The Jaded: Reclaim Me Part 20

The Jaded: Reclaim Me -

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The kiss becomes more aggressive and his movements behind me pick up speed. I'm nearly on the edge, but I want Mac with me. I need to feel him inside me when I come. Mac must sense my closeness because he slows to a stop.

He releases his lips from mine and groans, "f.u.c.k, Pix, please tell me you're on the pill."

"Yes," I whimper back at him.

"Thank f.u.c.k."

My voice comes out stronger when I tell him, "If you don't f.u.c.k me now, I'm going to kill you."

He nips my ear and whispers, "Whatever my Pix wants."

"If that was the case, you would have taken me ten minutes ago," I tell him, s.e.xual frustration evident in my voice.

"I've waited ten years for this, Mia. I didn't want to rush it, but, like you, I don't think I can wait any longer."

He spins me around to face him and puts his hands on my hips.

"Hop on."

I know exactly what he wants, and I put my arms around his neck and lift my legs to wrap around his waist. He puts his hands on my a.s.s and lifts me slightly until the tip of him is at my entrance. I hold my breath; I'm finally going to know the feeling of Mac inside me.

Only, he doesn't push into me right away. Instead, he looks deep into my eyes and asks, "Are you ready?"

I lean forward, put my lips against his, and give him a soft kiss, before murmuring, "I've never been more ready. Take me, Mac. Finally make me yours."

With that, he slowly lowers me down his shaft, and it's the single most precious and delicious feeling I've ever felt. Nothing could have ever prepared me for this moment. Tears p.r.i.c.k my eyes when I realize that since my eighteenth birthday, I've only ever been half of myself and now, now that Mac has claimed my body, I finally feel whole again.

We start out slow. Me using the strength in my legs to lift myself up and down on his c.o.c.k. Him using his hands to help lift me. Our lips lock and our tongues dance in tune to our slow thrusts. Our moans and groans mingle, and the thump of our hearts matches the other. We breathe in each other's breaths. We are, essentially, one. Our bodies and souls are in harmony with each other that there is no way anyone would be able to tell where one starts and the other begins. It feels so natural to be with Mac, as if we've been doing this for years, like we were made specifically for each other and all the others before were merely stand ins until we were brought together again.

"Do you feel it, Mia?" Mac asks after breaking away from our kiss.

"Yes," I tell him, knowing he's feeling the same strong response I am to us finally coming together.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

I lay my forehead against his and stare into intense green eyes.

"It's perfect."

Mac thrusts start to pick up speed, and the climb I felt inside me a few minutes ago is getting higher and higher. I clamp my legs tighter around him and grind my p.u.s.s.y down on him. We both let out a groan.

"f.u.c.k, Pix, I knew it would be good, but I never imagined this."

His movements stop for a minute as he walks us over to the swing. With my legs still wrapped around his hips, he takes a seat, which causes him to go even deeper in me. I nearly cry out but bite my lip at the last second.

Some people may think that our first time should be in a bed with roses and s.h.i.+t like that. But I think making love on the swing where we've spent so much time fooling around on and making plans for our future is the perfect spot.

"Ride my c.o.c.k, baby," Mac says in a strangled voice.

The swing starts swaying with my up and down motion, which adds to the movements. Mac leans forward and lifts one of my b.r.e.a.s.t.s to his waiting mouth. He takes in a nipple and sucks it into his mouth. I grab a handful of hair and crush him to me. I lift myself up and drop back down, hearing the straining in the chains. It doesn't concern me though. I wouldn't care if the d.a.m.n swing broke right now.

When Mac bites down on my nipple, I throw my head back and cry out before I can stop myself. Mac takes my head and brings my mouth back to his to absorb my cries, knowing that I can't hold them back anymore.

I start moving faster and Mac puts his hands on my a.s.s to help. He lifts me up and down in frantic movements. Each time I'm lowered, my c.l.i.t hits the base of his c.o.c.k.

I feel the sparks start in my fingers before it flows through the rest of my body. My fingers dig into his shoulders when my body racks with uncontrollable tremors. Mac catches the cries of my release with his own mouth. His hands on my a.s.s tighten and I know he's finding his own pleasure. I feel the warm gush of his release inside me, and it sends me over the edge again.

Never in my life has anything felt so good, right, and perfect. Anger tries to take hold at all the time that was wasted, but I push it back. It has no place here right now. This is just Mac and me, and I won't let what Tessa did ruin it.

I lay my forehead on Mac's shoulder and try to steady my breath. Mac runs his hands up and down my back. I hear and feel his breathing isn't much better than mine.

After a few minutes, our breathing has become more normal. I lift my head and look down at Mac. I can't see his face that well, but from the light of the window, I can see a look of pure pleasure and content is written all over it. I know mine reflects the same emotions.

"Hey," I tell him quietly.

"Hey," he returns and then picks up my wrist to kiss the inside. I sigh in pleasure at the sweet gesture.

We simply stare at each other for a bit before Mac leans forward and gives me a gentle kiss. He lifts me from his lap, and we both stand up. He leaves me for a minute after he puts his pants back on with him telling me to stay where I am. He walks inside and comes back out a minute later carrying a washcloth. He squats in front of me and wipes the mixture of his and my c.u.m from my thighs and p.u.s.s.y. The intimate act should embarra.s.s me, but it doesn't. It's been years since I've been the type to get embarra.s.sed with s.e.xual acts.

When he's done, he reaches over, picks up my clothes, and helps me dress. We do all this in silence. There is no need to form words. We both know what we just experienced was something that has no words.

Once we're both dressed, we move back to the swing, where Mac rocks us gently. He has his arm around my shoulder and is once again playing with my fingers.

"Come back tomorrow, and we'll take Pepper and Drakar out for a ride. I'll see if T wants to go as well."

I don't have to think about my reply. I would love nothing more than to spend more time with Mac and Trent and to ride a horse again.

I glance at him and smile when I say, "Okay."

He smiles back at me and leans down to kiss my temple. I look down at my watch on my wrist and see that it's late. I know he has to get up early in the morning with T. I really don't want to leave, but I know I have to.

"I should go."

His arm around my shoulder pulls me closer. "In a minute."

I snuggle closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder. I could stay here forever, and I would be completely happy. Yes, in the back of my mind, there is still worry there, but I'm trying really hard to push it away and not let it scare me.

We sit for a few more minutes, just listening to the crickets chirp. Mac pulls away and stands, pulling me up beside him. He walks me to my car and then pulls me into his arms once we're at my door. I wrap my arms around him. When we pull apart, he leans down for a kiss.

"T is leery of you because of what Tessa's told him and the arguments he overheard us having when he was younger. I tried to s.h.i.+eld him from it, but Tessa didn't care. He now thinks you are the reason his mother and me are no longer together. Even though you are indirectly, you're not the main reason. I want him to get to know you. Once he does, I know he'll change his opinion."

I figured as much. Tessa's obsession with Mac is so strong that she's willing to hurt her own son. What kind of mother does that? d.a.m.n sure not a good one.

"I'd love to get to know your son better, Sheriff. I just hope he gives me a chance."

"He will, Pix. I've explained some things to him already. He's agreed to keep an open mind."

"Okay," I tell him and reach up to give him one last kiss before getting in my car and starting it. I put down my window and Mac leans in to steal another. I laugh against his lips.

"See you tomorrow," he murmurs and then steps back.


"Goodnight. Be careful. Call me when you get home, okay?"

I raise my hand and salute him. "Yes sir, Sheriff."

I see him laugh at my playfulness when I crank my car. Giving him a wave, I pull out of his yard. Right before I pull out his driveway, I look in my rearview mirror and see him from my break lights still standing there watching me drive away.

Chapter Twenty-one.

Mac Her intelligence...

I'm standing in front of the stove frying bacon and eggs when I hear shuffling behind me. I turn to see a sleepy-eyed T still wearing his sleep shorts and t-s.h.i.+rt, walk into the kitchen.

"Hey, kid, did you sleep well?" I ask and then turn back around to flip the bacon over. Out the corner of my eye, I see T take a seat at the bar.

"Yeah, Dad, I slept pretty good," he replies in a sleepy voice. "But there was a creaking noise coming from the porch. Was it windy last night?"

I nearly choke on the sip of coffee I had just taken. Obviously, Mia and I weren't as quiet as I thought. We'll have to be more careful next time.

"Yes, the wind picked up about midnight. It was probably the swing."

I turn back to him to see his face, sure that if he actually saw us he wouldn't be able to hide it. He's bent over the counter rubbing his eyes. When he's finished, he looks up, and I see nothing in his eyes that would suggest he saw anything inappropriate.

Thank G.o.d for that.

"Mia's coming over in a bit, and we're taking a couple horses out. You want to come along?"

I turn the burner off, then reach into the fridge for some orange juice, and pour T a gla.s.s before setting it in front of him.

"Can I stay here? There's a new game I want to check out."

"Yeah, but remember what we talked about. I want you to get to know Mia. She's going to be around more often."

I scoop some bacon and eggs on a plate and place it in front of him. He immediately picks up his fork and brings some eggs to his mouth. He's always been a big eater. I sit beside him with my own plate.

"Okay," he's says, back to muttering.

I glance sideways at him at his change of att.i.tude. I get that he's not completely comfortable with Mia yet because of what his mother said, but this seems like more. He always looks guilty when she's brought up.

I set my fork down on the counter and turn in my seat to face him.

"Alright, T, you need to tell me what's going on. I understand you don't care for Mia, but is there more I should know about?"

He picks up a slice of bacon and shoves it into his mouth, avoiding my eyes. I get ready to s.n.a.t.c.h his plate away when he doesn't say anything for a few minutes, but then he speaks.

"There's nothing going on, Dad. You know why I don't like her."

"Yes, I do, but it seems like more than that. You normally don't take an instant dislike to someone. You're one of the easiest going kids I know. Your att.i.tude lately has been s.h.i.+t. I need you to talk to me if you're having problems."

The aggravation and anger are plain to see on T's face. I just don't know what it's for or why he's closed himself off from me.

He jumps down from his stool and says loudly, "I've already told you, there's nothing else going on, okay? Stop bugging me about it." He stomps to the sink and dumps the dishes in before stomping back towards the door.

"Hey!" I say sternly to get his attention. "Get your b.u.t.t back here, T, and sit down."

He swivels around and walks back to his stool with his head bent and takes a seat. He knows when I use that tone of voice he's pushed me too far, and he'd be wise not to push any further.

"Look at me." When I have his eyes, I tell him, "First, lose the d.a.m.n att.i.tude. It's getting old, and it's p.i.s.sing me off. Second, if there's something you're going though and you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. I've been your age before and know there are some things you'd rather keep to yourself. That's okay, but when you start treating other people like c.r.a.p because of it, it's not fine. You either need to learn to deal with it or get over it." I reach over and put my hand on his shoulder. "Just remember, T, I'm here for you. You can talk to me about anything, without fear of judgement, no matter what it is."

He bites his lip and looks like he's going to say something, but then changes his mind. He drops his eyes and nods his head. I sigh, resigned to the realization he's not going to talk to me yet. I just hope he eventually comes to me. We used to have such a close relations.h.i.+p. It's gone downhill lately, and I wish I knew why. I have a gut feeling it has something to do with Tessa.

I take my hand from his shoulder.

"Can I go to my room now?" He asks.

"Yes, just remember what I said. I'm going to pack a lunch for Mia and me to take with us. I'll have my cell phone with me if you need to call me."

He goes to open his mouth, and I know it's going to be a smart-a.s.s remark. I lift my brow at him, and he wises up and doesn't let it come out. Instead, he mumbles, "See you later," before walking off to his room.

I shake my head at his retreating back. I hate seeing him like this, but if he's unwilling to talk to me, there's nothing I can do to help him except be there when he needs me.

I finish my breakfast, and then get up and clean my mess. I still have a couple hours before Mia is supposed to be here. I walk down to the bas.e.m.e.nt and put in a good workout before jumping in the shower. I go back to the kitchen and fix a quick lunch of sandwiches, fruit, and cheeses for Mia and me.

After the lunch is packed, I walk back to my bedroom and go to the closet. I grab the box off the top shelf and dig through it until I find what I'm looking for. It's something I got for Mia years ago but never gave it to her. Of course, it wasn't until recently that she would be willing to accept anything I would give her. What I hold in my hand is something that I know she's always wanted but has never gotten before.

I grab a padded bag from the floor of my closet and put the large jar inside before taking the bag out to the kitchen to set it beside our lunch. I look at the clock above the stove right as the doorbell rings. I smile; she's right on time.

I open the door and, as every time I see Mia, my breath catches. She's always been the most beautiful woman to me, both the old Mia and the new one.

I grab her hand and give her my signature kiss to her wrist, before pulling her to me and planting one on her lips. We're both breathless by the time we break apart.

"You ready to go for a ride?" I ask, as we walk toward the kitchen.

"Yes, I can't wait. It's been years since I've ridden a horse."

"When was the last time?" I ask her, thinking I already know the answer.

"The last time was with you."

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