Darkyn - Midnight Blues Part 4

Darkyn - Midnight Blues -

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Dani dreamed of the one place in the world where she had never felt afraid: the jungle beyond the compound. On warm, moonlit nights, when the Father's men had gone into the village to drink and chase women, she had slipped under the fence and into that cool, green darkness.

The Father had told her that it was impossible for her to remember her mother (she died birthing you, Cristal, he would always say, hating her with his eyes) but Dani felt her presence in every shadow, heard her whisper in every movement through the leaves.

Mama had belonged to the jungle, had been buried by the Father somewhere in it, and so she had become a part of Dani's rare night wanderings.

Tonight she felt her mother as if from a distance, but that hint of tender love was all she needed. She raced through the brush, chasing it not in desperation but in a playful, teasing fas.h.i.+on that made her mother's ghost laugh.

Until the dark man stepped out into the moonlight, blocking her path.

Daniela. He held out his hand, tiny golden lights filling the palm. Don't run away from me.

She stayed. She had never like men very much the Father often hurt her, and the guards despised and feared her but the dark man felt different. He smelled wonderful, too, not at all like the sour odor that clung to everyone at the compound. She went to him, and when she reached for his hand, he tossed up the lights, showering her with their cool, tickling sparkles.

"Rafael." She remembered his name from the other place. His name became poetry on her tongue, and she savored it twice more. "Rafael, Rafael. How did you find me?"

We are sharing a dream, he told her, clasping her wrists with his hands. Is this your home?

Dani had never thought of the jungle as anything but freedom. It did not belong to her, and the Father would never permit her to live in it. Home was the compound, where everyone feared the Father and what he did in the white-washed rooms. She did not want to think about that, not here. Here she came to be, to run, to forget.

"I wish it were," she told him.

I had a place like this, once, a long time ago. A flock of green parrots fluttered around them, and he drew her closer, holding her to his side. Can you show me the compound?

Somewhere in the shadows, a jaguar growled.

"Do I have to?" When Rafael nodded, she sighed and guided him down the old path to the clearing where the Father had made the compound. The rusting, barbed wire fence sagged in places, some parts of it cut out and missing. A few ghosts scrounged around the burned and gutted buildings, the old ones who still thought they were alive, and could pick through the debris for sc.r.a.p to sell in city.

Someone burned it to the ground?

"The Father did before he left the country." She stared at the place where she had been so miserable. "Men came from Europe not his men, but others that were angry with him so he set fire to the top part." She took him to one of the lower level entrances, pus.h.i.+ng aside the tool shed that concealed it. "The soldiers came and took things and burned it, and I had to go live in the village. They never did find the bottom part."

Dani hated going below, but knew Rafael should see it all. The sensors that still worked turned on the Father's lights as they walked down the stairs and into the center corridor. Ghosts in wrinkled white coats shuffled past them. They wrote on blank clipboards with empty pens. Seeing the spirits made Dani's arms throb. Rafael ignored the spirits and looked through some of the dusty windows. This is a hospital.

"The Father called it that, but he never fixed anyone. He broke them and made me do it." She surrept.i.tiously checked the sleeves of her smock to see if she was bleeding again.

"I didn't like him. He pretended to be happy and kind, but underneath he was like Donatien. He didn't really care about the tests he said he had to do, or the soldiers he was going to make to take back to his land. He simply liked doing the breaking."

Rafael stopped in front of one of the many framed pictures the Father had left behind, and wiped the dust from the gla.s.s over it. What was his name?

"He never told us. We were made to call him 'Doctor' or 'Father.'" She saw a portrait of the Father as a handsome young man and turned away. "Can we go back to the jungle now?"

In a moment. Rafael looked at some of the other pictures and then saw the birthing room, where the spirit of a village woman floated above the table, shrieking without sound as she struggled to deliver a baby that would never take a breath. Was he your father? Was his name Nieves?

"No. Daniela Nieves is not my name. Marguerite made it up for me, for my papers.

The Father called me 'Cristal', or this." She pulled up the sleeve of her smock and showed him the numbers on her left arm.

Six-one-two-seven. He ran his fingertips over the faded mark. What do they mean?

"He never told me, but I think they are when I was born."

No one calls a child by a number.

She looked at the writhing ghost woman. "The Father did." She pulled at his arm.

"Can we leave now? Everything here is cold and dead."

Rafael followed her out of the lower level, although he kept glancing back over his shoulder, as if still not quite believing what she had shown him. Is this place why the villagers would not speak to you?

Dani thought of the years she had spent in the village. "They were afraid of me. I could walk through the jungle, and nothing would hurt me. I never got sick. When they were sick or hurt, I was the only one who could help them. They needed me, and they took care of me, but they resented me." She almost ran back into the jungle.

Rafael caught up with her, turning her to him. I was wrong to make you show me that place. I'm sorry, Daniela.

"It was not all bad. I could always go into the jungle. My mother is here. So is life."

Dani felt a cold, icy touch along the length of her spine, and on impulse she hugged him.

The pain it caused in her arms was worth seeing the startled pleasure in his eyes. "Now you are, too."

I'm not what you think I am. He moved as if to set her away, and then brought one of his hands to her face. Compelled to touch, as she was. You are so young and innocent. I must leave you alone.

Joy deepened into feelings Dani had never experienced, even when the Father had tried to force her to feel such things. He had wanted to breed her like a cow, to see if her children would be as she was, only to discover that she could not make children. Rafael didn't care that she had numbers for a name. He saw her as she saw the jungle, and that was a dream she had never expected to come true.

He was the one, the meaning, the reason to go on. She brought her arms up and encircled his neck. "I don't want to be alone any more."

Instead of bending down, he lifted her up to his mouth. Dani felt her feet dangling for an instant, and then his lips touched hers. She could taste his breath blending with hers, felt the silken abrasion of his mustache and beard against her face. Before she was ready, he lifted his mouth and began to lower her to the ground.

He wasn't afraid of her. He feared what he might do to her. What his hunger might do to her. It was so ridiculous that she almost laughed.

Dani wrapped her legs around his waist and clutched at his shoulders. "That was a terrible kiss. Here." She used her hand to draw his mouth again to hers. "Let me show you."

She tilted her head, making a new angle, and teased his lips with the tip of her tongue. He tasted of sunlight and shadow, and in that moment before he took her kiss and made it his, Dani knew it wouldn't be enough, it could never be enough, and that was why he was the one, the meaning, and the reason.

Dani could feel the cold touch of death again, but pushed it away. This is my mate, my love, and I have been waiting for him for so long that I hardly know what to do.

The floor of the jungle became a silken twist of sheets and clothes, and the kiss he gave her came with the weight of his body on hers. For a long, luxurious interval Dani moved against the searching caress of his hands, content to drift along on a haze of not-quite- waking need. She felt something sharp against the edge of her tongue, tasted blood, and heard him groan.

The dream ebbed, casting them both back into the now.

Lucan felt his sygkenis before he smelled her, something he could do only when one of them was angry. Since the wine gla.s.s in his hand remained whole, he a.s.sumed the temper about to explode was hers.

"If you punch me," he told her before she came into sight, "your hand will hurt longer than my nose. What is wrong?"

"Wrong? What could be wrong? My life is all hearts and flowers, Lord and Master Lucan." She came around the side of the white leather couch and stood before him.

"You've done a great job of that."

"So I have... made you happy?" He contemplated his bloodwine to avoid looking into her furious eyes. "Apparently not. May G.o.d have mercy on my soul."

"Not until I'm done with you, pal. Let's start with 'Say nothing to Samantha,'" she said with a very accurate imitation of his native English accent. "Or how about, 'While Samantha is sleeping, replace all of the ammunition in her weapons.'"

He stared at her. "I've soundproofed every inch of this building, so I know you weren't listening at the keyhole." Then it occurred to him. "You bugged my office. You b.i.t.c.h.

How could you do such a thing?"

"You're replacing my ammo and lying to me, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, so what's the difference?"

She shook her head and went to the closet he had surrendered when she had moved in with him. "I know we still have trust issues," she said as she began sorting through cartridge boxes. "I'm a cop, you're a retired, goes with the territory. But you know, you're the one who made me Kyn."

"Yes," he seized on that. "I did. And I saved your life."

"You killed me before Dwyer's bullet could," she corrected him. "But what you did brought me back, so I forgive you. I like living better than dying. Even with the fangs, the lousy diet, you being grandmaster vampire and all your other medieval s.h.i.+t."


She slammed the closet door shut. "Whatever."

"I have been patient as well," Lucan said. "You are still working for the police, are you not? As is my seneschal, I might add. You wish to come and go as you please, and so you do. You put yourself in danger each night to protect humans, while I wait for you to come home to me." He turned his face away from her. "And wonder if you will."

"Why are you worried? You're gorgeous. You're great in bed. I'm not going anywhere. You're a good man, you son of a b.i.t.c.h, and as much as I'd like to, I can't punch you in the nose. I love you." Something dark and hurt s.h.i.+mmered in her eyes. "I love you so much, Lucan."

He rose to his feet and went to her. "Do you think I feel anything less for you? My G.o.d, woman. I would die for you."

"I know." She buried her face against his chest.

He held her close. "I only want to protect you."

"So you lie to me, and do things behind my back?" She jerked out of his arms. "No, my man. We have to settle this. Now. I'm tired of you sneaking out of bed. I don't want to bug your office. I'm your lover, your life companion, whatever the sygkenis thing means, right?" When he nodded, she held out her hands. "Then respect me enough to tell me the truth. Keep me in the loop. Especially when a monster like Donatien comes to town."

"Very well. I will keep you informed, as long as you follow my orders," he told her.

"We are Kyn, Samantha, and I am your liege lord as well your lover. I will not command you often, but when I do, you will obey me."

She nodded slowly.

"Good. I'm going out to hunt Donatien tonight, and I'm going alone." Before she could say anything, he shook his head. "He is too dangerous. I don't want to kill anyone, but I am the only one powerful enough to do it. Whatever happens, I'll return at dawn."

He hesitated. "I think you should stop by Rafael's apartment before you go back to work."

"Is he all right?"

"I'm sure he is." Lucan bent down to kiss her. "But you should perhaps check on the nun."

Dani opened her eyes to find herself naked and in a very unfamiliar place, pinned as she was under Detective Suarez's body. He held her wrists over her head with one hand, and was using the other to knead her left breast. His damp mouth lifted from hers, and on it she saw a smear of blood and the glitter of white, sharp teeth.

The air around them felt frosty against her face, but his body kept her warm.

"Daniela." He murmured her name as he propped himself on one elbow and looked down at her through drowsy, confused eyes. "What are we doing?"

She glanced down at the chest flattening her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "I think we're having s.e.x."

"I am sorry." And he was. "I only meant to rest beside you for an hour."

"Wait." As he tried to roll away, she wrapped a leg around the back of his. "Don't pull away from me." She felt his erection against her belly, and although this was only the fourth time she had seen this man in her life, that was fine with her. As for what had happened, it was too soon to speak of dreams of love. For now, desire would have to do.

"Do you want me?"

"I cannot do this." Finally, fully awake, Rafael seemed slightly horrified by their present positions. "You are hurt."

"Not really." She showed him her arms, wrists and hands, which had almost entirely healed while she slept. "The after-effects never last very long. Thank heaven." She tried to kiss him, but he turned his face away. "If you don't want me, then say it."

"It is not that." He struggled with the words. "Daniela, I am too old, and you are too young. You do not know what I am."

Trust a man to put such emphasis on ages and confessions.

"I know you." She moved under him, impatient and so aroused she thought she'd tear out her hair if he didn't take her. None of this made much sense, but it didn't concern her, either. They could find reasons and exchange their secrets later. "Do you want me?"

His dark eyes sparkled with the same lights he had held in the dream. "I have wanted you from the moment I first saw you."

"Well, then." She arched her neck so she could brush her mouth across his. "I'm yours."

"I must tell you this first." When she did, he opened his mouth, showing her two long, sharp teeth that had not been there before. "I am not human. I am a vrykolakas, an immortal being, and I live on human blood. We are called the Darkyn."

"I know. Marguerite told me about your kind. Donatien is one of you." Perhaps it should have frightened her, but instead it made the world right again. In all things, there had to be a balance. "You and the others are not like him, are you?"

He nodded. "We do not kill. We protect." He brushed a lock of hair back from her face. "And if you do not push me away in the next ten seconds, I fear that I am going to make love to you."

"Don't be afraid." She smiled up at him. He cared enough now to make sure that she understood before this last, irrevocable choice was made. If she survived this if he could help her he had earned whatever he asked of her. "But could you make that five seconds, please?"

Rafael waited all of three before his mouth came down over hers, and he gave her a kiss so deep and perfect Dani never wanted it to end. But then his head lifted, and his hands began mapping her, shaping the curves of her flesh to his gentle demands. He only stopped when she stroked his back, and only then to wrap her wrists with a soft length of cord, which he then tied to the headboard.

Dani glanced up, frustrated and amused. "You do like binding me."

"Restraining you," he murmured, kissing the hard peak of one breast and then the other. He frowned at her tied hands as if seeing them for the first time, and then his face cleared. "If you touch me again, I will not be responsible for what happens."

Rafael's sharp teeth flashed as he spoke, and she sensed they hurt as much as the hard shaft nestled between her thighs. She put her mouth on his, not giving him a chance to refuse as she edged the tips with the soft inside of her lower lip. With a groan he bit down, shuddering as he drank from her mouth, pressing the head of his p.e.n.i.s against her and then into her, until Dani arched up, needed her aching emptiness to be filled. It became a wild, reckless thing inside her, making her test her bonds and meet the hard thrust of his body with her own. From there it quickened, the dance and glide of flesh with the dark and needy fusion of their mouths. Rafael took a little of her blood and then soothed the two small wounds with his tongue, even as his hands fastened to the sides of her thighs and held her open for the deep, steady stroke of his c.o.c.k. When he nuzzled her throat, Dani expected to feel him bite again, but his mouth glanced across the sweep of her shoulder and then found her ear, where he whispered something in a language she didn't understand and yet felt as surely as the pleasure streaming through her.

Dani wanted to touch him, to sink her fingernails into his back and urge him to stop holding back and to take her as she wanted him to, as he wished to. The words poured out of her in her own language, one he must have understood because he stiffened over her, his muscles locking for a long moment as he lay buried inside her body. Dani jerked under him, and that and her words were all it took to destroy his control.

"You want more?" he rasped, driving into her with the full force of the pa.s.sion she had released. "Take all of it. All of me, Daniela."

Dani drew him down until his cheek pressed to her temple, and sank her own blunt teeth into the side of his strong neck. She kissed the marks she left, panting against them as her spine bowed and her o.r.g.a.s.m flooded through her, wrenching a low cry from her that went on and on until Rafael covered her mouth with his own and gathered her up into his arms, holding her as he followed.

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