubt she'd do the same. She already had-she'd followed me into the darkness when I couldn't break myself free. I wasn't about to risk her life and soul again because of my weakness.

"What I don't like about it," I tried to explain while keeping my voice steady, "is that you wouldn't have it at all if I'd been strong enough."

Her eyebrows pinched together. "But you were, in the end. We made it. Together." She glanced down at the scar, and then lifted her warm, brown eyes back to mine. "If this is a badge of honor, then it's for both of us-showing what we do for each other."

I stared at her for a moment, always amazed at the love she had for me, and then I nodded before lowering myself to my knees. "Like I said. It's beautiful."

My hands pushed hers apart to let the vest fall open, and I pulled the sides over her shoulders. She let it slide down her arms and drop to the ground. Then I leaned in and pressed my lips to the tip of the puckered skin at her shoulder. She smelled like her usual dark chocolate and raspberries and tasted the same, too. I thanked G.o.d for that, because I'd been afraid of what might linger under the skin. When I first saw the wound gaping open when I regained consciousness, I'd tried to heal it, but my best efforts left her like this. I wished I could kiss away the blemish completely as she'd done for me, but the dark magic that had been left behind by the Daemoni didn't compare at all to the h.e.l.lfire that had done this to her.

Because of me.

I continued kissing down the scar, hoping to show her that it was no different to me than any other part of her glorious body. And speaking of glorious-I found myself in the valley between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. My gaze rolled up to look at her. She stared back at me with half-lidded, smoldering eyes, and her lips parted slightly. When I skimmed my mouth to the side, along the softness of her breast, her skin pulled taut and her dark pink nipple hardened. She moaned as my tongue tasted her, and I ached to hear her do it again. My mouth clamped over her breast, sucked it in, and I couldn't get enough of her. When she whimpered, I nearly came undone. She caused a short circuit in my brain, as she always did, and my body acted on its own. Without thought, my hands, mouth, and tongue roamed over her soft skin, tasting every inch of it. Never getting enough.

Her fingers skimmed over my shoulders and upper back, and then her nails dug into my flesh. As I took her other breast into my mouth, her entire body quivered under my touch. I pulled back and blew on her nipple. Her knees gave out from underneath her. I easily caught her in my arms and laid her down on the smooth, marble slab. I lay next to her on my side, propping myself on my forearm, admiring the alluring creature in front of me. I cupped her cheek with my free hand and gazed into her eyes, full of desire, and then her perfect lips. Her tongue darted out, and I couldn't control myself. My mouth crashed down on hers.

Her lips parted. Her tongue delved into my mouth. My hands explored again as hers reached around my neck and pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. She twisted up so her b.r.e.a.s.t.s pressed against my chest, and she hitched her leg over my hip. Her pelvis ground against my erection. I grabbed her a.s.s, pulling her tighter as we moaned into each other's mouths.

"I need you, Tristan." Her voice came thick and husky with desire.

Her hands slid over my chest and abs to the b.u.t.ton of my pants. She had it undone in a second, and while I kicked off my boots, she slipped her hands under the waistband, pus.h.i.+ng my clothes off and freeing me. I about lost it with the look she gave me. I'd had to move and s.h.i.+ft to remove my pants, so now I rose up and straddled over her. Her eyes widened at the view in front of her before making their way up my body to my face while her hands encircled me. My eyes dropped closed as I tried to think of something horrible before I lost myself completely.

"You're so beautiful," she said as she stroked, and my eyes popped open.

"I think that's my line," I murmured as my hands grasped hers to pull them away and my gaze roamed over her half-naked body. "But you're entirely too clothed."

I reached behind me and removed her boots while she unb.u.t.toned her leather pants. Before she could slide them off, I grabbed the waistband and yanked them down. She lifted her b.u.t.t to pull them off, her hips raising to nearly my eye level. My throat went dry. Her pelvis dropped, but then her legs fell open. My mind blanked out. After shoving her pants out of the way, the only thought that remained was how much I needed to taste her. My tongue slid over my bottom lip in antic.i.p.ation.

"Make love to me, Tristan," she whispered. After a heartbeat or five, my eyes reluctantly flicked up to hers, but then back down. I couldn't help it. I had to touch. To taste. My mouth already watered for her. My hands slipped between her thighs and pressed them further outward. I lowered my head. "No, make love to me. I need you."

Not happening. I glanced up at her, wanting to beg but forcing my voice to take command. "Just a taste. I need to taste you."

Before she could argue, I dipped my head down and swiped my tongue over her. I knew full well that would shut her up, and she'd let me have my way. As expected, her pelvis thrust against me, and she let out a cry. Her reaction sent a thrill of excitement through me, and I had no choice but to give her more. I licked and lingered, my tongue pressing and twisting, lapping and tasting her in every way possible. And she tasted so d.a.m.n good. Dark chocolate and raspberries sprinkled with honey.

I glanced up at her, watched as her chest heaved and the perfect globes of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bounced while my mouth continued to ravage her. My beautiful, brave, warrior wife mewled like a kitten as she bucked against my face. Her hands clasped onto my head, her fingers curled into my hair, and her nails sc.r.a.ped my scalp as she pulled me closer. My need for her skyrocketed, but first I'd make her scream, and then make her beg. My thumbs rubbed circles into her upper thighs and the soft flesh between them as I devoured her until she shouted my name with breathless cries. I loved seeing her lose herself like this, knowing that I brought her to these heights of ecstasy. It made me so rock-hard, I was about to explode.

My mouth moved upward, over her pelvis and trembling stomach, kissing my way back up to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Our eyes locked as my tongue swirled around her lengthened nipple, then I pulled up to appraise her entirely. This girl. This woman. Her soft curves, her luscious skin, the mischievous spark in her eyes as she panted for me ... perfection in one tiny package. Every time I looked at her like this, I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach, but in a good way. The kind of breathtaking blow I'd crave the rest of my days.

"Please," she panted.

s.h.i.+t. That one little word nearly ended me. But slowly, trying to maintain control, I rose and settled between her legs. I gave her a smirk, even while I ached and throbbed against her.

"Now I'll make love to you." My hands circled her legs behind her knees and spread them as I lifted her hips off the slab. My entire body tensed up with antic.i.p.ation as I slowly slid just an inch inside her. "Unless you want more."

My gaze held hers, and her brown eyes widened. She nodded. I pulled out, and this time, I thrust hard and deep into her, all the way in, sending a ripple up through my body. I couldn't stifle the groan.

"Yes," she said. "More."

I could deny neither of us any longer. I pumped into her, again and again, my eyes focused on her swollen, red lips as my mind gave over to the physical sensations. She felt so good. So tight. So perfect. My hand left her thigh for her swaying breast, and I kneaded and pinched it as I stroked in and out, harder and faster, her hips bucking up to meet me every time.

"Yes, Tristan," she begged. "Harder."

My eyes fell closed, and I groaned as I gathered her into my arms, plunging deep and relentlessly. Her mind opened and sucked mine in as she shared the intensity of her pleasure with me and I shared mine with her. It was an experience like none other, something only the two of us could ever share. Indescribable. Not needing to be described. Pure, unadulterated ecstasy as our hearts, souls, and bodies unified. I pounded until we exploded into oblivion together. Soared into another time and s.p.a.ce. Shouted each other's names and gasped for air in our aching lungs.

Floated weightlessly on a shared high before slowly drifting back down.

"I love you, my beautiful, s.e.xy Lexi." I heard myself speaking before my brain could even function, my mouth spewing words that came from somewhere deep-from my soul. She sighed as I dropped kisses all over her face as I laid her down on the slab. I lay next to her, the smooth marble cool against my flaming skin.

Our rest didn't last long because my fingers couldn't stop touching her, wouldn't stop trailing up and down her bare back, and her lips wouldn't stay off my face. A thought occurred to me, and I revealed my wings, brus.h.i.+ng the tips over her legs. She gasped and her eyes lit up, but what she felt couldn't compare to what I felt on this end. The tips of the feathers that could become as solid and unbreakable as a t.i.tanium s.h.i.+eld, according to her, had the most sensitive nerve endings at the moment that ran all the way to my center. My eyes widened, and her brows lifted at my reaction, then her wings came out, too. With a smile, I wrapped my arms around her and lifted us in the air. She cupped my face while devouring me in a kiss. Our legs entangled as we hovered twenty feet above the ground, and then her wings disappeared so mine could wrap around us, enclosing us in our own world.

We may have looked like Angels at first glance, but the way we made love next was borderline sinful.

Later, we lay side-by-side on the marble slab with exhausted bodies and pounding hearts. I turned my head to look at her.

"Merry Christmas," I said. "I gave you some of me. That fits the rules, right?"

She laughed, but then her head rolled toward me, her brows scrunched. "Wait. Christmas?"

I looked back up at the dark blue of the sky as the sun hung over our toes, about to set over the water. "Based on how the sun crossed the sky and where it's setting now, I'd say it's late fall or early winter. Around Christmas, maybe Thanksgiving, but definitely not New Year's."

She didn't reply at first, seeming to take this in. "You can determine that so easily?"

"Mmm ... I've spent enough time on this island-on this world-to make an educated guess."

"Wow," she said after another moment, and I smiled at her ceaseless wonder. "So we lost over a month, maybe two in the Otherworld?"

My smile faded. "I'm afraid so."

"Huh." She huffed out a breath. "I honestly thought it was longer. It sure felt like an eternity."

I took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Yes, it did, my love. I'd rather not do it again."

We lay in comfortable silence as the air began to chill our naked bodies with the setting sun. With a moan, I pushed myself to sit up.

"Up until a few hours ago, I thought my strength had fully returned, and we could go," she said as she still lay on her back. "I'm not so sure now."

I chuckled. "You've sapped my strength, too. Another day of rest, and then we take back the world."

As expected, she didn't respond. My girl, who had always had trust issues but had still managed to hold on to a childlike wonder as well as her spiritual beliefs, had become a jaded cynic. She'd lost her belief in pretty much everything important. I had to figure out how to bring her back before I lost her forever.

As we pulled our clothes on, she leaned over and studied the edge of the marble slab and started laughing. I c.o.c.ked a brow.

"We made love on the council table!" She continued chortling, and I couldn't help but laugh with her. "I wonder what those uppity council members who tried to oust us would think of that."

"Maybe what he does." I nodded toward a mound of broken marble where the stairs to the council hall had once been.

One of the statues of the warrior angels that had hung in the main room lay there-part of its wing and head, anyway. But rather than the fierce expression they always held, this one, with chunks of its jaw and forehead missing, seemed to be staring at us with a lifted brow and a small, knowing smile on its face.

Alexis returned its expression with a frown. Then she threw a bolt of electricity at it, effectively shattering the marble into small pieces.

Nice, I thought with a silent sigh. With an att.i.tude like that, we were in more trouble than I realized. But I vowed to restore her heart and soul, no matter what it took.

Chapter 13.

I sat upright in the dark, a gasp in my throat. "Dorian."

I'd been dreaming about him, but only bits and pieces came to me now. Dorian as a baby, always grabbing at my necklace. Then Dorian flying away from the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. And then Dorian in h.e.l.l, Lucas by his side, in the luxurious parlor with the dark blue curtains and thick carpet. Satan's beastly form sat in the chair by the fire, his animal-like legs crossed and his black-nailed fingers lifting a cigar to his mouth, only it wasn't a cigar but a baby's arm. Dorian took a knee in front of him and bowed.

Although I knew now that such a scene would only happen if Dorian chose it-and my sweet boy would never do such a thing-I couldn't shake the terror blanketing me.

"It's time to go," I told Tristan, who'd sat up next to me.

"You're ready." And it wasn't a question.

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