The Jaded: Reclaim Me Part 23

The Jaded: Reclaim Me -

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He pulls me forward and buries his face in my neck and takes a deep breath. After he pulls back, his face is all business. Sheriff Mac is now present.

"They also went through my dresser drawers," I tell him.

He moves to the dresser and peers inside without touching anything. Pure hatred reflects in his eyes when he turns back towards me.

"I'm going to make a call and have one of the deputies bring in a finger print kit. Hopefully, something will come up that shows it was her or whoever she's with. Was your door locked when you came in?"

"Yes, it was locked; all the doors and windows were locked. I have no idea how they got in."

"Have you been through the rest of the house? Is this the only room that's been messed with?"


He mutters something under his breath I can't make out and pulls his phone from his pocket. While he's on the phone with whomever, I call Jaxon to let him know what's going on and tell him I won't be in tonight.

"I'm coming over," he says, his voice icy.

"No, Jaxon, Mac's here and he's taking care of everything. You can't leave Andrew there alone. I'll call if I need you."

"I don't give a s.h.i.+t, Mia. Andrew can handle the bar for a few minutes."

"For f.u.c.k's sake, Jax, I don't need you here right now. I'll stop by tomorrow and let you know if we find anything, okay?"

I understand his concern, but there's really no reason for him to come over. It takes a few minutes of bickering back and forth, but Jaxon finally relents, with the promise I'll come by his house tomorrow.

I didn't notice Mac left the room, so I go looking for him. I find him and Trent in the kitchen. I walk over to the counter to put on a pot of coffee.

"Do you want something to drink, Trent?" I ask him. He's quiet, just curiously watching what's going on around him with a frown on his face. My brows pull together as I see, from underneath the table, him fidgeting his hands. The movement seems like a guilty move for some reason, but I have no idea what he would be guilty about. I wipe the thought from my head, knowing it's ridiculous.

We have to watch what we say in front of him. I'm sure Mac doesn't want him to know that we expect his mother is behind this, and I agree. The kid's already been through enough, especially with his current unknown problems.

"No, thank you," he returns.

Once the coffee is done, Mac motions for me to follow him. We step into the living room, and he turns to face me.

"I don't want him knowing anything," he says quietly so Trent can't hear.

"I agree. He's eleven years old; he shouldn't have this on his shoulders."

He nods and then runs his fingers angrily through his hair. "You're coming home with me and Trent tonight," he says, looking at me with an expression that says I had better not argue.

I do anyway.

"Mac, I've already told you..."

"f.u.c.k that, Pix," he snarls and stalks towards me, his face an angry mask. He doesn't stop until he's right in front of me. "I'm not taking any chances with you. She's obviously unstable, and there's no telling what she'll do next. We don't even know who the f.u.c.k she's working with. You're coming with us. Get used to it."

It takes me a minute to gather myself enough to where I won't blow up in his face. I know he's just worried and that's why he's p.i.s.sed, but that doesn't give him the right to be an a.s.s towards me.

"What about Trent? Yes, he's warmed up to me some, but I'm sure me staying at your house won't earn me any favors."

"He'll get over it. He has no choice."

Hating that it might cause Trent's opinion of me to lessen, I decide to give in. I'm not completely stupid. I know that if Tessa went so far as to decimate my house with pictures of her and Mac and pay someone to rape me then the next incident could be much worse. I'm not scared of the b.i.t.c.h, but that doesn't mean it doesn't make me a little nervous.

"Okay, but we sleep in separate beds. The last thing Trent needs right now is finding us in bed together."

Mac sends me a s.e.xy smile and leans down for a short kiss. When he pulls away slightly, he murmurs, "That doesn't mean I won't be sneaking into your room and sinking into that tight p.u.s.s.y of yours, so be prepared."

My heart rate picks up, and my lady bits quiver at his words. I have to force myself to not yank him forward for a more demanding kiss.

"After Deputy Woods and Dowell get here and we dust for prints and check the rest of the house, I want you to go pack a bag for several days."

I nod, still dazed at his comment before.

Headlights flash on the wall through the window, and after a knowing smirk, Mac walks to the door and steps outside.

Chapter Twenty-Three.

Mac Her s.e.xiness...

It's not until a couple hours later that Trent, Mia, and I walk through the door to my house. Trent looks tired so I tell him to hit the hay. He heads towards the hallway, looking back over his shoulder at Mia with an expression I can't decipher. I briefly wonder what that's about while I carry Mia's overnight bag to the spare bedroom with her trailing behind me.

"Why don't you grab a shower? I have a phone call I need to make." I set her bag down on the bed and turn to face her. Even with the stress of the night, I can still see desire written all over her face. As much as I want to take her in my arms and devour her body, there's something I need to take care of first. She's not going to like my idea, but she'll deal with it.

There's also T to consider, and I know she realizes that. It's hot as f.u.c.k that she wants me so much that she can't hide her want from me.

I walk up to her, grip her hair, and give it a tug until she's looking up at me. "As soon as I finish my business and I know T's out, then you're mine, Pix. Get ready, because it won't be gentle. I need to feel you beneath me because I know tonight could have been much worse."

Her eyes flare with unquestionable desire at my words. My Pix likes it rough, which is a good thing because by the time I get to her, there's no way I'll be able to hold back. I know that tonight's incident wasn't harmful, except emotionally, but I have a feeling that it's just the beginning. How could I have never realized how vindictive and crazy Tessa was? What else is she willing to do?

I shake my head of the dark thoughts and wrap my arm around Mia's waist and yank her forward. My lips crush down on her, unable to walk away without a little bit of her. I take her bottom lip between mine, bite down, and then lick to soothe the sting. She moans against my lips and wraps her arms around my neck, tangling her fingers in my hair and giving it a jerk. I reluctantly break apart our kiss and rest our foreheads together.

My grip on her waist tightens when I grit out, "s.h.i.+t, you tempt me so d.a.m.n much, Pix. Go." I give her a push towards the doorway. "Shower."

She smiles at me over her shoulder and blows me a kiss. Her a.s.s sways seductively out of the room, and I force myself not to follow her. G.o.dd.a.m.n, that woman gets to me!

I take a minute to get my breathing under control before I walk out of her room. I pa.s.s by the bathroom, and I hear a faint, soft voice singing. I strain to hear, but I can't make out the words. I put my forehead against the dark wood and take in her sweet voice. I haven't heard Mia sing in over ten years. She used to sing all the time. The sound makes my heart hurt and lift all at once. She sounds happy, and that makes me very happy. But it's also sad that she hasn't shown that side of herself in years. And I know that she hasn't shown it because the singing is part of Mia's soft side, and all that's been present, until lately, is her hard side.

I step back from the door with reluctance. I could listen to her sing all day, but I need to call Jaxon before she gets out. I don't plan on keeping what I have planned from her, but I want time to wean her into it. I know she's going to s.h.i.+t a brick at first, but if I explain it to her she'll eventually see that I'm right.

"What do you have?" Jaxon asks by way of answering on the third ring. I hear loud noises in the background, but it's getting quieter, like he's walking towards his office.

"Not much besides a couple of finger prints that I'm sure will show to be Tessa's." Of course, Jaxon knows who Tessa is.

"Tessa? What in the f.u.c.k does she have to do with this? What happened?" Jaxon growls at me across the line.


I knew this was coming. I've known since I started suspecting Tessa was behind all this s.h.i.+t. We've been friends for years, but I know this is not going to go over well. Jaxon is nothing if not fiercely protective of his family. However, I certainly don't blame him for it. I'm glad Mia has someone as strong as Jaxon at her back.

I know I need to tell Jaxon the whole truth, but I won't do it over the phone. This is something I need to do face to face, not the cowardly way.

I answer part of his questions and explain what Mia found when she got home. I also tell him that Mia will be staying with me until this f.u.c.ked up mess is taken care of.

"You still haven't answered one of my questions, Mac. Why does Tessa want Mia hurt? The truth."

"I won't tell you that over the phone. I'm dropping Mia off at work tomorrow night, and we'll talk then. I'd rather tell you in person."

"Does this have to do with what happened when you were younger?" he asks in a hard voice.

"Yes," is my one word reply.

"Son of a b.i.t.c.h!" he snarls. "This better not be what I think it is, Mac, or so help me G.o.d, you'll be breathing through a f.u.c.king tube when I'm done with you."

His anger doesn't scare me. I know that Jaxon will probably try to beat my a.s.s once he learns the truth. A little pain wouldn't be so bad for what I did. Whether it was on purpose of not, I still deserve it. It doesn't surprise me that Jaxon is suspicious of what went down. It had to have been something major to split Mia and me apart, and everyone knew it.

"Before you decide to maim me, let me tell you the full story. I won't make excuses, but there's more to the story than you think," I tell him.

"Just be here," he grunts at me. "How is she doing?"

"She's fine. She's p.i.s.sed more than scared, which worries me, because if Tessa is capable of doing what she's done so far, then she's is capable of anything. With her showing no fear, it'll be easier for her to be less cautious, which is one of the reasons why I called."


"Is Nick on site somewhere?" I ask him.

"No, the last I heard he's home for a few days."

"Okay, I want someone with Mia at all times. Where she goes, I want someone with her. I figured between you, Andrew, Nick, and I we can have her covered at all times."

Jaxon's laugh reaches my ear over the phone, and I know what he's going to say before he can speak. "She's not going to go for that."

"Yeah, well, she has no choice. She'll be p.i.s.sed at first, but once she realizes the danger, she'll agree. She won't like it, but she's not stupid either and will know it's the smart thing to do."

"I think it's a good idea. I'll talk to Andrew tonight and give Nick a call tomorrow."

We hang up a few minutes later. Jaxon reiterates his demand for me to be there tomorrow to talk. He doesn't need to worry. It's weighed on my mind for years, and it'll be a relief to get the s.h.i.+t out in the open, even if it means a well-deserved beating. I can hold my own, and Jaxon wouldn't fare much better than me if it ever came to blows between the two of us, but it'll hurt like a b.i.t.c.h in the process. Besides, I wouldn't fight back unless I needed to. Mia deserves a little justice on her part, and I'll gladly take a beating to give that to her.

I catch a movement out the corner of my eye, and I look over and see Mia rus.h.i.+ng into the bedroom in nothing but a towel. My d.i.c.k instantly hardens to concrete. I get up and walk towards the hallway. I stop by Trent's room and peer inside to see he's pa.s.sed out sprawled on the bed. I quietly shut his room before walking to Mia's. I silently slip inside and close and lock the door behind me. The room is dark with only the bedside lamp on, but it's lit enough for me to see Mia has her back turned towards me. Her back is completely covered in ink. I want to trace every inch with my tongue. She's bent over getting ready to pull on shorts.

"Leave them off," I tell her hoa.r.s.ely.

She whips around at my demand, and her t.i.ts jiggle with the sudden movement, making my mouth water. My gaze travels down her body until they stop on the apex of her thighs. The shorts she was holding drop to the floor. I reach back and grip my s.h.i.+rt and pull it off. We stand there in silence, just watching each other.

I nearly come on the spot when Mia takes her hand and slowly starts trailing it up her thighs until she reaches her s.e.x. She widens her stance and runs a finger through her lips. She holds my gaze as she plays with herself. It takes super human effort to stay where I am, but I want to see how far she'll go. I know it won't last long though, not with my c.o.c.k demanding I touch her delectable body.

She lifts one of her hands and brings it to her t.i.t and pinches the hardened nipple, all the while holding my gaze. She's doing this s.h.i.+t on purpose. She wants to know how far she'll get before I lose it. She has no idea how close I am. My c.o.c.k is so hard against my zipper that I expect it to push through the teeth any second.

When she sinks two of her fingers in her p.u.s.s.y, and breaks our gaze by throwing her head back and moaning, I can't take it anymore. I'm standing in front of her before she realizes it. She opens her eyes when my hands span on her tiny waist and lift her. She automatically wraps her legs around me.

"You shouldn't tempt me like that, Pix. Not right now. I'm too close to losing it."

She tightens her legs around me and rubs her p.u.s.s.y against my d.i.c.k that's still covered in f.u.c.king jeans. s.h.i.+t! Why didn't I take them off before I crossed the room?

"I want you to lose control, Mac. I need you to f.u.c.k me hard. Please," she moans the last.

I walk the two feet to the bed and toss her on top. She bounces a little and giggles. I f.u.c.king love that sound. My hands go to my pants and carefully unzip them so I don't castrate myself.

"Up by the headboard," I tell her. "This is going to be fast and rough. That okay with you?"

"Oh, yeah," she moans out. She's breathless, but complies, scooting up until she reaches the headboard. She lays there with her legs spread wide, giving my hungry gaze a full on view of her wet c.u.n.t.

"Sweet Jesus, Mia," I groan. I quickly shed my pants and crawl up the bed between her legs. "I'm going f.u.c.k you hard, baby, but I need you to keep quiet, okay?"

She bites her lip as if she's unsure she can follow through, but then decides she can because she says, "Okay, Mac, just put your c.o.c.k in me already."

I grip her hips, lift them up, and slide my thighs under her. Grabbing my c.o.c.k, I place it at her opening. I lock eyes with her and give an almighty shove until I'm in all the way to the hilt.

Her eyes widen at my hard push, and she gives a small cry of pleasure before she can stop herself. I quickly put my hand to her mouth to m.u.f.fle her cry. It takes every bit of the little control I still have to hold still for a minute to make sure she's okay. When I see that she is, I ask her, "Want me to move my hand?"

She shakes her head, and it gives me intense pleasure to know she can't help but to cry out when I f.u.c.k her.

My hips start moving at a steady pace. Her slippery heat snug against my c.o.c.k has my speed picking up in no time. She feels so f.u.c.king good. The pleasure rus.h.i.+ng through me is something I've never felt before, until her. Never have I felt something as good as feeling Mia surrounding me.

I keep my hand over her mouth as my hips piston faster. Little whimpers come from her, and I feel her tongue peeking out against my palm, which spurs me on further. Her lips move, and I release my hand long enough for her to moan, "Harder, Mac." She once again bares her claws and runs them down my back.

At her move, the thin thread of my control snaps. I release her hip with one hand, grip the slat on the headboard, and using a force I probably shouldn't with her but I can't help myself. With a grunt, I slam forward. Mia screams behind my hand, and I immediately feel her inviting p.u.s.s.y clenching my c.o.c.k with her release. I relentlessly pound her s.e.x, using the bed frame to strengthen my movements, my muscles straining. A low growl comes out with each push forward. I look down at Mia to ensure myself that she's okay. She has a dazed look on her face, but it's plain to see that she's very much enjoying my f.u.c.king.

After a few more hard thrusts, I rear my head back, and a low groan comes from the back of my throat. The force of my release sends Mia into another one, which prolongs mine even more.

After the tremors leave my body, I lower myself until our sweat-covered bodies are flush against each other. I remove my hand from Mia's mouth and settle my lips over hers in a soft kiss. The kiss is in complete contrast to the s.e.x we just had. Our heavy breaths mingle together as we slowly run our tongues along the other's.

I roll to the side and settle down beside Mia, pulling her to my chest.

"Holy s.h.i.+t, Mac. That was..." she stops, unable to find the right words.

"Yeah," I tell her. Not able to find the words either.

We lay there for a few minutes, Mia running her hands along my chest, me rubbing her back.

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