The Redemption: Lucifer Part 12

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"Does it have something to do with me?" I ask, becoming even more intrigued with the secret relations.h.i.+p Millie seems to have with Lucifer. "If it does, you have to tell me, Millie. I need to know everything I can about Lucifer if I'm ever going to understand him."

"I'm not someone who breaks her word easily," Millie says, still looking uncomfortable about the subject. "But, considering how things are between the two of you, I feel like you should know. Perhaps if you know more about him, you can better understand his feelings for you."

"Tell me, Millie. Please," I implore. "I need to know."

Millie sighs before she tells me her secret.

"On the night of your first birthday, I was putting you in your cradle when I felt like someone was behind me. I turned to see if it was Lord Andre sneaking in for one last kiss from you, but I saw no one. Still, I didn't like the feeling that someone had been there. So, I acted as if I left the room and waited for a couple of minutes listening in at the door. When I heard a male voice in your room, I barged in ready to fight whoever it was."

"Was it Lucifer?"

Millie nods. "Yes, he confessed to me that he just wanted to see how much you had grown in the past year. I didn't see any harm in it. I even told him about all your little milestones like your first step, your first word..."

"What was my first word?"

"Papa, of course," Millie chuckles. "Oh you've loved Lord Andre from the moment you saw him, I think. Anyway, every year on your birthday until you were ten years old, Lucifer would come during the night to see you. I would wait for him and let him know anything notable that happened to you during the year. We formed an odd acquaintance during those times."

"Did you ever tell papa about Lucifer's visits?"

"No," Millie says, looking guilty. "I promised Lucifer it would be between me and him. I didn't sense that you were in any danger. So, I didn't see the harm in keeping the secret from your father."

"You said he came up until I turned ten. Do you know why he stopped?"

Millie shakes her head. "No, I don't. You would have to ask him that."

Millie's confession just adds to my certainty that Lucifer cares for me more deeply than he might want to admit. I am almost certain now that he loves me, even if he doesn't want to say the words to me.

"Why don't we see if we can put a smile on that beautiful face of yours instead of a frown?" Millie suggests. "I suspect Master Malcolm would rather see you happy when you go walking down that aisle towards him."

I follow Millie to the bathroom where she already has the tub filled with water and bubbles. After I strip off my clothing and submerge my body into the water, I feel a sense of calm wash over me as soon as I imagine Malcolm's happy face watching me walk down the aisle towards him.

I smile and close my eyes, letting the bad events of the day drift away, only keeping the good in the forefront of my mind.

Chapter 9.

For the wedding, Millie styles my hair into long loose curls and pulls small sections of it away from my face. She pins them into place on the backside of my head with a diamond and pearl hair-clip shaped into a design that reminds me of a vine of flowers. The pearls act as flower buds and the oval diamonds leaves.

"That's pretty," I say, watching her reflection in the vanity mirror as she clips it into place to hold my hair back. "Where did it come from?"

"Oh, the other Watchers brought you some jewelry as a wedding gift," she tells me. "Now, let me see if I can remember correctly. I believe the hair-clip was from Desmond."

"What else did I get?" I ask, excited to see what other treasures I was given.

Millie walks over to my bedside table and picks up a medium sized black box. She brings it over and hands it to me. I lift the lid and inside, beautifully displayed on a piece of black velvet, is a necklace and a pair of earrings in the same design as the hair-clip.

"I was asked to tell you that the necklace is from Brutus and the earrings are from Daniel," Millie says. "And Jered said your gift from him will be arriving tomorrow morning."

"Do you know what his gift is?" I ask, intrigued to know what Jered would give me.

"I have no idea, my sweet," Millie says with a shrug. "But he seemed quite pleased with himself for thinking of it, whatever it is."

There is a soft scratching at the door.

"Anna?" Vala says from the other side.

Millie goes to the door and opens it for my four-legged friend. I not only get Vala but also Luna. The little h.e.l.lhound runs in and jumps up onto my lap. Her little tongue is hanging out as if she just ran a marathon and her bright blue eyes practically glow with happiness. Vala leisurely walks into the room shaking her head at the pup's antics.

"It's almost like she knows what's going on," Vala tells me, sounding amused. "She's been excited ever since the others began preparing the chapel."

"Chapel?" I ask Vala while rubbing the little h.e.l.lhound between the ears in an attempt to calm her down.

"Yes," Vala says coming to sit down beside my chair. "There's one at the end of the east wing of the house."

"Oh," I say, wondering if it's the same chapel my mother used for her own wedding.

It makes sense that it would be. Where else would she have gone?

"I think it's time to get dressed," Millie tells me. "You don't want to keep your man waiting at the altar any longer than you have to."

"I couldn't agree with you more, Millie," I say, placing Luna down on the floor and slipping off my robe as I walk over to the bed. "I think Malcolm and I have both waited long enough, and it feels like it's been forever instead of only a few hours since I last saw him."

"Love has a way of changing the pace of time in your mind," Millie agrees.

"Have you ever been in love, Millie?"

Millie smiles sadly, as she holds out my dress for me to step into it.

"Hasn't everyone been in love at least once in their lives, my sweet?"

"Who was he?" I ask, slipping my arm through the one shoulder dress.

Millie steps around me and pulls the fabric together in the back to zip it up.

"A young man who used to work for Master Malcolm back in the day," Millie tells me.

"What happened? Where is he now?"

"He went off-world to make his fortune and never came back," Millie says.


"Apparently he found someone else he liked better," she replies, not sounding like she wants to discuss her lost love any further, and I certainly wasn't going to push the matter.

"Well, his loss was my gain," I tell her. "You've been like a mother to me, Millie. I know my life wouldn't have felt complete without you in it."

I can see Millie tear up at my heartfelt declaration. She sniffs and smoothes out the front of the skirt for me.

"Pretty as a picture," she declares, taking a couple of steps back to see me fully. "I knew you would make a much prettier bride in this dress than your last one. You're wearing the dress this time, not the other way around."

I giggle because I remember quite well how ridiculous I looked in the monstrosity of a gown they forced me to wear to my coronation.

"Oh, Anna," Vala says, coming to stand beside Millie, "you look absolutely gorgeous!"

"Thank you," I tell them both. "Do you think it's time yet?"

"Very close," Millie says. "Jered told me to keep you in here until he came for you. Are you nervous?"

"Not one bit," I tell her truthfully. "I'm just anxious. I feel like I've been waiting for this moment my whole life, Millie. It seems like it's taken forever to finally happen."

"Well, I'm just happy I'm here to see it. I do wish your father could have stayed for the ceremony."

"Me too."

"Oh!" Millie says, obviously remembering something. "I completely forgot to tell you that Mr. Gray and Mr. Stokes will be attending the wedding. After they took Catherine and her doctor to the freighter, they came back to watch you get married."

"So Catherine's safe now?"

Millie nods. "She is on her way to Mars as we speak, from what I was told at least."

It brings me a sense of relief to know that Auggie's mother is being well taken care of. I just hope she's able to recover from the torture Levi made her endure. His complete disregard and s.a.d.i.s.tic behavior towards her simply adds another reason to my growing list of them for me to kill him as soon as possible.

Millie helps me put on the jewelry the other Watchers gave me. I decide to slip off Jess' bracelet since it doesn't really go with my wedding outfit and safely tuck it into the drawer in my nightstand with my other Heavenly gifts.

Not long afterwards, someone knocks on my door.

"Anna, are you ready?"

I instantly recognize the voice as belonging to Jered.

Before Millie can even move, I phase over to the door and open it.

I gasp in shock at the sight of Jered. I just stand there and stare dumbfounded at his face trying to decide if it's actually Jered standing in front of some tortured imposter or me. Under any other circ.u.mstances, I knew Jered would look quite handsome in his tailored black tuxedo. He's holding a small bouquet made up of lavender and off white roses tied together with a silky lavender ribbon, which I a.s.sume is meant for me. However, his appearance throws me completely off kilter.

His entire face is a ma.s.s of black and blue bruises. One eye is completely swollen shut and his lower lip is busted open straight down the middle. Yet, Jered doesn't give the appearance of someone in excruciating pain. He stands before me smiling cheerfully, looking happier than I've ever seen him.

"Jered, what happened to you?" I ask in alarm, wondering if there was trouble here on Earth while I was visiting Heaven.

Jered's smile goes a little lopsided. "Oh, it's nothing."

"How can you say that?" I exclaim. "Your whole face looks like it was used as a punching bag!"

"It'll heal in a little while," he says, brus.h.i.+ng it off as if it's not enough damage to worry about.

"But what happened?"

"The boys and I just had a little compet.i.tion."

"A compet.i.tion?" I ask, not finding this any better of an answer. "What were you fighting over?"

"We all wanted to walk you down the aisle since Andre can't be here. Since we couldn't come to an agreement, we decided to make it a contest."

"Why would you fight over something like that?"

"Mostly just for fun, really," he says, a bit embarra.s.sed that they used my wedding as an excuse to have an all-out wrestling match with one another. "I know. It's juvenile and we're old enough to know better, but sometimes it's just fun to have a good fight. Plus, we couldn't come to an agreement. So, we decided a brawl would be the fairest way to decide."

I stare at Jered's swollen face for a moment before I lose myself to laughter.

"I'm sorry," I tell him. "But you make quite a picture standing there in your tuxedo with that face."

"Wait until you see the losers," Jered says with an awkward wink of his good eye that does nothing but make me laugh harder.

"The next time you guys decide to fight each other let me know," I tell him. "I would love to see how you all fight one another."

Jered bends at the waist. "As you wish, my lady."

I hope Jered remembers my request because seeing a group of angels fight has to be a sight not many people get to witness.

"So, Empress Anna Greco, are you ready to make Malcolm the happiest man on Earth?" Jered asks, holding out his arm for me to take.

"Absolutely," I tell him, accepting his escort to the chapel.

Once we reach the polished wood paneled doors that lead to the interior of the little chapel in Malcolm's home, Millie kisses me on one of my cheeks.

"I'm so proud of you, Anna. You finally found the man you are meant to be with. There aren't many people who can say they did that in their lives, you know."

"Thanks, Mille."

"Now don't be nervous," Vala says to me, using her nose to push Luna through the crack between the double doors leading into the chapel.

"I'm not nervous," I tell her. "I'm more ready for this than anything in my life, Vala."

And it's true. I'm not sure if it's because my soul has been prepared for this union since it was created, or if it's because I knew Malcolm was meant to be mine the moment I saw him. The reason really doesn't matter. Either way, the love Malcolm and I share for one another is an always and forever kind of love which not even death will ever sever.

Vala nods letting me know she understands how I feel before she follows Luna into the sanctuary. Millie follows in after her and closes the doors.

As I wait for the doors to open, I simply try to concentrate on my breathing. What I told Vala was the truth. I'm not nervous, but my heart feels like it's about to race out of my chest from excitement.

The dulcet tones of the wedding march begin to play inside the chapel on a finely tuned piano. Brutus and Desmond, both dressed in nice tuxedos, soon swing the doors in front of me inward. They both manage to smile at me, even though their faces look about as swollen and bruised as Jered's does. I don't have much time to ponder the state of their physical well-being because my attention becomes wholly riveted by the man standing before G.o.d waiting to make me his wife.

My lips stretch into a smile so wide my cheeks begin to hurt but in a good way. It's not only because I'm overjoyed to see the man I love again. It's also because he kept his promise to me about wearing his formal Watcher outfit one day. He simply chose our wedding day to keep his word. The black feather cloak hangs from his shoulders like it's a ceremonial robe made for a king. His chest is bare and his black leather pants are tightly fitting all the way down to his matching boots.

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