Heroes Of The Dixie Wardens MC: Lights To My Siren Part 30

Heroes Of The Dixie Wardens MC: Lights To My Siren -

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Turned out I didn't have to wait long, because within three more thrusts of my hard c.o.c.k, the walls of her p.u.s.s.y started pulsing, clamping down so hard on my d.i.c.k that I saw stars.

The control I had vanished.

The sound of motorcycles pulling up my driveway didn't make me stop pumping into my woman.

My d.i.c.k grew harder with each thrust, and suddenly I erupted. My c.o.c.k pulsed as s.e.m.e.n erupted from my c.o.c.k and bathed her p.u.s.s.y.

The o.r.g.a.s.m continued for long moments, and once the last spurt was emitted, I leaned heavily against her, laying my forehead against the cool metal of my truck.

"There's a lot."

"Of your club here that just witnessed you f.u.c.king me and now see your bare a.s.s? That would be an affirmative." She agreed.

"No, I mean a lot of s.e.m.e.n. s.p.u.n.k. j.i.z.z. You're probably going to need a shower." I laughed.

Her legs circled around my back, locking in place so I couldn't withdraw.

Well I could have, but she seemed to want to keep me there, so I stayed.

"What?" I asked.

She glared at me. "I like the Wardens and all, but I don't like them enough to show my coochie to them. Carry me inside, but stay right where you're at."

"That's not really possible. First of all, if I stayed where I am, I'd have to stand in this spot and not move. Second of all, my pants are around my ankles, I'd have to drop you and pull my pants up to carry you inside. Still meaning I'd have to move."

She glared even more. "I don't really care what you have to do, but you're not turning around. They think it's funny. And I do not want to show my hoo-haa to them. Just toe off your shoes and walk inside naked."

I laughed, which caused my half-hard d.i.c.k to jump inside of her, making her squeak.

"But then they'd see my a.s.s."

"Honey, they are already staring at your a.s.s. Now get me inside." She growled through clenched teeth.

I did as ordered, toeing off first one boot, and then the other, before stepping out of my jeans and making my way inside.

My chest twinged slightly at the added weight of her, but I ignored it, walking inside and yelling out the door before I closed it.

"Don't come inside for another twenty minutes!"

I had plans for her.

Ones that were not suited for immature eyes.

Baylee 6 weeks later "Sit down already and let me shave your face."

I'd gotten into the habit of doing that for Sebastian since he'd been injured.

I couldn't stand the unkempt Sebastian look he had going on after two weeks in the hospital. So, the next day, I'd gone out and bought a razor and some shaving cream and shaved it off.

I'd been doing it ever since.

He didn't complain though. He liked it.

Plus, it gave him a little bonding time with his unborn child. He was at the perfect height when he was sitting on the stool that made his face even with my huge pregnant belly.

Sebastian sat as I sidled up beside him and lathered his face with shaving cream.

"What time do we have to be there today?" I asked quietly.

His large hands pulled the tight t-s.h.i.+rt I was wearing up until the skin of my belly was exposed.

Leaning forward, he spoke softly against my stomach as he always did.

Today, I was twenty-one weeks exactly.

We still didn't know the gender of the baby. Sebastian hadn't wanted to know, and I decided to grant him that wish since I didn't really mind either way.

"You need to be there around four. I'll be going in about twenty minutes. That is if you'd get to shaving my face so we could leave." He teased.

I rolled my eyes.

Today was Sterling's initiation into the Dixie Wardens. He'd proved himself to the Wardens and would become a full patched member this evening.

What I was going to was the celebration, not the actual initiation. The initiation would happen with members of the club present, as per tradition.

Just as I'd started the first stroke of the razor down Sebastian's cheek, a tiny little kick in my belly made Sebastian rumble in delight.

He'd felt the first kick just last night.

I'd felt it about three weeks ago, but it was only last night that he or she kicked hard enough to be felt from the outside.

The novelty was still new to Sebastian, and he got excited easily.

"I can't stay for long, though. I have to work tonight." I reminded him.

"I know. Just a couple of hours, that's all I'm asking. The boy likes you for some reason."

Three more swipes, and I finished Sebastian's shave with ease.

I'd been nervous at first, never having done a place as sensitive as a face on someone else before, but now I did it with hardly any problem. And when a problem did arise, it was in the form of my old man letting his hands wander to where they shouldn't be when I had a blade around his throat.

Just as we were doing right now.

His large hands moved from cupping my belly to below, where I wore only a pair of cotton bikinis, and slowly worked them down until they fell into a puddle at my feet.

"Now, I have one more thing to show you, and then I'll go." He said, freeing his erection from the confines of his boxer briefs.

Urging me down, I straddled his legs and slowly sank down on his c.o.c.k.

"What did you have to show me?" I breathed, looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

"This," he breathed and thrust upwards hard.

Sebastian Three weeks later "What are you doing here?" Baylee's father asked as he opened their door.

I smiled and held out my hand for him to shake.

"Travis." I said and shook his hand.

Travis opened the door wider to allow me to pa.s.s.

"Is my daughter here with you?" He asked curiously, as he looked over my shoulder.

"No. I came by myself." I answered and glanced around their house.

"What for?" He asked suspiciously.

I straightened my b.u.t.ton down s.h.i.+rt that cut off the circulation in my neck and grimaced. "I came to ask permission to marry your daughter."

Cue the crickets.

Minutes pa.s.sed as he looked at me. "Isn't it a little late to ask my permission? I mean you already knocked her up. Your kid's going to be born and you won't be married he'll be a-"

I held up my hand, stopping his rant. "I plan on marrying her as soon as you can fly down. I understand the need for a quick marriage, but I still want her to have a nice one, even if we do it at the Justice of the Peace. And I know she would want you to be there."

He nodded. "You have it."

Sebastian 3 weeks later "What are we doing here?" Baylee whispered with alarm.

I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. The woman thought I was in trouble again. But I wasn't. Well, not the kind of trouble she was thinking. We were there to get married, she just didn't know it yet.

"I have some business to attend to. Something that's long overdue." I answered.

Tugging on her hand to get her moving, I led her up the stairs to the courthouse and through the lobby doors.

The man on duty, Gus, didn't stop us when the metal detectors started going off; instead he waved us through.

All the while, Baylee looked around in surprise. "Why are you going to the courtroom?" She whisper yelled.

"Oh, Jesus. I knew you'd get in trouble. I'm going to be having conjugal visits when you're in jail, aren't I? Do you think that they have a daycare program for convicts? Maybe they'd watch our kids for a few...What are all of them doing here? Those are my parents! What's going on?" She was still whispering.

I let her go, and she walked forward a few more steps before coming to a stop and turning around.

She found me on my knees. "Baylee Roberts, will you marry me?"

She dropped to her own knees awkwardly, and then scooted forward until she was right next to my face, ignoring the ring in my outstretched hand completely. "Yes, but I would still support you even if you didn't ask me to marry you and you went to jail."

I rolled his eyes. "Why do you think I'm going to jail?" I asked in exasperation.

She drew back a bit so she could look into my eyes. "You took me to a courtroom. I'd only a.s.sumed. You're not in trouble?"

I stood carefully, and then pulled her to her feet. "No, I'm not in trouble. Now answer my question."

She threw her arms around my neck, and pulled me as close as her stomach would allow. "You know, I plan to let my a.s.s get big. And my stomach might jiggle after this baby is born."

I controlled my laughter, but only barely. "Oh, yeah?"

She nodded in affirmation. "And I can get mighty around that time of the month. You'll have to be nice to me even if I throw a shoe at you."

"So, is that a yes?" I asked.

She waited a few moments and then nodded. "Yes, sir."

I finally let my laugh free and handed her off to her dad.

Twenty minutes later, she was Mrs. Sebastian Sue Mackenzie.

Chapter 23.

Nine out of ten children get their awesomeness from their mother.

-Proven fact Sebastian I turned the alarm off and rolled over to look at my wife.

Baylee was on her side, naked and crying.

My fingers moved to her face as I wiped her cheeks. "Stop. You're killing me." I rasped.

She sniffled once, but regained control and rolled over to her back. "I'm scared s.h.i.+tless."

I let my eyes trail over her protruding belly that stuck way up in the air.

Today was the day we had our baby.

It is a scheduled induction; nothing started without the doctor's constant supervision. Today, Baylee was 38 weeks pregnant.

We'd seen Doctor Theresa Adams twice a week for the last two months, and I had the utmost confidence in her abilities. Doctor Adams had addressed each one of our concerns, and then some.

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