Heroes Of The Dixie Wardens MC: Lights To My Siren Part 16

Heroes Of The Dixie Wardens MC: Lights To My Siren -

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"He still has the same duties as a lieutenant. Same responsibilities. Same respect. Everything but the t.i.tle and the pay. The Captain is f.u.c.king him over, and Sebastian won't do a single thing about it." He told me, turning on his blinker, and turning onto Sebastian's street.

Well that just...sucked.

"When will he get that back? He's no longer being monitored. h.e.l.l, they expunged his record in exchange for the ankle monitor. What exactly is he supposed to do now?" I asked as Kettle pulled into Sebastian's driveway, parking next to my car.

He sat there silently before answering. "He needs to report the Captain's behavior. He won't do it, though, because he doesn't want to be a d.i.c.k about it. He won't let anybody else do it, either."

My mind whirled. "What if I did it?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. You'd have to have something to report first, and that's not happening right now. He won't ever bring you into this s.h.i.+t storm willingly. So he'll keep getting called out on false alarms, and expected to show up when he's not really needed."

"So, today, he wasn't needed?" I asked confused.

Kettle opened the door and stepped out into the cool night air. "He was needed. The Captain's not stupid. The boys look up to him and his leaders.h.i.+p. They don't do that for the Captain and he knows it, which is why he was required tonight."

I opened my own door and exited the vehicle. Kettle got the sleeping Johnny and settled him into bed before he turned and started back for his truck. "See you later, Lee. Take care of our boy."

"Hey!" I called to his back.

He turned and squinted at my through the glaring brightness of the porch light. "Yeah?"

"What's your real name?" I asked curiously.

"Kettle is my name. Or, at least, the only one I care about. Later."

I took a quick shower, pulled one of Sebastian's t-s.h.i.+rts that was at the foot of his bed, and went to check on Johnny.

Satisfied that he was okay, I curled up in bed, and fell asleep to thoughts of a mistreated Sebastian.

The bed s.h.i.+fting woke me, and an exhausted Sebastian curled up at my back moments later.

"Hey," I murmured into the darkness.

His body smelled of the Irish Springs soap he has in his shower, and a faint whiff of smoke. "Hey, baby."

I was almost back to sleep when I felt my leg being lifted, and the persistent prod of Sebastian's d.i.c.k at the folds of my heat. I didn't know what it was about the man that turned me on so much, but as soon as I felt the wide head of his c.o.c.k prodding at my opening, I was right there with him, despite my lethargy.

Pus.h.i.+ng my a.s.s back into him, and widening the stance of my leg, I moved my hand down until I was cupping his c.o.c.k.

He was hot, hard, and pulsing in the palm of my hand. The veins of his d.i.c.k throbbed with each pound of his heart. "I need you." He said insistently.

Not able to deny him anything, I tilted my hips as Sebastian positioned the wide crest of his d.i.c.k at my entrance, and started pus.h.i.+ng against the resistance my body offered.

I wasn't as ready as I normally was, but I could care less. Right now, I wanted it, no matter if it came with a little pain or not.

When he started to stop, recognizing I wasn't as ready, I took control, pus.h.i.+ng him until he rolled over on his back, and I straddled his thighs.

Reaching between his legs, I positioned his c.o.c.k straight up, and started sinking down on his c.o.c.k.

My hand hovered where his c.o.c.k disappeared into my body, feeling as inch after slow inch disappeared into my body until, finally, I'd taken him fully.

He filled me up to the brink, just to the point of pain, and I loved it.

My hips undulated over and around his c.o.c.k, working back and forth, side to side. "f.u.c.k me." Sebastian hissed, fingers digging deep into the soft flesh at my hips.

My a.s.s rose, letting the head of his c.o.c.k drag along my insides deliciously slow before dropping back down, letting my weight and gravity work their magic.

Sebastian's need took over then, and I found myself flat on my back, with Sebastian between my splayed thighs in the next second.

I gasped as he folded first one, and then the other leg, almost as if I was sitting Indian Style but on my back, and plunged down into me. Over and over again, letting his body weight and superior strength pound that large d.i.c.k of his into my core until I was hurtling over a cliff I wasn't even aware I'd been standing on.

"Sebastian, yes!" I cried loudly as my muscles pulsed, coaxing the c.o.c.k inside of me to let go as well.

"Oh, yeah," He hissed, ramping up his thrusts until I was seeing stars.

With a hoa.r.s.e cry, Sebastian pulled from my body abruptly, throwing my legs wide as the snap of latex sounded through the room.

The darkness prevented me from seeing what he did next, but when Sebastian's knuckles rubbed furiously over my slick center, I knew he was furiously pumping his c.o.c.k. Then the warm splashes of heat denoted his o.r.g.a.s.m right before he collapsed onto the bed beside me, breathing heavily.

"Jesus, Seb, I think you killed me." I breathed.

He chuckled, and left the bed.

The bathroom light turned on, illuminating the room, allowing me to see the thick creamy remnants of Sebastian's o.r.g.a.s.m staining my chest.

I lifted my hand, and trailed my finger through the come that started at the apex of my thighs, and trailed up to the very edge of my collarbone. I stopped when I felt the heat of Sebastian's gaze on me as I did so, held out my tongue as I lifted the finger covered in his juices to my mouth, licking it clean.

He laughed. "Did you want me to wait to clean you until you're finished, or would you like me to clean you now?"

In answer, I took my finger, trailed it over the largest splash of come on my stomach, and repeated the process.

Sebastian's eyes heated and he dropped to his knees at the bottom of the bed. Crawling up between my still splayed thighs, he ran his own finger through the juices, and held the finger up to my mouth for me to lick it clean.

The process was repeated five more times, until my body was clean.

"Jesus, I'm hard again. What you do to me." He rasped, bending over my body and kissing me full on the mouth.

"You'll have to take care of that little...big problem." I teased.

And he did. Three more times.

Chapter 14.

Relax, I've seen worse.

-T-s.h.i.+rt Sebastian I pulled up to Station three and parked my bike in the visitor allotted s.p.a.ce.

What I was about to do went against everything that was ingrained in me, but it had to be done.

I'd been taught that the chain of command was everything in the Marines.

I'd furthered that rule by joining The Dixie Wardens, and abiding by their laws. I'd furthered even that by working in a chain of command at my job, as well.

I'd followed those rules to the T until the last fire, and I couldn't keep that promise anymore. I needed back up and reinforcements or even more people were going to die.

Both ambulances were gone, indicating that Baylee wasn't currently at the station, which was good because I needed to talk to Allen, and I'd rather do that without having to explain everything to her first.

I'd been keeping an eye on the paper and news and, so far, there'd been well over twenty fires between Kilgore, TX and Benton, LA that fit the same MO. When my own Captain wouldn't listen to me, it was time to take the info I got and bring it to someone else. Someone that would actually give a f.u.c.k.

"Can I help you, sir?" A dark haired man about mid-twenties asked.

I knew instantly it was Jack's brother, Tai. There was no denying those genes.

I held out my hand for the younger man to shake and I introduced myself. "My name's Sebastian Mackenzie. I'm here to see Chief Allen."

The man surveyed me from the tips of my black boots to the black hat that was covering my head. "Chief's in his office. Do you know where that's at?"

After receiving directions, I made my way through what had to be a living room, past the women and then men's bunkrooms, and then finally made it to the offices.

Chief Allen's office was located at the very end of the long hallway with the door standing wide open.

The office looked to be a spare gear room as well, because along the sides of the room were extra oxygen tanks, bunker gear, masks and... "Are those mannequins giving each other head?"

My voice didn't startle Allen. Although I didn't trying to mask my presence, he very well could've heard my boots. .h.i.tting the wood floor on my way back there. That, or Tai had called ahead and warned him.

Allen smiled and glanced at the CPR dummies in the corner. "My employees find it funny to position them in new and exciting ways every day. "

At a closer examination, I realized that there was also a dummy positioned underneath the two, hip to hip with the closest dummy. "You've got some mature employees." I surmised.

Allen laughed. "It's all fun and games. Especially with the tension in the air lately. We're all on pins and needles just waiting for another arson call to come in. What can I help you with?"

Allen stood and gestured at the seat that was positioned in front of his desk.

I sat, crossed my right ankle over my left knee, and then blew out a long breath. "We need to talk."

Thirty minutes later, Allen was walking with me, side by side, towards my Harley. "I understand where you're coming from, son. I'll have a talk with our investigator, as well as Longview's investigator. You'll be hearing from me as soon as I speak with them. Have you reconsidered my job offer yet?"

The abrupt change in direction surprised me.

Leaning against my bike, facing Allen, I shook my head. "Nah. Not really. I love my job, and the location. The main thing, though, is that I don't want to make it awkward with Baylee and me. We've gotten pretty serious, and I don't want to jeopardize that in any way. For now, I'll decline."

Allen's weathered face looked pleased when I'd mentioned Baylee. "That girl really loves to talk. We know all about your son, and the Wardens. She's very proud of you."

My heart warmed at the knowledge that Baylee spoke of me often. Especially to those she called her closest friends.

Just as I was about to reply, the chief's cell phone chimed, making him remove it from the holder on his belt.

After seeing the expression on the chief's face, and then his worried glance in my direction, I knew immediately it had to do with Baylee.

Coming off my bike slowly, I stood with my arms crossed, waiting somewhat patiently for the Chief to finish his call. When I finally did, I wished what I'd heard had come from someone else. So that I could have the illusion of doubt. That maybe it wasn't true since it wasn't coming from the top.

But Allen was the top.

And that meant that Baylee was going to get throttled.

Maybe not right away, but as soon as she healed from the broken ribs she was now sporting, thanks to the psychotic drunk guy that tried to refuse transport, and then kicked the ever loving s.h.i.+t out of Baylee when she tried to make him.

"You want a ride?"

"Nah," I thanked him and headed for my bike. "Her brother doesn't really like me so much. I may need a way to leave before it's all said and done."

Allen chuckled before walking to his KDP issued SUV, flipped on the lights, and headed out of the parking lot.

From what I could tell from the little info we'd been given on the stubborn woman, she was perfectly healthy despite two broken ribs and a sore upper body.

By the time I walked into the ER with Allen, and found my wayward woman, I was really worked up.

Baylee was laying on her back, her feet up and resting flat on the bed in front of her.

Her wavy hair was up in a messy knot on the top of her head, and the white little tank top she usually wore underneath her clothes was now on display, as were her t.i.ts, stained a deep scarlet.

I walked up to the side of Baylee's bed. She was wide-awake and staring at me with fear in her eyes. "Hey." She said hesitantly.

One eye was swollen, and a scratch above her eye accounted for the blood that stained her front. My body gave a shudder at seeing all that blood just from a tiny little wound. I'd known the disease she had made her bleed but, seriously, how was I supposed to handle this s.h.i.+t? What would happen if she actually had a major wound? Would she bleed out faster? Would she live?

"Hey, pretty girl. I see your wearing your favorite color again." I teased, running my finger along her stained s.h.i.+rt.

She smiled sadly. "Yeah, it's the bane of my existence. I'm used to it though."

Winter, who was sitting on the chair on the opposite side of where I was standing, stood and placed her hands on the side of the bed. "That girl of yours is a brawler. You should've seen what she did when that guy tried to take the meds we had on board."

Baylee looked at me quickly, and then adverted her eyes before she could see the admonishment look on my face.

"So what happened?" Allen asked authoritatively.

"I'd like to know the same thing." Luke said from the part.i.tion.

I knew he was there. Had seen him enter as soon as the doors opened at the front of the room. Had even received the silent message that Luke had something to say to me, and not to leave if I wanted to live.

Baylee groaned and covered her face with her hands. "Shhhiiiit."

Winter snorted. "You could say that."

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