Night Fury: Second Act Part 8

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She's never spoken about her family before. She never speaks of her past.

Xavier shrugs as if he doesn't understand why she's telling him this.

She smiles at him. "No matter how much I loved my father, I always felt he abandoned me. Years of his life wasted away in prison. He could have done better. He should have made sure he did better. He owed it to us to be the best person he could be. But he did not." Her face turns sympathetic as she delivers a hard blow. "I hated him for that. Perhaps Tomas feels abandoned, non? How long were you apart?"

Xavier stares down at the floor. "Years. A really long time."

Ari nods. I do nothing.

It's as though I'm intruding on a private conversation.

Ari speaks softly, "You can change this, beau. There is still time to fix what has been broken."

Xavier doesn't respond. His eyes void. It barely looks as though he's breathing. Ari walks over to him and places her hands on his shoulders, slowly. Gently. As if trying not to spook a frightened animal. "I would have done anything for my father to have made an effort. That's all it would've taken for me to love him again. To know he was trying."

Xavier mutters, "I am trying."

"Good. Then don't take no for an answer. Show him you won't be going away again. Never again. That he can rely on you. That you will take care of him."

When he doesn't speak again, Ari pulls him over to the chair in the middle of the room. "Sit. You need a haircut."

He allows her to lead him. As he sits, he looks over at me. I shoot him a small smile. He returns the smile, but his is a tired smile.

It's then that I ask myself who will take care of Xavier.

Chapter Twelve.

One week later...

Arms elbow deep in bread dough, I hear footsteps rush into the kitchen. I lift my head in time to see Tomas coming my way, a smile on his face.

From way behind, I hear someone running. "Tom, stop!"

I chuckle to myself and watch as Tomas tries to hide himself somewhere in the kitchen.

"I'm serious, dude! When I get my hands on you, you're finished!"

There isn't much time. I reach behind me and open the door to the pantry. I whisper hiss, "Over here!"

Tomas doesn't need to be asked twice. He moves into the pantry and I shut the door behind him.

Xavier comes into the kitchen, puffing. "Hey. Have you seen Tomas?"

I shrug but don't dare look at him. I bite the insides of my cheeks to stop myself from smiling. Xavier doesn't miss this.

Eyes narrowing on me, he takes a small step forward. And my tummy flutters.

Over the last week, Xavier has put on a lot of weight he had lost during the days he was ill. He looks stronger, and much more handsome. His cheeks are no longer sunken and I'm almost ashamed by the fact that when he takes an afternoon run, I tend to my garden just so I can watch him.

He's becoming a better person. He isn't quite there yet, but he's trying.

Tomas hugged him for the first time a few days ago. It was hard not to witness when Tomas made a show of it at dinner one night.

Xavier's face morphed from surprise to happiness to anguish. He held his brother for a long time and when he lifted his head, he swiped furiously at his own eyes trying to hide the tears.

It was a beautiful thing. Not a single person at the dinner table could hold back their smiles.

"I don't know where he is. Maybe he went through to the back," I say distractedly, pointing over to the back door.

But Xavier smirks and drawls, "Is that right?"

s.h.i.+t. He's onto me.

I shrug a second time because if I speak, I'll also burst into laughter. When he rounds on me, I take a step back and put my arms out. "What?"

His smile turns predatory. "You know what. Where is he?"

I smile so hard it hurts. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Xavier chuckles softly. "He needs a bath. He smells like cheese."

Another step back. "He's a boy. They're meant to be dirty."

"He doesn't even eat cheese, Cat. Tell me where he is."

"Don't come any closer."

A foot away from me, he lunges and catches me around the waist just before I turn to run.

Truth is, if I didn't want to him to catch me, he wouldn't have.

I play struggle, laughing. "Let me go!"

Pulling me further back into his body, I still. So does he. I feel his warm breath on my neck and my body breaks out into goose b.u.mps. I slump into him. He rewards me with a slight squeeze. The pantry door opens and Tomas comes out, his face contorted into a laughing smile.

Xavier releases me quickly and I step away from him rolling my eyes. "You were meant to wait till I got rid of him, Tom! Sheesh. I need to teach you the aim of this game."

Xavier opens his arm wide and Tomas runs into his body. "Oomph. Slow down there, boy. You ready to get clean?"

A noise of protest comes from low in Tomas's throat but he places his hand in Xavier's. Tomas leads Xavier away, and just before they leave, Xavier turns and winks at me.

I'm not sure why exactly, but ever since we came to blows the previous week, Xavier has become a friend. Perhaps he needed someone to throw a healthy dose of reality in his face.

My stomach twists. Bob says it's almost time for them to leave. But I don't want them to leave. I like them here. They've become a part of us. A part of our family.

How will they survive without us?

How will I live without them?

I have a job tonight.

It's supposed to be an easy one. In and out. No need for mess or ha.s.sle.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the need for bloodshed after Bob told me Tomas and Xavier will be leaving the day after next.

Quite frankly, I'm p.i.s.sed off. I understand when Bob says this is no place for civilians. I do. But it's not like I'm walking around asking, "Hey Tom, want to see my sword?"

After plenty of thought, I've decide to plead with Bob to let them stay a little while longer.

The office door is open, but as I get closer, my determined steps slow.

"How could you do this?" This comes from Bob, and it sounds accusatory.

"I didn't plan this, Bob. It just happened." This is Frankie. Her voice soft.

Something is knocked over, landing on the floor with a crash. A harsh, "Who's is it?"

A slap resounds.

My eyes widen.

Frankie sounds heartbroken when she croaks, "You are a lot of things, Bob, but you never were an a.s.shole."


Silence that worries me.

Finally, she states acidly, "It's yours." A long silence, then she adds wearily, "For me, it was always you." There's a pause. "But it never was me for you, was it?"

Bob sighs, "I never wanted kids, Frankie. Not ever."

Frankie returns with, "But you took in Cat..."

Bob s.p.a.ces out the words, making his point, "I. Never. Wanted. Children."

And it cuts me deeply. So deep that my chest feels slashed open. Gaping. Raw.

He never wanted me.

I love him but he never wanted me.

My eyes fill with tears. Frankie exits the office, not even sparing me a glance. As Bob attempts to go after her, he comes to a screech in front of me.

His eyes widen in shock. "Cat." He takes one look at my face and I know he knows I heard him. "Sweetie..."

Not waiting for an explanation, I turn and walk away from him. He calls out again, but I don't stop. He taught me better than to let people see me cry.

Chapter Thirteen.

Bob tries to speak to me a second and third time today, but I flee both times, not letting him say a single word for fear of what he might say.

I have my memories of my childhood. Good memories. I don't want anything to taint that.

My garden has been sorely neglected while Tomas and Xavier have been with us. Truth be told, I prefer spending time with them than being in my most favourite place in the world.

I smile to myself as I lie back on my cot.

My routine over the past week has changed dramatically. My mornings are spent mostly with Tomas, as we are early risers, while we wait for the others to wake. I'll normally find him standing in the hall, rocking, while it's still dark out. That's when I'll take him by the hand and lead him to the kitchen where we quietly share breakfast.

I've learnt that fruity rings are his favourite cereal.

He makes a mess of himself, but it's fine because he has fun doing it. He's even tried to feed me a couple of times, smiling all the while. How could I refuse a shaky spoonful of cereal when that face is so happy?

I once asked Xavier what he does about the morning wanderings at home, which was clearly a huge mistake. He shot me a hateful glance and spat, "Well, I'm not about to f.u.c.kin' lock him up like some animal, Cat."

I quickly apologised. Then stuck my foot deeper into my mouth when I told him it was dangerous for Tomas to be wandering the house by himself in the dark.

That's when his face turned tortured. After a long while, he admitted on a whisper, "I know." His voice thickened with shame. "That's why I lock him in his room at night."

And my heart broke.

As I lie here trying hard not to read too much into what Bob said this morning, my head clears for a single moment before I jump up off the bed with a gasp. It's only just hit me.

I run a hand through my hair and whisper, wide eyed, "Holy s.h.i.+t." I blink in shock.

Frankie's pregnant.

Running to Bob's room, I'm almost stopped by Ari.

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