When The Lion Feeds Part 1

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Wilbur Smith.

When The Lion Feeds

A single wild pheasant FLEW up the side of the hill almost brus.h.i.+ng the tips of the gra.s.s in its flight. It drooped its wings and hung its legs as it reached the crest and then dropped into cover. Two boys and a dog followed it up from the valley: the dog led, with his tongue flopping pink from the corner of his mouth, and the twins ran shoulder to shoulder behind him. Both of them were sweating in dark patches through their khaki s.h.i.+rts, for the African sun still had heat although it stood half-mast down the sky.

The dog hit the scent of the bird and it stopped him quivering: for a second he stood sucking it up through his nostrils, and then he started to quarter. He worked fast, back and forth, swinging at the end of each tack, his head down and only his back and his busy tail showing above the dry brown gra.s.s. The twins came up behind him. They were gasping for breath, for it had been a hard pull up the curve of the hill. Keep out to the side, you'll get in my way Sean panted at his brother and Garrick moved to obey. Sean was his senior by four inches in height and twenty pounds in weight: this gave him the right to command. Sean transferred his attention back to the dog. Put him up, Tinker. Seek him up, boy Tinker's tail acknowledged Sean's instructions, but he held his nose to the ground. The twins followed him, tensed for the bird to rise. They carried their throwing sticks ready and moved forward a stealthy pace at a time, fighting to control their breathing. Tinker found the bird crouched flat in the gra.s.s; he jumped forward giving tongue for the first time, and the bird rose. It came up fast on noisy wings, whirling out of the gra.s.s.

Sean threw; his kerrie whipped past it. The pheasant swung away from the stick, clawing at the air with frantic wings and Garrick threw. His kerrie cartwheeled up, hissing, until it smacked into the pheasant's fat brown body.

The bird toppled, feathers flurried from it and it fell. They went after it. The pheasant scurried broken-winged through the gra.s.s ahead Of them, and they shouted with excitement as they chased it. Sean got a hand to it. He broke its neck and stood laughing, holding the warm brown body in his hands, and waited for Garrick to reach him. Ring-a-ding-a-doody, Garry, you sure gave that one a beauty! Tinker jumped up to smell the bird and Sean stooped and held it so he could get his nose against it. Tinker snuffled it, then tried to take it in his mouth, but Sean pushed his head away and tossed the bird to Garrick. Garrick hung it with the others on his belt.

, How far do you reckon that was, fifty feet? Garrick asked. nOT as much as that Sean gave his opinion. More like thirty I reckon it was at least fifty. I reckon it was farther than any you've hit today. Success had made Garrick bold. The smile faded from Sean's face.

, Yeah? he asked.

, Yeah! SAid Garrick. Sean pushed the hair off his forehead with the back of his hand, his hair was black and soft and it kept falling into his eyes.

What about that one down by the river? That was twice as far. Yeah? asked Garrick.

Yeah! said Sean truculently. Well, if you're so good, how did you miss this one hey? You threw first. How come you missed, hey? Sean's already flushed face darkened and Garrick realized suddenly that he had gone too far. He took a step backwards.

You'd like to bet? demanded Sean. It was not quite clear to Garrick on what Sean wished to bet, but from past experience he knew that whatever it was the issue would be settled by single combat. Garrick seldom won bets from Sean. It's too late. We'd better be getting home. Pa will clobber us if we're late for dinner. Sean hesitated and Garrick turned, ran back to pick up his kerrie then set off in the direction of home. Sean trotted after him, caught up with him and pa.s.sed him. Sean always led. Having proved conClusively his superior prowess with the throwing sticks Sean was prepared to be forgiving. Over his shoulder he asked, what colour do you Reckon Gypsy's foal will be?

Garrick accepted the peace-offering with relief and they fell into a friendly discussion of this and a dozen other equally important subjects. They kept running: except for an hour, when they had stopped in a shady place by the river to roast and eat a couple of their pheasants, they had run all day.

Up here on the plateau it was gra.s.sland that rose and fell beneath them as they climbed the low round hills and dropped into the valleys. The gra.s.s around them moved with the wind: waist-high gra.s.s, soft dry gra.s.s the colour of ripe wheat. Behind them and on each side the gra.s.sland rolled away to the full range of the eye, but suddenly in front of them was the escarpment. The land cascaded down into it, steeply at first then gradually levelling out to become the Tugela flats. The Tugela river was twenty miles away across the flats, but today there was a haze in the air so they could not see that far. Beyond the river, stretched far to the north and a hundred miles east to the sea, was Zululand. The river was the border. The steep side of the escarpment was cut by vertical gulleys and in the gulleys grew dense, olive-green bush.

Below them, two miles out on the flats, was the homestead of Theunis Kraal. The house was a big one, Dutchgabled and smoothly thatched with combed gra.s.s. There were horses in the small paddock: many horses, for the twins, father was a wealthy man. Smoke from the cooking fires blued the air over the servants quarters and the sound of someone chopping wood carried faintly up to them.

Sean stopped on the rim of the escarpment and sat down in the gra.s.s. He took hold of one of his grimy bare feet and twisted it up into his lap. There was a hole in the ball of his heel from which he had pulled a thorn earlier in the day and now it was plugged with dirt. Garrick sat down next to him. Man, is that going to hurt when Ma puts iodine on itV gloated Garrick. She'll have to use a needle to get the dirt out. I bet you yell, I bet you yell your head off!

Sean ignored him. He picked a stalk of gra.s.s and started probing it into the wound. Garrick watched with interest.

Twins could scarcely have been less alike. Sean was already taking on the shape of a man: his shoulders were thickening, and there was hard muscle forming in his puppy fat. His colouring was vivid: black hair, skin brown from the sun, lips and cheeks that glowed with the fresh young blood beneath their surface, and blue eyes, the dark indigo-blue of cloud shadow on mountain lake.

Garrick was slim, with the wrists and ankles of a girl.

His hair was an undecided brown that grew wispy down the back of his neck, his skin was freckled, his nose and the rims of his pale blue eyes were pink with persistent hay fever. He was fast losing interest in Sean's surgery. He reached across and fiddled with one of Tinker's pendulous ears, and this broke the rhythm of the dog's panting; he gulped twice and the saliva dripped from the end of his tongue. Garrick lifted his head and looked down the slope.

A little below where they were sitting was the head of one of the bushy gullies. Garrick caught his breath.

Sean, look there, next to the bus.h.!.+ His whisper trembled with excitement.

What's it! Sean looked up startled. Then he saw it. Hold Tinker. Garrick grabbed the dog's collar and pulled his head around to prevent him seeing and giving chase. He's the biggest old inkonka in the world, breathed Garrick. Sean was too absorbed to answer.

The bushbuck was picking its way warily out of the thick cover. A big ram, black with age; the spots on his haunches were faded like old chalk marks. his ears p.r.i.c.ked up and his spiral horns held high, big as a pony, but stepping daintily, he came out into the open. He stopped and swung his head from side to side, searching for danger, thEn he trotted diagonally down the hill and disappeared into another of the gullies. For a moment after he had gone the twins were still, then they burst out together. Did you see him, hey, did you see them horns? So close to the house and we never knew he was there -They scrambled to their feet jabbering at each other, and Tinker was infected with their excitement. He barked around them in a circle. After the first few moments of confusion Sean took control simply by raising his voice above the opposition. I bet he hides up in the gulley every day. I bet he stays there all dAy and comes out only at night. Let's go and have a look.

Sean led the way down the slope.

On the fringe of the bush, in a small cave of vegetation that was dark and cool and carpeted with dead leaves, they found the ram's hiding-P'lace. The ground was trampled by his hooves and scattered with his droppings and there was the mark of his body where he had lain. A few loose hairs, tipped with grey, were left on the bed of leaves. Sean knelt down and picked one up. How are we going to get him? We could dig a hole and put sharpened sticks in it, suggested Garrick eagerly.

Who's going to dig it, you? Sean asked.

, You could help. it would have to be a pretty big hole, said Sean doubtfully. There was silence while both of them considered the amount of labour involved in digging a trap. Neither of them mentioned the idea again. We could get the other kids from town and have a drive with kerries, said Sean. How many hunts have we been on with them? Must be hundreds by now, and we haven't even bagged one lousy duiker, let alone a bushbuck. Garrick hesitated and then went on. Besides, remember what that inkonka did to Frank van Essen, hey? When it finished sticking him they had to push all his guts back into the hole in his stomach!

, Are you scared? asked Sean. I am not, so! said Garrick indignantly, then quickly, Gee, its almost dark.

We'd better run.

They went down the valley.

Sean lay in the darkness and stared across the room at the grey Oblong of the window. There was a slice of moon in the sky outside. Sean could not sleep: he was thinking about the bushbuck. He heard his parents pa.s.s the door of the bedroom; his stepmother said something and his father laughed: Waite Courtney had a laugh as deep as distant thunder.

Sean heard the door of their room close and he sat up in bed. Garry. No answer. Garry He picked up a boot and threw it; there was a grunt. Garry.

What you want? Garrick's voice was sleepy and irritable. I was just thinking, tomorrow's Friday SO? Ma and Pa will be going into town. They'll be away all day. We could take the shotgun and go lay for that old inkonka Garrick's bed creaked with alarm. You're mad! Garrick could not keep the shock out of his voice. Pa would kill us if he caught us with the shotgun. Even as he said it he knew he would have to find a stronger argument than that to dissuade his brother. Sean avoided punishment if possible, but a chance at a bushbuck ram was worth all his father's right arm could give.

Garrick lay rigid in his bed, searching for words. Besides, Pa keeps the cartridges locked up it was a good try, but Sean countered it.

I know where there are, two buckshots that he has forgotten about: they're in the big vase in the dining-room. They've been there over a month.

Garrick was sweating. He could almost feel the siambok curling round his b.u.t.tocks, and hear his father counting the strokes: eight, nine, ten.

Please, Sean, let's think of something else.....

Across the room Sean settled back comfortably on his pillows. The decision had been made.

Waite Courtney handed his wife UP into the front seat of the buggy. He patted her arm affectionately then walked around to the driver's side, Pausing to fondle the horses and settle his hat down over his bald head. He was a big man the buggy dipped under his weight as he climbed up into the seat. He gathered up the reins, then he turned and his eyes laughed over his great hooked nose at the twins standing together on the veranda. I would esteem it a favour if you two gentlemen could arrange to stay out of trouble for the few hours that your mother and I will be away Yes, Pa, in dutiful chorus. Sean, if You get the urge to climb the big blue gum tree again then fight it, man fight itAll right, Pa. Garrick, let us have no more experiments in the manufacture of gunpowder, agreed? Yes, PaAnd don't look so innocent. That really frightens the h.e.l.l out of me!

Waite touched the whip to the s.h.i.+ny round rumps in front of him and the buggy started forward, out along the road to Lady-burg. He didn't say anything about not taking the shotgun whispered Sean virtuously. Now you go and see if all the servants are out of the way, if they see us, they'll kick up a fuss. Then come round to the bedroom window and I'll pa.s.s it out to you Sean and Garrick argued all the way to the foot of the escarpment. Sean was carrying the shotgun across one shoulder, hanging onto the b.u.t.t with both hands.

It was my idea, wasn't it! he demanded. But I saw the inkonka first, protested Garrick. Garrick was bold again: with every yard put between him and the house his fear of reprisal faded. That doesn't count, Sean informed him. I thought of the shotgun, so I do the shooting. How come you always have the fun? asked Garrick, and Sean was outraged at the question.

When you found the hawk's nest by the river, I let you climb for it. Didn't I? When you found the baby duiker, I let you feed it. Didn't I? he demanded.

, All right. So I saw the inkonka first, why don't you let me take the shot?

Sean was silent in the face of such stubbornness, but his grip on the b.u.t.t of the shotgun tightened. In order to win the argument Garrick would have to get it away from him, this Garrick knew and he started to sulk. Sean stopped among the trees at the foot of the escarpment and looked over his shoulder at his brother. Are you going to help, or must I do it alone? Garrick looked down at the ground and kicked at a twig. He sniffed wetly; his hay-fever was always bad in the mornings. Well? asked Sean. What do you want me to do? Stay here and count to a thousand Slowly.

I'm going to circle up the slope and wait where the inkonka crossed yesterday. When You finish counting Come UP the gulley.

Start shouting when you are about halfway up. The inkonka will break the same way as yesterday, all right?

Garrick nodded reluctantly. Did you bring Tinker's chain? Garrick pulled it from his pocket, and at the sight of it the dog backed away. Sean grabbed his collar, and Garrick slipped it on. Tinker laid his ears flat and looked at them reproachfully.

Don't let him go. That old inkonka will rip him up.

Now start counting, said Sean and began climbing. He kept well out to the left of the gulley. The gra.s.s on the slope was slippery under his feet the gun was heavy and there were sharp lumps of rock in the gra.s.s. He stubbed his toe and it started to bleed, but he kept on upwards.

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