The Prose Works of William Wordsworth Part 53

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86. Advertis.e.m.e.nt *87. It was an April Morn, &c.

*88. May call it Emma's Dell *89. To Joanna Hutchinson 90. Inscriptions *91. There is an Eminence, &c.

*92. A narrow girdle, &c.

*93. To Mary Hutchinson *94. When to the attractions, &c.

95. Captain Wordsworth

V. _Poems of the Fancy_.

*96. A Morning Exercise *97. Birds *98. A Flower-garden *99. A Whirl-blast, &c.

*100. The Waterfall and the Eglantine *101. The Oak and the Broom *102. To a s.e.xton *103. To the Daisy *104. To the same Flower *105. To the small Celandine 106. The Seven Sisters *107. The Redbreast chasing b.u.t.terfly *108. Song for the Spinning-wheel *109. Hint from the Mountains *110. On seeing a Needle-case, &c.

*111. The Contrast *112. The Danish Boy *113. Song for the Wandering Jew *114. Stray Pleasures *115. The Pilgrim's Dream, &c.

*116. The Poet and Turtle-dove *117. A Wren's Nest *118. Love lies bleeding *119. Rural Illusions *120. Kitten and falling Leaves 121. The Waggoner: Dedication *122. The Waggoner 123. Benjamin the Waggoner 124. The Dor-Hawk 125. Helmcrag 126. Merrynight 127. Ghimmer-Crag

VI. _Poems of the Imagination_.

*128. There was a Boy, &c.

*129. To the Cuckoo *130. A Night-piece *131. Yew-trees *132. Nutting *133. She was a Phantom of Delight *134. The Nightingale *135. Three Years she grew 136. I wandered lonely, &c.

137. The Daffodils *138. The Reverie of poor Susan *139. Power of Music *140. Star-gazers *141. Written in March *142. Beggars *143. Gipsies *144. Ruth *145. Resolution and Independence *146. The Thorn 147. Hart-Leap Well 148. Ibid.

149. Song at Feast of Brougham Castle *150. Ibid.

151. Sir John Beaumont 152. The undying Fish of Bowscale Tarn 153. The Cliffords *154. Tintern Abbey *155. It is no spirit, &c.

156. French Revolution 157. Yes, it was the Mountain Echo 158. To a Skylark *159. Laodamia 160. Withered Trees *161. Dion 162. Fair is the Swan, &c.

*163. The Pa.s.s of Kirkstone *164. To ---- *165. To a Young Lady *166. Water-fowl *167. View from Black Comb *168. The Haunted Tree *169. The Triad 170. The Wis.h.i.+ng-gate 171. The Wis.h.i.+ng-gate destroyed *172. The Primrose of the Rock *173. Presentiments *174. Vernal Ode *175. Devotional Incitements *176. The Cuckoo-Clock *177. To the Clouds *178. Suggested by a Picture of the Bird of Paradise *179. A Jewish Family *180. On the Power of Sound 181. Peter Bell: a Tale 182. Peter Bell: the Poem

VII. _Miscellaneous Sonnets_: Part I.

*183. Commencement of writing of Sonnets 184. Admonition *185. Sonnet iv. Beaumont, &c.

*186. " vi. There is, &c.

*187. " viii. The fairest, &c.

188. The Genius *189. Sonnet ix. Upon the sight, &c.

*190. " xi. Aerial Rock *191. " xv. The Wild Duck's Nest *192. " xix. Grief, &c.

*193. " xxii. Decay of Piety *194. " xxiv. to xxvi.

*195. " xxvii. Surprised, &c.

*196. " xxviii. and xxix.

*197. " x.x.x. It is, &c.

*198. " x.x.xvi. Calvert, &c.

Part II.

*199. " iv. From the dark, &c.

*200. " v. Fool, &c.

*201. " vi. I watch, &c.

202. " vii. The ungenial Hollow 203. Sonnet viii. For the whole weight *204. " x. Mark, &c.

*205. " xi. Dark, &c.

*206. " xiii. While not, &c.

*207. " xiv. How clear, &c.

*208. " xv. One who, &c.

*209. " xviii. Lady, &c.

*210. " xix. There is a pleasure, &c.

*211. " xxix. Though narrow, &c.

*212. " x.x.x. Four fiery, &c.

*213. " x.x.xi. Brook, &c.

*214. " x.x.xiii. to x.x.xv.

Part III.

*215. " vi. Fame tells, &c.

*216. " vii. Where lively ground, &c.

*217. " ix. A stream, &c.

218. " xi. In the Woods of Rydal *219. " xiii. While Anna's peers, &c.

*220. " xvi. Unquiet childhood, &c.

*222. " xvii. Such age, &c.

*223. " xviii. Rotha, &c.

224. The Rotha *225. Sonnet xix. Miserrimus *226. " xx. While poring, &c.

*227. " xxi. Chatsworth, &c.

*228. " xxii. 'Tis said, &c.

*229. " xxiii. Untouched, &c.

*230. " xxiv. Go, &c.

*231. " xxv. Why art, &c.

*232. " xxvi. Haydon, &c.

*233. " xxvii. A poet, &c.

*234. " xxviii. The most, &c.

*235. " xxix. By Art's, &c.

*236. " x.x.xii. All praise, &c.

*237. " x.x.xvi. Oh, what, &c.

*238. " x.x.xvii. Intent, &c.

239. " xlii. Wansfel 240. " xliii. A little rural town

VIII. _Memorials of a Tour in Scotland, 1803_.

*241. Setting out *242. To the Sons of Burns, &c.

243. Ellen Irwin, &c.

*244. To a Highland Girl 245. Stepping Westward *246. Address to Kilchurn Castle.

*247. Rob Roy's Grave *248. Sonnet composed at ---- Castle 249. Yarrow Unvisited 250. The Matron of Jedborough, &c.

*251. Sonnet, Fly, &c.

*252. The Blind Highland Boy

IX. _Memorials of a Second Tour in Scotland, 1814_.

*253. Suggested by a beautiful Ruin, &c.

*254. At Corra Linn *255. Effusion, &c.

*256. Yarrow Visited

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