Beauty Series: Beauty From Love Part 24

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"Yeah. I love Margaret and it would be an honor for our daughter to be named after such a strong, loving woman."

"What about Maggie James?" Hmm ... it sounds like a southern Yank name. I love it.

She looks at me and smiles, a sign she may be forgetting our earlier strife. "Maggie James McLachlan." She says it aloud, testing it on her own tongue. "I think I love it, but I want to use it as a double name. Not just Maggie or just James."

Just like that? We go with the first name we discuss? I thought there would be more debate to it than that. "I'm fine with that."

"You'll call her MJ, won't you?"

"My girls, L and MJ ... yeah, I probably will. What about the boy name you've been wasting your time thinking about?"

"I want Henry in it-for obvious reasons-but now you have me thinking James Henry. What do you think?"

"That it doesn't matter because we're having a little girl and her name is Maggie James."

L is tossing and turning in the bed, almost constantly. I don't know if it's because of discomfort or if she's thinking of our no questions asked discussion. If it's the latter, I don't want her affected like this because it's not good for her or the baby.

Her back is to me so I scoot close behind her and put my arms around her stomach. "You're restless, love. What's wrong?"

"You know what's wrong."

I was afraid she would say that. "What can I do to put you at ease?"

"Tell me you aren't going to do something crazy."

"I'm not going to do anything crazy."

She rolls over so we're facing one another. "Are you saying that because it's what I want to hear?"

"No." Maybe. I'm not sure yet.

"We have a baby on the way and I can't afford to lose you because you're looking to settle a score with Blake. Yes, he attacked me and deserves to be punished for that, but not at the expense of me losing my husband because you took matters into your own hands."

I don't think it's possible to make her understand the way I feel. "I'm your husband. Your safety falls on my shoulders and I didn't protect you from him, so I have this intense need inside me to make him sorry for what he did to you."

"I want him to be punished too, but I'm the one who will suffer if you break the law and get caught."

That isn't going to happen. "I'm not going to get into any kind of trouble."

"Swear to me."

"I swear." I want to get her mind off this. "Please try to get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for you. What time do you have to be at the rehearsal?"


I should bring up tomorrow night. "You aren't taking Addison out on the town for her last night as an unattached woman?"

"I think that kid bouncing around in her belly is considered an attachment, but what would two pregnant women do in Wagga? We can't drink, smoke, or have random s.e.x, so what's the point?"

d.a.m.n right she can't do any of those things-with one exception. "I can provide you with one of those three things-some form of random s.e.x, here, tomorrow night. The kitchen table, the bathroom counter, maybe the arm of the couch. What do you think?"

"Eh, if nothing else comes up, you can pencil me in." That's my girl.

I can hear a voice but can't make out who it is or what it's saying as I struggle to abandon the dream. I feel someone shaking my shoulder and I become more alert to my surroundings. "Wake up."

"Hmm?" I groan.

"I've got to go to the hospital."

My heart takes off like a helicopter as I shoot up in bed. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong with me. Addison's in labor."

I roll over and look at the clock and see it's two in the morning. "They just got married-like eight hours ago."

"The baby doesn't care how long they've been married because he's coming."

"Ugh!" I groan as I sit up and turn to put my feet on the floor. "I'll get up and drive you."

"I can drive myself. Besides, this could take a while."

No way I'm letting my pregnant wife go out by her herself at two in the morning. "Sorry. Not happening."

She scoots over to put her arms around me and places a kiss between my shoulder blades. "Thank you, my sweet, darling husband."

"You can properly thank me later."

She squeezes me. "Horn dog."

"You've got that right, babe."

I'm nervous on the drive to the hospital and it's not even me in labor. "I can't believe Addison will be pus.h.i.+ng another human being out of her body today."

"I can't believe they were married only eight hours ago and now she's in the hospital having a baby. I guarantee he f.u.c.ked her into labor." Leave it to Jack Henry to say something like that.

"If he performed anything like you did on our wedding night, then I can believe it."

"I'm telling you, L, it doesn't matter how many times you've been together before your wedding night, having your wife for the first time is different." He squeezes my hand. "And having your pregnant wife for the first time is even better."

I know how it was different for me but I'd like to hear his take. "What was different about it?"

"There's a surge of testosterone when the human male takes a mate and then that combines with a man's intrinsic drive to procreate."

"I'm calling bulls.h.i.+t."

"You're right," he says, laughing. "I totally made that up."

"You were scared as h.e.l.l the first time we were together after we knew I was pregnant." I had to get on top because he would hardly move.

"True, but doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the h.e.l.l out of it."

As if. "Name a time you didn't enjoy the h.e.l.l out of it."


We pull into the parking lot and Jack Henry lets me out at the front entrance. "Do you want me to wait for you in the lobby?"

"No, you go on up. I'll be hanging out in the waiting room if you need me." I'm not worried about him finding his way. He's very familiar with this place after our scare a few months back.

I go through the waiting room outside labor and delivery on the way to Addison's room. Her family is here. Even if she's delivering early, the timing couldn't be better since her family is here for the wedding-unless she has complications because the baby is early. I hadn't considered that until now.

All of Addison and Zac's family is here, including Ben. Great. Jack Henry sitting in the waiting room with him won't go over well, but at least Chloe's here to defuse her brother.

"Where's Jack?" Chloe asks. "He better not have stayed at home while you drove yourself here in the middle of the night."

"He's parking the car. He'll be right up." I make small talk until he arrives because I feel like he's been forced to tolerate Ben a lot lately and his patience could be coming to an end.

He walks in and I detect frustration on his face when he sees Ben. I can't tell him what I'd like, so I mouth for him to please be nice before I leave the waiting room. He draws his imaginary halo over his head. "Thank you," I mouth. That's one less thing for me to worry about.

I walk into Addison's room and she's sitting straight up in the bed, her legs frogged out, applying makeup. Good grief. That's not at all what I pictured. I thought she'd be bucking and screaming for sure. "Why are you putting on makeup and not acting a fool?"

She stops and looks up from her mirror. "I want to look good for the pictures."

What the h.e.l.l? "I thought you were in labor."

"My water broke but I'm not having contractions yet."

This doesn't sound right. "Don't you need to have contractions to birth a baby?"

"Apparently so since I'm not dilated, but they're about to start a drip that will stimulate contractions."

The drip is one of the topics I read about on a childbirth forum I follow and everyone said it makes the contractions much harder. I bet Addison has no idea what's about to happen to her. She's not a researcher like I am. "Maybe you should be practicing how you're going to breathe if you're about to be given a pitocin drip."

"I've got this, Laurie."

Ninety minutes into the pitocin drip and Addison so obviously does not have this. She's writhing in the bed so hard, she has a huge rat's nest in the back of her hair. "OmiG.o.d, this is the worst thing I've ever done in my life. I didn't think it was going to hurt this bad. It's awful, Laurie. Terrible."

I don't know what to say except to remind her of the things I'm learning in my birthing cla.s.s. "Breathe in slow, deep breaths."

Zac is sitting in a chair at the bedside watching the fetal monitor. "Here comes another one."

"Shut the f.u.c.k up, Zac!" She beats her hands on the mattress. "You think I don't know when another one's coming? I'm the one feeling this s.h.i.+t!"

I make my best attempt at giving Zac a look of encouragement, although I'm not really sure what that looks like right now. One thing I do know? Your water breaking before you're in labor-turns out that's not what you want to happen. It often takes longer to get into active labor-four centimeters-which means you have to hurt longer before you can get an epidural. Addison was one centimeter on her last exam. This is going to take a while.

I pray this doesn't happen to me.

"I've got to have something for pain. Call my nurse and tell her."

Amy, Addison's nurse, is a sweet, young woman with a high ponytail. She radiates happiness, which is great, but I want to warn her that her smiles aren't flying with her patient right now. Addison's being downright b.i.t.c.hy. "It's time to check you, Mrs. Kingston."

Amy lowers the head of the bed to do her exam and her hand disappears under the bed linens. Addison squirms, I'm sure making it harder on her nurse to see how much she's dilated. "Oh G.o.d. Here comes another one."

"You're much thinner this time. Will you try to tolerate me checking you with this contraction so I can stretch your cervix?" Amy looks like she's digging with all her might as Addison writhes. "Hang in there, Addison. Almost ... finished."

"Motherf.u.c.ker!" She grabs Amy's wrist and I can tell that she's squeezing it. "You've got to stop."

Her nurse takes her hand out from under the covers and removes her glove. "Got you to four centimeters. How you feel about getting an epidural?" She returns to the bedside after depositing her b.l.o.o.d.y glove in the trash and begins lifting the head of the bed.

"Yes!" Addison calls out. "Stat!"

Amy giggles with her childlike grin. "Okay. I'm going to start your IV fluid bolus and I'll get the anesthetist in here."

"Thank you, Amy."

"Oh, you're welcome. Glad we could get you to that point," she says before leaving the room.

That's a lot of change since her last exam. "That's fantastic-from one to four centimeters. They said you'd only dilate a centimeter an hour once you got going, so maybe things are going to pick up."

"Thank G.o.d. That exam felt like she was ripping me a new one, but I don't think I'd be getting an epidural if she hadn't stretched my cervix."

"That's good. Means you a have a nurse who knows what she's doing and can get this done." I want Amy to take care of me when I come in.

Zac remains in the designated chair where Addison told him to park his a.s.s. "Baby, I'm not sure I can handle seeing them put that long needle in your back. I'm getting a little woozy just thinking about it."

"Zac Kingston, you are not going to wuss out on me."

"I don't want to but it's not like I can help it. I'm weak when it comes to medical stuff-especially needles. I can't handle them."

"Too bad. You're not going anywhere. You're staying right here."

Addison is being rough on Zac. I hope I'm not this way with Jack Henry when the time comes. "I'll stay in case it becomes too much for you and you have to leave." I want to tell my best friend she's being a total b.i.t.c.h to her new husband and he doesn't deserve it. Zac has been there for her through everything from the moment she told him about the baby, so I'd really like to tell her to cut him some slack. I don't have the chance, though, as the anesthetist and Amy come into the room.

The man with Amy is wearing blue scrubs-and must be at least sixty since his hair is solid gray-so I'm hoping that's a sign of experience. "I hear someone in here is looking for an epidural."

"Yes, honey, bring it on. Where you want me?"

"Sitting-either cross-legged or with your legs dangling. Either is fine. Just make sure both legs are in the same position so your back doesn't twist."

Amy positions Addison so she's holding a pillow around her pregnant abdomen. "Poke your lower back out. The more you curl around the pillow, the more you open those s.p.a.ces. When you sit up, it closes the s.p.a.ce, so try to curl your spine into a C and hold that position until he tells you that you can sit up."

Addison gets situated and I watch from across the room, mesmerized by what they're doing to her.

"I don't feel so good." I look at Zac-he's a sick shade of white.

Amy gives me directions from where she stands. "Can you help him to the couch and get his feet up." Addison is leaning against her nurse for support. "I can't move from this position."

I steer him toward the sofa and I'm instantly worried because Zac's a big guy and I'm a not-so-big girl. "Please don't pa.s.s out on me because I can't catch you if you go down." I'm relieved when his a.s.s. .h.i.ts the cus.h.i.+on and he spins to put his legs up on the arm. "What now?"

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