Manual of Gardening Part 41

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Nasturtiums _(Tropaeolum)._

Canary-bird Flower _(Tropaeolum peregrinum_).

Sweet pea (Fig. 265).

Wild cuc.u.mber.(A)


Gourds or gourd-like plants, as, _Coccinia Indica;_ Cuc.u.mis of several interesting species, as _C. erinaceus, grossularioeformis, odoratissimus;_ dipper or bottle gourd _(Lagenaria)_;

vegetable sponge, dish-cloth gourd, rag gourd _(Luffa);_ balsam apple, balsam pear _(Momordica)_; snake gourd _(Trichosanthes)_; bryonopsis;

_Abobra viridiflora._

All the above except sweet pea are quickly cut down by frost.

_b. Twiners_

Beans, Flowering.

Cypress vine.

Dolichos Lablab, and others.

Hop, j.a.panese.

Ipomcea Quamoc.l.i.t (cypress vine) and others.

Moonflower, several species.


Mina lobata.


Mikania scandens.(A)

b.u.t.terfly pea, _Centrosema Virginiana._(A)

Scarlet runner, _Phaseolus multiflorus_ (perennial South).

Velvet or banana bean, _Mucuna pruriens_ var. _utilis_ (for the South).

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 265. Sweet pea.]

_Perennial herbaceous climbers._

(The tops dying down in fall, but the root living over winter and sending up a new top.)

_a. Tendril-climbers or root-climbers_

Everlasting pea, _Lathyrus latifolius._ Clematis of various species, as _C. aromatica, Davidiana, heracleaefolia (C. tubulosa_), are more or less climbing. Most of the clematises are shrubs.

May-pop, _Pa.s.siflora incarnata._(A) Not reliable north of Virginia.

Wild Gourd, _Cucurbita foetidissima (Cuc.u.mis perennius_).(A) Excellent strong rugged vine for covering piles on the ground.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 266. Clematis Henryi. One-third natural size.]

Mexican rose, mountain rose, _Antigonon leptopus._

Root tuberous; a rampant grower, with pink bloom; outdoors South, and a conservatory plant North.

Kenilworth ivy, _Linaria Cymbalaria._

A very graceful little perennial vine, re-sowing itself even where not hardy; favorite for baskets.

_b. Herbaceous twiners_

Hop, _Humulus Lupulus._(A)

Produces the hops of commerce, but should be in common use as an ornamental plant.

Chinese yam, cinnamon vine, _Dioscorea divaricata (D. Batatas_).

Climbs high, but does not produce as much foliage as some other vines.

Wild yam, _D. villosa._(A)

Smaller than the preceding; otherwise fully as good.

Ground-nut, _Apios tuberosa._(A)

A bean-like vine, producing many chocolate-brown flowers in August and September.

Scarlet runner and White Dutch runner beans, _Phaseolus multiflorus._

Perennial in warm countries; annual in the North.

Moonflowers, _Ipomcea,_ various species.

Some are perennials far South, but annual North.

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