Circle Of Three: Making The Saint Part 1

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Isobel Bird.

Circle Of Three.

Making The Saint.


Ready to kick some b.u.t.t? Cooper asked Jane.

They were standing in the backstage area of Bar None. Peering through the curtains, the girls could see a crowd gathered around the small stage, listening to the band that was playing. Some people were nodding their heads along with the driving ba.s.s line being hammered out by the bands lead singer, whose throaty voice matched the forceful music he was playing. Listening to him, Cooper had to admit that he was good"really good.

Unfortunately, the singer was her boyfriend, T.J., and the band was Schroedingers Cat, which she and T.J. had founded together. She had quit three weeks before, when theyd told her that they thought her music was getting too witchy. This was the first time Cooper had heard them play without her. While the split with the band had been friendly, if undeniably difficult, Cooper found herself feeling a little bit jealous that theyd been able to carry on without her guitar playing and singing.

Dont let them get to you, Jane told her, noting her friends expression.

Cooper smiled at her new songwriting partner. Shed met Jane shortly after leaving the band. Jane had *

been playing the guitar and singing on a street corner. Attracted by her lyrics and her skillful playing, Cooper had struck up a conversation with her. She and Jane had become friends, and lately theyd been playing together a lot. Both of them had been hesitant to start writing with someone else, but theyd created a couple of songs they were happy with. So when Cooper had seen Bar Nones Battle of the Bands flyer, shed suggested to Jane that they try their stuff out in front of a live audience.

At first Jane had said no. But Cooper had worked on her, and finally Jane had given in and said she would do it. Cooper suspected that Jane had agreed simply to get her to shut up, but that was fine with her. The important thing was that they were about to perform in front of a live audience. Standing there, waiting to go on, she felt the familiar mix of antic.i.p.ation and nervousness coursing through her veins.

Schroedingers Cat finished their number and the band members walked backstage. T.J. came over to Cooper and stopped, wiping the sweat from his forehead. What did you think? he asked, grinning.

Cooper snorted. You call that music? she said, taunting him. Ive heard better songs on an N SYNC alb.u.m.

T.J. laughed. Good thing the audience gets the last word, then, he said. Well see who they pick. He nodded toward the main room, where the sound of the cheering audience was still deafening. Listen to that. I think its safe to say we have it in the bag.

What do they know? Jane said caustically. Theyre probably the same ones who made Celine Dion a star.

T.J., meet Jane, Cooper said.

T.J. reached out and shook Janes hand. So youre the one who stole my girlfriend away from me, he said jokingly.

Hey, Jane said. Dont blame me if youre a lousy kisser.

Now I see why you two get along so well, remarked T.J. to Cooper.

Wait until you hear us sing, replied his girlfriend.

Just then the emcee of the evening walked to the microphone and said, That was Schroedingers Cat, people. I have no idea what the name means, but they were pretty rocking, dont you think?

The audience clapped and cheered. Then the emcee continued. Now weve got another great act for you, he said. Cooper and Jane, otherwise known as the Bitter Pills.

The Bitter Pills? T.J. repeated, giving Cooper a look. How appropriate.

Yeah, well, well see how easily you guys can swallow us down when we win this thing, Cooper said.

She gave him a quick kiss and then followed Jane as she walked onstage.

The two of them plugged their guitars into the amps that were set up beside the microphones. Cooper looked at Jane. Here goes nothing, she said, and launched into the song theyd chosen to perform for the contest, Danger Girl.

Dont tell me what to do, she sang, the words hard and fierce. Dont tell me what to say.

Her fingers moved across the strings of her guitar, coaxing the melody out. Beside her, Jane was playing as well. Her eyes were closed as she unleashed the fierce rhythms of the song, and her long dark hair hung in her face.

Im not your little baby. Im not your sweetest thing, Cooper sang, pouring herself into the lyrics. She was swept up in the music, and she felt powerful. She could do anything. She could say anything. And no one could stop her. She had become the girl in their song.

When she reached the chorus, Jane joined her, her throaty voice blending perfectly with Coopers. Im the one they said would steal your heart, they purred. Im the one they said would steal your soul. Im the one they said would turn the world upside down. Im a danger girl.

After another verse, Jane launched into a guitar solo. Cooper stood back and let her friend take center stage. Jane unleashed a torrent of notes, and Cooper looked out at the audience to see how they were responding to what they heard. She saw a lot of astonished faces, and she knew that she and Jane had surprised some people. Why does it always shock them that girls can rock? she thought as the solo came to an end.

The crowd was really into the song. Many of them"particularly the girls"were waving their fists in the air. Some even sang along on the chorus, their voices joining Coopers and Janes as they learned the words. On the last line, Cooper really let loose, her voice rising to a wail as she sang the last words. She let the final notes hang in the air as Jane finished with a flurry of licks on her guitar. Then the two of them stood side by side as the club erupted in applause. Whistling and clapping filled the air, and people called out their approval.

I think they liked it, Cooper said to Jane.

They left the stage, slipping behind the curtain as the crowd continued to cheer. Cooper saw T.J. and the other members of Schroedingers Cat standing there, looking at her. T.J. had a big grin on his face.

What did you think? Cooper asked him, putting her guitar down.

T.J. nodded his head. Not bad, he said. It needs some polis.h.i.+ng, but its a good start. Id be happy to help you out if you want.

Give me a break, said Jane. We made you guys look like Britney Spearss backup band.

They all laughed. Then their attention turned to the emcee, who had once more taken the stage and was talking to the audience.

What did you all think of the Bitter Pills? he asked.

The crowd let loose again, clapping madly. When they quieted down the emcee continued. Well, were not done yet, he said. Weve got one more act to hear tonight before we declare a winner. So lets find out what this next performer has for us. Give it up for Voodoo Mama.

As the emcee left the stage the lights switched from blue to red, and a mirrored ball somewhere above them began to turn, scattering flashes of red over the walls and ceiling. The effect was disorienting, as the shadows that flickered over everything made it seem as if faces and objects were moving rapidly from place to place when really they were standing still.

Then the sound of a single guitar floated out of the darkness. The notes came slowly and fluidly, like honey dripping from a spoon. Cooper felt a chill creep along her skin, and she shuddered as the music reached out and took hold of her. It was enticing and disturbing at the same time, a mixture of blues and something else she couldnt quite identify.

The guitar played for a minute, the player still hidden in the shadows so that the sound seemed to be coming from nowhere. Then a figure stepped forward and walked silently to the microphone. It was a girl. A single pale spotlight lit her as she reached up and cupped her hands around the mike. She was wearing a simple red dress, and her hair was done in numerous long twisting braids that fell around her shoulders.

Midnight, she sang, the single word pouring out of her mouth in a low growl that seemed to swell and fill the room. And you call my name.

The girl barely moved as she sang, her body swaying slightly. Accompanied only by the invisible guitarist, she let her voice convey the emotion behind her words. Her song was simple and beautiful, and it was totally different from anything any of the other bands had done.

Shes good, Jane whispered to Cooper. Really good.

When the girl finished there wasnt a sound from the audience. They just stood there, staring at her for a moment as she waited behind the mike. Then they applauded politely, almost nervously, as if they werent quite sure what theyd just heard. The girl waited, as if she expected the applause to grow louder, and then she turned and walked offstage. The lights returned to normal and the emcee emerged from the curtains.

Okay, he said. That was Voodoo Mama. Could I have all the bands out here please?

The various bands that had performed during the evening came out from both sides of the stage and met in the middle. Cooper and Jane stood beside T.J. and the rest of Schroedingers Cat, while another band crowded in behind them. Cooper noticed that the girl from Voodoo Mama was standing across from her.

Now that the light was better, Cooper took the opportunity to look at her more closely. She was really pretty. Her mocha-colored skin glowed against the red of her dress, and her long, lean body looked like it had never had an extra ounce of fat on it.

Suddenly, Cooper realized that the girl was looking back at her. She met the girls gaze and saw that her eyes were an unusual color, a mix of green and brown. She smiled at the girl and received a curt nod in return.

Its time to choose our winner for tonight, the emcee said. Whos it going to be, folks?

People screamed out the names of their favorite bands for a moment, then the emcee held up his hands to quiet them down. Well go one at a time, he said. Your cheers will pick the winner, so when its your bands turn, make sure you let us hear you.

He pointed to the first band. Who wants to send Petting Zoo home with the prize? he asked.

The applause was loud but not overly enthusiastic, even though Petting Zoos drummer tried to get the crowd pumped up by jumping up and down and waving his arms around.

The emcee moved on to the second band. How about Stop Motion Photography? he called out.

This time the applause was much louder and longer. Stop Motion Photography"SMP for short"was a favorite local band. They played frequently and had a loyal following, and Cooper had noticed a lot of people in the crowd wearing their T-s.h.i.+rts. She also knew that their lead singer, a guy with lots of tattoos, expected to win.

Thats going to be hard to beat, said the emcee as he came to stand in front of T.J. Can Schroedingers Cat do even better?

Tough break, Cooper whispered to T.J. as the applause came and went without coming close to the enthusiasm the audience had shown for SMP.

Now it was Coopers and Janes turn. When the emcee lifted his hand above their heads and said, Is it time to take your Bitter Pills? the two of them struck poses, daring the audience to say no to them.

It worked. The crowd went wild. They stomped their feet and clapped, chanting, Bit-ter Pills, Bit-ter Pills. Cooper looked at Jane and the two of them laughed. This only made the crowd call out their name more loudly. The cheers went on even after the emcee motioned for it to end. When it finally did, Cooper looked over and saw the singer from SMP glaring at her. She winked coolly and blew him a kiss.

Okay, said the emcee. Only one more act to go. At the moment, Bitter Pills looks like our winner.

Can Voodoo Mama derail their train?

The girl from Voodoo Mama stood silently, her guitarist standing behind her, looking out at the audience as they applauded her. When it became apparent that she wasnt going to win, she looked at Cooper and the others, seemed to shake her head, and held up her hand, indicating that she didnt care whether they all liked her or not.

What a sore loser, Cooper thought as the emcee walked over to her and Jane and handed them an envelope. Heres your check for two hundred and fifty dollars, he said. And when youre ready, theres a main spot on our night lineup for you.

Everybody walked offstage as the crowd applauded some more. Then the sound system blared to life with music from the clubs DJ and everyone began dancing. Backstage, Cooper and her friends congratulated one another on their performances.

You won this time, said Jed, Schroedingers Cats keyboard player and, now that Cooper was gone, new guitarist. But next time well be the ones holding the cash.

Youre on, Cooper said.

That was quite a song you did, said a voice behind Cooper. She turned around and saw the girl from Voodoo Mama standing there.

Thanks, Cooper said. Yours was great, too.

The girl sniffed. It was too good for this place, she said. They dont understand jazz.

Well, shes a real charmer, Cooper thought as she stared at the girl. Even her compliments were insults.

What was her problem? Was she just mad because shed lost? Why was she even talking to Cooper if *

all she wanted to do was be rude?

Your lyrics were amazing, T.J. said to the girl.

She turned to him and smiled, her mouth slipping from something resembling a frown into a slow, easy grin. Thank you, she said, looking T.J. up and down. I think the words are the most important part of a song. I dont like to cover them up with a lot of guitars like some people do. She glanced momentarily at Jane and Cooper as she made her statement, then turned her full attention back to T.J. Im Madelaine, she said, holding out her hand.

T.J., Coopers boyfriend said.

When he didnt continue, Cooper elbowed him in the side. Oh, T.J. said, giving a start. This is my girlfriend, Cooper, and thats Jane.

Your girlfriend? Madelaine repeated, eyeing Cooper. How interesting.

Isnt it? said Cooper, smiling sweetly. If the girl wanted to play games, Cooper was only too happy to give her a run for her money.

Madelaine continued to look at her. I actually didnt come over here to talk about this silly contest, she said. I came because I wanted to meet the girl who told the world she was a witch.

Cooper looked at Madelaine, not knowing what to say. She knew that everyone else was waiting for her to speak. Everyone there knew that Cooper was involved in Wicca, but they didnt usually talk about it. Now Madelaine had brought it up as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world.

Thanks, Cooper said finally. I think. She wasnt really sure whether Madelaine thought her being into witchcraft was a good thing or a bad thing. Having had run-ins with people who thought it was definitely on the negative end of the scale, she didnt want to have any trouble.

I read in the paper about what you did, said Madelaine. You and your friends. I was hoping they might be here as well.

Good old Amanda Barclay, Cooper remarked caustically. The newspaper reporter had caused her trouble on several occasions. Recently, shed written a series of articles about Coopers battle with the school board of Beecher Falls High School after theyd tried to ban her from wearing a pentacle to school. Cooper had successfully stood up to them, and it had made her something of a local celebrity"or a troublemaker, depending on what people thought of her actions.

My friends couldnt make it tonight, Cooper told Madelaine. But Ill be sure to tell them we have a fan club.

I wouldnt call myself a fan, Madelaine continued pointedly. But I admire your courage.

She never quits, does she? Cooper thought as she nodded at Madelaine. Just when she thought the girl might be trying to make nice, she had to go and say something nasty. There was an awkward silence as no one spoke. Then T.J. said, I like the name of your band. How did you come up with it?

Madelaine laughed lightly. Its what some people call my mother, she said. Then she looked at Cooper again. Youre not the only one who knows something about the spirits.

Before Cooper could reply, Madelaine slipped her arm through T.J.s. Now, why dont we go have a soda? she said, flas.h.i.+ng him a smile. Im very thirsty.


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