Heart's Passage Part 32

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"Naomi, if you can walk off that plane in Chicago with Cadie at least looking calm and happy by your side, it will go a long way to helping this whole nightmare blow over. Turn up alone or looking like you both do right now, and things will get degrees worse, very quickly," Toby said.

Naomi glared from one to the other. "That s.l.u.t," she hissed, "is the reason this 'whole nightmare' happened in the first place. If she'd just stayed away from that b.i.t.c.h and..." She was silenced when Toby roughly grabbed her arm and covered her mouth with his hand.

"Shut up, Naomi," he said fiercely. "For once, just shut up, and listen to the advice we're giving you. That is what you pay us for, after all." He waited until the senator finally nodded and he lowered his hand. "I'll be honest with you, Nay, I don't give a good G.o.dd.a.m.n who's to blame for what anymore. I don't even care what you and Cadie do in the long term. But I'm telling you that if you want to salvage this situation with any degree of dignity and more importantly, credibility intact, you'll march off that plane with her on your arm. And look like you want her there."

The stocky woman slumped back in her chair, all the fight seemingly drained out of her.

"Think about it," Jason said quietly. "The last 10 years of your career-and the next 10, for that matter-rest on what happens to you in the next few days. Don't waste my time, Toby's time, or any of your other supporters' time. At least mend enough fences to convince Cadie to play along until we can get you both out of the media spotlight for a few days."

Both men stood and turned away from the senator. They walked back out into the sunlight and sat down next to Therese and Sarah, starting a quiet conversation with the two attorneys. No one went near Cadie.

She needs me, right? Cadie thought to herself. I mean that's why I'm doing this, isn't it? Twelve years of history and I care about her, right? She looked back out to sea and her heart fled back over the horizon towards a tall, dark-haired skipper with s.h.i.+ning blue eyes. Finally, she turned to face the other people on the boat. Immediately her attention was caught by the ferociously angry glare coming from the shadows inside the taxi's cabin.

Cadie firmed her jaw and stared back.

And I want her to understand that when I leave, it's because she and I don't work together any more, not because I met someone else. She has to know this is about her, not Jo.

Memories of that overheard conversation came back to haunt Cadie and again doubts welled up in her. She's gonna kick me out anyway, she thought in frustration. G.o.d, why am I bothering?

A little voice piped up, persistent as ever. Because it's the right thing to do, Arcadia. It might be hard to define and it might feel like c.r.a.p, but it's the right thing to do. She sighed, knowing that going against her gut instincts was a short path to an ulcer, if not insanity.

G.o.d, Jo, I miss you already. I'd give anything to feel your arms around me right now. Cadie hugged herself instinctively, and looked around at the scenery as the taxi flew across the water. Colors are so bright here, she reflected, taking in the brilliant aquas and greens of the sea and islands. She took a deep breath and turned her face to the sun, closing her eyes and savoring the warmth and rus.h.i.+ng salt-wind. I hope the universe brings me back here. Soon.

Cadie stayed that way for the rest of the journey back to Hamilton Island, moving only when she felt the boat decelerate as it entered the shelter of the marina. She looked over and saw two dark-windowed limousines waiting at the dock. Toby was talking to the water taxi's skipper, and it wasn't long before the PR man came back to talk to the group.

"The hotel's already loaded the rest of our luggage into the limos," he said. "So we can go straight to the airport. The press still doesn't know what we're up to, but it's a fair bet they'll have someone waiting at the airport. It's time for the game face, people. Let's try and look like we're all one big, happy family, okay?" He looked up at the dock, where two chauffeurs and a number of hotel staff were waiting to a.s.sist them. "Because the children are already watching," he emphasized. "It's only a matter of time before the press tracks us down."

Naomi emerged from the cabin looking like a new woman. There was no hint of anger or unhappiness on her face and she had made an effort to smarten up her appearance.

Every inch the politician, Cadie thought wryly, standing up straight as Naomi approached her. Just as always, when it counts. The blonde had a brief flash of the goodbye kiss she and Jo had shared and was suddenly filled with apprehension about the senator's possible reaction. But for now, at least, she had nothing to worry about.

"All right, people, let's go," the senator said, brus.h.i.+ng past Cadie with barely a glance. Quietly the others followed the politician off the launch and up the stone steps of the dock to the two cars. Toby gently nudged Cadie in the same direction as Naomi, but he needn't have bothered.

I know how to play this game, the blonde thought resignedly as she climbed into the s.p.a.cious limousine and slid across the leather seats until she was next to Naomi. The senator turned away and stared out of the tinted window. And that suits me just fine. Cadie breathed a sigh of relief as it appeared she was to be left alone.

Jo was frustrated beyond belief. It seemed to her that almost from the moment Cadie had disappeared over the horizon, everything had started to go horribly wrong. In their haste to get back to Cheswick's base at Shute Harbor, Jo and the two crewmembers had rigged the boat as tightly as they could and picked the most direct route. But Mother Nature wasn't playing fair. The wind had died to almost nothing and the Seawolf was crawling along on a sea.

"G.o.d d.a.m.n it" Jo thumped the wheel with the heel of her hand in frustration. "Where the f.u.c.k did the wind go, Paulie?" She raised her binoculars to her eyes again, casting about for any signs on the water's surface of an approaching wind gust.

"Beats me Skipper," the crewman said quietly. He was trying to keep a lid on his own emotions. He was just as anxious to get back to Ron as Jo was, but he was becoming concerned about the levels of stress radiating off the tall woman. Jo was restless and angry and Paul knew it had just as much to do with Cadie's departure as with Ron's illness. "Time to fire up the engine, Jo-Jo?"

The skipper growled with exasperation. "f.u.c.k it. Yes. Crank it up, mate."

Paul jumped down into the c.o.c.kpit and scrabbled around, lifting the engine cover. Within a couple of minutes the boat was under power and Jo watched as Jen and Paul pulled down the useless sails and stowed them away.

Jesus, she thought. Today of all days. Perfect weather for the whole trip and the one day I really want to get somewhere fast- nothing. She threw her cap into the companionway in sheer frustration and slumped onto one of the benches. I wish Doris would call back and tell us what's happening.

She knew Ron had a history of heart problems. Running the business doesn't help with the stress levels either, d.a.m.n it.

She ran her hand through her hair anxiously. Her feelings about the big Cheswick boss were pretty black and white. He'd given her a job when she'd needed one badly. He'd accepted her without asking too many questions, and he'd taught her everything he knew about sailing and looking after tourists. Ron Cheswick had left no stone unturned in helping Jo get her life back on the straight and narrow. He had been a father figure when she had needed one most. The thought of him being in pain-in trouble-somewhere wasn't something the tall skipper could stomach very easily. Especially when there's not a G.o.dd.a.m.n thing I can do to get back there any faster.

Her thoughts wandered back to Cadie and she looked down at her watch. They'll be on their way to Sydney by now. Unconsciously she looked up into the cloudless sky, looking for a plane that would be hundreds of miles away by now. Safe travels, my love. She dropped her head again and caught Paul watching her from his position at the helm. A wry smile forced its way to her lips. "Relax, Paulie. I'm okay," she said dryly.

"I'm under orders," he reminded her. A raised eyebrow told him exactly what she thought of that. "You wouldn't want me to let Cadie down now, would you?"

Jo snorted. "I see she's got you wrapped around her little finger," she replied.

"Riiight. Like you're not," Paul responded, mustering up a grin from somewhere.

He's got you there, Jo-Jo. There's not a d.a.m.n thing you wouldn't do for her, given half a chance. She brushed some dried salt from her knee absentmindedly. I wonder if I'll ever get that chance.

Cadie selected a tiny banana m.u.f.fin from the buffet table and slid it onto her plate next to the grapes and sliced pineapple she had already collected. Lack of sleep and all the emotions of the past 24 hours were beginning to catch up with the blonde. She was distinctly frayed around the edges. It had made the breakfast buffet in the first-cla.s.s private lounge at Sydney International irresistible. She put down her fruit plate to pour herself a large cup of strong black coffee, then made her way back to the cl.u.s.ter of comfortable armchairs the rest of her group had claimed for themselves.

Naomi had been blissfully silent since they'd left the Whitsundays. Cadie glanced at her partner. The senator was gazing out the window at the line of jumbo jets parked along the criminal. She had a half-smile on her face and Cadie found the hairs on the back of her neck p.r.i.c.kling at the sight.

She's planning something. Cadie carefully broke the m.u.f.fin in half and popped a morsel into her mouth, chewing thoughtfully. That can't be good. Uneasily she looked around the s.p.a.cious lounge, which was largely unoccupied. Thankfully there was no access to anyone but first-cla.s.s pa.s.sengers here, so it was a good bet they were safe from the press, at least for the time being. So far they had managed to elude any media complications at both Hamilton Island airport and the Sydney domestic terminal.

But it had been a different story once they reached the international terminal. Word had spread and soon a pack of journalists and camera crews had been on their trail. The lounge was a safe haven, at least until it was time to board their flight. Then, Cadie knew, they would have to run the gauntlet until they were safely aboard.

Another look at the senator and Cadie was convinced the older woman had something up her sleeve for that last run to the departure gate. The timing makes sense. Give a good impression to the Australian press here, then have 27 hours flying time to let that impression filter back to the US, and perhaps by the time we arrive in Chicago a lot of the sting will be taken out of the story. Cadie munched slowly on the remains of her m.u.f.fin. The question is what part is she going to have me play in all this. A growing knot of tension made itself known in the pit of Cadie's stomach and she suddenly regretted eating anything. Oh, I have a bad feeling about this.

Jo jogged down the ward corridor of the Mackay Base Hospital, head turning from side to side as she tried to figure out where they were keeping Ron. She reached the nurses' station and slapped her hand impatiently on the countertop when she realized there was no one there to answer her questions. d.a.m.n it's just been one of those mornings, she thought in frustration.

The Seawolf had finally made it back to Shute Harbor, but too late. The office staff informed Jo that Ron had been airlifted to Mackay, and that Doris had gone along with him. He had been arguing on the phone with an insurance rep when the heart attack had struck. How many times have I told him to spread the load around a little? Jo fretted. She had grabbed the keys to the company car and headed south, trying to make the hour and a half's drive considerably shorter by keeping her foot to the floor. An hour and one speeding ticket later, she was pounding the bell on the top of the nurses' station desk.

A formidable woman in a pale blue uniform advanced on her from the far end of the corridor. "Can I help you?" she asked.

Jo nodded. "I'm looking for Ron Cheswick," she replied. "He was airlifted from Shute Harbor. Heart attack."

The nursing sister searched her records briefly, a stubby finger running down the page of the book on the desktop. "Ah yes. Mr. Cheswick is in ICU, at the end of the hallway. But I can only allow family members in there." The woman's expression brooked no argument, but Jo wasn't about to be deflected at this late stage.

"Ron doesn't have any blood family," she said bluntly. "At least, none that cares enough to be here. Me and Doris are as close as it gets. So, how about it, huh?"

"Doris, I take it, is the lady who arrived with him?" the sister asked. Jo nodded again. "And can I ask your name?"

"Jo Madison." The tall skipper s.h.i.+fted anxiously from one foot to the other. "Please, I really need to see him."

Again the older woman consulted her list and Jo was just on the brink of throwing caution to the wind with or without her permission when she looked up and smiled fleetingly.

"You can go through, Miss Madison," she said. "I should warn you, though, not to expect too much in the way of conversation from Mr. Cheswick. He's very ill."

A cold chill s.h.i.+vered through Jo. "Okay," she said grimly. "Thanks for the warning."

She was painfully aware of her sneakers squeaking on the polished linoleum floor as she walked down the corridor. Scary smells and sounds a.s.saulted her senses, reminding Jo that hospitals were about her least favorite places to be. Right next to jails, courthouses, and dark alleys. G.o.d, Cadie, I wish you were here to hold my hand.

At the end of the hallway was a darkened ICU unit, and Jo tentatively looked in, one hand on the doorjamb. She peered through the dimness and could make out four beds, each occupied by lumps of humanity connected to every machine imaginable. Away in the far corner from Jo, she could see Doris, her face illuminated by the eerie glow of several monitors. The older woman was slumped in a chair, and she was rubbing her eyes wearily. Ron was obscured from Jo's sight by the curtain half-pulled around his bed. The skipper swallowed around the lump in her throat and hesitantly stepped forward.

She crouched in front of Doris, taking in the tear streaks on her cheeks. Gently she shook the office manager's shoulder, trying not to startle her out of sleep.

"Oh, Jo!" Doris exclaimed, pulling the skipper close in a desperate hug. "I'm so glad you were able to get here. It's just been awful, and I'm so scared."

Jo returned the hug and then disentangled herself. They both stood and turned to look at Ron. The big man's face was almost totally obscured by breathing tubes and other contraptions that gave Jo chills just looking at them. A heart monitor rea.s.suringly blipped when it should have, but there was no movement at all from the Cheswick Marine boss. His face was slack and a tiny sliver of drool trailed from the corner of his mouth to the pillow. Somehow, that made everything so much worse. Jo reached for a tissue from the box on the bedside cabinet and gently cleaned her boss' face. She brushed an errant lock of hair off his forehead.

"Hey, Ronny," she whispered. "It's Jo-Jo. Paul and Jenny send their love. They're minding the store for us." Ron's eyelids fluttered and she watched him struggle to open his eyes. "Take it easy, mate," she said, placing a calming hand on his chest, which seemed to relax him.

Doris approached the head of the bed from the other side and Jo glanced up at her. "Did you contact his ex-wife?" Jo asked quietly. Doris nodded.

"But she didn't seem too interested in coming up," Doris said bitterly. Ron's 23-year marriage had ended in acrimony three years earlier, foundering on the rocks of the death of their only child, Raymond, in a car accident. Since the divorce the former Mrs. Cheswick hadn't been sighted north of the Sydney social scene.

"No big surprise there," Jo murmured. She took Ron's right hand in hers and smiled when she felt him squeeze hers weakly. "Hey, digger. You hang in there. We've got your back." She patted his hand and placed it gently on his stomach before she and Doris moved out into the fluorescent glare of the ward corridor. "What did the doctors say?"

The older woman rubbed her face with her hands for a few seconds as she gathered her thoughts. When she dropped them again, her expression was one of exhausted misery. "He's in trouble, Jo-Jo," she said. "They said the attack did ma.s.sive damage to the heart and that he's going to need bypa.s.s surgery. But they can't do it yet because he's too weak and unstable. They're worried that he might have another attack before they can get him strong enough to survive the surgery."

Jo nodded. Not good, in other words. She tried to form an encouraging smile for Doris' benefit. "So," she said, "we wait. And we keep our fingers crossed."

"And we pray," Doris murmured.

Certainly can't hurt. G.o.d, Cadie, I hope your day is going better than mine, and a lot better than Ron's.

"This is the first boarding call for all pa.s.sengers traveling aboard United Airlines flight 815 to Los Angeles. Please present your boarding pa.s.s at departure gate 68."

Cadie's stomach sank into a by now familiar cold, tight knot as she stood in front of the restroom mirror.

Moment of truth time, she thought as she splashed cool water on her face. I feel sick to my stomach. If this is doing the right thing, then give me the wrong thing every time.

"G.o.d d.a.m.n it," she muttered as she headed for the door. She walked out into the lounge just behind where Toby and Jason sat flanking Naomi. All three had their backs to Cadie and they were engaged in a heated conversation.

"Naomi, you had better start doing some very fast a.s.s-kissing," Toby said pointedly, jabbing the senator's shoulder with his finger. "If you and Cadie go out there now looking the way you both do right now, that pack of piranhas is going to rip you apart. For Chrissakes, talk to her."

Cadie decided to see where this conversation led, and she leaned quietly against the wall.

"And tell her what, Toby?" the senator retorted sarcastically.

"Anything!" he exclaimed. "Promise her anything, Nay, for crying out loud. All you have to do is get past the departure gate and on to the plane without looking like you hate each other. Apologize to her, for a start."

The senator swung on him. "For what?' she snarled. "For letting her hang all over that G.o.dd.a.m.n overstretched b.i.t.c.h for the past three weeks? For making a complete idiot of me?"

"Jesus." The exasperated PR man collapsed back in his chair. "You try, Jason. She's not listening to me."

Jason paused for a few seconds to gather his thoughts.

At least he has the decency to look uncomfortable about this whole thing, Cadie thought ruefully as she continued to listen.

Jason leaned forward. "Naomi, none of that matters now," he said quietly. He held up a hand as she opened her mouth to protest again. "Honestly, it doesn't. I'm sorry if your feelings are hurt or your pride is wounded, or whatever, but none of that matters a d.a.m.n right now."

Cadie suddenly realized that the usually soft-spoken man was furious with the senator.

"The facts are these, Senator," he said with a quiet intensity. "There are people back in the States who cannot wait to get their hands on you. They've been waiting a very long time. They're the ones who never wanted you in the GOP in the first place, let alone elected to the Senate. They're the ones who fought tooth and nail to stop your nomination. All they've been waiting for is a tiny little chance to prove you to be the promiscuous, substance-abusing h.o.m.os.e.xual that they believe all gays and lesbians are."

Toby nodded his agreement.

"And you know what, Naomi?" Jason continued, leaning even closer until he was almost nose to nose with the glowering politician. "You've given those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds that chance. Because, the bottom line is, you've been playing pretty fast and loose with your career." Naomi moved as if to get up out of the chair, but both men pulled her back with a hand on each arm. "No, you're going to listen to this, Nay," Jason insisted. He waited until she reluctantly sat back in her chair.

"You've forgotten how hard it was to get you elected," Jason said, allowing some of his anger to show. "You've allowed yourself to think that now you're here you can do what you like. Maybe that's been partly our fault," he admitted. "We've closed our eyes to some of the things we know you've been doing-the drinking, the affairs..."

Cadie swallowed hard, a missing piece of the puzzle of her last few years with the senator finally sliding into place.

"...and yes, the drugs." He paused, exchanging a sad glance with his partner. "We should have called a halt then." He looked down at his hands and re-gathered his thoughts. "You're a US senator, Naomi," he stated flatly. "Do you want to still be one next week?"

She looked at him sharply. "It won't come to that," she said quietly.

"Won't it?" That was Toby. "We're not so sure."

Jason pressed the point home. "Cadie's your only chance of creating a good impression between now and arriving back in Was.h.i.+ngton on Monday morning. You have to make the most of it."

"All right, all right," Naomi growled. "I'll talk to her."

"Do more than that, Senator. Be nice, promise her the world. Just get her back on your side," Toby said just before he stood and walked away to gather the rest of the troops.

Jason stood to do the same, and as he did so he caught sight of Cadie leaning against the wall. He flashed her an embarra.s.sed and apologetic look before he turned and walked away.

Cadie wandered slowly over to her carry-on luggage. Her mind was spinning in seventeen directions, but none of them were leading her to any kind of solution she could live with. I'm just a marketing ploy, she thought with disgust. That's all I've been to her for a very long time. Maybe that's all I ever was to her. I don't know anymore. She glanced over at Naomi and caught the older woman staring at her intently. Cadie walked back to the senator's group of chairs and sat down next to her. Might as well see which way she wants to play this, she thought resignedly.

Naomi turned to look at her with a weary half-smile. "I know you have no reason to want to do me any favors," the senator said quietly, leaning close to keep their conversation as private as possible.

Cadie decided discretion was the better part of valor, at least for the time being. She held her tongue, keeping herself very still.

"We've been through a lot together, Cadie," Naomi continued, keeping her voice low. "All I'm asking is that you help me through the next few minutes until we're on the plane and away from the press."

"Why should I, Naomi?" Cadie replied sadly. "You've made it very clear over the past few weeks that not only have I been a liability all these years but that this holiday was-how did you put it?-oh yes...payment for services rendered." She paused to let that sink in, vaguely satisfied to see the senator flush. "You're going to kick me out once we get home anyway. That was the plan, wasn't it?"

She watched while Naomi ground her teeth, the muscles in her jaw bunching and unbunching in quick succession.

"Look, I'm sorry you had to hear that," she muttered hoa.r.s.ely, clearly hating every second. "That was for Larissa and Kelli's benefit. Just to shut them up and get them off my back, y'know?" Cadie remained silent. "You know I would never kick you out, don't you?" She was almost pleading now.

"I don't know anything about you anymore, Naomi. All I know is I can't trust you. Not with us. Not with anything."

The stocky senator leaned closer still, desperation written all over her face now.

"Please, Cadie," she whispered fiercely, "just play along until we're on the plane and then we can talk. Maybe we can try and figure out how to get things back on track for us."

Cadie shook her head in disbelief, still amazed by the way the politician's mind worked, despite everything she had seen. "I've been trying to get you to do that for months, Naomi," she replied quietly. "You're not interested in us. All you care about is power and having a good time."

"Stop it, Cadie, please," Naomi begged. "All I'm asking is that you pretend for the next 10 minutes until we get on the plane. That's all. Then whatever you want, you can have."

How can I believe anything she says? Cadie bit her tongue, watching Naomi squirm under her scrutiny.


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