Blur: A Sports Romance Part 13

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Our family and friends sent out a joyous ruckus when we finally managed to arrive. I swung Mallory into my arms, and we danced our first dance as husband and wife in front of everyone until the music changed pace and couples filed out onto the dance floor to get groovy with one another. Leslie laughed and turned wide circles, being guided around the floor by Emmet. I had never seen him so content and happy, even though she refused on a daily basis to become a platinum-haired lady. My parents each took a turn dancing with Mallory, and I, as well as Mr. Alika, turned Mallory around in slow circles, as if she were truly his daughter. Robbie took his job seriously as our videographer and made certain he got everyone on camera, dancing, laughing, and sending us well-wishes.

With smiles on our faces and our feet ready for a rest we managed to make our way to the head table. I pulled out Mallorys chair and made sure she was comfortable before I sat down beside her. She looked positively radiant.

Is this from you? she asked, holding out a silver-wrapped gift box that had been set on her place setting. What have you gone and done?

I was as surprised by the gift as she was. I wondered what it was and who it was from. Darling, that isnt from me.

She gave me a quizzical look.

I shrugged. I guess youll need to open it. I was as anxious as she was to see what the mystery gift box held. Mallory tore off the small white envelope and pulled a silver card free of its pocket. I read the scribbled script over her shoulder.

Always watching over you, it read.

My heart skipped a beat. My eyes went around the room looking for unfamiliar faces, or uninvited familiar ones. I could see the words set Mallory on edge as well. Her fingers trembled as she gently tore back on the taped flap at the side of the box. Maybe this was a bad idea to do right here in clear view of our guests. I placed my hand on top of hers to halt her progress.

Maybe we should wait.

Its be okay Adrian. No one can harm us today, not ever, as long as we are together.

I trusted her instinct and lifted my hand away. She pulled the gift wrapping off the box and lifted the lid. Lying in a bed of white wrapping tissue was an antique silver frame. She pulled it free of its packaging, and I saw the tears begin to spill over the rims of her eyes. I looked at the frame. Behind the gla.s.s it held a photograph. An image of my wife at perhaps fifteen, sitting in front of two adults, and behind them a young Giovanni, his hands on their shoulders, grinning from ear to ear and looking very much like his younger sister, reflected back at me. I knew instantly that these two adults were their parents. Whoever sent this gift was making sure Mallory knew her family was with her. Could it have been Giovanni? I scanned the room again looking for a tall man with brown hair, blue eyes, and a leather jacket. He was nowhere to be seen.

Mallory set the framed photograph up on the table by the center piece. Her day, our day, was complete.


Sweet giggles could be heard through the open kitchen window, and I couldnt resist looking out and watching as Rose ran after her father, trying desperately to tackle him to the ground. Her little three year old feet stumbled on the uneven ground as the child-sized Mavericks helmet slipped forward and blinded her green eyes. Adrian scooped her up in one arm and cradled the football in the other, spinning them all together in dizzying circles.

Adrian, youre going to make her throw up! I hollered out the window above the sink. Rose laughed, and the sound of it was music to my ears. She was our miracle baby. It had taken four years of trying, with tests, drugs and numerous doctor appointments to finally conceive our daughter, and two years after her birth, with no aid at all, we were blessed with our son, Alex. I held him in my arms and kissed his tiny face. Are you two going to play all day or come in for lunch?

Momma momma, I winned! Roses little sing song voice came through the screen of the sliding gla.s.s door before her body arrived. Adrian came in behind her.

You sure did, pumpkin. He tousled her pigtails. Look, Mom has lunch all ready for us, your favorite, peanut b.u.t.ter and marshmallow. He pulled a face as he lifted her into her booster seat at the dining room table. I hope Mom made me something different. He smirked at me.

I handed the baby over to him and went to get his sandwich. You know, I used to date this guy who was an amazing cook. He would make me omelets and bacon every week, I teased.

You should have married him. Adrian called out after me.

I set his plate down, took Alex from his arms, and kissed him on tenderly on the cheek. I did.

Adrian used his free hand to smack my bottom. Smarta.s.s.

Rose watched us, giggling with amus.e.m.e.nt as she nibbled on her lunch while I looked at my happy little family. We had come a long way in seven very happy years. We still lived in my parents house, but with several improvements. We had added a dining room, a back deck, and fenced-in yard and a second story for the extra bedrooms. Adrian had played football for a few years more, and when Rose was born, he retired, leaving us more than well-off. Now that we had our two children, he tossed around the idea of becoming an a.s.sistant coach, but we hadnt finalized that decision. I occasionally stepped in at Pus.h.i.+ng Daisies when Robbie needed a helping hand. He had taken over for Mr. Alika a few years ago, after his second heart attack. Now Mr. Alika tended to his own personal home gardens and visited the shop for nostalgia more than for work.

I rocked Alex in my arms and talked silliness with Rose while she and Adrian finished up their lunch. I was about to get Rose a cookie when there was a knock on our front door.

You expecting someone? Adrian asked.

Nope, are you?

He shook his head. Want me to get it?

No, finish lunch with your daughter. I got up and walked with Alex through the living room to the front door. h.e.l.lo, may I help you? I asked, swinging the door wide.

A tall man with mousey, unruly, brown hair twisted into a bun stood on my front porch with his back to me. He turned when he heard my voice, and I stood there holding Alex, totally stunned. The man had a beard that hid his chin and neck, and he looked as if he had come down from the mountains and straight to my front door, but when I saw the bright blue of his eyes, I knew him instantly.

Giovanni, I breathed.

I stood there stunned, starring at my brother. He looked healthy, and moreover, he looked happy. I didnt realize it, but I was crying. Giovanni opened his arms to me, and on instinct alone, I walked to him and felt my brothers embrace for the first time in seven years. I felt his chest quiver against my body. He took a deep breath and steadied his emotions.

Momma! yelled Rose, trotting up behind us. Daddy says who is it?

Rose stopped dead in her little girl tracks. Her mouth went wide with awe, as did her big green eyes.

Giovanni beamed. Im an uncle?

I looked to him, then at my two children, nodding. Yes"this is Alex and Rosella. Rose, honey, this is your Uncle Giovanni. We have a lot of catching up to do.

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About Piper Page.

Piper Page grew up in Kansas City, but always dreamed of living in the big city. Her dreams came true when she graduated from law school and got a job at a big law firm in New York City. She met a nice young man at that firm and they married a year later. That year everything was so new and exciting, Ms. Page didnt have time to realize how tough it all was. After getting married and settling into life, she realized she really didnt enjoy working 80 hours a week on white collar crimes, trying to as she puts it, save guys who ripped off people like your grandma.

A few years later, Ms. Pages husband got opportunity of a lifetime to move to Portland, Oregon and work in-house at a popular up and coming tech company. They jumped at the chance to live in the Pacific Northwest surrounded by such nature and beauty.

During this transition period, Ms. Piper did not find a legal position in a quality firm that suited her fine. Since she had some free time, she decided to pursue her real pa.s.sion"writing. This is her debut novel!.


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