Tiopa Ki Lakota Part 29

Tiopa Ki Lakota -

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"Ohan, Anpo?" Wanbli turned to his cunksi and saw the familiar frown of thought on her face.

"How do you pleasure a winyan?"

The old warrior blinked. "You do not know?" he asked in vague surprise.

Anpo shook her head. "Among Ketlin's people, it is not spoken of. She would not tell me what was good and what was not. It shamed her to speak of it and I would not cause her pain." She shrugged her shoulders with a sigh. "I do not have a ce , ate. I cannot do what other wicasa do."

Thoughtful, Wanbli studied the back of his horse's ears. Beside him, his youngest child kept silent as she waited for his wisdom. "Have you ever pleasured yourself, Anpo?"

"Ohan, ate."

He nodded and warmed to his topic. "Then you know some of what winyan like."

They spoke for quite some time.

It had taken a very short while for Kathleen to fall back into the pattern of Lakota life. Despite the many similarities between the two cultures when it came to women's work, the blonde found the native lifestyle less stressful. Maybe it's the many other hands to help, she mused, thinking of how the women all worked together towards a common goal. Far different than homesteadin', la.s.s. There ye be, all alone except yer immediate family.

She'd taken even less time to reacquaint herself with her ti ikceya and its household items. It was a sign of how well Anpo had been taken care of, the warrior's ina and cuwe keeping the usual tools of a woman's trade in good condition, dry food stored, cooking herbs available, old and worn items replaced.

Kathleen was going through some baskets on the right side of the lodge, seated in her place near the central firepit. With some surprise, she'd even uncovered one that had held pieces of leather and feathers for a project she'd been working on before leaving to visit her parents. She fingered the quills of a crow, trying to recall what she'd planned for it.

Outside, Stewart sat at the firepit, trying to get used to the loincloth he had been put into by Anpo and Wanbli. The hair on his pale legs tickled from the breeze and he was constantly rubbing his s.h.i.+ns to relieve the itch. There'd been a while where he couldn't quite get comfortable, not wanting to show off his wares to the pa.s.sing young women who giggled and pointed at him. He paused in the sharpening of his knife to twitch the leather and readjust his seat. It's positively indecent! he griped. Mum'd have a conniption if she saw me now! In contrast to his sun deprived legs, his chest and arms were tan from many years of farm work in hot fields. His longish hair had been pulled back into a tail and tied with rawhide.

Apparently the Lakota were gearing up for a major celebration, the Sun Dance. The summer camp was vast with hundreds of lodges throughout and a central cleared area that was almost as large as the east field at home. Within the next couple of days, the shamans were to be finished with their vision quests and the celebration would begin. Stewart was looking forward to it, despite the horrid descriptions his sister had told him. Should be interesting to see how they wors.h.i.+p their G.o.ds.

A shadow fell across him as he worked the sharpening stone. Looking up at the silhouette, he peered at the dark figure until he could make out the features. "Anpo!" he said with delight, setting the blade down. "Han! Sit at my fire!"

The warrior would not answer, shaking her head no.

Puzzled, Stewart put his hand over his eyes to see better. His eyes widened.

Anpo was dressed head to toe in her leathers and leggings, despite the heat of summer. Her hair was loose about her shoulders and two lightning bolts of red and yellow were on her cheeks. To top it off, she wore a large white robe.

The white man blinked. Movement caught his eye and he looked around to see others of the camp gathering to watch. Still confused, Stewart turned to the warrior who had moved away and was now stomping back and forth. "Uh.... Kath....? I think you'd better get out here," the young man called.

Hearing her name, Kathleen set the basket she was looking through to one side. At the tiopa, she lifted the leather cover aside, mouth open to ask what her brother wanted. Her mouth remained open as she stared in shock at Anpo, pacing back and forth as if angered. Oh, my G.o.d.... Is this what I think it is...?


The blonde tore her gaze from the warrior and looked at Stewart. She almost laughed at the look of bewilderment and worry on his face. Biting her lip, Kathleen smothered her mirth. "Do not worry, Stew," she murmured as she stepped from the ti ikceya. "Ease your heart and remain still. Everything is fine."

With a reluctant nod, Stewart agreed. He kept a wary eye on the agitated native, however, glad that his nephew was off visiting Hca.

Kathleen saw others of Wagna's camp as they appeared out of nowhere in support of the warrior before her. She reddened at the attention but stood tall, her head held up as the courts.h.i.+p dance continued.

Anpo's dark eyes glittered in happiness though her face was stoic. She paced back and forth in mock anger, 'hunting' her prey as she moved closer and closer to the winyan standing before her lodge. The warrior could feel the strength from her people as they stood witness and it filled her heart with pride.

With a sudden move, the dark woman was on her prey, long arms wrapping about the smaller form. Kathleen put up a struggle, trying to free herself despite the overwhelming urge to melt into Anpo's grasp.

The speed of the attack startled Stewart and he jumped to his feet, the knife held in a white knuckled fist.

"Stu'et, hiya ," came a voice to his left.

Shaken, the young man turned to find Hca smiling at him. She held Teca by the hand, her own son on her hip, and they were smiling at him. "But.... But, Anpo's...." he stuttered as he gestured to his right with the knife.

"It is what our wicasa do when they choose a winyan, a winuhca." Hca released Teca and held out her hand. "All will be well, Stu'et. Anpo will not harm Ketlin."

Stewart swallowed and turned back to the couple. He chewed his lip, fl.u.s.tered, as he saw his sister wrapped in a calm embrace with her warrior. The man frowned and scratched at his neck, mind awhirl as the white buffalo robe engulfed them both.

"Do not look at them now, Stu'et," Hca instructed. "This is a moment of privacy for them. Sit. I will get you and Teca something to eat."

The white man looked away and blew out a breath. "I'll never understand all these customs," he muttered in English. He sat beside his nephew who was peeking around Stewart at his parents with a wide smile. "Least she coulda done was warn me!"

Kathleen closed her eyes, a wave of emotion rolling over her. She felt relaxed, satisfied, hopeful and nostalgic all at once. She inhaled deeply of Anpo's scent, laying her head against the strong chest. The familiar arms wrapped about her and, though she began to perspire from being covered in a heavy robe, the blonde didn't want to be anywhere else. Beneath her ear, she heard the thump of Anpo's heart and the rumble of her low voice as she began to speak. That's right! She's to tell me an old tale!

When the blonde had stopped her struggles and relaxed into the embrace, Anpo let out a soft sigh. She cuddled the smaller woman closer and wrapped them both with the robe of tatanka ska , their legacy.

Up to this point, Anpo'd had no idea what she was to say to Kathleen. Her ate had told her she would simply know when the time came. The young warrior had accepted that. Leaning her cheek against the yellow hair, Anpo began to speak.

"Many winters ago, a warrior's winuhca bore his third child. Despite his desire for a cinksi to teach and take care of him in his old age, a girl was born. But the shaman had a vision when he held the newborn. He heard the scream of the igmu in all her mystery as the child cried out for life. It was decided that the cunksi would be raised as a hoksila , taught by the warrior to hunt and fight though they were not the traditional ways of a woman.

"The child grew strong over the winters. She learned the ways of wicasa , developing great skill in all areas of men's work. When she was about eleven winters old, she had to begin wearing a s.h.i.+rt because her body was growing into a wikoskalaka. As she reached twelve winters, the bleeding time began for her and she was taught the ways of women in this matter. It was a confusing time, her lifelong teachings at war with her body's changes.

"As is usual for the wicincala of the Lakota, the cunksi took her first bleeding and found a tree. There, she climbed as high as she could and placed the bundle into the branches. Then, she sat at the base of the tree and asked the spirits for a vision. All day she sat there, looking down at summer camp, feeling confused and lonely. No vision came to her."

Kathleen's heart reached out at the sense of hopelessness that s.h.i.+mmered off the warrior holding her. She hugged Anpo closer, eyes closed as she envisioned the solitary figure under a tree.

"The wicincala, her vision denied, thought that she had gone about things the wrong way. She might be wikoskalaka , but she was raised as koskalaka. The only way to get a vision was to do what her ate and his ate had done. With some fear, she braved the fire of the shaman and asked to be guided in this manner. After some thought and questioning, the wise wicasa agreed to teach her the way of the vision quest.

"Happy, she went to the oinikaga tipi after much preparation and cleansed her body and spirit for the vision quest. Then, dressed in a loincloth, moccasins and a robe, she left the summer camp in search of a likely place. Several hours of travel pa.s.sed before she found a hill that felt right and the wicincala began more preparations. She cleared an area of all living things and entered it, placing the spirit banners given her by the shaman at each corner. She began a small fire and burnt sweet smelling herbs to entice the spirits. She smoked a pipe in honor of the spirits, offering it to the four directions as she waited for her vision."

The blonde could almost feel the confidence rolling off Anpo, knowing deep down inside that the warrior had had no doubt she'd be granted a vision by the spirits. The story intrigued her. Kathleen had known for years that there had been a pretty serious vision in Anpo's past, but she'd never been told what it was, always a.s.suming it was a personal, private thing and not to be shared. That the warrior was telling her now was a great gift, and the blonde's heart thumped in happiness that it was being given to her.

"For three days the sun rose and set as the wicincala prayed to the spirits, asking for a vision. Three days of no food or water, little sleep, all alone. It was a difficult time. The wicincala knew if she did not have a vision soon, she would have to return to camp without one or die there on the hill. She was facing east as the sun rose when it happened.

"The Sun seemed to flare into a brilliant white light. She had to squint to peer at it, one hand raised to shade her eyes. As the light faded, she could see a cloud of dust rising and feel the ground beneath her shake at the stampeding of a thousand buffalo. They were running towards her, led by the most sacred animal of all, tatanka ska.

"Watching in dazed awe, she saw a warrior woman swoop in from the south, screaming her cry as she attacked the white buffalo with a spear. The warrior's. .h.i.t was solid and tatanka ska was mortally wounded. It seemed that the remainder of the herd simply disappeared, as did the warrior woman. The white buffalo staggered closer to the wicincala, blood pouring from its side and its nostrils flaring wide as it panted for breath. It fell just outside the cleared area and looked so real that she could almost touch it. The Sun flared again, and she lost the image, covering her eyes with her arm. The light faded and she looked again, only to find tatanka ska gone."

Anpo paused in her narration, drawing in a deep, steadying breath. The woman in her arms was tense with curiosity, having s.h.i.+fted her stance to peer up at the warrior with intent dark blue eyes.

"Someone was in tatanka ska's place, a strange woman with pale skin. Her hair was long, longer than the wicincala's, and a yellow the color of the Sun itself. Her eyes were the blue of a deep lake, still and clear. She was wearing the cuwignaka and moccasins, her hair flowing freely in the breeze."

Kathleen's mouth had dropped open in shock. She saw me in her vision...!? When she was... only twelve!!? Her mind kicked into gear. I was only fourteen! We'd just settled into the cabin on the river! Hearing Anpo's voice continue, she forced herself to pay attention, thoughts whirling about in her head.

"This strange apparition rose from where tatanka ska had been, blood pouring from her side where he had been wounded. She walked closer to the wicincala staring at her in wonder. And then the woman put a hand to her wound, b.l.o.o.d.ying her fingers. She reached forward and brushed the blood onto the wicincala's face, two thunderbolts beneath her eyes. As the Sun flared again, the wicincala could see those brilliant blue eyes staring at her and hear the words whispered into her ear."

Anpo dropped her head, bringing her lips closer to the blonde's ear. She whispered the words from her vision. "Mahasanni ki."

Kathleen nearly swooned at the words, her arms tightening about the warrior's waist. "Oh, Anpo," she whispered, full of disbelief, desire and wistfulness. The arms holding her s.h.i.+fted and she felt a finger on her lips. The blonde looked up into a smiling face.

"The wicincala returned to camp, singing a song of her vision to all that would hear. She was happy the spirits had gifted her but unsure of its meaning. When she came upon the shaman, she sat and smoked with him, telling him what had happened. With his help, she was able to understand some of the vision - that tatanka ska was to point the way to this strange woman, that she would meet this woman in the future, that she would be loved by this woman very much." Anpo closed her eyes in pain. "That she would hurt this woman though she would be loved despite the pain she caused."

"I love you, Anpo, with all my heart."

The warrior pulled on a blonde braid with affection and continued her tale. "The shaman changed her name to reflect the vision that day. She was no longer known as Cinksi. Her name forever after became Wi Ile Anpo, the sun burning at dawn. And she continued on as a wikoskalaka in her camp, doing what the koskalaka did.

"Four winters pa.s.sed. The vision would return to her in her dreams, sometimes when she was awake. The shaman told her that this strange woman was very powerful to be so strong for so long. Many do not remember their visions with such clarity as time, but hers remained strong and real. It was decided that maybe this strange woman was a spirit that would be revealed to the wikoskalaka when the time was right.

"And then I saw you," the warrior said, changing the point of view of her tale. She brushed her knuckles against the soft skin of Kathleen's face. "And you were real, not a spirit. I knew I had to have you, that you were mine forever. When I killed tatanka ska and Hehake challenged me, I wagered a pony against you. He did not know of the vision and I felt if it was meant to be as it was shown me, it was the only thing to do.

"I had spent many winters worrying about hurting the strange woman of my vision. I then spent more winters worrying about hurting you, Ketlin, my mahasanni ki. My vision never left me - it stayed with me when I was asleep or awake, haunting me with its puzzle. When we left to see the white traders, it changed. Teca would appear beside you and the two of you would walk away into the light without me." Anpo could feel the lump in her throat and she swallowed around it. "I did not know what to do. My ate and Inyan were far away. I could not talk to them...."

The blonde reached up a hand to caress her warrior's cheek. "Shhh, Anpo. I understand. Let me finish your story." When she received a hesitant nod, Kathleen smiled, staring into dark eyes. "Teca almost died and I became hysterical, demanding to have my family see him. You gave up your people and support to bring me to my parents' lodge so that your cinksi could meet his family. I was confused, unable to speak to my family about us, about our joining. I let my ate and ina make my decision for me, allowed them to put you in the barn for the night, followed their command to sleep in the lodge. I left you alone with your vision and your fears."

Anpo nodded silently, tears beginning to well up in eyes that watched intently.

"So your vision became true - Teca and I left you. You hurt me, though I loved you afterwards." There was another nod and Kathleen gazed up at her warrior. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "But we are here now. And I am healing." She pulled Anpo's head down, closing her eyes with a sigh as their lips met for the first time in over two years.

An immediate fire erupted in Anpo's belly and she explored the familiar territory with her tongue, holding the blonde close. She could feel the rapid heartbeat of her woman beneath her skin, the staccato matching her own heart as it thumped wildly. Hands twined in her hair and the two were alone in their love.

Over the next several days, Stewart received an in depth education in Lakota ceremonies and mating rituals. There were four days of preparation for the Sun Dance with plenty of singing, chanting and dancing. They were followed by three more days of the same, though these were located inside the giant ti ikceya erected in the center of camp. The white man wasn't sure which was worse - the men disfiguring themselves or Anpo holding Teca so the boy could get a clear view of the proceedings.

This was the first Sun Dance that Teca could remember. When the new babies received their ear piercings, he fingered one of his lobes in vague memory. He enjoyed the games and singing, spending quite a bit of his time reacquainting himself with his inanup. His eyes wide as he watched the Dance itself, Anpo's whisper in his ear explaining what was going on. By the end of the ceremony, however, the boy was whooping and cheering with the rest of his people as they honored the warriors.

Kathleen found herself enjoying a strange level of giddiness she'd never experienced. Her time with Anpo was markedly different than before. When she'd first become Anpo's woman, it was her responsibility to take care of the warrior, to fix and serve her food, to keep her clothed in a manner that befitted her status in the camp.

Now, however, it was so different. She would wake to find small gifts of flowers, food or adornments in her place at Stewart's fire. The warrior ate most meals at the fire, getting to know the white man and entertaining all of them with stories. After Teca would be put to bed, Anpo would return and sit just outside the firelight, playing a Lakota flute and drawing the blonde out into the darkness.

A sweet grin crossed Kathleen's lips as she heard her warrior's flute. She glanced at her brother to find a matching smile on his own face.

"Go, Kath," Stewart said in a low voice. "I'll get Teca to bed tonight."

The blonde's smile widened and she scampered off, feeling very much like a child given a reprieve from an onerous ch.o.r.e. Following the sound of the music, she found Anpo seated on a blanket in a dark pocket between lodges. With practiced ease, Kathleen settled down, leaning into her warrior as the tune finished.

Anpo smiled at the blonde as she set the flute aside. She reached out and pulled Kathleen into her lap, holding her close and inhaling deeply of her scent. "I have missed you, mahasanni ki."

"You just saw me a short time ago at our meal, my warrior," was the chuckled response. "You had seconds and thirds, too."

"It was a long time ago!" the warrior insisted, stealing a kiss. "And I am only hungry for you."

Kathleen felt a s.h.i.+ver rush down her spine. Warm lips caressed her face and she closed her eyes. Her mouth opened slightly in invitation as they were brushed in turn. There was a familiar twist in her stomach as the dark woman delved inside with a tongue. The heat of summer was nothing compared to the flames that burst from within as the kisses became ravenous.

With some surprise, Kathleen broke off from the breathless intensity to find herself in a wanton position. She had been turned in Anpo's arms, her cuwignaka hiked up to her upper thighs and her legs wrapped firmly about the warrior's torso. Blus.h.i.+ng in surprise and embarra.s.sment, the blonde began to cringe away.

Strong hands held her close, refusing to let her go. "Hiya, Ketlin. Stay." The hands moved on her back and shoulders, ma.s.saging the suddenly tense muscles there. "I know that you have been hurt in the past by the wicasa who captured you. I know that your people do not speak of this or act in this manner." Anpo peered into dark blue eyes. "But, you must know that I will not hurt you. And I will pleasure you in our joining bed. I have let this fear rule over us too long. We must be free of it."

Kathleen could only blink and pant in response, her heart beating triple time as she tried to catch her breath. Her body was on fire and the hooded brown eyes looking deeply into her soul didn't help, serving only to fan the flames of desire. Trembling, she pulled Anpo close into an embrace, gathering strength from the long arms that surrounded her, protected her.

After a time, the low voice said, "Tomorrow, my ate and Nupa will speak with Stu'et about your price. They will negotiate with your misun and then we will have a joining ceremony."

The blonde nodded her head against the shoulder she leaned on. "I will tell Stewart." Hands continued to rub her back and Kathleen relaxed, drifting along.

Anpo smiled as she felt the weight of her woman against her, trusting the warrior to keep her safe from harm. "Mahasanni ki," she breathed.

As was foretold, Nupa and Wanbli arrived at the white man's fire a short time after the morning meal. They were followed by a trail of hoksila who were interested in the proceedings and Stewart felt almost a circus like atmosphere coming from the children. Teca responded to their excitement by hopping about the fire, unable to be still. With proper hospitality, the blond man asked the wicasa to sit at his fire, giving Wanbli the honored seat to his left.

Kathleen served the men some tea and frybread, being careful to not look at Wanbli Zi. To her surprise, Inyan Ceye appeared and awaited an invitation.

Puzzled, Stewart asked the old shaman to sit with them and gestured for his sister to bring food and tea for their new guest. When the elder settled down on his right, the white man frowned in thought.

Her own eyebrows at their zenith, Kathleen gave the shaman some frybread and tea, receiving a smile in thanks.

The men then had the traditional pipe, smoking in silence as they all reflected on why they were there. When it was finished, they looked to the elder, Inyan, to begin.

"I adopt Ketlin as my child, my cunksi . She has had a vision that is very disastrous for our people. Her return and telling of it may mean that we will survive the coming winter." Aged eyes looked about the circle of wicasa, finally settling on the woman in question. A smile crossed his face at her shock. "I have no children and I am getting old. You are young and strong, yet have no Lakota man to speak for you in this matter." He patted Stewart's bare knee with a wry grin. "You have done well, wicasa ska , but you are not Lakota," he said.

The blond man only nodded in agreement, feeling a bit relieved that the burden of these unfamiliar situations would be lifted from him.

Inyan returned his gaze to the young woman expectantly.

Kathleen swallowed, her heart soaring with fondness for the old man. Her face creased in a soft smile, she went to the shaman and hugged him. "Thank you, ate," she whispered into his ear.

The embrace was returned. "Thank you, cunksi," Inyan responded. He pulled back and peered into his daughter's face. "You must go now. This is men's work."

Nodding, the blonde paused only long enough to give her brother and son a hug, as well. She then left in search of Anpo.

The negotiations continued in earnest for quite some time. The worth of Kathleen, fairly high on the overall scale of Lakota society already, nearly doubled now that she was the daughter of the shaman. Inyan and Wanbli did the primary d.i.c.kering, with Nupa putting in his opinions here and there. Stewart remained silent for most of it, watching the proceedings with avid interest. Soon a price was agreed upon and the men of Anpo's family took their leave.

Stewart offered more tea to the shaman who had remained behind. "Thank you very much, wicahcala ," he said. "I would have made a mistake if I were alone."

"I know," Inyan replied with a chuckle. He pulled out his pipe and loaded the bowl. "And though both Nupa and Wanbli care for Ketlin, they would not have offered as much without me. And she deserves it."

"Ohan, she does," the white man murmured. He stared at the fire for a few moments. "What you said about her vision.... Was it a vision?"

The elder nodded, a cloud of smoke drifting from his mouth. "Ohan, it is. She sees a very bad winter coming. I have sought visions on this and found it is true." He handed the pipe to Stewart. "I do not know why the other shamans and I were not given this vision, why we were not told to prepare our people for the coming bad times. Maybe it was the spirits' way of bringing Ketlin back to us."

Stewart nodded in thought. "Maybe it was."

The joining day dawned bright and warm. Left pretty much on their own, several wicasa of Wagna's camp spent their day speaking with their relatives and acquaintances from other camps that were preparing to leave. Others proceeded to go hunting and fis.h.i.+ng, anything to get them out of the encampment for a bit. Many of the elders surrounded the council fire and discussed the coming worries of a harsh winter. Finding enough food and robes would be the primary goal for the remainder of the season.

Kathleen was surrounded by a flurry of activity that surprised her. When she'd joined with Anpo before, the only winyan that prepared her were Gi and Hca. This time, however, she was a full Lakota woman with all the rights and benefits that incurred. It seemed that every woman from the entire summer camp had dropped by her ti ikceya to help with the preparations or give gifts. Stewart fled long ago, keeping company with Wanbli at the council fire.

Alone on a hillock overlooking summer camp, Anpo sat and watched her people. The melancholy that once held her had disappeared since the blonde woman's return, yet the need for solitude had remained. A small smile crossed her face as she saw the telltale yellow hair as a group of winyan herded her betrothed towards the river to bathe. She debated briefly about following along to watch but decided against it. I will have her all to myself soon, the warrior thought as the group of women disappeared around a bend of the river.

The morning progressed well. As the sun rose to its zenith, Kathleen found herself finally standing alone in her lodge. She was wearing a new cuwignaka that was decorated with paint and quills of green and yellow. Her hair had been combed with animal fat until it glistened and put into braids that were wrapped in otter fur. The ti ikceya was clean and stocked with all the gifts the women had brought along. Outside at the fire, a haunch of deer was roasting and nearly ready. Teca was with his tunwin for the day.

Despite the fact she'd done this before, the blonde felt b.u.t.terflies in her stomach as she paced her lodge, brus.h.i.+ng at imaginary dirt on her dress. Kathleen was almost breathless in antic.i.p.ation, forcing herself to inhale deeply to get enough air. There was a knock at the entrance and her heart leapt into her chest.

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About Tiopa Ki Lakota Part 29 novel

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