Japan Part 19

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_I.-The Dynasty of Minamoto. 1186-1219._

1. Minamoto Yoritomo, 1186-1199, died; received his appointment as shogun in 1192.

NOTE.-In this as in the later cases, the dates will be cited which correspond to the attainment of power and its general recognition, but which do not, in many cases, correspond to the grant of the t.i.tle, which frequently was much later.

2. Minamoto Yori-iye, 1199-1203, son of the preceding, first deposed by his grandfather, Hojo Tokimasa, and banished to Izu, there was murdered in 1204.

3. Minamoto Sanetomo, 1203-1219, eleven years old, brother of the preceding, murdered by his nephew Kokio, the son of Yori-iye.

_The Time of the Shadow Shoguns. 1220-1338._

The shoguns of this period, taken partly from the Fujiwara family, partly from the princes of the imperial house, were mostly children, and in every instance the weak agents of the Hojo family, whose chiefs, as regents (_s.h.i.+ken_), had the power in their hands, although the nominal bearers of the same were likewise only children.

4. Fujiwara Yoritsune, 1220-1243, nine years old, dethroned by Hojo Tsunetoki, died 1256.

5. Fujiwara Yoritsugu, 1244-1251, son of the preceding, seven years old, deposed by H. Tokeyori, died 1256.

6. Munetaka s.h.i.+no, 1252-1265, eleven, according to others thirteen, years old, deposed by H. Tokimune, died 1274.

7. Koreyasu s.h.i.+no, 1266-1289, son of the preceding, three years old, deposed by H. Sadatoki, died 1325 (1326?).

8. Hisa-akira s.h.i.+no, or, as he was called, k.u.mei s.h.i.+no, 1289-1307, sixteen years old, deposed by H. Sadatoki, died 1328.

9. Morikuni s.h.i.+no, 1308-1333, son of the preceding, seven years old, dethroned by Nitsuda Yos.h.i.+sada, died in the same year.

10. Moriyos.h.i.+ s.h.i.+no, 1333-1334, son of the reigning Emperor Go-Daigo, dethroned by Taka-uji, murdered, in 1335, by Minamoto Nao-yos.h.i.+.

11. Nari-Yos.h.i.+ s.h.i.+no, 1334-1338, dethroned and murdered by Taka-uji.

_II.-The Regents of the Hojo Family._

Hojo Tokimasa, died 1215, did not have the t.i.tle of regent (_s.h.i.+ken_).

Hojo Yos.h.i.+toki, 1205-1224, from 1205 regent (_s.h.i.+ken_), murdered.

Hojo Yasutoki, 1225-1242, died.

Hojo Tsunetoki, 1243-1246, grandson of the preceding, retired in favor of his younger brother, Tokiyori, and died thirty-three years old.

Hojo Tokiyori, 1246-1256, retired in favor of his son, Tokimune, and died 1263, thirty-seven years old.

Hojo Tokimune, 1257-1284, seven years old, under the guardians.h.i.+p of H.

Nagatoki and H. Masamura, died.

Hojo Sadatoki, 1284-1300, adopted son of the preceding, retired in favor of Morotoki, the grandson of Tokiyori, but continued to exercise a potent influence over the regency, died 1311.

Hojo Morotoki, 1300-1311, died.

Hojo Takatoki, 1312-1326, the son of Sadatoki, nine years old, under the guardians.h.i.+p of Hirotoki and Mune-n.o.bu, retired in favor of his younger brother, Yasuye, who likewise soon withdrew.

Until the fall of the Hojo family Takatoki really conducted the regency, although others held the t.i.tle. After the taking of Kamakura by Nitta Yos.h.i.+sada in 1333, he killed himself.

_III.-The Dynasty of As.h.i.+kaga. 1334-1573._

12. As.h.i.+kaga Taka-uji, 1334-1358, died fifty-three years old.

13. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+mori, 1359-1367, retired in favor of his son Yos.h.i.+mitsu, died 1408, fifty-one years old.

14. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+mitsu, 1368-1393, retired in favor of his son, Yos.h.i.+mochi, at the age of thirty-seven years, died 1409.

15. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+mochi, 1394-1422, retired in favor of his son, Yos.h.i.+katsu.

16. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+katsu, 1423-1425, died nineteen years old. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+mochi, 1425-1428, the fifteenth shogun, took the power again, and died forty-three years old.

17. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+n.o.bu, 1428-1441, murdered by Akamatsu Mitsusuke, forty-eight years old. From 1429 called Yos.h.i.+nori.

18. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+katsu, 1441-1443, son of the preceding, eight years old, died.

19. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+nari, called Yos.h.i.+masa, 1443-1473, brother of the preceding, eight years old, retired, and died in 1490.

20. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+nao, 1473-1489, died twenty-five years old; from 1488, called Yos.h.i.+hiro.

21. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+mura, 1490-1493, nephew of Yos.h.i.+masa, twenty-five years old, taken prisoner and dethroned by Hosokawa Motomoto.

22. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+mitsi, 1493-1508, had to flee, died 1511; from 1449 called Yos.h.i.+taku, and from 1502 Yos.h.i.+sumi; Yos.h.i.+tada, 1508-1521, is Yos.h.i.+mura, who from the year 1501 bore the name, and since that time was the shogun of the enemy at war with Yos.h.i.+sumi, had to flee, was deposed, and died, 1523.

23. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+naru, 1521-1546, son of Yos.h.i.+sumi, retired in favor of his son, Yos.h.i.+fus.h.i.+, died 1550, forty years old.

24. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+fus.h.i.+, 1547-1565, eleven years old, killed himself in his palace, having been confined there by the rebels.

25. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+gi-ei or Yos.h.i.+naga, 1568 died, important as opposition shogun.

26. As.h.i.+kaga Yos.h.i.+-aki, 1568-1573, deposed by n.o.bunaga, died 1597.

_IV.-The Time of the Usurpation. 1573-1603._

27. Taira-no-n.o.bunaga, 1573-1582, killed himself, having been forced to do so by Akechi Mitsuhide.

Akechi Mitsuhide, who usurped the t.i.tle of shogun, ruled only twelve days, and fell conquered by Hideyos.h.i.+ 28. Sambos.h.i.+, 1582-1586, grandson of n.o.bunaga.

29. Toyotomi Hideyos.h.i.+, 1586-1598, was never shogun, but kwambaku; (on his retirement called Taiko-sama).

30. Hidetsugu, 1591-1595, nephew of the preceding, killed himself, was also kwambaku.

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