Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium Part 73

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(See _Dodge Ball_.)

[Ill.u.s.tration: CIRCLE STRIDE BALL]


_10 to 30 or more players._

_Playground; gymnasium._

_Foot ball; basket ball._

All but one of the players form a circle, standing in stride position with feet touching those of the next players to make a barricade for the ball.

The odd player stands in the center and tries to throw the ball outside of the circle between the feet of the players. Those in the circle try to prevent the pa.s.sage of the ball, using only their hands for this. This play is continued until the center player succeeds in sending the ball through the circle, when he changes places with the player between whose feet or on whose right side it pa.s.sed out. If a circle player moves his feet in any way, he must change places with the center.

The center player will aid his object by using considerable finesse, appearing to intend sending the ball in one direction, turning suddenly and sending it in another, etc.

When the ball has been sent out of the circle, the players turn, facing outward, and the odd man tries to send it back inside according to the same rules.


(See _Zigzag Games_.)


Four forms of this game are given in this volume in alphabetic order. Two are in line formation and two in circle formation, as follows:--

1. Line Club Bowls.--(Single) (Relay formation, one club bowled over.)

2. Line Club Bowls.--(Double) (Relay formation, ball or bag bowled between two clubs.)

3. Circle Club Bowls.--(Ring formation, clubs outside of ring.)

4. Center Club Bowls.--(Ring formation, three clubs in center.)

See also _Battle Ball_ and _Bombardment_.


(See also _Double Corner Ball_.)

_10 to 30 or more players._

_Playground; gymnasium._

_Basket ball; volley ball._

[Ill.u.s.tration Diagram: CORNER BALL]

GROUND.--The ground is marked off into a s.p.a.ce measuring at least twenty-five by thirty feet. This is divided across the center by a straight line. In the further corners of each half so made, a small square goal is marked out, there being two such goals in each court.

PLAYERS.--The players are divided into two even parties, each of which takes position on one side of the ground and stations a goal man in each of the goals at the rear of the opposite side.

OBJECT.--The object of the game is to throw the ball over the heads of the opposing party to one's own goal men, who are at the rear of the opponents' court.

RULES AND POINTS OF PLAY.--The players on each side are not bound to any special territory within their own court, but will naturally see that each of the goals at their rear is well protected, and will try to intercept the ball before it can reach these goals. They will also, of course, try to throw the ball over the opposing party to their own goal men in the opposite court. No player may cross the line which divides the two halves of the ground. The goal men may not step outside of their goals. Any ball caught in this way fails to score. No opponent may step inside of a goal. When a goal man catches a ball, he must at once throw it back, trying of course to get it to his own party over the heads of the opponents, who try to intercept it.

SCORE.--Every ball caught by a goal man scores one for the party throwing. The side first scoring twenty points wins the game.


_10 to 60 players._

_Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._

_b.a.l.l.s; bean bags._

The players are divided into four groups, one group stationed in each corner called North, South, East, and West.

Four captains stand in the center, each with a bean bag, facing his corner of players, who stand in a row. The captain throws the bean bag to each player in turn in his group, who throws it back at once to the captain, and so on until the last player is reached. As the captain throws to his last player he calls "Corner Spry!" and runs to the head of the row, the last player becoming captain. The group that first succeeds in having all of its players in the captain's place wins the game.

This game was originated by Miss Amy A. Young of Cleveland, Ohio, and received honorable mention in a compet.i.tion for schoolroom games conducted by the Girls' Branch of the Public Schools Athletic League of New York City in 1906. It is here published by the kind permission of the author, and of the Girls' Branch, and of Messrs. A. G. Spalding & Brothers, publishers of the handbook in which the game first appeared.


_10 to 60 players._

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