Fair Game Inc Part 10

Fair Game Inc -

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In the closet the darkness was now absolute. Over the rush of blood in her ears, she heard the front door swing to a close. Then....


Her lungs protested their abuse with a sharp burning sensation. Slowly, Amber let go of the breath sheAEd been holding and dragged in another. When Barlow didnAEt come leaping out of the shadows, she sagged weakly against the back of the closet, her chest heaving. For several more minutes she sat alone in the velvet darkness, listening to the rhythm of her own breathing and straining for traces of sound in the outer office. But the silence continued, and finally, she rose from the crouch, muscles screaming at being forced to maintain such an unnatural position for so long.

Slowly, she pushed the closet door open and crept out into the office. Pressing her ear against the door to the hallway, she heard nothing but the regular tick of the clock at the far end of the hall. Flattening herself against the wall, she inched toward the door to BarlowAEs office, half expecting it all to be a great joke and to find Barlow sitting at NicoleAEs desk waiting for her to reveal herself. The outer office, however, was empty.

Her hand closed around the doork.n.o.b. She hesitated, pressing her ear to the door, straining to hear signs of movement inside. But the interior was a quiet as the proverbial tomb. Amber turned the handle.


Shoulders sagging, in a mixture of relief and frustration, she eyed the locked door to BarlowAEs office and wondered idly if it would respond to a good swift kick. But that would likely only get her a broken toe and make more noise than she was willing to risk. She glared at the door. But it didnAEt respond to her glare any better. Old investigator skills, long unused tugged at her memory.

oWhen was the last time you let a locked door stop you, Amber?o she whispered. Down at the bottom of her purse, along with two fuzzy Lifesavers and a disintegrating aspirin were a series of lock-picks. SheAEd almost thrown them out several times, but theyAEd come in handy once when she locked herself out of her apartment. And so they stayed.

She reached her hand into her purse, tentatively, trying not to jangle too many keys or too much change. Feeling past the wallet, the furry bristles of a hairbrush that desperately needed to be cleaned, she felt the cold metal at the bottom. Amber felt further, questing after the tiny penlight attached to her key ring. She found it, wrapped her hand around the keys to stop them from jingling.

It was awkward holding the penlight in one hand and the lock pick in the other. Her hand shook as she fed the first thin piece of metal into the lock. Willing herself to calmness, she slid it further into the bra.s.s, probing for the mechanism that would release the tumblers. Sweaty palms made it hard to grasp the pick. Why am I so nervous? Picking someoneAEs lock had never been pleasant, but she couldnAEt remember being so unnerved. Because this time itAEs personal, her mind answered. The future of GraysonAEs firm depended on a hunch. And her future with Grayson depended on not getting caught.

oPlease, please, please,o she chanted softly, working the lock pick slowly back and forth. She felt the tumblers give before she heard the click, sounding terribly loud in the silent office. The door to BarlowAEs office swung open. Pocketing the evidence, she stepped inside.

The tiny flashlight cast only the faintest of beams, enough to make it across the office without barking her s.h.i.+ns on the desk or one of the chairs that seemed to rear up out of nowhere in the darkness. In BarlowAEs filing cabinet there had to be a piece of evidence d.a.m.ning enough to convince Grayson.

Crossing to the filing cabinet, she found it predictably locked as well. Perhaps the key was in BarlowAEs desk. But the desk was also locked. Amber studied this new dilemma.

Break into the desk or break into the filing cabinet. If the desk did hold the key to the filing cabinet, it would make her search easier. But if it didnAEt, sheAEd still have to pick the lock on the filing cabinet. That would make a total of three locks. She didnAEt think her nerves could stand it. Wrapping her hand around the thin piece of metal, she slid it into the filing cabinet lock.

The spring lock was more of a challenge, more pressure required and a smaller s.p.a.ce in which to work. Tension mounted. What if Grayson returned and found her crouched there in the darkness raiding BarlowAEs filing cabinet. Would he believe her intentions were honorable? She doubted it. The lock resisted stubbornly. Amber debated giving up and trying the desk after all. Time crept by. Grayson might be back at any minute. She fed the pick further into the lock, worked it back and forth, putting some pressure behind the movement.

With a loud pong, the filing cabinet sprang open. Amber remembered to breathe.

Holding the penlight above the drawer, she searched for those files with the red and black labels, squinting to distinguish between colors that in the dark all looked like the same shade of gray.

The first drawer contained only ledgers from the past few years. Amber slid it softly closed and opened the next. More detailed accounts, tax returns for seven years running filled the next. No evidence of BarlowAEs plans leapt out at her. She was sure sheAEd found that letter in the first drawer, but the files seemed to have been rearranged.

Suddenly it all made sense. The key missing from GraysonAEs top drawer, where he insisted heAEd left it. BarlowAEs last minute visit to Grayson office. Whatever he was hiding, he didnAEt want Amber or his partner stumbling across them accidentally.

But Amber hadnAEt imagined the paper sheAEd found nestled in the files in BarlowAEs top drawer. An offer by a rival firm to buy out Barlow & Charles. Why hadnAEt she taken a Xerox of it then, before Grayson knew what she was up to, before sheAEd ever met John Barlow?

Because sheAEd never expected Grayson to become so important to her. Not in a million years had she planned to fall victim to the devastating charm of the man whoAEd sued her over the only mistake sheAEd ever made. The mistake she was in the process of compounding. Amber flipped furiously through the files, pulling out the ones that looked likely to be scrutinized under the fading glow of her penlight.

It has to be here, it just has to.

Crouching in the darkness, Amber bent to open the last filing drawer. Old correspondence, some of it dating back a decade, crammed in so tightly, she had to wedge the files back in after examining them. She quickened her pace, skimming over pages and pages of text, trying to stem the rising panic at the thought that she might have risked GraysonAEs trust for nothing.

Only a handful of files to search. Her heart sank. And then, she noticed the dates on these last few files were more recent than the rest. Such agonizingly slow work, she mused, trying to get her fumbling fingers to move faster. Each file had to be placed back precisely where sheAEd found it, all its pages in order, or Barlow would know what sheAEd been up to. Just to be safe, sheAEd wipe her fingerprints off the front of the filing cabinet and the door handle. Just in case. Several times she thought she heard the sound of the front door opening, but each heart-stopping incident turned out to be nothing more than her overactive imagination at work.

Two files left. And nothing. With trembling fingers, Amber opened the last. Her breath escaped in a rush.

But her search came up empty. The file was full of nothing but call reports to clients. With a leaden feeling of dread inside, Amber stuffed the file back in its place and reached to close the drawer.

Just as she was pulling her hand away, she felt something down at the bottom of the drawer, shoved in behind all the other files. No hanging folder sat on the rack for it. No, that file had been stuffed down behind the others because someone didnAEt want it to be found.

Carefully, she maneuvered it from beneath the others. Biting her lower lip, she opened the file.

oBingo!o she whispered triumphantly. oNice to know IAEm not imagining things.o In her hands lay a letter from the firm of Belaoussoff, Bekar, Karulis & Lacey confirming the proposed sale of Barlow & Charles.

The sale Grayson still didnAEt have an inkling about despite her many attempts to warn him. Anger surged inside her. You wonAEt get away with this, Barlow. I intend to see to it personally.

No time to waste. She had to get that letter on the Xerox, make a copy of it, file it deep in her purse with the invoice from James Heck and the case she was rapidly building against John Barlow. Grayson would be back shortly. Tonight, after a little romance, when the time seemed right, sheAEd have a serious talk with Grayson. No ill-conceived, impulsive speeches this time. SheAEd lay out her case carefully, succinctly. Like a lawyer. HeAEd have to believe her once he saw the evidence.

Slowly, quietly, Amber shut the filing drawer and rose to leave. The insubstantial glow of the penlight had dwindled down to practically nothing, and she turned it off to conserve its last energy. SheAEd need it to put the file back.

She should have warmed up the photocopy machine before she went into BarlowAEs office, she scolded herself. All that had happened between Grayson and herself dulled her reflexes. She should stop thinking like a lover and more like a private investigator. At least until she was out of Barlow & Charles and the entire incident was over.

Just a couple more minutes, thatAEs all I need, she prayed as she walked silently across the carpet toward the door. Her hand circled the bra.s.s k.n.o.b.

But just as she was about to turn it, the door sprang open.

Dazzling light from hall beyond a.s.saulted her senses. Amber flung an arm across her face to ease the glare on her eyes made sensitive by the darkness. She blinked, taking in the dark form of an overweight stocky man in an ill-tailored suit. Her eyes teared. But there was no mistaking the quiet menace in John BarlowAEs voice.

oCan I help you, Miss Shaw?o Amber scoured her brain for a glib reply. There was no disguising the predicament sheAEd been caught in. Standing well into BarlowAEs territory, the d.a.m.ning file in her hand, her quick reflexes escaped her. There was nothing she could think of to say that would deflect the attention from the papers in her hand. No way to rush by him to the photocopy machine, which would take at least five minutes to warm up, make her copy, grab her coat out of GraysonAEs closet where sheAEd left it, and dash through the door carrying a copy of BarlowAEs private property. No way out at all.

oI--o oYou what, Miss Shaw?o Barlow growled.

She could see him now, her eyes finally adjusted to the light. And the expression on his face wasnAEt friendly at all.

oI--o d.a.m.n it, why wouldnAEt her brain work? Why hadnAEt she thought of an alibi before she went barreling in there?

oYouAEre going to hand over my property and sit quietly while I call the police,o Barlow instructed.

oI donAEt think so,o Amber countered boldly.

oNo?o Barlow raised an eyebrow. On Grayson the expression looked charming. On his partner it appeared all the more lecherous. oThen IAEm afraid, Miss Shaw, youAEre even more foolish than I thought.o AmberAEs mind belatedly sprang into high gear. Schemes formed, then were instantly rejected. Playing meek wasnAEt going to work on John Barlow. Trapped between him and the door, her only defense appeared to be a formidable offense.

oThought you could get away with it, didnAEt you?o she bluffed. Stall him long enough to think up something better.

oI donAEt know what youAEre talking about.o If she didnAEt know better, sheAEd think Barlow sounded bored. Did he really consider her that much of a push-over? SheAEd show him. oYouAEre the one, Miss Shaw, who broke into my office and thieved my property. I ought to ask you the same question.o oAnd what about the property youAEre about to steal?o Amber charged ahead. No turning back now. Not with the evidence in her hands. Barlow could do what he wanted, she had no witnesses to back up her story. oDid you neglect to tell your partner you were about to sell to the firm out from under his feet? The very company heAEs been working night and day to build up, while you were out there tearing it down.o oHow very dramatic.o oIt will be when Grayson finds out what youAEve been up to.o oIt isnAEt a crime to sell off oneAEs a.s.sets, Miss Shaw.o oIt is when theyAEre not entirely yours.o oI beg to differ. I started this firm.o oHeAEll never agree.o AmberAEs hand tightened on the file. She couldnAEt let that paper fall into BarlowAEs clutches. Grayson would never believe her without the hard evidence to back up her claim.

oHe wonAEt have a choice.o Barlow smiled like a wolverine. oAnd you neednAEt worry about your lover, heAEll be well paid for his share, since that seems to be your concern.o Is that what he thought? That she was worried about GraysonAEs a.s.sets for the money involved? The swine. Money obviously mattered a great deal to Barlow or he would never have forged the deal she was desperately trying to stop him from completing. oMoney isnAEt the issue here.o oIsnAEt it, Miss Shaw? IAEd say most people have a price. WhatAEs yours?o The worm, was he really trying to buy her off? Why didnAEt he just call the police as he threatened? Afraid the publicity would damage his carefully cultivated deal, she decided.

oMy price is beyond your budget, Mr. Barlow. ItAEs called honesty, integrity.o To her amazement Barlow burst into laughter. oAnd this from the woman who makes her living spying on other people! The woman who got sued for her incompetence.o oWe arenAEt talking about me.o oOh, but we could be.o She had to get past him, get away with that doc.u.ment in her possession. Taking a gamble, Amber blurted, oGrayson already knows. I told him.o She watched as the facade of BarlowAEs self a.s.surance crumbled, then added, oHeAEs out right now, undoing your hard work.o Chew on that one, she thought viciously.

And darted to the right.

Flattening herself to the wall, she dove for the freedom of the outer office. Shocked, Barlow spun belatedly in pursuit. For an instant, she thought she was free. Never mind the coat, sheAEd hail a cab. Hopefully Grayson would return before Barlow sent the police after her. The leather strap of her purse snapped tight. Suddenly she found herself flailing backward. Knocked off balance the file flew from her grip, scattering papers in a brief whirlwind of white. As one, they dove for the precious doc.u.ments.

The office door flew open. Amber looked up to find Grayson towering in the doorway. He glanced from Barlow to the mess on the floor, then back to Amber. His expression darkened, like storm clouds gathering.

oWhat the h.e.l.lAEs going on in here?o

Chapter TWELVE.

Amber dove for the pile of scattered papers, Barlow in quick pursuit. Barlow was bigger, but Amber was faster. She would have made it, except that the heel of her pump slid on the slick bond paper. With an undignified tumble, she went down, scattering the papers in the file further out of recognizable order.

The sudden fall served to put her closer to her goal and she shuffled the papers, searching desperately for the one golden piece that would prove her claim.

Barlow found it first.

Amber s.n.a.t.c.hed it from his hands. He yanked it back. With a horrifying sound, the paper tore. She found half the letter in her hands. The other half, the one containing the last paragraph that closed the deal and the signatures of the partners of Belaoussoff, Bekar, Karulis & Lacey, Barlow claimed. Stuffing it deep into the inside pocket of his blazer, her turned to face Grayson.

oYour private investigator,o Barlow thrust his fists against his hips in righteous indignation, ohas been rifling my personal files.o GraysonAEs eyes widened at the accusation. He watched in obvious embarra.s.sment as she climbed awkwardly to her feet. oAmber?o oWhatAEs going on here,o Amber said, leaping into the conversation before Barlow could get another word out, ois that your partner has arranged to sell the firm you worked so hard to build to Belaoussoff & Bekara.o oKarulis and Lacey?o Grayson finished. She watched the flush of his anger drain slowly from his face as he digested this new piece of information. His expression paled from disbelief to dismay. Circles seemed to etch themselves deeper beneath his eyes against the pallor brought on from nights of hard work and too little sleep. He put down his briefcase. Crossing his arms over his chest, he turned to Barlow. His posture proclaimed the confrontation to come, but to Amber he looked like a young boy whoAEd been betrayed by his best friend. oJohn, is this true?o oOf course not.o Barlow dusted off his suit pants and straightened. oJust another point in the smear campaign this private investigator of yours is trying to build against me. Really, Charles. I donAEt care what you do in your off hours, but this liaison has become more than recreational, itAEs damaging the integrity of this firm. People are talking.o oWhat people--o Amber shoved the half piece of paper at Grayson before Barlow could answer his question. oPeople are talking all right. And it isnAEt about you and me. ItAEs about the sale of this firm.o Grayson took the paper from her hands. Dragging his eyes downward, he forced himself to read the three legible paragraphs before the rip.

oThe sale heAEs been arranging behind your back while youAEve been working yourself to death trying to pay his bills.o Amber kept talking. To pause only gave Barlow an opportunity to jump in and persuade Grayson to take his side.

oBelieve none of this...o...b..rlow ordered.

oThe firm is bankrupt,o Amber continued. She glared at Barlow, afraid even to look at Grayson. If he believed Barlow instead of her, she didnAEt want to know. Not until sheAEd laid it all on the line. oI found the ledger in BarlowAEs files my first day on the job.o oThose files are my personal property. She had no business being in there. I ought to charge her with--o GraysonAEs head came up. oI want to see those files.o Digging in his pocket, Barlow came up with a series of small keys on a ring. oFine. Look all you like. There are no such papers in my files.o His performance convinced Grayson. Amber watched him falter, s.h.i.+fting ever so slightly to BarlowAEs side of the argument. Truth leant Barlow strength. Even if Grayson did examine the files, he wouldnAEt find the ones sheAEd seen there.

oNot anymore,o Amber interjected quickly. oHe destroyed them.o Barlow shot her a caustic look. oThat accusation is even more ridiculous than the last. Need I remind you, Miss Shaw, that breaking and entering is against the law.o Logic tipped the balance a little more in BarlowAEs favor. Certainly what sheAEd done lay on the shady side of the law. But sheAEd been trying to protect GraysonAEs interests. Anger bubbled up inside her, demanding release. Barlow was the one breaking the law, selling off what wasnAEt his. She stabbed a finger in BarlowAEs direction.

oHe knew IAEd been in his office, so he destroyed the evidence. If it wasnAEt for me, his plan would have gone off without a hitch. ThatAEs why he was so angry with you when he came back from holiday. ThatAEs why he wanted you to get rid of me.o oThen thereAEs no proof.o Defeat colored GraysonAEs expression. He was right. There was no proof, none but her word. Appearances were not on her side. In GraysonAEs place even she would have believed Barlow. She was the one with her hand in the cookie jar. Certain Barlow had won him over, she glanced at Grayson trying to determine whether he believed his partnerAEs word over hers. Guarded eyes betrayed nothing of what he felt. But she could feel his faith slipping away from her as he listened to the hard facts of his partnerAEs argument. As a lawyer, heAEd be more likely to be swayed by cold detail than the longing of his heart. She couldnAEt let Barlow win him over.

oIAEm the proof! IAEm your witness.o Amber took the paper from his hands. oI can tell you what the rest of this letter says. I can tell you how much your firm is in the red, because I saw the papers.o oDonAEt believe her,o Barlow said, quietly, reasonably. oThough Miss Shaw is an attractive woman, she is also deranged. She has no evidence to back up her ridiculous claim.o BarlowAEs words a ring of truth to them, Amber reluctantly agreed. She had no evidence, no proof.

oThe ledger has been destroyed,o Amber said quickly. oBut evidence of the sale of the firm is in BarlowAEs pocket.o She did look at him them, openly, without pleading and risked her very heart. oYouAEll just have to believe me, Grayson.o oSheAEs lying.o The command behind BarlowAEs words was impressive. He must have been a formidable lawyer, Amber thought. Before he lost his integrity. Barlow looked earnestly at Grayson. oBelaoussoff & Bekar did make an offer to purchase the firm, but nothingAEs happened with it so far.o Without that last paragraph the letter could be interpreted that way. She couldnAEt allow Barlow to convince him of that.

oBelaoussoff & Bekar have agreed not only to purchase the firm, but to a.s.sume its debts. The deal is practically cinched. Barlow kindly accepted their offer on your behalf. All he needs is your signature.o She glared at Barlow oWere you going to forge that as well?o oEnough of this! I wonAEt stand here and be insulted.o Barlow sc.r.a.ped up his papers and rose to leave.

Grayson stepped in his path. oGive me the paper John.o oNo.o Standing so close together, the difference in their heights and ages was even more p.r.o.nounced. What had drawn Grayson to this clearly unreliable man, Amber wondered. Was he trying to replace the father heAEd lost? Her sympathy disappeared with BarlowAEs next words.

oShe has no proof of her allegations. Who are you going to believe? Your own partner, or the woman you had to sue for her incompetence?o He waited another second, letting the weight of his argument settle, then added, oDonAEt disappoint me, Grayson.o BarlowAEs words dropped into the silence. For a moment Amber had been certain she had Grayson on her side. Then Barlow reached in to tug on his heart strings, dredging up their long history together. A history that went back a lot further than the brief month she and Grayson had been together.

Grayson weakened, buying into the validity of his partnerAEs argument. What Barlow had done was illegal, no doubt about that. But she was the one whoAEd been caught. Appearances alone accused her.

This was the moment sheAEd been dreading. Amber felt her heartbeat hesitate, as if in suspended animation. It would take a huge leap of faith for Grayson to believe her over his partner. As a lawyer, Barlow could build a much better argument than she. As his fatherAEs partner, Grayson had grown up respecting the older man. Barlow was cool, calm, logical. She had only accusations with no proof of their validity. And a dubious track record at that. Grayson mistrusted her before. Why would he trust her now, when so much was at stake? So much more than an argument. The future of his firm. The future of their relations.h.i.+p.

Antic.i.p.ation of the disappointment to come seeped into her soul. TheyAEd all proclaimed their love for her, Eric, her father. And theyAEd all been ... lying. She felt her stomach clench, her shoulders tighten, waiting for the inevitable blow. From the moment she knew she loved Grayson, sheAEd worried that put to the test, he would disappoint her bitterly. As Eric had. She tried to catch his eye, to show him the sum of her pure and desperate hope, but Grayson had his attention fixed solely on Barlow.

Amber shut her eyes in silent prayer.

oIAEm going to believe Amber,o Grayson said quietly. oEven if the truth isnAEt what I want to hear.o oYouAEll regret this.o Grayson shook his head. oThe regrets will be yours, John. BelaoussoffAEs home number ought to be somewhere in my dadAEs Rolodex. And if itAEs not, IAEll just keep going, even if I have to call Bekar in Bermuda or Karulis by radio phone up north at the chalet. You might as well give it to me. Because I will get that information, one way or another.o oDonAEt make a fool of yourself.o oOnce they hear what youAEve done, I doubt theyAEll want you for a partner. But if they do, youAEre welcome to sell your share of the firm to Belaoussoff & Bekar, in fact, I heartily urge you to.o oI built this firm--o Barlow began.

oMy father built this firm. And I worked my b.u.t.t off to keep it going. Admit it, Barlow, this partners.h.i.+p isnAEt working. Even my brother can see that. YouAEre right, John. People are talking.o oCanAEt you recognize a good deal when itAEs right under your nose?o oA good deal! For whom? You? Belaoussoff & Bekar?o Grayson bent to retrieve his briefcase. Opening it, he shoved the paper inside and snapped it closed. oFirst thing tomorrow morning, IAEm going to decline their offer.o oYouAEre not the man your father was.o He launched the insult like an arrow at GraysonAEs back.

Slowly, Grayson rose to face him. oRight you are about that. IAEm nothing like my father.o Wrenching the door open, he motioned with a flourish for Barlow to step through. oTake your things and go. From now on these are my offices. Especially since IAEve been doing all the work in this firm.o oI canAEt believe youAEre asking me to leave.o oLong over due, I a.s.sure you. If my father had severed your partners.h.i.+p he might have lived longer.o He fixed Barlow with a long hard stare. oHow much did you shorten his life by?o He uttered the words so quietly, Amber wasnAEt sure sheAEd heard him. But Barlow did. s.n.a.t.c.hing up his coat, he stepped through the doorway, then whirled to face Grayson.o You sound as ridiculous as your crazy PI.o oActually,o Grayson said. oI think I just went sane.o He closed the door, cutting off the rest of BarlowAEs protests. His footsteps thudded off down the carpeted hallway. They heard him punch the elevator b.u.t.ton, then the muted rush of the doors sliding shut.

Amber sagged against the door, as if Barlow might come cras.h.i.+ng through it again. With a deep sigh, Grayson sat on the corner of the desk and rested his head in his hands.

oI canAEt believe I did that.o oGrayson--o His reply was m.u.f.fled by his hands. oWhat?o oI was telling the truth.o He held out his hand, and when she stepped into range, grasped her and pulled her close. oI know.o oWhat made you so sure?o oI love you, Amber. I just knew.o oKind of the way you just know someoneAEs guilty when they insist theyAEre innocent.o oSort of.o oSo what now?o oI suppose I have an early morning meeting at Belaoussoff & Bekar.o He ran a hand over his face. oAnd a ton of work to do if IAEm going to set up my own firm.o oHe wasnAEt an a.s.set to you.o oRogerAEs been telling me that for a long time.o oWell, heAEs right.o oRoger? Right? Ms. Shaw, have you completely lost your mind?o oPerhaps IAEm just developing a deeper appreciation of your twin.o oIAEll believe that one when I see the hard evidence.o She nuzzled deeper against his chest. oThat shouldnAEt be too hard. After all, he does have a few qualities in common with you.o oDoes he now? I wouldnAEt have expected to hear that from you.o oGrayson! I am trying.o oIAEm sure Roger will appreciate that. He likes you, you know.o oSo you keep saying.o oHe thinks youAEre the woman I should marry.o oWhat do you think?o Grayson rested his head against hers. His arms tightened around her. oI think heAEs right.o Eyes closed, she traced the outline of his chin with her lips until she located the center of his warmth. And for a second she was lost in the feel of him, his weight pressed against her. She laced her hands through his dark curls, reveling in the thick rough texture of his hair.

Knowing finally Grayson was truly hers.

Knowledge settled like a warm rea.s.suring weight within her. BarlowAEs betrayal strengthened their relations.h.i.+p instead of breaking it apart as sheAEd feared. The firm was safe. And she had Grayson.

The pressure of his lips urged hers apart. His hot probing tongue invaded her mouth. A gentle invasion of the most welcoming sort. He made no pretense of his intention. He wanted her. She burrowed deeper into the V made by his legs answering his unspoken question.

His mouth left hers. She felt the brush of his kiss against the pulse behind her ear, then the pale column of her neck. Warm breath puffed against her collar bone as he set to work on the tiny b.u.t.tons of her blouse with his teeth.

She laughed, her slight movement throwing him momentarily off target. Undaunted, he returned immediately to his task as if he intended to chew through the thin fabric to get to her. Maneuvering one b.u.t.ton open, he moved to tackle the next. The roughness of his unshaven chin rasped against her bare chest, and she s.h.i.+vered antic.i.p.ating more. Deciding he could wait no longer, his mouth fastened on the peak of her breast. Warmth seeped through the silk and the insubstantial barrier of her bra. Within it Amber felt the flick of his tongue and moaned, deep and low in her throat.

With Grayson sitting on the corner of the desk, they were almost the same height, his body ripe for her plundering. AmberAEs hands slid over the roughness of his wool suit jacket, sliding down over his lapels, until she could reach in between the layers of wool and the smooth cotton of an expensive manAEs s.h.i.+rt. Muscles bunched beneath her questing fingers. Her small hands dipped lower, finding the waistband of his pants. Then, deciding it was all out of order, went to work on his tie instead.

The tight knot proved to be beyond her patience. She wanted to rip open his s.h.i.+rt beneath it. Large hands covered hers before she could destroy his clothing and came to her aid. Deftly, he worked the knot open, tossing the thin strip of material aside. Amber spread her fingers over the expanse of his chest, weaving them through the thick hair. Her mouth closed on the copper circle of his nipple. His chest rose then fell as he sighed and tugged her closer.

She followed his lead, sliding over to tease the other, then dipping lower with little nibbles, until she met the barrier of his belt.

Definitely beyond her skill. With a sigh of her own, she reached down to undo the silver buckle. But his hands captured hers. She brought her head up sharply, staring suddenly into the dark intensity of his desire.

oAmber....o oMmm?o oNot here,o he said quietly. oNot on NicoleAEs desk.o Suddenly she regained her senses, remembering where they were, what had just happened. And the very real possibility that Barlow could return and find them like this.

But the joy of finding him truly hers, of finding someone in whom she could place her trust would not be contained. Amber kissed him, luring his attention back to her, to their celebration of sorts.

For a moment it seemed he could be persuaded. But then he moved gently, but firmly away. oNo, Amber, not after all the ugliness that happened here tonight.o She felt the keen loss of him, of his warmth, his comfort and longed to replace it. oThereAEs that nice leather couch in your office.o oThere is....o He hesitated, considering.

Amber pulled away from him, grasping his hand, ready to lure him in the direction of his office.

oAnd then again....o Grayson said pulling her back. oThereAEs also a nice couch in front of my fireplace at home.o oThere is that.o oAnd I have a nice ... wide bed to cuddle up in afterward--o oDuring--o Warm breath ruffled her hair as he chuckled. oBefore--o oItAEs a long drive. I donAEt think I can wait that long.o oPatience is a virtue, Ms. Shaw.o With one hand Grayson felt blindly along the wall until he found the light switch and plunged the office into darkness.

oLetAEs go home, then. IAEll deal with the rest of this in the morning. Tonight is for us.o His eyes searched for her coat, finding instead the empty hook on the wall. oDidnAEt you bring a coat?o oItAEs on the floor of your closet.o oWhat?o He pulled away from her, with teasing little kisses, she urged him back. oTell you about it later.o Amber waited while Grayson retrieved her coat from his closet floor and with a puzzled look draped it around her shoulders. Sheltered beneath his arm she walked the short distance to his Mercedes.

With her mind on the night ahead and her relief in winning back GraysonAEs love, Amber failed to consider the possibility that implicating Barlow might destroy the peace between them.


If Amber thought the offices of Barlow & Charles were untidy before, they were a disaster now.

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