Slayer. Part 8

Slayer. -

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"Sure." His voice was low. "I'll gladly tell her why she has our talisman and what it represents."

"Your father wouldn't approve."

"Then it's a good thing I stopped heeding his advice long ago. If anyone has need of me, send Fallon for me."

Fallon. "He's your brother, right?"

"I see you've been learning of my family. I trust Nalla's delighted in telling you many stories of my foolish youth."

I wished that was the case. The woman had offered nothing.

"I will, now that I see you approve."

Stephan chuckled and touched my arm. The contact made my skin tingle. "Let us go before she starts now."

His arm rested on my back just above my waist. Cool air whipped through my hair when we exited the home I'd been locked away in. Unable to contain my glee, I paused and took a deep breath.

"I should've come sooner, but Nalla kept telling me you needed to heal."

"She's very protective."

"It's in her blood. Women in my clan have been healers for many generations." His hand fell away from me when we began to walk through his village.

Everyone halted their activities as we pa.s.sed. I found their scrutiny disconcerting. The first few moved to their knees as if about to undertake a ch.o.r.e I didn't understand. All the homes we pa.s.sed resembled one another. Most displayed a talisman on the entry.

I tried to study them without being obvious, but decided it best not to when Stephan drew me closer to him.

"Your people don't like me."

"They're unaccustomed to strangers. There's a difference." The sincerity calmed my nervousness even though I doubted it was the truth for everyone.

"I've heard some of them yelling at Nalla." I winced when his jaw twitched. "She tries to hide it, but I hear them. They want me gone."

"She should have told me this. I would've dealt with their meddling myself."

I shook my head. "They have a right to be upset. I'm doing nothing to earn my keep and am not of your pride."

We continued our path toward the woods and my pulse quickened when I realized he didn't intend to remain within the village. A few awkward smiles greeted me once we neared a group of homes with the same talisman that I wore around my neck.

"This is your family's area?"

He nodded. "On my father's side."

"Why isn't Nalla here? She displays this talisman, yet is on the other side of the village."

"She's on my mother's side, but may display whichever talisman she feels within her soul since she's a healer. She's chosen this one since it's stronger than her other option."

"Do all your kind get that option?"

"Only the healers or those within the royal line." His hand returned to my back and drew me toward him until my thigh brushed his as we walked. "You gather information well." My mind swelled with his admiration.

He paused and turned me to face him. His attention moved to the village, now a good distance from our secluded cove. I was fascinated by the large tree misshapen by time. Its trunk was hollowed near the base. A small sitting stool rested within the area.

"This is my retreat."

"It's beautiful."

His fingers grazed my cheek. My heart flailed in my chest. He'd brought me here-trusted me with his private spot. Could he be feeling the heat between us as I did? My breathing became ragged. My nipples ached with a hardness my naive mind couldn't deny. My entire body yearned for Stephan.

"You have no idea what hunger you incite in me, Hannah." His breath fell against my forehead as he drew me forward until my hips collided with his groin. "Your thoughts drive me mad with the need to possess you."

I stumbled on his statement, but any attempt to understand it vanished when his hand wrapped in my hair and he drew me to his lips. I closed my eyes. Unable to breathe, I prayed my pounding pulse wouldn't explode with the turbulent flames of antic.i.p.ation burning me.

His lips caressed mine and his tongue tasted my mouth, tracing the contours before foraying to my tongue. I swallowed his groan, thinking it more of a growl. My arms wrapped around him.

The kiss was unexpected and unlike any of the wayward advances village men had made-not that many had tried. I followed his lead and clung to him, my body burning with a need I didn't understand or know how to sate. All I knew was Stephan would absolve me from my raging desires.

His kiss grew more demanding, more consuming. I relished his body crushed against mine. Heat spread through my legs as he lifted my dress. I moaned when he guided me toward the tree until my back was pressed against it. His hand ran up my thigh while his mouth claimed mine.

His other hand rubbed an aching nipple through my dress. I longed to strip and feel his fingers on me there. A growl echoed around us and mingled with my gasp as his fingers found my p.u.s.s.y.

Hot lips moved to my ear. The huskiness of his voice rumbled through me. "You're so wet for me, Hannah."

The darkness in his soul could claim her love...or her life...

Savage Kingdom 2010 Deanna Ashford Freygard, a world where women rule and men are slaves, would seem to be a female Nirvana. Not for the warrior Nerya. So far her required visits to the coupling chambers have been awkward and embarra.s.sing. Until Jaden. Despite his chains, the defiant slave's expert pleasuring satisfies her body-and sparks a determination to defend him from her cruel queen.

Jaden couldn't be in a worse position. Nerya has not only claimed his prized white stallion, she's somehow managed to abscond with his ability to resist her s.e.xual appeal. His escape attempt is disastrous, until Nerya intervenes with an unheard-of deal. In exchange for guiding her to an unmapped kingdom to find the sister she never knew she had, she will free both him and his men.

On the journey, Nerya's determined to resist her powerful attraction to Jaden melts away in the heat of his desire. Leaving her wondering just who is in control-and what it is about him that bothers her. When they are forced to face a soul-stealing mage, his secret is revealed.

He is warrior of the feared Dai's.h.i.+-en, legendary for the dark magic that fuels their violence...and their l.u.s.t.

Warning: Contains hot, sweaty warrior s.e.x, s.e.x in chains and s.e.x in a tent.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Savage Kingdom: Savage Kingdom: She'd made a mistake sitting so close to him because, moving more swiftly than she could ever have expected, Jaden grabbed her and pulled her toward him. Keeping her imprisoned in his strong arms, he took possession of her lips, kissing her with unrestrained pa.s.sion, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. She should fight him, try to get away, yet she couldn't find the strength. Her body responded to his sensual demands, and her tongue darted between his lips, eager to explore the hot, moist interior of his mouth. Raw unrestrained l.u.s.t flooded through her as the kiss deepened and continued until she was boneless and trembling with desire.

As Jaden let go of her, Nerya shakily straightened. She rubbed a hand against her face, but that wouldn't wipe away the blush that tainted her cheeks. How could she have allowed herself to get so carried away with l.u.s.t for a mere man? She was a warrior. She must act like one. Yet still part of her longed for him to touch her again. "How dare you! I could have you whipped for such disrespectful behavior."

"You stare at me with disdain and call me slave. Yet I have only to touch you and you melt in my arms."

"You deceive yourself."

"Your attraction for me terrifies you, doesn't it?"

"The women of Freygard do not feel desire for slaves."

"Don't try to deny it. Your expression tells me all I want to know." He continued to stare at her with eyes so black she could lose her soul in them. "Leave now, then. Find some other man to couple with, if all you want is fertile seed."

What sort of warrior would she be if she fled from this challenge? Nerya couldn't tear her gaze from the face of this demon who tempted her to deny all she'd been taught. She'd bedded a number of women, but she'd never experienced the pleasure she'd felt when she'd coupled with Jaden. Deep down she had to admit she was desperate to experience that exquisite pleasure again. Her entire body ached with desire for him.

"Men are put on this earth to serve women, and if I order it, you will serve me right now."

"Yes. I'll serve you." He slid his long legs off the bed, and Nerya sprang to her feet, the stool clattering to the floor as she took a step back, out of his reach. "But not in the way your queen demands it. Unchain me and let me show you what true pleasure can be." As she stepped back another pace, he added, "You've no need to fear me. I won't harm you."

"I don't fear you. I'm a warrior. I fear nothing."

"Except your own desire." His voice was lower pitched now and caressingly smooth. "I'll not harm you or even attempt to escape."

"This is insane."

"s.e.x wouldn't be quite such a humiliating experience if I was unfettered," he replied, his arm muscles flexing as he pulled against his chains. "Surely you don't keep all the slaves who serve in these chambers chained?"

"Of course we don't."

"Perhaps I should feel honored, then, that you all fear me so much. You're curious about me and my mission, are you not? If you release me, I'll tell you all you wish to know."

"All I wish to know?" I wish to know?"

"Everything, Nerya. In fact, there are things you should know that may well eventually concern the fate of your land as well as mine."

Was he telling the truth? Did he have such information? It might be wise to take advantage of this situation and learn all she could. Even if she released him from his chains, there was no way he could escape. He had no weapon, and she was perfectly capable of defending herself if the need arose.

"If you are lying to me..."

"I'm not lying." He put his hand to his heart. "I swear on my honor as a n.o.bleman that I'm not."

Nerya walked to the table, flipped open the small wooden box and removed the key to his manacles. Not at all certain why she was acting so rashly, she returned to Jaden and slid the cylindrical iron key into the lock. With a quick twist, the locking pin released and the heavy manacle fell open. Jaden gave a sigh of relief, flexing his arm while she opened the other manacle.

Jaden sprang from the bed and grabbed her, reacting far too swiftly for her to even attempt to resist him as he pulled her back against his muscular chest. Yet she was certain he'd no intention of harming her as one of his hands reached for her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, while the other slid across her stomach. He eased her closer. Her bottom pressed against his groin, and the rigid line of his c.o.c.k dug seductively into her b.u.t.tocks.

"Relax," he whispered in a low, hypnotic voice as his warm breath brushed her earlobe. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to give you pleasure."

He kissed her neck, then tipped her forward a little so he could unfasten the back laces of her gown. Pulling them apart, he eased the neck open wider and slid the garment from her shoulders and down her arms. The silky fabric crumpled around her waist, and Nerya s.h.i.+vered as one of his large hands clasped her left breast. He kneaded the firm mound until she gave a soft, pleading moan. Then his fingers brushed against her nipples. Arching her back, she ground her b.u.t.tocks against his c.o.c.k as Jaden rolled the tiny teats between fingers and thumbs, pulling on them until they stiffened and elongated into hard cones.

"Jaden." She gasped as he twisted her around and eased the white silk from her hips. The dress slithered downwards, landing in a crumpled pool at her feet.

He towered over her, and she was faced with a broad, muscular chest still hidden beneath the linen tunic. She lifted her hands, caressed his dusky skin and threaded her fingers through his black, silky locks. Jaden's mouth covered hers, and he kissed her long and deeply, sensually exploring her mouth with his tongue. Her fingers reached for the ties that held his tunic together at the shoulders. She wanted him naked-she needed to feel his warm flesh pressed close to hers. Nerya's fingers, normally so agile, fumbled with the knots. Her insides twisted with desire and her limbs felt weak, while his kiss made her breathless with l.u.s.t.

"Let me." He pulled at the ties, ripping them away. The tunic fell to the floor. Jaden kicked it aside, scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed.

Before Nerya knew what was happening, she lay on the mattress and Jaden crouched astride her legs. As he leaned over her, the ends of his hair brushed erotically against the skin of her stomach, and she s.h.i.+vered with pleasure. He caressed the firm curves of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, then kissed the soft flesh. Taking one aching nipple between his lips, he sucked on it until a starburst of pleasurable sensations surged through her body, flooding her veins with desire. Pulling the nipple deeper into his mouth, Jaden grazed it with his teeth as one of his large hands slid down over her midriff. His sword-roughened fingers explored her body, his hand molding itself to the swell of her hips, moving seductively over the flat plain of her stomach.

Trembling, she lay there, too weak to do anything as he splayed his fingers over her lower belly then threaded them through the springy curls covering her pubis. Her heart leapt as his hand crept between her thighs. Never had she dreamed she could feel need like this.

Nerya shuddered as his long fingers eased their way between her s.e.x lips, sliding deeper into the soft folds. They moved with tantalizing slowness along the narrow pink valley until they reached her c.l.i.toris. At once the pleasure grew and expanded, unfurling like the petals of an early blossoming rose. Nerya gave a keening gasp as he circled the sensitive spot, rubbing it with his fingertips. Moaning with bliss, she allowed her thighs to roll fully open as he slipped his fingers inside her. Moisture flowed, making his movements more fluid as he began to thrust into her with a seductive rhythm, while the pad of his thumb teased her pleasure nub. This was like no s.e.xual encounter she'd experienced in the past. Nerya closed her eyes and gave herself up to the erotic delight.

Slayer D.L. Snow

Marriage? No, thanks. She'd rather kiss a dragon.

An Enchanted Enchanted Story Story All Prince Cahill needs to a.s.sume the throne is one simple thing: a wife. Except every virgin princess in the kingdom has turned up deflowered before the deal can be sealed. The very next maiden to cross this threshold, he vows, will be his bride.

When she appears-injured, half-frozen and reeking of dragon dung-he holds to his promise and puts her to the final test to prove her worthiness. A test that involves a mattress and a pea.

Breanna couldn't be less interested in marriage, especially to a c.o.c.ksure royal like Cahill. Since losing her family to a dragon horde, she has become the continent's finest slayer-a job she doesn't plan on giving up until the last dragon's blood drips from her sword.

Yet her sleepless nights are plagued with visions of Cahill doing wicked things to her untutored body. And when she fights at his side to repel a dragon attack, her visions become delicious reality.

But Queen Eleanor, whose reign is about to end, has no intention of giving up her power. Not to Prince Cahill, and certainly not to some young upstart...

Warning: This book contains corruption, seduction, conspiracy and magically-induced erotic dreams. And that's just the first chapter.

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