The Lost Ambassador Part 45

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I could see from his manner that he believed me to be a government spy, or something of the sort. We ordered our drinks and then turned, as though by common consent, once more to the window. A motor-car was drawn up in front of the place, and an elderly man was descending hurriedly.

"Hullo!" the reporter exclaimed. "That's Mr. Halliday, the head of the firm! They must have telephoned for him. He never comes down except on a Thursday. Let's watch and see what happens."

The s.h.i.+pbuilder entered his offices, and was gone for about a quarter of an hour. When he reappeared he was followed by two clerks, one of whom was carrying a great padlocked portfolio under each arm, and the other a huge roll of plans. They entered the motor-car and drove off.

"Come on," I said, finis.h.i.+ng my drink hurriedly, "they are off to the County Hotel."

We took a hansom at the corner of the street, and, sure enough, when we arrived at the hotel Mr. Halliday's motor-car was waiting outside.

We went at once into the office, where my companion was quite at home.

"Who's with the Chinaman?" he asked the manager, who greeted him cordially.

"A whole crowd," he answered. "First of all, d.i.c.kinson--Halliday's manager--came back with him, and the old man himself has just arrived with a couple of clerks."

"What's the game, do you suppose?" the reporter asked.

The hotel manager shrugged his shoulders.

"We're hoping it means orders," he said. "We can do with them. Hallidays could put on another twelve hundred men and not be crowded, and China's about the most likely customer they could get hold of just now."

"Which sitting-room are they in?" my friend asked.

"Number 12," the manager answered. "I can't do anything for you, though, Charlie," he added. "I'd do anything I could, but they have given special orders that no one is to interrupt them, and they decline to be interviewed by or communicate with any strangers."

"I shall see the thing out, nevertheless," my friend announced.

"And I," I answered. "Let's have lunch together. Is there a smart boy in the place who could let us know directly any one leaves the sitting-room?"

The manager smiled.

"Mr. Sinclair knows all about that, sir," he said, pointing to my friend. "I have nothing to say about it, of course."

Sinclair left the room for a minute or two. When he came back he nodded confidentially.

"I have a boy watching the door," he said. "The moment any one leaves we shall hear of it."

We went into the restaurant and ordered lunch. In about half an hour a small boy came hastily in and addressed Sinclair.

"They have ordered luncheon up in the sitting-room, sir," he said. "I thought I'd better let you know."

"For how many?" Sinclair asked quickly.

"For four, sir," he answered. "I fancy the two clerks are coming out. The door opened once, and they had their hats on."

"Run along," Sinclair said, "and let us know again directly anything happens."

The boy returned almost at once.

"The clerks have left," he said. "The other four are going to lunch together."

"Did the clerks take the plans with them?" I asked.

"Not all," the boy answered. "They left two portfolios behind."

We finished our luncheon and returned to the bar. It was more than two hours before anything else happened. Then the boy entered a little hurriedly.

"Mr. Halliday has telephoned for his car, and is just leaving, sir,"

he said. "The two gentlemen from London have just ordered theirs, and I believe it looks as though Mr. d.i.c.kinson were going with them. He has telephoned for a bag from his house."

I shook hands with my friend the reporter, and we parted company. I left the hotel quickly and returned to the King's Arms, where we were staying. I was lucky enough to find Jack just finis.h.i.+ng lunch.

"I say, old man," I exclaimed, "I wish you'd start for home at once!"

"Right away!" he answered. "We'll ring for Ferris."

The chauffeur came in and received his orders. We got into our coats and walked out toward the front door. Suddenly I drew Jacky back and stood behind a pillar. A great touring car had turned the corner and was pa.s.sing down the street. In it were three men,--the Chinese amba.s.sador, Delora, and the man who had left the offices of Messrs. Halliday with them.

"Is that the road to London?" I asked the porter.

"It is the way into the main road, sir," he answered,--"two hundred and sixty-five miles."

They swung round the corner and disappeared. Our own car was just drawing up. I turned to Jacky.

"We'd better wait a few minutes," I said, "and tell your man not to overtake that car!"

Jacky looked at me in surprise. He was by no means a curious person, but he was obviously puzzled.

"What a mysterious person you have become, Austen!" he said. "What's it all about?"

"You will know some day," I answered, as we made ourselves comfortable,--"perhaps before many hours are past!"



We arrived at Feltham at a few minutes past ten o'clock, having seen nothing of the car which had left Newcastle a few minutes before ours. Several times we asked on the road and heard news of it, but we could find no sign of it having stopped even for a moment. Apparently it had been driven, without pause for rest or refreshment, at top speed, and we learned that two summonses would probably be issued against its owners. Jacky, who was delighted with the whole expedition, sat with his watch in his hands for the last few miles, and made elaborate calculations as to our average speed, the distance we had traversed, and other matters interesting to the owner of a powerful car.

We were greeted, when we arrived, with all sorts of inquiries as to our expedition, but we declined to say a word until we had dined. We had scarcely commenced our meal before the butler came hurrying in.

"His Lords.h.i.+p is ringing up from London, sir," he said. "He wishes to speak to you particularly. The telephone is through into the library."

I made my way there and took up the receiver without any special interest. Ralph was fidgety these days, and I had no doubt that he had something to say to me about the shooting. His first words, however, riveted my attention.

"Is that you, Austen?" he asked.

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