The Midnight Rake Part 19

The Midnight Rake -

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"Phineas? He doesn't have my cameo." She shook her head and rejected his suggestion. "You don't know what you're talking about. You'll go to prison for this. You're mad."

"Mad? Only if you think I'm going to Newgate over a country chit with low connections. No, my plan is genius." He smiled in self-congratulation.

"Phineas will find you. He will never let you live if you harm me." The words brought about a newfound resolve.

"Attached to the viscount are you? I will try to remember that when he arrives with the Dilgano." Arlis leaned forward and caught her chin in a sharp grasp. He smirked as if relis.h.i.+ng the panic he produced, even as she struggled to pull free. "Once I dispose of our driver and lead us to the main road, we need only to reach our destination and await the viscount's arrival. Now you see, you are firmly trapped." He released her, shoving her against the squabs.

Penelope no longer attempted to disguise her revulsion. "Phineas will find you and kill you." She had to force from her mind the notion that Arlis meant to cause him harm, otherwise the excruciating fear it evoked would blind all her actions. "He will never allow you to live."

"Nonsense. He will gladly trade the Dilgano for you, but what he won't know, is that you will already be married to me." His eyes narrowed as his hand s.n.a.t.c.hed out to wrap a length of her hair around his finger and wind her closer. "Being married to me will not be much of a trial, at least not in the beginning. In fact, I promise not to leave until after the repeated joys of our wedding night."

"I would rather die." She shuddered with the words.

"Well, as I said, you might have to."

Chapter Twenty-Four.

Phineas cursed himself for the hundredth time, his remorse in not revealing possession of the cameo unforgivable. Ridley wished to exchange the woman he loved for the Dilgano. His simple confession would have ensured she wasn't placed in harm's way, whereas now his desire to rescue her and solve all her problems placed her life in danger. Bitter regret settled in his stomach.

He should have told her he loved her. He should have said the words.

In excellent time, he spurred Abacus into a stronger gallop, but like any animal pushed to its limit his horse would need rest soon. The consideration that he'd lose precious minutes because he hadn't a fresh mount at his disposal did not sit well. He owned one of the most impressive stables known, but little help it served him now. He nudged Abacus harder and canted a silent prayer he would arrive in time.

Ridley wished to meet near c.u.mbria tomorrow evening. The county, on the cusp of Scotland sat uncommonly close to Gretna Green. He cursed a string of oaths into the wind. He'd only ridden a few miles before the pieces of the circuitous plan settled into place. If the man sought to escape with the Dilgano, he wouldn't have given it a second consideration, but Ridley meant to bring Penelope with him. At least as far as Gretna.

He had to reach them in time or the b.a.s.t.a.r.d would force Penelope into marriage.

Every muscle in his body tensed. He would enjoy beating Ridley senseless.

Maneuvering an old coaching route he'd discovered during a recent fis.h.i.+ng jaunt, he eyed the roadway ahead where it merged with a well-used thoroughfare. If Abacus held out, he had confidence he would intersect Ridley's conveyance soon after. The man would never expect him to arrive early or make such excellent time. He held onto the small thought to convince himself Penelope's rescue would prove flawless and simplistic.

He'd ridden another hour when he approached the common roadway. With a pa.s.senger, an unwilling one at that, Ridley would need a carriage and that meant slower travel. He waited, his eyes keenly trained for any traffic. When a c.u.mbersome drag approached on the road ahead, he knew he'd found his quarry. Confirmation was made when the driver, a slight man with dark hair and an unnatural patch of white at the temple, came into view. The b.l.o.o.d.y bandicoot drove the four-in-hand himself, either unable to afford a driver or unsure of whom to trust. A responsible driver would be nothing but an inconvenient witness to a deleterious scourge like Ridley.

Approaching the drag proved a simple matter. Ridley's team had tired, even Trump's grey held a sheen of perspiration visible in the waning daylight. He doubted Ridley rested or watered the horses and the clumsy conveyance did nothing but slow them down. Phineas aligned Abacus and rode closer, the pounding of his horse's hooves lost in the thunder of Ridley's team. Then just as the man maneuvered a series of deep wheel ruts, Phin leapt from Abacus' back and settled atop the boot at the rear of the carriage. The jolt of his landing caused Ridley to turn as Phin scrambled over the main body and onto the driver's box. Mayhem ensured promptly thereafter. Ridley struggled to keep the coach on all four wheels and Phineas took advantage, grasping the reins in a struggle to gain control.


Ridley's uttered objection was lost as the team surged on. He reached inside his waistcoat but Phineas shoved him aside, grappling to keep a strong hold on the reins. With his free hand Ridley managed to withdraw a small firearm, but it proved his downfall as his hold loosened on the reins when he struggled to manage the gun.

"It will take more than a pistol to keep me from the woman I love." The utterance was more a promise than a warning, but Ridley responded, his eyes wild with a reckless gleam, his words filled with confidence.

"That's where we differ. Nothing will keep me from the Dilgano. Absolutely nothing." He glanced down and c.o.c.ked the pistol.

Taking advantage of his miscalculation, Phineas knocked the pistol free. His fist struck the gun and sent it beneath the carriage as the horses raced on. Ridley advanced and Phineas gathered the reins in his right hand, tucking them beneath his boot set hard against the undercarriage. He removed his knife with a swift arc and sliced through the straps Ridley used as an anchor. The action sent Ridley backward with enough force to align with Phin's left hook. Connecting with smooth accuracy, Ridley lurched forward as Phineas pulled hard on the reins. The horses anxious to cease their breakneck speed, halted. The sudden movement pitched Ridley through the wooden perch and under the hooves of Trumpington's grey. His body lay bloodied in the roadway behind the coach, his painful moans causing Phineas to grin in satisfaction.

A forceful thump within the coach reminded him whoever remained within the carriage took the brunt of their breakneck travels and a sickening feeling threatened as he hoisted down from the driver's box, grabbed the handle of the drag's door, and flung it open. Had a thug been set to guard Penelope or was it his beloved jostled within the coach during the melee? He peered inside and prayed he hadn't arrived too late.

Penelope huddled in the furthest corner of the interior, her tearful eyes wide with fear, her mouth and hands bound with rags. He could not reach her fast enough, scrambling inside to break the binds holding her captive. In less than a breath, he had her free. Smoothing her hair with a feather-light caress, he wiped her tears with the pads of his thumbs, and cradled her face to whisper comfort. "Are you alright, chere amie?" His words came out on a sigh of relief.

"I knew you would come." Her voice trembled with emotion. Shaken and scared, her dress in tatters, she clung to his collar, her nose pressed against his.

He marveled at her confidence as he'd almost lost the woman he loved from his own stupidity, yet her faith never wavered, even when he wasn't sure he deserved it at all.

"I was so scared." She buried her face in his shoulder, her words m.u.f.fled against his coat. "I feared I would never see you again."

"Nothing would have stopped me." He brushed his mouth across her cheek and whispered rea.s.surances into her ear. "I could never survive your death. I love you, Penelope. I love you so very much."

Then he kissed her because she was safe, and she was his, and lucky penny or not, what else could he ever wish for? She felt heavenly in his arms and by d.a.m.n, he would never let her out of his sight again.

He barely heard the approaching thunder of hooves that caused the coach to vibrate in tune to his pounding heart. From the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Devlin who'd dismounted and promptly shut the drag door. Phineas paid no heed. He pulled Penelope onto his lap and settled his mouth atop hers for another soul searing kiss.

Chapter Twenty-Five.

"Victoria," Dorothy's voice sounded anxious. "Aren't you the least bit concerned Phineas went rus.h.i.+ng to the upper level with Penelope in his arms? I would think to the servants as well as the entire household it appears improper for him to be bounding about with the lady held so tightly against his person. What about Penelope's reputation?"

Aubry stood in the corner of the hall and keenly observed the two older women engrossed in conversation. If Mon Ami would stay silent, they might never glance in her direction. She dropped a few more nuts into the cage to keep the parrot busy.

"Mon dieu, what do you imply? Aside from being a vigilant rescuer, my son is a gentleman in every sense of the word. He's carrying Penelope up to her bedchamber so she doesn't injure her ankle further. This horrific debacle has served as an eye-opener and I know he will propose in less than a week, if even that long." Lady Fenhurst took a long satisfying breath. "Oh, how I yearn to spoil grandchildren."

"It might happen sooner than you think." Dorothy tossed her a look as if she were delusional.

Aubry bit her lip to suppress a giggle. Dorothy had come down the same staircase as she and witnessed Phineas as he'd made a direct line to the master suites, his lovely quarry nestled in his arms and a very determined look upon his face.

Lady Fenhurst sounded affronted when she spoke again. "If you mean to imply my son would take advantage of Penelope and abandon decorum to yield to his baser needs, you're wrong. Phineas would never do such a thing. He's too tightly laced to decorum."

d.a.m.nable laces. Catching hold of the ribboned ties at the back of Penelope's corset, Phineas worked without success to undo the bedraggled knots. A heartbeat later succ.u.mbing to unrelenting desire, he wrapped his fingers in the fine laces and ripped the fabric wide, Penny's silky smooth skin an inviting feast.

"I might have helped you with that." She scooted farther up the bed's coverlet and turned to face him as she kneeled on the mattress, the remains of her chemise clutched to her breast. "I haven't much left to cover myself."

Her voice met his ear, a mixture of delight and enticement, but he would have none of it, seduction his only goal. "You are a sensual temptress." He removed his s.h.i.+rt and dropped it without a care before gutting the first candle with a short puff of breath. "Edible from head to toe. Now that I have you within my reach, never to let you go, I intend to show you how delicious you are." He extinguished the second candle with nothing more than a sharp wave above its flame, his fingers working to open the b.u.t.tons at the waistband of his trousers. Her eyes flared and a half smile hitched one corner of his mouth. "I've been waiting so b.l.o.o.d.y long I cannot see straight for the wanting of it."

He paused before the third candle, raking his eyes down her length in slow perusal, drinking her in and etching the image in his mind, Penelope atop his bed, her hair falling over her shoulders in silky ribbons, her pink lips curved in sensual invitation.

Time stretched until her soft voice broke the quiet.

"It's all I ever wished for, to be loved by you." She loosened her hold, the silk falling, lower, all the way to the sheets. No words existed that could entice him more.

He blindly pressed the third flame between thumb and forefinger, then leaned forward on bended knee, his weight causing the mattress to dip, his trousers to catch on his hips.

"You look like a lion stalking his prey."

He advanced up the mattress with predatory grace. "You think I'm hungry?"

"No." A sweet little s.h.i.+ver pa.s.sed over her skin and she licked her lips before she continued. "I think you're magnificent."

Her answer whispered across his mouth as he captured her lips, his kiss ungentle, his tongue demanding. He grazed her jaw and nipped a path to her chin, across her cheek, then further to capture her lobe for the smallest love bite before he advanced down the line of her neck, his hands buffeting her to the bed. Her eyes fell closed in complete surrender and his c.o.c.k grew harder.

He tried to ignore the heat igniting his blood, but she looked breathtaking, her beautiful silhouette bathed in the glow of one candle. Reaching forward, he splayed his hands around her waist to bring her across the silk coverlet, beneath him, her hair fanned in waves of honey brown, any sc.r.a.p of clothing left in her wake. Heat flooded his groin and his body grew harder still, partially held above hers, almost completely bare and impatient with want. "Every inch of you looks so tempting, I don't know where to begin." He settled on the support of one arm before he feathered the graceful sweep of her shoulder with a light caress and traced her collarbone to trail his fingertips between her velvety b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He took care to barely touch her and coasted across her skin with torturous finesse, her nipples tight and puckered, begging for his attention. Her breath caught whenever he neared a rosy tip.

Flicking his gaze upward, he took the sweet fullness of her breast into his mouth. His tongue teased the peak, delicious beyond bearing, licking with unrelenting insistence, each stroke felt in his groin.

She moaned something, maybe his name, and he slid his palm downward, to coast over her ribs and the flat of her stomach before his fingers dipped below the edge of her silk pantalettes. He eased the fabric free, her s.h.i.+ver of antic.i.p.ation pa.s.sing through him as he found her center, sweet and delectably wet. A deep groan escaped his chest. He parted her, his fingers caressing her heat, readying her, sliding, slick and hot, rubbing and stroking with the same attention his tongue offered her breast. Dragging his mouth from her, breathing hard, he placed his thumb against the softest part of her and stroked the sensitive bud with insistent pa.s.sion. Her hips s.h.i.+fted in anxious welcome to meet each sensual caress.

She watched with smoldering intensity, her eyes heavy-lidded, his gaze never wavering as he slid his finger within her hot sheath. She gasped with pleasure but he allowed no relief, sliding two fingers inside and stoking her heat, readying her body for him. She found her release quickly, lost on a hot tide of sensation, her muscles tensed, her legs pressed together in restless want. Every muscle in his body strained with maddening desire. He could wait no more.

Pressing a kiss to her mouth, he leaned to the side as his fingers worked to remove his trousers. When he spoke, his voice held a definite rasp. "You're incredibly beautiful."

He threw his pants off the side of the bed. "A beguiling seductress who has cast a spell on me so powerful I can think of little else except burying myself within you every time you glance in my direction." He discarded his smalls and returned to her side sheltering her body with his. Shadows from the single flame danced across her flawless skin, playing hide and seek between them, and when he looked into her eyes he saw trust, and honesty, and love.

"A temptress, a seductress..." He captured her lips in another hungry kiss, lingering before he continued in a coa.r.s.e whisper, "My viscountess."

His mouth found hers as the words dawned and he swallowed her gasp. He had to have her, to feel himself inside her and make her completely his. It was a miracle he'd lasted as long as he did.

He s.h.i.+fted his weight, his forearms braced on either side, their bodies a perfect fit. "You feel like a dream." He explored the nape of her neck with infinitesimal attention seeking the sensitive spot that caused her to melt in his arms the same way she'd melted his heart. He would never taste enough of her skin, vanilla and satin and Penelope scent.

"Oh, yes..." She whispered the words. "That is exquisite torture."

Her breathy sigh caressed his chin.

He stole her murmur and turned it into a searing kiss as his tongue curled around hers in a delicious dance of erotic suggestion. Consideration of her innocence was fast dissolving, replaced by demanding pa.s.sion. She turned her head to nuzzle his arm, all at once shy despite their sensual kisses.

"You're so big." She bit his bicep with a playful nip, then smoothed the spot with a soft kiss. "I'm afraid you won't fit. I've been told this can be horribly painful."

He wanted to chuckle, but noted the solemn question in her eyes, and yielded to her tender confession.

"You're the keeper of my heart, chere amie. I'll never hurt you. It's my greatest honor to love you."

Her eyes watered and he kissed her again to vanquish any doubt.

"We were meant for each other. I've no doubt we are a perfect fit." His hips moved gently against her, the tip of his erection brus.h.i.+ng the entrance of her body. He brought his lips to hers again, unable to stop a smile against her mouth, his courageous little coward. "It is what you want, is it not?" It was a foolish question, but he asked nonetheless.

"Yes." Her sweet s.e.xy whisper stoked his desire. "Love me." She reached out with one hand and dragged his mouth within a breath of hers. "Make me yours."

He eased between her silky thighs, distracting her with open-mouthed kisses, their tongues paired to match their bodies. Sinking into her sweet wetness, he pressed further, encased to the hilt in her velvet hot heat. She held him so tightly and fitted so exquisitely, he dared not move or he'd spill himself before the first thrust. But to wait was unbearable, and as he struggled to temper his motion, they fell into a rhythm all their own, give and take, need and want.

He watched her face each time he entered and withdrew, her eyes closed in sensual bliss, delightful sounds of pleasure escaping her throat whenever he filled her, and as he viewed her in the throes of pa.s.sion, as she took his breath away, he fell in love deeper. If it was at all possible.

They moved in perfect unison as if their bodies were born for each other, no matter he was easily double her size and every inch hard muscle, whereas her slim silhouette was all delicate skin and deliciously soft curves.

He leaned down, his forehead bowed above hers, the cadence of each thrust matched by the pounding of his heart. She clung to him, her fingers hard on his shoulders. He was lost to her. She whimpered in total abandon and he raised her arms over her head to hold them with one hand as his mouth trailed fierce insistent kisses down her neck, across her shoulder, urging her to ecstasy, tantalizing and elusive. She s.h.i.+fted slightly, rising to meet him, and his c.o.c.k throbbed in ready response.

And then, when he could withhold himself no longer, she shattered beneath him and his final thrust completed their delicious crisis. Quaking with the intensity of his release, he embraced Penelope against his body and collapsed to the bed coverlet.

Glorious. There was no other word worthy to describe making love with Phineas. Emotion swept through her heart and Penelope smiled a secret smile as she lay against the heated firmness of his chest, the rise and fall of each sleeping breath a sensual rhythm, his arm wrapped around her waist to cup her breast possessively. She had no idea of the hour, but cared little if someone looked for her or questioned why she was not in her bedchamber resting her turned ankle. She'd finally found her heart, and nothing was more important. She turned her head on the pillow to admire the man she loved. He looked even more handsome if that was possible, his hair honeyed by the flickering candlelight, the devilish cleft in his chin now roughened with the bristle of golden brown whiskers. He was a man created from a dream. A dream she'd once thought she didn't deserve, but now embraced with her whole heart.

And her mother's cameo. Phineas had proven her hero in more ways than she'd ever imagined. Reluctant to leave his warm embrace, but curious, she slipped from the bed and wrapped herself in an extra sheet, only to realize she had nothing to wear, her chemise, corset and gown torn beyond repair. She riffled through Phin's ma.s.sive wood bureau in an attempt to locate sleeping clothes, but it proved a wasted effort. After a thorough search, she settled for his white lawn s.h.i.+rt and slipped it over her head, unable to resist the delicious temptation of bringing the soft cloth to her face and inhaling deeply, the fabric an intimate reminder of the man. She closed her eyes in a prolonged blink of pure happiness.

"What are you up to now?"

She turned to see Phineas watching from the sheets, propped on one elbow, his hair handsomely tousled from their love play.

"I couldn't find your bedclothes." She clasped the gaping collar of his s.h.i.+rt closed in a belated show of modesty.

"I don't own any."

His husky reply robbed her of reasonable thought. "Oh." Somehow the admission did not surprise her. He was as natural a male as she'd ever encountered.

"My clothes are beyond repair." Her eyes dropped to the floorboards, darting around the room where her ensemble lay strewn in pieces.

"You look far more fetching than I've ever imagined. Women's fas.h.i.+on needs to take a nudge from men's tailoring."

She lowered her hands and dared a small smile. "I'm in your s.h.i.+rt."

"I want you in my arms." He smoothed his palm across the mattress. "Come back to bed. I can easily think of one hundred ways to love you and the night is young."

"There are different ways?" She tilted her head in consideration of his suggestion and scurried toward the bed, anxious to be warmed by him. He loved her. The thought sent a s.h.i.+ver of delightful antic.i.p.ation straight to her heart.

"Oh, yes, sweet love. Many different ways, and I'm anxious to explore each and every one of them. Now come back to bed." He crooked his finger to lure her forward, his mouth turned in a seductive half smile before he dropped to his back.

"What if someone's looking for me?" She realized her question was for naught, as she had already climbed into the ma.s.sive bed and nestled against his warmth even as she spoke the words.

"Aah. Afraid we might get caught with our hands in the cookie basket?"

In less than a breath, he captured her to his side and rolled her atop him, her body tangled in the silky sheets, their limbs intertwined in a heavenly combination of man and woman.

"Somehow, my sweet, I believe you and I are what everyone in this household has wanted all along. There really was no hope for me after the first moment I met you. I doubt we'll be interrupted. Now come closer so I can taste those delectable kiss-swollen lips."

He reached up and caressed her cheek before he lowered her mouth to his. Very soon after Penelope forgot to think; she only wanted to feel.

Chapter Twenty-Six.

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About The Midnight Rake Part 19 novel

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