Tribes Of The Vampire - Eternally Bound Part 45

Tribes Of The Vampire - Eternally Bound -

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"Ah, but I have come to collect my child," Leandro said. "I am duty bound to train her in our ways."

"I will train her!" Marcello yelled, his body rigid.

"Ah, that I can't allow. As she said, her human life was mine, her body yours. Come, Tatiana, you know what I say is true.

Marcello can't be the one to train you. He is too attached to you. He will allow your weaknesses whereas I will not."

Tatiana closed her eyes and nodded. She waved him away with an arch of her hand. Leandro bowed and backed from the room.

"You will find gowns in the wardrobe,bella donna ," Leandro said, before shutting the chamber door.

"He is right," Tatiana said. "You will make allowances for me because you can feel as I feel. Leandro must be the one to train me in my new vampiric ways. And, when the time comes, I will be trained as a witch and by the lycans. It is the only way I can be strong enough. My ancestors were many. I am merely one. If the evil comes back, I will fight it alone."

"You are not alone," Marcello answered. He set her down gently and took his body from hers. Turning, he walked to the wardrobe to get her clothing. "For, as long as I walk this accursed earth, you will have me."

Chapter Eighteen.

Spoleti Castle, Fall 1899

Leandro walked beside Tatiana through the fairytale gardens of Spoleti Castle. Many nights had pa.s.sed since her changing, though none who lived within the walls bothered to count them. Their immortal lives fell into a routine, like that of a family-- Marcello, her lover and Leandro, her teacher. Both were her friends--dark and twisted as their friends.h.i.+ps were.

The brothers still fought their ancient battle, but they did so silently. No words were settled between them. Tatiana knew old feelings were deeply buried and she did not force them into each other's company too often.

She knew Leandro well enough to feel his pain beneath his smiles and cruel remarks. She felt his anger and jealousy each night she came from Marcello only to leave for him again with the dawn. Marcello had dreams with her, vague impressions of the past. Hers were more real--sometimes riddled with meanings they couldn't interpret and sometimes clear in their message of death.

"It is time," Tatiana said. "We must go to England."

Leandro nodded as they strolled through the garden. "I know."

"I have seen the future of my line through Henry's child. I must go to save the boy," Tatiana said. "Henry's son is weak and is dying. I must give my nephew my blood to make him strong, to connect the mortal line to me."

"Do you think it wise?" Leandro asked. "Your blood is potent--too potent for mortals and he is only a young one at that."

"I have seen it," she said quietly. "I have seen more of it than I wish. There is no choice. If I don't do it now, the line could be lost. I must connect myself to it. If the boy dies, the line dies with him."

"Your brother may have more children," Leandro said.

Tatiana looked up at the stars and sighed. Clouds dotted over the heavens, blanketing beneath a bright moon. Over the months she'd come to see the night as she had the day. Its faces were many, ever changing, always beautiful and mysterious.

"How many are there, do you think? The stars?"

Leandro nodded, not prying more. He knew well that Tatiana's visions were her own. He turned to the heavens. "I have thought often of counting them, studying them, learning their names. But, in the end, I never do. I prefer to have them unknown to me. I would see my own pictures in their depths, not some ancient Greek's imaginings."

"Domin spoke to me last night. All is well with the lycans. The last have gone into sopor. Only Domin and a handful remain awake to guard the others," Tatiana said. "Domin is weary and wishes to find his rest, but will stay awake, hidden from the world. He agrees that I should go to London."

"Are you asking me to release you?" Leandro asked. A sadness pa.s.sed over him to her.

"No, I am not asking to be released. We will never be free of each other," Tatiana said. "My only hope is that you will make peace with Marcello. You are of the same blood. Don't discount that."

It wasn't the first time she'd tried to bury what was between them, and it wouldn't be the last.

"You know I don't want him to have you,bella donna ," Leandro said touching her cheek in brotherly affection. "But, I would give you to him ifyou asked it of me."

"I don't," she stated. "However, I do ask you to come with us to England. I have need of your strength and guidance."

"You have little need of my guidance," Leandro laughed.

"Ah, but I have need of your friends.h.i.+p," she answered. "Come with us."

Leandro nodded. "Very well,bella donna , very well. I have taught you what I know of our ways. In truth, Marcello can tell you the rest. You should seek out the witches next and learn of their craft."

Marcello glared across the carriage at his brother. He did not like Leandro's hold over Tatiana. The short year spent together had not changed their feelings. What he knew to be a long time to Tatiana was only but a brief instant to him and Leandro. A year was nothing when compared to the century they had lived.

He knew Tatiana thought his brother sad and lonely. That is why she insisted he come with them to England. She did not want him left alone. Her kindness amazed him in light of what she was. Though, he knew it shouldn't have. He felt her desire for him each day as they slept, as he shared the burden of her dreams. He couldn't get enough of her and his only regret was that he would never give her all that she should have--a normal life.

"I don't wish for one," Tatiana whispered, opening her eyes from where she lay against his chest. He pulled her tighter against him and she nuzzled along his steel frame.

Suddenly, Leandro tapped his cane against the roof of the carriage. Tatiana looked at him, confused. Marcello stiffened. The carriage rolled to a stop. Leandro stepped out.

"What...?" Tatiana began, looking deeply into Marcello's eyes.

Marcello frowned, following his brother into the night, ready to fight him. To his surprise, Leandro stood by another carriage.

A servant opened the door to it and Leandro motioned that he should go inside. Tatiana came up behind Marcello, holding his arm.

"Leandro?" she asked softly. "What is the meaning of this?"

Servants began moving Tatiana's and Marcello's trunks from one carriage to the other. Leandro waited until they were finished. Then, going to Tatiana, he ignored Marcello. Leaning over, he kissed her lips and held her to him for a long time.

Marcello's hands balled into fists.

Leandro pulled back. His hand lifted to her cheek, rubbing it softly beneath his knuckles. "I release you from me. Never come back to Spoleti Castle. You are no longer welcome there."

"Leandro?" Tatiana questioned with a gasp. "What is this? What have we done?"

She reached for his arm, moving to stop him as he tried to climb into his carriage. He turned to her only to glare at her hand.

His eyes were red with the beast he carried inside him, a beast they all carried. Demonically, he growled, "I have released you from me. Go! Before I change my mind and spill Marcello's blood."

"Leandro?" she said again, weak, breathless.

"Tatiana." Marcello's voice was calm as he pulled her back. Leandro shut the door on her and the carriage sped off into the night, going back the way it came.

"What is the meaning of this?" Tatiana asked.

"He doesn't like lengthy farewells." Marcello's humorless expression followed her gaze to the departing carriage, watching it.

"But why do this at all?" Tatiana let him guide her into the new carriage.

Marcello frowned, not liking the hurt look on her face and the pain in her voice as she gazed after Leandro. Suddenly, he gripped her arms and shook her hard until she faced him. "I thought you would be happy to be rid of him. Just what exactly does my brother mean to you?"

"He ... I ... nothing," Tatiana said. The lie was weak and written all over her face. "He means nothing."

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