Circle Of Three: Making The Saint Part 6

Circle Of Three: Making The Saint -

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Tyler was standing on the end of the wharf, leaning over the railing and looking down at the water. The afternoon sun glinted off his hair, and as Annie walked toward him she wished she could have a picture of him just standing there, staring out over the ocean.

Hey, she said when she reached him.

Tyler turned around and smiled at her. Hey.

Annie leaned against the railing beside Tyler, purposefully not letting her arm touch his. The two of them stood there silently, looking at the water for what seemed to Annie like the longest minute in the world.

Sorry again about waking you up last night, Tyler said.

Really, it was okay, Annie said. I wasnt really sleeping. I was just listening to the rain.

I love hearing the rain on the roof, Tyler said. Especially at night. And its even better in a tent. A couple of summers ago we went to this big pagan gathering where we stayed in tents. It rained a lot, and it was great hearing it outside while we were inside, dry. Do you like camping?

Um, Ive never really been, Annie answered. Why was Tyler going on about camping? she wondered.

Not that she minded hearing him talk or anything, but he seemed to be rambling. It wasnt like him at all.

The ocean is really beautiful right now, Tyler said.

Annie nodded but didnt say anything. Had Tyler asked her to meet him just to talk about rain and the ocean? He didnt seem to be in any hurry to tell her why he had called her. Did he just want to hang out?

That was okay, but hed said that he had something he wanted to talk to her about.

What are your Thanksgiving plans? Tyler asked her.

Mr. Dunning and Becka are coming, she told him. But she was sure that shed already told Tyler that.

Had he forgotten?

He nodded. Were doing the usual coven get-together, he said. It should be fun.

Okay, Annie thought. This is weird. Is he ever going to tell me whats up? Then a horrible thought occurred to her. What if Tyler had brought her there to tell her that he didnt think they should hang out so much? What if hed decided that her obvious crush on him was too much? Maybe thats why he was acting all strange around her. Her heart sank. That was it. He was going to tell her to back off. Well, she would save him the trouble.

Ive been thinking . . . she began, but at the same time Tyler turned to her and said exactly the same thing. They looked at one another for a moment and then laughed.

They both paused, looking at each other. What have you been thinking? Annie asked, unable to stand him staring at her that way.

Ive been thinking, Tyler began again. But again he stopped.

Here it comes, Annie told herself, preparing to hear Tyler tell her that their hanging out together was a bad idea. But still he didnt say anything. He just stood there, looking at her. She tried to look away from his golden eyes, but she found herself looking right into them, wondering what Tyler was thinking about.

He opened his mouth to say something and then stopped. Finally he said, Ive been thinking that sometimes I think too much.

Then he leaned forward and kissed her. Annie didnt have time to think about it. One moment she was staring into Tylers eyes and the next his mouth was on hers. Before she could register any of it he had pulled away and was standing there looking at her, his hands gripping her arms.

Was she dreaming again, or had Tyler just kissed her? It had all happened so quickly that she wasnt even positive that she hadnt imagined it all. All she could do was stand there feeling slightly dizzy as Tylers beautiful golden eyes searched her face.

Im sorry, he said, dropping his hands and stepping back. That was way out of line.

Annie shook her head, still unable to speak. She wanted to tell him that it wasnt out of line, that she had wanted him to do it. But her thoughts were all jumbled together. This was Tyler. It wasnt just some guy.

It was her best friends boyfriend. He wasnt supposed to be kissing her. He was supposed to be telling her that he didnt want to see so much of her.

Im just going to go now, Tyler said. Well just pretend that I didnt do that, okay?

He was backing away, a hurt and confused look on his face. Annie, stunned, could only watch him and shake her head. She wanted to speak, but her voice was locked inside of her.

No, she whispered hoa.r.s.ely as Tyler continued to go. No.

Tyler was moving away from her now. He turned around and started to walk more quickly. He was leaving. She couldnt let that happen.

No! she called out, forcing the sound from her throat.

She ran after Tyler. Hearing her call out, he turned around. Annie ran to him and stopped just in front of him. She was afraid to touch him, in case he pulled away, so she just looked into his eyes.

Annie, Im sorry, he said. I didnt mean to"

Then why did you? she asked.

Tyler looked away for a moment, then looked back. I think about you all the time, he said. I try not to, but I do.

Annie felt her lip beginning to tremble. She bit it so that she wouldnt do something dumb, like cry.

I know Im not supposed to think about you like this, Tyler continued. And to tell the truth, Im not exactly sure why I do . Ever since you kissed me that night at the bus stop. Or maybe even before that.

He stopped and took a deep breath. Wow, he said. This is really hard.

He reached out and took Annies hands in his, holding them tightly. They were standing very close together. Annie hoped he would hug her again, but she was terrified that if she stepped into his arms he would pull away from her. She wouldnt be able to bear that. She just knew it.

I dont know what to do about this, Annie, Tyler said gently. I really dont.

What do you want to do about it? she asked him.

Tyler shook his head. I dont think I can answer that, he told her. Not right now. Im really confused.

Annie nodded. I know how that feels, she said.

All I know right now is that I really like spending time with you, said Tyler. You make me feel comfortable, and your friends.h.i.+p means more to me than I can tell you. Youre smart and youre funny and" His eyes shone in the sun as he looked at her and smiled. And I think youre really beautiful, he added.

Annies heart was beating wildly as she listened to Tyler talk. It was just like her fantasy, only better.

She couldnt believe it. Was he really saying all of those wonderful things to her? Was he really holding her hands and looking at her with those gorgeous eyes of his?

Then a thought pa.s.sed through her mind, eclipsing her joy like a cloud pa.s.sing over the sun.

But what about" she started to say.

Dont, Tyler interrupted. Not now.

Annie looked down. How could she not think about Kate? How could Tyler not think about Kate? It wasnt possible. But she wished she could forget that she was standing there listening to her best friends boyfriend tell her that he"She couldnt finish the thought. What was Tyler telling her anyway?

What happens now? she asked him.

He shook his head. I dont know, Annie, he said. Im not exactly thinking clearly, you know?

Annie sighed. Oh, I know, she agreed.

Tyler pulled her closer. His face was only inches away from hers. I dont know what comes next, he said. But I know that right now I cant let you go before I do this again.

His mouth closed over hers. This time she let herself feel the kiss. Shed imagined it so many times that it almost felt as if she were dreaming it again. But this time when she reached up to feel Tylers face in her hands she touched real skin, not empty air. Her fingers touched the smoothness of his cheek, the roughness where the short hairs of his unshaven beard tickled her. And she felt his tongue, warm against her lips. These things were real. And she knew that when he finally stopped kissing her and pulled away she would be looking once more into those magical amber eyes.

She didnt know what was going to happen when the kiss was over. She knew that there were questions to be answered, and she knew that she might be making the biggest mistake of her life. But as Tylers hand caressed her back, those fears slipped away and all she knew was that shed never wanted to be with someone so much in her life.


Are you going to be like this all night? Kate asked Cooper.

Like what? snapped Cooper. Im fine.

Kate nodded. Right, she said. You always sit hunched in your seat with your arms across your chest.

Youd look less defensive if you were wearing a full suit of armor.

Cooper sat up in the bus seat and put her hands in her lap. Happy? she asked sarcastically.

You didnt have to come if you didnt want to, said Kate.

I want to, Cooper said. I just wish she wasnt going to be there.

She kind of has to be, remarked Annie. Its her mother whos holding the gathering.

Besides, added Kate, its not like theres any chance whatsoever of her getting T.J., is there?

No, Cooper said after a minute of edgy silence. I guess there isnt.

Then, try to have a good time, said Kate. I think its going to be really interesting, dont you, Annie?

Sure, Annie said brightly.

Kate looked at her two friends. They were both acting a little strangely. Cooper was being all weird and jealous about Madelaine, and Annie seemed to be in perky overdrive. Kate didnt know what was up with the two of them, but she wasnt going to spend a lot of time worrying about it. She had other things *

on her mind, like Tyler. She really missed him lately. Their brief meetings at Crones Circle just werent enough. She was going to have to find a way to see more of him. Her parents had been in good moods recently, and she knew that once Kyle arrived on Tuesday for the Thanksgiving break they would be even happier. If she was going to ask them for permission to see her boyfriend, that was the time to do it.

Shed have to think that through later, though. Right now the bus was stopping.

Come on, she said, standing up and waving Annie and Cooper ahead of her.

The three of them got off and walked to Botanica Yemaya. The store was closed for the night, but Evelyn had told them to ring the bell. Kate pressed it and waited. A minute later the door opened and Madelaines face peered out. She smiled when she saw Kate, Cooper, and Annie standing there.

Ah, she said. You came. Come in.

The three girls walked into the store, and Madelaine shut the door behind them. Kate saw that she was wearing a white dress with a full skirt. Her feet were bare, and she had a ring of small bells tied around one ankle.

Come with me, said Madelaine, leading them through the door at the back.

They pa.s.sed through and found themselves in a large room. One end of it was apparently used as a stockroom. Boxes and shelves lined the wall, and there were bags of herbs and cartons of candles and other items piled around. But the main area was clear. The wood floor had been swept clean, and there were lit candles on tables arranged along the sides of the room. The tables were also piled high with food. Bowls and platters seemed to be everywhere, and the air was rich with the scent of roasted meats, sweet baked things, and spices that Kate couldnt identify. Just smelling them made her mouth water, and she found herself hoping she would get to sample the food before too long.

Against one wall was what looked like an altar. It was a large table covered in white and yellow silk. On top of it was a statue of a woman, and around her feet were piled pumpkins, bottles of wine, and plates of little cakes. Yellow and white flowers were heaped around the table as well, and there were candles of the same colors burning on either side of her.

Who is that? Annie whispered to Kate.

I dont know, she answered. I guess well find out.

Kate looked around. There were a number of other people already gathered in the room. Like Madelaine, most of the women were wearing white dresses, while the men had on white pants and s.h.i.+rts.

But other people were dressed in regular clothes, so Kate didnt feel like she and her friends were completely out of place.

To one side of the room, several men were playing hand drums. They knelt on the floor with the drums between their knees, and their hands tapped out rhythms on the tops. They seemed to be practicing, as they would play for a minute and then stop, laughing and talking.

h.e.l.lo there.

Kate looked up and saw Evelyn walking toward them.

Hi, Kate said, smiling at her. This looks like a big party.

Evelyn laughed. It is, she said. This is a celebration marking an important day for one of my G.o.dchildren.

What do we do? Annie asked.

Just watch, Evelyn told her. I will be busy, so Madelaine will explain things to you as they happen. If you have any questions you may ask her.

Evelyn walked away, leaving Kate and the others with Madelaine. She turned to them and said, You are very lucky. We do not usually let people of the eleventh rank attend our ceremonies.

Eleventh rank? Cooper said guardedly. Whats that?

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