The Remaining: Fractured Part 47

The Remaining: Fractured -

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So they walked on. The moment pa.s.sed, and whatever LaRouche had detected faded either as he left it behind, or his nose became accustomed to it. In either case, he did as he was told and just kept walking. He tilted his head back so he could see ahead of him a bit. The ground rose and he leaned into it, planting his feet firmly in the rise. There was gravel, and the leaves thinned.

Then there was blacktop.

The sound of a river.

He walked on the blacktop. Little white rocks pa.s.sed under his feet like constellations and he walked across them. He felt both sober and drunk now. Sick enough to be both. His stomach clawed at his throat. Like his insides had gone to war with each other.

"Praise G.o.d!" Someone far ahead of them shouted.

"And peace to you," The man behind him intoned.

It had the sound of a pa.s.sword. Something read out of rote memorization because it was required and not believed. LaRouche was not told to stop so he continued walking, continued thinking about the river, and where it was going. Out to sea. Where he wished he was. Would it be so bad if he flung himself over the rail? Drowned in the waters with his eyes blindfolded and his hands tied behind his back? Would it be so bad if that dark, cold river bore him out to sea where he wanted to be?

It would be a good way to die. As good as any. And better than most.

The voice in front of them was much closer now. "What have we here?"

LaRouche's captor put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Found him sneaking around in the woods."

"Is he one of them?"

"He came from the direction of their camp, but I haven't questioned him. He's drunk."


Someone poked LaRouche in the chest.

"Hey! Where are you coming from?"

"Tennessee," LaRouche said, mumbled like there were cotton b.a.l.l.s in his mouth.

"And what brings you so far east, my friend?" This was the man in front of LaRouche.

"Lookin' for the beach. Lookin' to die."

There was silence for the better part of a minute. Perhaps the two men were discussing what to do with LaRouche in mouthed words and silent gestures. LaRouche stood blankly. The clay on the potter's wheel. Formless and ready to be made into anything.

"Alright." The man in front. "Take Darren and the car. Get him back to the FOB. Let Deacon Chalmers decide what to do with him."

Then they walked some more.

At some point, LaRouche's captor called out to another man-Darren, LaRouche presumed-and then led LaRouche to an old, baby blue car. A Toyota or Nissan, he couldn't quite tell. Darren came and took the driver's seat. LaRouche was positioned in the front pa.s.senger seat. The car smelled of stale cigarettes and gasoline. Like the inside of a mechanic's shop. It was cold and moist, like they'd left the windows down during a rain.

LaRouche's captor sat directly behind him. "You do anything stupid I'll blow your brains out. Understand?"

LaRouche just nodded. "Yeah. Sure."

Wilson could hear the river approaching. He was not much of a woodsman, but he'd followed the trail to the best of his ability, taking note of tracks in the mud that were barely visible in the early-dawn light, broken branches, matted leaves. Maybe he wasn't even following LaRouche anymore. Maybe he'd just happened upon some old deer trail and was wandering off into nowhere.

Dorian and Tim remained with him. Tim was right behind Wilson, and Dorian was in the back. All rifles were up, pointed out into the woods. The gray trees each a sentinel, each a body that could come alive and attack them at any moment. They'd been at an intense level of caution since finding Father Jim's body, and there still seemed no end in sight.

All the while, Wilson maintained his composure. Inside, he was a wreck. A blithering f.u.c.king wreck. Seeing Father Jim-h.e.l.l, even thinking about him-lying there with his brains strewn across the ground made him want to drop right there. Bawl his eyes out. It made everything in his chest so tight that he was forced to push it away because he couldn't breathe.

And then there was LaRouche. G.o.dd.a.m.n LaRouche. What had happened? What was the reason? Was it as bad as Wilson thought it was, or was there some rational explanation? G.o.d, he wanted there to be an explanation so badly. He wanted to find LaRouche and have the former sergeant tell him how it was all a big misunderstanding. How one of The Followers had sniped Father Jim from the woods and now LaRouche was bravely tracking him down to exact revenge.

But Wilson knew.

He f.u.c.king knew.

LaRouche had killed Father Jim. Maybe there was some explanation why that had happened, but LaRouche taking off running through the woods didn't make it seem like it had been an accident. So Wilson was forced to amend his thought.

LaRouche had murdered Father Jim.

Whether or not Dorian and Tim felt as strongly about the situation, or were as close to being driven to their knees by the toll it took on them as Wilson was, he would never know. They tracked along behind him, silently. Perhaps because they were struck mute by the murder of a friend by someone who they had trusted. Or perhaps simply because they didn't want to attract attention.

Wilson didn't know, and he wasn't so sure that he cared.

Emotionally, he was lost in his own world.

Up ahead, he could see the abrupt end of the trees and the ground around them turned to a certain consistency that spoke of coastal marshes. Beyond the end of the trees, the river moved, turbulent, it seemed, and reflected back a sky as gray as gunsmoke.

The trail led towards it, a slight depression in the earth, and Wilson followed it, though he realized that it had been some time since he'd last seen anything that looked like a boot track. He didn't know what he was doing. He was no tracker. Who knows what he'd been tracking this whole time? And what the f.u.c.k did he think he was going to do if he actually did find LaRouche?

He had no idea.

Capture him?

Interrogate him?

He felt like he was just doing what he was supposed to do. Going through the motions. Maybe it was the nightmarish quality of it all, or maybe it was the half-light of the almost-morning that always made him feel like he waded through some irresolute dream sequence.

They reached the edge of the river. The bank sloped down into mud. Already their boots sank into it, maybe an inch deep. It sucked at the soles of their shoes and slopped loudly. Wilson stood there at the bank, like another one of these gray trees that lined the river. Holding his rifle. Trying to look the part. A whitewashed tomb full of dead men's bones.

He watched the water, almost entranced by it.

"What the f.u.c.k, LaRouche?" he murmured to himself. "What did you do?"

"Uh..." Dorian's voice. " seein' this s.h.i.+t?"

Wilson raised his eyes off the hypnotic movement of the water. "What?"

Dorian stepped up beside Wilson and pointed out across the water, towards the opposite bank. "You see that?"

Wilson squinted. The opposite bank was alive. The trees were moving. All their gray, leafless limbs sloshed in the shallow water as though they were trying to cross, but there were more trees on that side of the river than here. So many pale, gray trees that it looked like a log jam. And they moved. Further inland, too. Wilson could see them moving with the river, moving east.

He stared. Didn't react.

Dorian's voice was higher than normal. "You f.u.c.kin' see that s.h.i.+t? You see it?"

Maybe it was the lack of sleep, maybe it was the preoccupation with what had happened between LaRouche and Father Jim, but it took Wilson that long to figure out what he was looking at. And when he did he felt like he was slipping into the river himself, being washed away.

"Holy s.h.i.+t." He looked east, down the river where they were headed, and just in the distance he could see the bridge. The bridge where The Followers had set their roadblock. And he knew that Lee had been right all along. But now they were going to be too late. There was no possible way they could blow the bridge in time-not with The Followers still standing guard.

Madly, he thought that maybe just maybe The Followers would join them, since it was mutually beneficial. But who would go to them? Who would risk the white flag when they knew that in all likelihood they would be captured and killed regardless?

"How many do you think there are?" Dorian said, breathlessly.

"I don't know." Wilson stared at them, tried to estimate, but it seemed his mind was not clear enough to focus on numbers and figures. So he simply threw out what he believed to be a safe guess. "At least a couple thousand."

So jam-packed together that their h.o.m.ogenous gray skin seemed to be all parts of one ma.s.sive creature that lumbered down the river bank, searching for a way to cross, they approached the bridge over the Roanoke River, so many infected that they could not be counted.

Wilson gathered himself.

Think about what Lee would want you to do.

What should I do?

He turned. "We need to get the f.u.c.k out of here."

They began to run.

They had gotten no more than twenty yards back into the woods when the heard it, and it stopped them in their tracks. It was the noise of splitting air, the roar of the earth cracking along its fault lines. A percussion that shook the trees around them and made their ears ring and caused the three of them to flatten themselves into the mud like the eastern sky had opened and the apocalypse had come to earth. There were a series of tearing sounds, almost simultaneous, like the fabric of the world around them was being rent, and then blasts that shook them, chattered their teeth together, and turned their stomachs.

"What the f.u.c.k was that?" Dorian screamed.

Wilson could barely hear him over the ringing in his ears. He just shook his head, made a noise like a deaf man trying to speak, tried to work his jaw to pop his ears, to make them stop the brutal a.s.sault of cymbals that seemed to go on forever inside of his ear ca.n.a.l. He stood up, a little unsteady.

"C'mon," he said, waving them on. "Whatever that was, I wanna get away from it."


Jerry stalked to the medical trailer, simply not in the f.u.c.king mood. After his little speech rea.s.suring the good people of Camp Ryder that he had everything under control, Jerry had retired into the building and told Greg and Arnie to lock the b.i.t.c.h and her kids up tight-and separately. He'd been awake since about one in the d.a.m.n morning, when Greg had come to him with the information that he'd got from Jenny, which was apparently a sore subject between the two of them at this point.

He'd wanted to get some more sleep, so Arnie and Greg moved Angela into the empty old utility closet and locked the door. In the quiet of the building, they could still hear the mumbles and crying of the two rotten little b.a.s.t.a.r.ds that had shot Paul. Jerry shut the office door so he wouldn't have to hear them while he was trying to sleep, and when he lay down he slept with the readiness of a man without a conscience.

Apparently, sometime during that first blessed half hour of early morning sleep, there had been some shouting, some stabbing, and some driving through the front gate. Jerry didn't know. He'd slept through it. Until Kyle came through the door, sweating profusely, stuttering about how Marie had stabbed Arnie and there was a hole in the gate and two infected had already tried to get inside and been shot.

So now Jerry found himself awake again, and walking, and cold, and not in the f.u.c.king mood. He approached the medical trailer and could hear a combination of moaning, groaning, and arguing. He couldn't pick out the specific words because they hid behind the cries of the two wounded men, but he could tell that it was Jenny and Greg, and neither was thrilled with the other.

Un-f.u.c.king-believable. He wanted to strangle them both. You can't possibly be doing a good job patching my guys up if you're having a G.o.dd.a.m.ned lovers' quarrel in the middle of it all!

He turned the corner of the medical trailer and stood in the opening.

Jenny: "I told you that in confidence, you sonofab.i.t.c.h!"

Greg: "What the f.u.c.k did you expect me to do with it? Sit on my f.u.c.king hands?"

Jerry cleared his throat loudly and the arguing ceased. Greg stepped to the side and Jerry could see past him into the maul of blood and dirty bandages that surrounded Jenny and the two men that lay half-conscious on the cots. Jenny's sleeves were rolled up past her elbows and still managed to be soaked in blood. Her arms looked like they'd been dipped in it.

Paul lay on the far cot, his clothes cut away but still clinging to him. He twitched and mumbled and looked ghostly pale. His midsection was bandaged thickly, but there was barely any white left in the gauze. It was all soaked through and nearly black.

Arnie was a little more awake, but seemed on the verge of falling into shock. His arms kept flailing about, but they were like a drunken man's and they seemed purposeless and random. Jenny sat there, bent over his naked crotch in some horrific parody of a s.e.x act.

"Jesus..." Jerry grimaced. "What the f.u.c.k happened here?"

Greg left his position hanging over Jenny's shoulder and stood before Jerry, his face clenched. "It was Marie. She f.u.c.king stabbed him in the c.o.c.k and ran off with his car. Ran through the f.u.c.king gate. We have no idea where she went."

Jerry stared. "You have no idea where she went?" Jerry felt a welling of rage, like hot lava flow. He swung his arm and slapped Greg on the shoulder, probably more painful for his hand than Greg, but the bigger man flinched away from it anyways. "You have no idea where she went?" he repeated, raising his voice. "Try 'whoever the f.u.c.k is planning to take this s.h.i.+t over'! G.o.ddammit, do I have to think for everyone in this h.e.l.lhole? How does this happen, Greg? How does this f.u.c.king happen? Please explain!"

Greg looked away. "Marie said she had information. Said she'd only give it to Arnie in private. Then I don't know what happened because we haven't been able to get Arnie to talk after that. All I can say is she stabbed him in the crotch and ran off with his car."

"Oh," Jerry shook his head. "Oh-ho-ho." He s.h.i.+fted his gaze like a target tracker, landing and locking it on Jenny. He pointed at her. "You. You."

"C'mon, Jerry," Greg mumbled, half-heartedly.

Jenny glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, still focused on her work.

Jerry stood beside her, watched her hands moving about what was left of Arnie's genitals-white flesh and black pubic hair and a lot of red, glistening meat. "You f.u.c.king knew about this s.h.i.+t, didn't you, you dirty little s.l.u.t?"

Jenny stopped what she was doing, looked up at him. "What the f.u.c.k did you say?"

Jerry bent down, in her face. "You. Dirty. Little. s.l.u.t. You knew Marie was part of this s.h.i.+t, and you held that information back! Didn't you? Didn't you?"

Jenny lurched to her feet, b.l.o.o.d.y hands suddenly balled into fists. Jerry's heart somersaulted-he hadn't expected her to react so violently-and then he took a step back, raising his hands in preparation to ward off the incoming blows. But before she could start swinging, Greg swooped in and grabbed her arms, pinning them to her side.

It didn't stop her from kicking at him. "You sonofab.i.t.c.h!" she screamed at him. "I didn't know s.h.i.+t! You stay out of my face! Get out! Get out of my trailer! GET OUT!"

Jerry dodged the blows. "Greg, control your b.i.t.c.h!"

Greg pulled her away, squeezing her tight enough that it seemed he might crack her rib cage, and he whispered into her ear, his face buried in her flailing hair, "You need to calm the f.u.c.k down or this is gonna end badly for you. Please calm down, Jenny. Just calm down."

She still struggled against him. Her voice was a little more subdued, if not slightly strained from fighting to get a breath past his constricting arms. "You tell him to get out! He has to leave! I won't help Arnie if he's in here! I'll just let him bleed out, I swear to G.o.d!"

Greg looked pleadingly at Jerry.

If Jerry was honest with himself, he would have admitted that Jenny's outburst had been unexpected and it had scared the h.e.l.l out of him. He would have decided that perhaps this was someone he didn't want to continue to poke at, since if he were to ever be injured, it would be Jenny who patched him up. She was the only one left in Camp Ryder with any medical experience, and that basically made her untouchable.

If Jerry was honest with himself, he would have realized all this, backed off, and maybe even apologized. You simply don't f.u.c.k with nurses and doctors. You don't f.u.c.k with the people that fix you when you're broken.

But Jerry was rarely honest with himself, and instead he found himself livid that Jenny had managed to take him by surprise, had managed to humiliate him in front of one of his subordinates. So rather than walk away, he stalked towards her and slapped her across the face.

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