The Jaded: Reclaim Me Part 12

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"Drakar? He must be new," she says looking at me.

"He is. We don't have as many as we used to. When mom and dad retired to Florida, we decided to sell off most of them because I didn't have the time to spend with them like they needed. We sold all but two, and then I found Drakar. He had been badly neglected. The woman that had him had just lost her husband and couldn't care for him anymore. I took him off her hands."

Her blue eyes soften and she replies with, "That was very nice of you. I can't wait to meet him."

"Maybe you can swing by this weekend. We'll take Pepper and Drakar out. They're about due for a ride anyway."

"I'll let you know," she's says noncommittally, but I can tell she likes the idea.

Just then, Nitra walks up with our food. T does his attempt at flirting again, before she walks off with a chuckle. We make small talk throughout our meal. When we're done, I pay the bill, and we all file out and pile back in the car. The trip back to Jaxon's is short, and we ride in silence.

"Thanks for taking care of the tire for me and for breakfast," Mia says.

"It was T that did most of the work," I tell her glancing in T's direction.

Mia walks over to him. He's s.h.i.+fting from one foot to the other, like he's uncomfortable with being called out on working on her car.

Mia holds out her hand and says, "Thank you, Trent."

He looks from her hand to her face before slowly putting his hand in hers and giving it a shake.

"You're welcome," he mumbles.

"Let me know when you want to get together and play Minecraft," she says and releases his hand.

He nods his head and replies, "Okay, will do."

T gets in the truck while I walk Mia to her car. She turns to me when we reach her door.

"Thanks again."

I reach down, grab her hand, and bring her wrist up to my lips where I place a kiss against it. She sucks in a breath at the action. It was something that I did often when we were younger.

"Mac..." she begins, but I place a finger over her lips.

"I know, Pix. I'm not going to push, okay? But I'm not going to just go away either. It may never go anywhere, and I understand that, but I'm going to at least try. I have to at least try."

"I can't, Mac. I can't get the picture of you and her out of my head. I want to give us another try, but that's just something I don't think I'll ever get over. I barely survived last time. I can't go through something like that again, and I'm terrified it would go wrong somehow. I don't blame you anymore for what happened, but regardless of the circ.u.mstances and the whys, it still happened. I still see it so clearly, even after ten years," she says all this quietly.

The pain in her eyes nearly brings me to my knees. I put that hurt there. It was my lack of control and my actions that brought on this horrible, deeply ingrained pain that I see on her face. We were both hurt by it, but at least I have the haze of the drugs to fog my memory some. Although Mia was drinking at the time, I know she wasn't drunk. The visions that she sees are clear as day. I don't know how to help her. I don't think there is anything I can do to help her get over this pain, which leaves me feeling more helpless than I've ever felt in my life.

"I'm not giving up, Pix. I won't push, but I won't back away." I grab her hand and place it over my heart that's thumping in my chest. "This hasn't beat properly since that night. My heart hasn't been whole since that night. There's been a hole there that can't be filled. Just give us a chance."

I watch as her eyes gla.s.s over with moisture. They slide away from mine. I let her have her reprieve for a moment. She takes a deep breath and looks at me again.

"I'm sorry, Mac, but I just don't think I can." Her eyes plead with me to understand, and I do understand, but that doesn't mean I'm giving in. I know there is still something between us, and I will do everything I can to prove it to her. For now, though, I give her what she needs to hear.

"Okay, Pix. I'll leave it for now."

I take a step back from her and open the door. She slides inside, starts her car, and puts down the window.

"I really did have a nice time today. Thank you," she says sadly.

"I did, too. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." I reach up and swipe my thumb across her cheek. She closes her eyes briefly, as if she's savoring the feeling.

"Goodbye, Mac."

"Bye, Pix."

And then she's gone, leaving me standing there with even more determination to prove to her that we can be us again. I don't know how I'll do it, but d.a.m.ned if I'll give up now.

Chapter Thirteen.

Mia Her flaws...

"How do you fit three gay guys on one bar stool?" Andrew asks and looks around to us all. Jaxon is standing behind the bar with his arms on either side of Bailey resting on the counter. Andrew and I are on the other side sitting on stools. We're all enjoying the peace and quiet before the night time rush. Andrew's been entertaining us with random jokes for the last half hour.

When none of us come up with an answer, Andrew puffs out a frustrated breath. "Ah, come on guys! You've got to know this one!" Still, none of us say anything. "You flip it over."

Jaxon groans and shakes his head while Bailey and I laugh. "You have a very deranged mind, Andrew," Jaxon tells him.

"What? You didn't think it was funny? How about this one? "'A guy walks into a bar and orders a shot of whiskey. After slamming the shot gla.s.s down, he orders another.'

'The bartender asks, "What's the matter?"'

'The guy says, "I just found out my youngest son is gay."'

'The next day, the same guy is back ordering a shot of whiskey.'

'"Another!" The guy yells after slamming the shot gla.s.s down.'

'"Now what's the matter?" The bartender asks.'

'"I just found out my oldest son is gay.'

'Two days later, the guy's back again, asking for another shot of whiskey.'

'"s.h.i.+t, man, does anyone in your house like p.u.s.s.y?" The bartender asks.'

'"Yes!" The guy yells. "My f.u.c.king wife!"'

When Andrew is done with his joke, we all laugh with him. I really love Andrew. He can make anyone feel better with his silly ways. He tells a few more jokes until our attention is pulled away from him when the door opens.

"Chris!" Andrew yells in his deep voice. "Come on over here, baby, and sit with us!"

Chris sends us a wave and walks over.

"Hey, guys," she says and takes a seat next to Andrew.

Andrew reaches over, pulls her stool closer to him, and throws his arm around her shoulder. We all know what's coming next.

"So, Chris, any word yet when your brother is coming to town?"

Ever since the day Chris showed Andrew her brother's picture, he has been obsessed, constantly asking her when he was going to be here. It's pretty pathetic, but it's been funny watching him fawn over someone he's never even met.

"Nope, not yet. He has a few things he has to do before he can break away."

"Can you ask him to hurry it up? It feels like I've been waiting on him forever," Andrew says in a serious voice. He really is unbelievable sometimes.

Chris chuckles, "It's hasn't been that long, Andrew. I only showed you the picture a little over a week ago."

"Yeah, but the day you showed me that picture was already a day too long. I need to see him in person. Wait!" Andrew straightens up in his chair and faces Chris. "Does he know about me?"

Chris looks away from him guiltily. "No. I didn't want to add any more pressure on him."

"So, that's why he's not up here already. If he knew about me, he wouldn't want to waste anytime getting to me," Andrew says cheekily.

"G.o.d," Bailey says. "Can anyone be more full of themselves?"

Chris gives us all a sad smile. "He's already dealing with the repercussions of my family by himself. I want him up here as soon as he can get here, and I was worried that if I told him I was trying to set him up, he may hesitate. Jase is a very independent and determined person and doesn't like to be coerced."

Andrew picks up Chris's hand and kisses the back of it. "Don't you worry about a thing, Chris. I plan to take good care of him. No coercion will be needed once he gets a good look at me." He sends her a wink.

And Andrew will. He's the type of person that will give his life for those he cares about. Andrew is outrageously funny, sweet, loyal to a fault, and a bada.s.s when he needs to be. The guy that captures Andrew's heart, and gives his in return, will be very lucky. Andrew will give his all to ensure that person is happy, I have no doubt. However, don't let his loving nature fool you. It takes a lot to make Andrew angry, but when he is, he's unstoppable. You don't want to be in his path when he's angry.

"I know you'll take good care of him, Andrew. That's why I wanted you to meet him. He's a really good guy. A little rough sometimes, but he's one of the best people I know. Not to mention, you're hot, and I'm hoping that once he gets to know you, it'll make him want to stay."

"Think I'm hot, do you?" he asks with a grin.

"You know you are," all three of us girls answer at once, which causes Andrew and Jaxon to laugh.

"I know, I know, you all want me. I'm sorry, ladies, but as pretty as you girls are, I just can't get it hard for you. But you, Jaxon," he gives him a s.e.xy dimpled smile. "You can have me anytime, until Jase gets here. No dice after then. I'm a one man man."

Chris elbows him in the ribs, and I throw a coaster at him, which he dodges. Jaxon just chuckles, bends his head, and plants a kiss on the back of Bailey's neck.

"In all honesty, Chris. He'll be in good hands here. We'll find a way to get him to stay." Andrew gives her shoulders a squeeze before letting go.

The door opens again and in walks Mac and Nick. They immediately head in our direction. Mac stops beside my stool. His leg brushes against mine when he squeezes in to take a seat. I can feel the heat from the close proximity of him, and it makes my heart rate pick up.

There's an empty stool beside Chris that's closest to the door, but Nick it. Instead chooses to take the one on the other side of Mac. He keeps his eyes away from Chris as he her. I watch as Chris's expression falls at the obvious rejection. I look over to Jaxon and Bailey and see they noticed as well. Jaxon looks at me and shrugs. Bailey just looks sadly at her friend. There is some seriously f.u.c.ked up s.h.i.+t going on there.

Both Mac and Nick order beers, and Jaxon fetches them.

I look across Mac and talk to Nick. "Hey, Nick, how have you been?"

"Just peachy," he says into his beer bottle, his body tense.

I raise my eyebrows at Mac at Nick's snide remark. I don't let his att.i.tude deter me.

"When did you get back?"

He looks at me out the corner of his eye and grumbles, "This morning."

"Are you okay?" I prod some more.

"Yep," he grunts back.

"Are you sure? You seem kind of tense." I know I'm pus.h.i.+ng, but I don't care anymore. It's time we stop p.u.s.s.y footing around him. He's moped around enough. If no one else is willing to put a stop to it, I will.

"Jesus Christ woman! Yes, I'm fine, okay!" he barks.

"Hey!" I raise my voice and lean across Mac with my arm on the bar in front of him. He sits there quietly drinking his beer. Everyone else around is quiet as well. "We're your friends and we care about you and we're worried about you. If you don't like it, then too d.a.m.n bad."


"No, Sheriff, he needs to stop being a d.i.c.k. I'm tired of his grouchy d.a.m.n att.i.tude," I tell Mac.

"p.i.s.s off, Mia. I don't need your f.u.c.king concern. I just want to sit and drink my d.a.m.n beer in peace."

"Nick, watch it, man," Mac warns.

Nick closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them again. I can see him visibly trying to control his temper. He turns his head to me.

"Sorry, Mia. I've just had a rough week. I appreciate your concern, but I promise I'm okay."

"I understand, Nick. Please know that we're all here for you if you need us."

He nods his head and says, "I know."

I sit back in my seat and pick up the soda sitting in front of me. I look around and see everyone watching me, except Bailey, who has her eyes on Nick. She looks like she's going to break down any moment. Jaxon turns her around and wraps his arms around her while she buries her face in his chest. The look he sends Nick's way is a mixture of empathy and displeasure. I know that Jaxon has mixed feelings towards Nick's behavior. He hates for anything to hurt Bailey, but he also knows the pain Nick is going through.

Andrew has his head close to Chris, who you can plainly see is hurting. He's murmuring something to her that I can't hear. I bring my gaze to Mac and see him watching me with a look of respect. His lips tip up at the corners, and he gives me a smile.

He bends his body towards me and says, "My parents are coming to town in two weeks. I'd really like if you could come to dinner one night while they're here. They'd love to see you."

Again, the guilt of the way I treated them makes my chest hurt. They weren't the ones that betrayed me, but I still punished them for what their son did.

"I'm sure they probably hate me. I never went and saw them after what happened."

"They don't hate you, Pix. They know what happened and understand you choosing to close them out as well. They know the pain you went through."

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