Broken Shield Part 18

Broken Shield -

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Ashley tried to pull her hand back, but Tyler had it firmly in her grasp. Looking at Tyler, she felt as if she was being devoured by the smoldering gaze. Pushed to her back, Tyler moved to kiss her neck. The touch made Ashley flush and sent a surge of electricity straight through her body to her c.l.i.t. Without realizing it, the b.u.t.tons to her pajamas were quickly opened and Ashley felt Tyler's hand roaming over her stomach. Ashley's head spun as touches were replaced with kisses and little nips on her skin. Ashley threaded her fingers into Tyler's hair and moaned as Tyler moved lower.

"Do you want me to stop?" Tyler asked so seductively that Ashley didn't think she could eke out a response if she wanted to, so she shook her head.


Ashley knew she was being given an out, but she just couldn't find it in herself to say yes. Closing her eyes, she laid her head back on the pillow and waited. She felt Tyler's b.r.e.a.s.t.s slide up her body. Opening her eyes, she stared into understanding brown eyes that made her heart beat faster. There was no way she would turn this woman down and she knew it. Ashley felt protected as Tyler settle on her elbows keeping most of her weight off of Ashley's body. The b.u.t.terflies rumbled around in her again as she moved to kiss Tyler's soft lips.

Ashley felt Tyler moving to her left side and mold her body against Ashley's. Ashley's body throbbed as Tyler slid a thigh between her legs and gently slid it over her hard c.l.i.t. Turning towards Tyler, she groaned as Tyler pulled her hip into the motion and ground harder on Ashley. Begging for release Ashley lifted her hips up and craved deeper contact, feeling the start of an o.r.g.a.s.m tremble lower in her body. A spike went through her when Tyler's lips grabbed her nipple and gently tugged on it. Rolling the tip of her tongue over Ashley's nipple served its purpose as Ashley started to come. Each stroke of Tyler's thigh against her c.l.i.t drew Ashley faster and faster into the o.r.g.a.s.m. Closing her eyes she threw her head back and gasped as she peaked. Slow shudders ebbed through Ashley's body as Tyler continued to stroke her c.l.i.t with her fingers. Working the hard nub faster, Tyler moved up and licked Ashley's neck before she placed a kiss on it. A low whisper in Ashley's ear pulled her further into the moment.

"That's it. Spread your legs for me. I want to feel your wetness all over my fingers." Ashley's nerves fired all at once as Tyler continued, "Oh, you're really wet Ash. I bet you taste good, too."

Ashley never had someone talk to her during s.e.x and she was almost ready to jump out of her skin the more Tyler talked. She could hear Tyler's breathing speed up as she worked her fingers deeper into Ashley. She never came more than once during s.e.x, so she wasn't sure how much more she could take as Tyler whispered into her ear again.

"Oh, I can feel your muscles tightening around my fingers. You're so close, just let it come, Ash. Just let it come."

Ashley felt the pressure of Tyler's fingers curling up into her v.a.g.i.n.a and stroking her. Each stroke went a little deeper as Tyler worked Ashley's wet p.u.s.s.y. A tremor started to build and before Ashley could do anything her body rocked back and forth on Tyler's hand. Her muscles tightened then released with each spasm of her o.r.g.a.s.m. Grabbing Tyler's wrist, she stopped the movement and let the o.r.g.a.s.m roll through her body.

"Oh f.u.c.k," Ashley said, forcing Tyler's hand deeper inside.

Ashley felt empty the minute Tyler pulled her hand from her body. A warm feeling replaced it when Tyler wrapped her arms around Ashley, gently pulling Ashley on top of her. Laying her head on Tyler's chest, she listened to Tyler's heart beat against her ear. Tears rolled down her cheek and she tried to wipe them before they fell on Tyler's chest, but she wasn't able to stop them once they started. Ashley didn't know why she was crying and could only hope that Tyler wouldn't notice. Controlling her emotions were usually her strong suit and she had learned to keep them well hidden at all times, but it was like someone had released the flood gates and she couldn't stop crying.

"Hey. Why the tears? Are you okay? Oh G.o.d, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you." The regret in Tyler's voice only made Ashley cry harder. "I don't know what came over me."

"It's okay. It's not you, really." Ashley rolled off of Tyler and wiped her eyes with her pajamas. "That was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced, Tyler. I don't know why I'm crying, honestly." Ashley covered her eyes with her arm too embarra.s.sed to look at Tyler. "Maybe it's just the buildup of all those emotions coming to a head and s.e.x was the release."

Ashley looked up at Tyler's face filled with concern. She felt so protected when she was with Tyler. Something about tonight gave Ashley the strength to let go of her emotions and be open with Tyler.

Tyler pulled Ashley back against her chest into a tight embrace. A grunt escaped Ashley's lips when her ribs made their presence known. The pain was shooting, but she didn't want to leave the tight embrace. The pounding o.r.g.a.s.m made her injuries throb as well. Now she needed to get up and take something for the pain and quick. Before she could say anything Tyler was up, picking up the blankets off the floor and looking at Ashley smiling.

"Where are your pain meds?" Tyler inquired, pulling on the legs of the tight boxers.

Ashley felt her heart skip a beat as she looked at Tyler's messy hair, hard nipples and the way too small boxers she was wearing. Her life wasn't perfect, but if this kept up it was getting d.a.m.n close.

Chapter Thirty-five.

If someone had told Tyler that being shot would lead to the best thing in her life she wouldn't have just called them crazy, she probably would have laughed. But, here she was sitting in a coffee shop with Ashley, talking about nothing in particular, and people watching. The last few days had pa.s.sed in a blur of s.e.x, crying, talking and more s.e.x. While Ashley had a hard time taking care of Tyler s.e.xually, Ashley, on the other hand, had let Tyler sooth her, hold her, and protect her.

Tyler had accompanied Ashley to the station where Ashley had given a more thorough statement of the events leading up to the shooting. Kelly had taken Ashley's phone the night of Ashley's release from the hospital. She had given it to the detectives who were handling the investigation. While Tyler had little to tell, she knew Ashley would have to come clean on everything that included Leslie, from the abuse to the shooting. Tyler didn't like to think of the questions the detectives would ask Ashley about her relations.h.i.+p with Leslie, but it couldn't be helped. An officer involved shooting, regardless of whether the officer did the shooting, or an officer was shot brought in the big guns. At least that's what Kelly had told Tyler. Her heart ached for Ashley as she came out of the interrogation room, the remnants of tears covering her face, looking defeated. Wrapping her arms around Ashley, Tyler reminded her that she wasn't responsible for Leslie's actions.

Tyler watched Ashley stir her coffee with cool dispa.s.sion, knowing today had been the roughest day for Ashley as the district attorney questioned her about the abuse. The trial was moving closer and Tyler knew it would be hard for Ashley, since Ashley wanted to attend.

Another minute pa.s.sed and Ashley asked, "So, why did you stop being a paramedic?"

Tyler dropped the spoon on the table and looked up at Ashley. "Why?"

"Yeah, why did you go back to being a firefighter?"

"Well-" Tyler scanned the crowded coffee shop, hoping to recognize someone she knew to avoid the question.

"Look, if it's too personal, you don't have to answer. I was just wondering what causes someone to go from saving lives to running into burning buildings, risking their own instead."

Tyler looked at Ashley. Her eyes were so green, like someplace Tyler always wanted to get lost in lately. Remembering the day Jill died made her hands shake. Clasping them together, she stuck them between her thighs hoping to stop the tremor.

"I happened to switch s.h.i.+fts with another firefighter so he could get married. I wasn't supposed to be on duty that day." Slowly, Tyler retold the story of what had happened the day Jill died. Never looking at Ashley, she only watched the swirling coffee in her cup. Finis.h.i.+ng she looked up at Ashley who had tears threatening to drop and her heart ached. Ashley gave her a rea.s.suring smile and then wiped at her eyes.

"Tyler, I'm sorry I asked," Ashley said, covering Tyler's hands. The warm comfort made Tyler smile. Things had changed for Tyler. Before she wouldn't have been able to share the story with anyone and now she was telling Ashley everything.

Tyler acknowledged the comment with a weak smile and continued, "When Jill was shot, my mom was my rock. She got me through the first couple of weeks." Tyler's eyes, now vacant, looked at something only visible to her. Her fingers rubbed little patterns on the table as she thought about those days. Tyler was quickly lost in her nightmare. She explained how she didn't think she needed to see a shrink, but the department had mandated it since it was her wife. She told Ashley how she had lied her way through the whole session and every session after that. She'd do anything to get through that hour of h.e.l.l, once a week. She hadn't thought about that moment lately. Now that she had started, she couldn't seem to stop herself from telling Ashley everything. For some reason, Ashley made it easy to talk about the past. Tyler looked into her eager eyes as she thought about Jill and her mom.

"Two weeks later, I was on duty when a head-on collision with fatalities was called in. My squad rolled on it," Tyler said, her mouth dry. "When we got there, the two vehicles were totaled. We were told it was now an extraction, but we had to make sure."

Tyler took a deep breath and bit her top lip, then continued, "As I was walking to one of the cars, I noticed a woman's purse about a yard from the vehicle. It a..." Tyler swallowed hard and took another deep breath before continuing. "For some reason I picked up the purse and opened it. Sitting right on top were my mom's reading in a case I had bought for her when I went to Hawaii."

"Oh Tyler."

Tyler felt Ashley stroke her hand, trying to comfort her.

In a trance-like state, she continued her story, "I dropped everything, the purse, the med kit, my helmet and ran to the car, but it was too late." Tears clouded her vision and she wiped them with the back of her hand. "The car was on its top and I dropped to my knees, praying it wasn't my mom. There had to be a mistake, there just had to be."

Tyler rubbed her lips wondering how far she would be able to go.

"Tyler, you don't have to say anymore. I think I understand," Ashley said, reaching across the table and grasping both her hands.

"No, you wanted to know why I'm not a paramedic. Now you'll know." Determined to finish her story Tyler started again, "I looked in the vehicle and there she was. She looked like she was sleeping, but with cuts and bruises. I gently shook her, nothing. I reached for a pulse, nothing. She was gone. By the time I stood up my dad was there."

"How did your dad get there so quick?"

"He's the Fire Chief. He was already on his way. Standard procedure," Tyler said, shrugging her shoulders and swallowing hard again. "She was my best friend, after Jill. I couldn't believe it. It d.a.m.n near killed my dad. We had to hold him back-keep him from seeing her like that."

"Oh Tyler, I'm so sorry," Ashley whispered.

Tyler didn't hear Ashley, too lost in her misery. She continued, "My mom and I were supposed to go to Hawaii the following day for a vacation, get way from everything. My mom and Jill loved Hawaii, now they're both gone."

Her memories brought her world cras.h.i.+ng down on her and she wasn't sure she could handle it again. Ashley's strong arms wrapped around Tyler and rocked her back and forth. The soothing motion reminded Tyler of how her mom would rock her to sleep when she was little.

"Sometimes it's okay to let someone else shoulder your pain, Tyler," Ashley whispered, rocking Tyler.

Tyler felt the warmth of Ashley's breath on her face as she closed her eyes and cried. She had been strong for so long that it felt good to let go. Remembering where they were Tyler wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. Patting Ashley's arm she turned and placed a light kiss on her check and patted her lap for Ashley to sit.

"Really, Tyler? Here in front of everyone?"

Tyler liked pus.h.i.+ng Ashley's comfort zone. She was used to being out and seen with women. It didn't really faze her when someone stared. Most people were smart enough not to try and take on the six foot woman. But every once in a while someone, usually a guy, had a comment that made Tyler shake her head. Most of them had to do with being the center of a chick sandwich or the possibility that they would need a man's help with something. Tyler just attributed them to repressed adolescence and moved on. She was sure Ashley, however, might blush at the comments.

She watched as Ashley opted for the seat next to hers, letting her hand rest on Tyler's thigh, an easy compromise Tyler didn't mind. Tyler went back to her favorite pastime lately, studying Ashley. The simplest things made Tyler's heart jump. The way her lips formed when she sucked on the straw in the mocha-something or other. The way she fingered her hair when she daydreamed or the way she looked after they made love. That lost in the moment look drove Tyler crazy and put her back in that mood all over again.

"Tyler?" Ashley said, running her fingers down the inside seam of Tyler's jeans.

"Huh?" Tyler felt her body tighten at the contact. Stopping Ashley's hand before it could do any more damage, Tyler looked up and found her frowning. "What's wrong?"

"I'm going to go see Leslie," Ashley said flatly.

"What?" Tyler tried to comprehend the statement before she said anything else.

"I think I need to face her. If I wait until court...I don't know what I'll do if she taunts me there and I know she will." Ashley stirred her drink trying not to look at Tyler.

"Well, we just won't look at her, that's all," Tyler said pulling Ashley's hand back into hers. "I don't think it's a good idea, Ash. I mean, she isn't right in the head and who knows what she'll say."

"Yeah, well how much more damage can she do, Tyler? I mean honestly. Besides, I need to know why?"

Ashley's question lingered for a moment as Tyler wondered the same thing more than once since the shooting. But a confrontation? What would Leslie say to Ashley knowing that everything was taped in the jail? Thinking about what she wanted to say, Tyler studied Ashley. Tyler's heart would break if Leslie said something to hurt Ashley and she knew that was a very real possibility. Tyler realized at that moment she was falling fast and hard for Ashley and she would hurt anyone who hurt Ashley.

"Ashley, what is it you think she'll tell you? This is crazy," Tyler said sliding her hand along Ashley's arm, trying to offer some rea.s.surance she wasn't quite sure she felt.

"That's just it, Tyler. The D.A. told me she is pleading temporary insanity."

The fear in Ashley's eyes was palpable. The thought that Leslie was playing the insanity card was unbelievable. Even more unbelievable was that it was a real possibility a jury might find Leslie insane and put her in a State inst.i.tution and not prison. Tyler had seen juries do strange things lately and this wasn't beyond reason.

"There's no way, Ashley. There's just no way that the D.A. is going to plead her out like that." Tyler refused to believe that with everything that had happened to them, the district attorney would do such a thing.

"She's not, but she said that Leslie's lawyer is working all the angles. The phone messages, the way she set everything up at the building, Leslie even had some stupid card or something in her car addressed to me."

"A card?"

"Yeah, it seems she got an anniversary card and wrote something about our supposed 'wedding anniversary'. I don't know, Tyler. It's just too weird and Leslie is just smart enough to have planned for every possibility."

Ashley scrubbed her face in frustration and then gave Tyler a weak smile.

"Ashley, she's a basket case, but she isn't your basket case to deal with," Tyler said stroking the back of Ashley's hand. She was hoping she was being supportive, but resolute in the fact that Ashley would only be hurt in an exchange with Leslie.

"Maybe she'll screw up and say something, Tyler. Maybe I can get her to admit to planning out the shooting."

Tyler felt like she needed to come clean before Ashley made any rash decision as far as Leslie was concerned. Seeing Leslie wasn't a deal breaker, and Ashley had to deal with what happened on her own terms, but Tyler wanted to protect Ashley. Being open was difficult for Tyler, but if she wanted to stay on the new path she had created, she needed to let Ashley know how she felt.

"Ashley," Tyler said studying their intertwined fingers. "I'm...a...well, I just want to say that...I..." Tyler felt her throat constrict and a lump form that she couldn't swallow down. This was harder than she expected, but Ashley's sudden proclamation that she wanted to see Leslie made Tyler wince in pain for her lover. "I just, "Tyler whispered rolling her eyes, and shaking her head. f.u.c.k, this is harder than I thought.

"What's wrong, Tyler?" Ashley said running her fingers through Tyler's hair, pulling her head forward so that their foreheads touched. "Are you okay?"

"Ashley, these last few days have been wonderful and well, I'm falling for you." Tyler closed her eyes and waited.

"Tyler," Ashley whispered in Tyler's ear, "if you haven't noticed, I'm more than kind of falling for you, but I didn't want to say anything. With the shooting and all. I mean, well you know, the s.e.x and everything, I just thought-"

"What," Tyler said, pulling back from the warm caress of Ashley's voice in her ear. "That you were just a conquest?" Tyler's voice trembled low giving away her fear of rejection.

Ashley blushed, then looked around the coffee shop. "No, not at all. I just thought I was moving too fast in my thought process."

"I'm sorry." Tyler paused briefly before she continued, "Look, if you want to see Leslie, I just want you to know you don't have to do this alone. I'm here for you and I want to be there when you see her."

Tyler felt a warm caress down her face as Ashley leaned in to kiss her. The ever present ache between Tyler's legs flared again and it was all she could do to keep it at a low roar. Tyler picked up Ashley's hand and kissed it, letting her lips linger. Laying Ashley's hand on her thigh she felt the familiar caress along the inside seam of her pant leg again. Smiling, she stopped the caress and moved closer to whisper in Ashley's ear.

"If you don't stop, I won't be responsible for actions and two can play this game, Ash," Tyler said, the warning sending another surge through her body.

Chapter Thirty-six.

The stark white linoleum and steel of the jail made for a cold, unwelcoming environment. The gla.s.s walled part.i.tion between the prisoner and the visitor, while thick enough, wouldn't be enough in Ashley's mind to protect her from Leslie. Ashley looked at the clock on the wall and wished she could turn around and forget this crazy idea. What had possessed her to think she wanted to confront Leslie? Her heart was beating out of her chest as she watched each second tick by. It had been hard convincing Tyler she needed to do this alone, but Tyler had finally agreed. The compromise was Tyler would wait at Ashley's for Mongrel to be dropped off. Smiling to herself, Ashley was surprised how easily Tyler was starting to fit into her life.

When she had asked to see Leslie, everyone was against it. In fact, no one thought Leslie would even agree to the meeting. But Ashley knew Leslie. She was banking on Leslie's arrogance. Leslie would want to gloat, to taunt her, and to try to convince Ashley that it was all a big misunderstanding and that Lesley still loved her. Was Ashley ready for it? She wasn't sure, but she would show Leslie she was the one in control. Ashley wouldn't let Leslie victimize her any more.

Taking her place at the window, Ashley sat ramrod straight, her eyes focused on the door through which Leslie would arrive. Briefly, Ashley saw the uniform of a deputy sheriff pa.s.s in front of the sliver of a window then look through it. The slide of the lock grinding against the doorjamb sent a chill through Ashley as she watched a handcuffed Leslie step through. The over-sized orange jumpsuit Leslie wore hung on her, making her look frail and weak. But Ashley knew looks were deceiving when it came to Leslie.

The smirk on Leslie's face when she sat down told Ashley everything she needed to know about Leslie's att.i.tude. What she wouldn't give to reach through that gla.s.s and smack it off her face. Winking at Ashley, Leslie made a motion for Ashley to pick up the phone on the wall next to her. The hair on the back of Ashley's neck stood as she picked up the receiver and pressed it to her ear. Steeling herself, she focused on Leslie's eyes and waited.

"Hey, beautiful, you look good." Leslie's low tenor a.s.saulted Ashley's ear. "I'm glad you came. I've been worried about you."

That smirk, if Ashley could only smack that smirk off Leslie's face. Well, two could play whatever game Leslie decided to play today. Ashley would play along, for a little while at least.

"h.e.l.lo, Leslie." The cool words oozed through the phone, but had no effect on Leslie's demeanor. Ashley waited though. She knew Leslie wouldn't be able to resist baiting her.

The way Leslie slowly closed her eyes and then let her gaze roam over Ashley almost made her want to throw up. It was the same old Leslie, trying her slow seduction, only this time the gla.s.s wall between them made her next predictable move impossible. Ashley's gaze never wavered, she didn't drop her eyes and only grunted in disgust at Leslie's attempt at seducing her.

"They tell me you were shot, Baby. Are you okay?" Leslie softened her voice trying to pull Ashley in. "When I get out of here I'm gonna take care of whoever did that to you. I got your back, Babe."

Ashley hated it when she called her babe, or baby, and Leslie knew it. Watching Leslie was an exercise in restraint. It was all she could do not to go into a rage. The arrogance was rolling off Leslie as she continued to smirk at Ashley.

"I'm fine." Ashley's tone reflected the same sickening sweet one Leslie used. "Why'd you do it, Leslie?"

Leslie's eyebrows knotted briefly then relaxed as she licked her lips. Ashley recognized the slight signs of Leslie being uncomfortable. Yet, Leslie continued as if she didn't hear Ashley.

"Did you get the card I got for you? It was in my truck when these bozos arrested me." Leslie threw her head towards the guard standing behind her. Smiling, Leslie put her hand on the gla.s.s and waited. Ashley knew that Leslie was trying to make some kind of connection with Ashley and it made her want to retch.

Still staring at her, Ashley raised an eyebrow and said it again, "So why did you do it, Leslie?" Each word emphasized with Leslie's name drawn out in a menacing tone.

"Do what, baby?"

"Why did you do it, Leslie?"

"I don't know what you're talking about here, Hun."

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