Blood Ties Part 1

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Blood Ties.

Mari Mancusi.


To my agent, Kristin Nelson, and my editor, Kate Seaver, for making the continuation of this series possible.

And to the Blood Coven Vampires in Training-who make writing each and every book an exciting, rewarding experience.

To the Werearmadillo writing group, for constant support and love.

And finally, to all the Jayden fans out there who demanded more of his story-this one's for you!

The World According to Suns.h.i.+ne (Sunny) McDonald...

There are a lot of people in this world who want nothing more than to stand out in a crowd. To gain fame and fortune and be recognized wherever they go. They want attention. They want notoriety. And they'll stop at nothing until they have five million followers on Twitter and TMZ has justified the expense of picking up their trail on every Starbucks run.

Which is all fine and good, in theory, anyway. But in the words of the wise old (and p.u.s.s.ycat Dolls: "Be careful what you wish for, 'cause you just might get it." And once you do, you may be craving normalcy like a b.a.s.t.a.r.d. And there will be nothing you can do to get it back.

I, on the other hand, never wanted to be famous. Or notorious. Or anything "ous," except maybe anonymous. A nondescript face in the crowd. A normal girl living a normal life with a normal job, a normal husband, and 2.3 normal kids playing out behind a normal white picket fence. Maybe we'd have a swimming pool, but that's as wild and crazy as I ever wanted to get.

But no. During the last year, I've learned the hard way that normal just ain't in the cards for me and my family. And, whether I like it or not, I've really got no choice but to let our freak flag fly for all to see.

For those of you just joining us (um, where have you been?!) it all started one night back in May. Back when I thought I *was* normal and my biggest worry was whether the guy I was crus.h.i.+ng on knew I even existed. Back then, I still figured the world worked just like they told you in school and the laws of physics, gravity, and mortality applied to everyone-even my crazy twin sister, Rayne, who I decided, stupidly, to accompany on an outing to Club Fang, the local Goth joint, one fateful night.

That night started out good. I met a guy. A really hot one. Unfortunately, things went downhill from there after he mistook me for my vampire-wannabe sister and bit me in the neck, basically turning me into a vampire in a b.l.o.o.d.y bad case of mistaken ident.i.ty. I was so not pleased, let me tell you.

You see, turns out, while I had been angling for a prom date and playing field hockey, Rayne had been going to night school, getting her vampire certification. The bite was sort of her graduation gift-her into the world of the undead. Magnus, the vampire, was supposed to become her blood mate, which is basically like a soul mate kind of thing for vamps, and the two of them were meant to live happily ever after as members of the Blood Coven in a crypt built for two.

Anyway, to make a long story somewhat short, Magnus and I ended up going on this wild adventure to England to find the Holy Grail (yes, the real one!), which evidently was the only thing that could cure me. During this time, we fell in love-go figure- and have been dating ever since. Not the normal boyfriend I'd hoped to find. But awesome, just the same. (Even though sometimes he can be a total workaholic, which can drive me insane.) We've had a lot of adventures since then-and pretty much none of them normal. Like when my vampire-wannabe sister found out she was actually destined to become a vampire slayer instead. (Which became useful when the werewolf cheerleaders came to town.) Or when the vampire Jareth she once hated saved her life-and finally made her vampire dreams come true. And then there was the time me and my human friend Jayden managed to stop an evil Las Vegas vampire from destroying the Blood Coven from within. That was pretty amazing-even if it did almost kill both of us.

But, to be honest, the biggest paranormal turning point came not from the vampires at all, but from our very own parents. Our hippie-dippie mom and our absentee dad who, one day, decided to break the news that Rayne and I aren't human at all-but rather full-blooded fairies! Not only that-but fairy princesses-next in line for the Light Court throne.

At that point, I had to kiss normal good-bye for good.

Hiding out from the fairies ended up being an adventure in and of itself-with Rayne and me spending some quality time at Riverdale, a school for vampire slayers deep in the Swiss Alps. That's where Rayne met Corbin, a slayer-in-training who unknowingly fell for her vampire charms. Unfortunately, it wasn't a happily-ever-after kind of love affair and ended with Corbin being turned into a vampire himself. Now he's on the loose somewhere, probably plotting his revenge against the Blood Coven and my sister.

Which brings us to today. Mom's off ruling Fairyland. We just buried our father, may he rest in peace. My sister's going through a twelve-step program at a vampire rehab, trying to get control of her whole bloodl.u.s.t thing. And an evil fringe group of Slayer Inc. that we uncovered at Riverdale (that calls themselves the Alphas) is determined to create vampiric fae hybrids in a bid to take over the world.

And, as for me? Well, I've just enrolled in Las Vegas High School-which seems like the normal thing to do.

We'll see how long that lasts...


"Hey, Sunny, over here!"

I look up from stuffing my field hockey stick into my bag, my eyes widening with horror as they fall upon a long, black stretch limousine, pulling up curbside to my new high school, behind the waiting school bus. The window slides down and from inside I can see Magnus, still shadowed in the darkness, beckoning for me to come over. I try to pretend I don't hear him. Don't even know him. So of course that makes him shout even louder. As a rule, former knights in s.h.i.+ning armor from medieval times can so not take a hint.

"Oy! Sunny! I'm right here!"

"Whoa, who's the hottie?" whistles Kierra, the field hockey center and one of the only potential friends I've managed to score my first week here at Las Vegas High School. In other words, the last person on Earth I want to introduce to the Master of the Blood Coven-one of the largest vampire groups on the Eastern Seaboard-aka my current boyfriend, Magnus. Who, I might add, may soon become my former boyfriend Magnus if he doesn't pull away from my high school parking lot in the next five seconds.

Kierra squints to get a better glimpse into the luxurious limo. I mean, really, Magnus? A freaking limo? Could we get any more My Super Sweet Sixteen if we tried? These girls are so going to get the wrong idea about me.

"Wow, Sunny," chimes in Hana, the goalie. "You've been holding out on us!"

Magnus tosses the girls a friendly wave. My only saving grace is the knowledge that he'll literally catch on fire if he tries to step out of the car and into the sweltering Vegas suns.h.i.+ne.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Taylar, the midfielder, queries.

I try to send Magnus mental signals to vacate the premises. If only I had vampire telepathy like Rayne does with Jareth. Then again, I think she only has the ability to summon her boyfriend to her, not send him away. Which evidently I don't need special superpowers to do.

I realize the three girls are staring at me questioningly. "Oh him?" I stammer. "He's just... some guy I know."

"Yeah. Some guy in a limo!" Taylar adds. "It's, like, seriously, so Chuck Ba.s.s in Gossip Girl!" She pretends to swoon.

"Yeah! And you're like Blair!" gushes Kierra. "Except, you know, without the designer wardrobe." The three girls study my tank top and jeans ensemble from Old Navy with critical eyes. I am so going to kill Magnus. What is he even doing awake this time of day anyway?

"Hi, Chuck Ba.s.s!" coos Hana, running over to the limo and sticking her head in. She's quickly joined by Taylar and Kierra. "Buy any hotels lately?"

Magnus c.o.c.ks his head in question. "I'm sorry?" "Um, he doesn't get out much. I mean, stay in much," I interject, running to the car and pus.h.i.+ng them aside. "I mean, he doesn't watch a lot of TV."

"Actually I do quite enjoy The Vampire Diaries," Magnus interjects with a sly smile.

Oh. My. G.o.d.

The field hockey players squee in unison, squeezing past me, their heads all trying to fit through the limo window at once.

"Want to come hang with us?" Hana asks.

"We're going to crash the Mandalay pool to catch some rays," adds Kierra.

"And no offense, man, but you sure look like you can use some," teases Taylar playfully.

"I appreciate your offer, ladies," Magnus says grandly. "But I must regretfully decline. Perhaps another day, or night, I mean, after the sun goes down?"

Okay that's it. I'm done. I push through the blockade of girls and yank open the limo door. "Sorry, they're busy," I reply, before any of them can answer. I dive into the limo and slam the door shut behind me. "See you guys tomorrow!" I cry, stabbing at the window b.u.t.ton, praying it will move faster the more times I press it.

"Can we, like, go?" I bite at the chauffeur as I watch my new friends try to squint through the one- way gla.s.s. Luckily the guy obliges and we pull out of the school parking lot at long last. Excellent. Now I can at least die of embarra.s.sment off of school property.

"Sunny?" I realized Magnus is staring at me questioningly.

I turn to him. "What the h.e.l.l was that, Magnus?" I demand.

"What was what?" he asks innocently. "I just thought you'd like a ride home."

"Yeah. In a school bus. Or a normal car. Not a stretch limo. Do you know what they're going to think of me now?" I can just imagine them texting their friends as we speak. Three days at my new school and I'm already going to be limo girl with the bad wardrobe.

"I'm sorry, Sunny," Magnus replies, sounding slightly amused. "But limos are just easier for me to get around in during the day." He pauses, then adds, "Next time I'll bring the Jag."

Argh. I flop back in my seat, so giving up. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" I repeat. "Hmm, I don't know, Magnus. How about the fact that I'm starting a new school and I'm trying to make friends and fit in. That's not easy to do when my vampire boyfriend shows up with a limo and starts talking all weird to my friends."

"Come on," he cajoles. "I thought vampires were all the rage with high school girls these days."

I glower at him. "Only if they sparkle."

Magnus starts laughing at this. I try to frown, to keep being mad, but I have to admit, it is kind of funny. And soon I find myself giggling alongside of him.

"Am I forgiven then?" he asks fondly, looking at me with his beautiful emerald eyes.

I grunt. "Oh, I suppose." I curl into his cool body, rejoicing at the feel of his long, lean frame pressed up against me. After all those lonely nights at Riverdale Academy, aka Slay School, I can't resist a little cuddle from the guy every now and then. Even if he does refuse to follow orders to stay away from my high school.

"Sorry," I say sheepishly. "I know you meant well. It's just... I'm in a weird situation, you know? Going to a new school, trying to get people to like me..."

"Who wouldn't like you?" Magnus asks, planting a kiss on my freckled nose. "You're perfect."

"You're prejudiced."

"Maybe so." He tosses his head arrogantly. "But I've also had a thousand years' experience to draw from. These girls you're trying to impress? They've got seventeen, eighteen, tops."

I can't help but giggle. "So you're saying in a thousand years of searching, you've never found a girl as perfect as me?"

"Vampire's honor," he says, holding his fingers up in Boy Scout pose. Then he grabs me and pulls me close to him, kissing me hungrily on the mouth. I kiss him back, enjoying the feel of his soft lips moving against my own. It's so good to have him back in my arms. I just pray he doesn't have to leave again.

"So, I may have to leave again," he announces suddenly, pulling away from the kiss.

"What? Why?"

He slumps back in his seat. "The Consortium may have found a lead as to where the Alpha Slayers are hiding out. The House Speaker, Pyrus, has requested my presence to help with the investigation." He makes a face. Ever since Pyrus took over as House Speaker of the Consortium, he's seemed determined to make Magnus's life as difficult as possible. And this seems no exception.

"Isn't that more like Jareth's job? You know, the hands-on kind of stuff? No offense, baby, but you're more politician than warrior."

He scowls. "Um, former knight in s.h.i.+ning armor, remember?" he says, patting his chest. "And in any case, Jareth's coming along, too. In fact, the majority of coven leaders are mobilizing for this. It's just too big a risk to be taken lightly. Especially now that Corbin's stolen some valuable information from the Blood Coven that can be used against us."

Corbin. The slayer my sister almost drained dry when suffering from blood addiction back at Riverdale Academy. Jareth saved him by turning him into a vampire. But let's just say the guy wasn't so grateful for the favor, seeing as now he's basically turned into the very monster he's so desperate to eliminate from the planet.

"Okay then," I say, gearing up for the challenge. I guess normal high school life will have to be put on hold once again. "Let's swing by the house and I'll pack a bag."

Magnus frowns. "What?" I ask. "Sunny, you're not coming."

"Um, excuse me?" Is he for real?

"It's going to be war," Magnus reminds me. "It's too dangerous for you."

"h.e.l.lo, Magnus!" I wave to him. "Fairy princess, remember? No longer the fragile human girl you need to protect from harm? I want to help."

But my boyfriend just shakes his head. "I don't think it's a good idea, Sunny. If anything were to happen to you, I'd never forgive myself. Not to mention, just having you there would be... a distraction."

I stare at him, mouth agape. I can't believe it. Once again I'm being shut out.

"Look, Sun, I'm not trying to be a jerk here..." "Well, then you're failing miserably," I retort.

"Driver, stop the car. I'm going to walk the rest of the way!" The driver slows down.

"No!" Magnus corrects. "Keep going." The driver sighs, then speeds up again.

As if that's going to stop me. "Fine, have it your way." I press the b.u.t.ton to open the skylight, then push my head through. I can hear Magnus protesting below as I crawl out the window, unfurl my wings out the sides of my tank top, flutter off the moving vehicle, and float down onto the nearby sidewalk, leaving my sun-allergic boyfriend stuck in the car, trying desperately to close the skylight.

Fairies one, vampires zilch.

"Sunny!" Magnus cries furiously, banging on the window. I ignore him, instead addressing the group of tourists that has gathered, gawking at my wings. I give them a little bow before stuffing them back under my s.h.i.+rt. (Just another Vegas freak here, people, nothing to see!) Then I storm off down the street heading toward my family's high-rise condo just off the Strip.

"Stay at home, Sunny," I mutter under my breath. "It's way too dangerous, Sunny." I'm so sick of everyone thinking I'm the weak one. After all, no one ever says stuff like that to Rayne. As an official vampire slayer, not to mention an actual vampire, she goes on death-defying adventures for a living. (Yes, I know, I know-a vampire who works as a vampire slayer-seems like a conflict of interest, right? Luckily she's only a.s.signed to take out the bad vamps who don't follow the rules.) But as for me, I might as well be made of freaking gla.s.s, according to Magnus and the rest of the sorry vampire race.

It's so unfair.

I walk down an alley through a shortcut off the Strip. About halfway through I wonder if I've made a wise choice. The shadows in the dark seem to claw at me menacingly and I keep hearing strange catlike mews echoing through the air. I wrap my arms around my body and pick up the pace.

A loud clattering makes me jump out of my skin. I whirl around, my eyes catching movement in the darkness. A shadow that can only be human.

"Who's there?" I demand. "Stay back! I've got Mace and I know how to use it." I don't really, of course. But I do have some fairy powers to unfurl if push comes to shove.

"S-S-Sunny?" a weak but familiar voice cries. "Is that really you?"

"Jayden?" I exclaim, rus.h.i.+ng toward the shadow, shocked beyond belief. What's he doing here?

I stop short as my eyes fall upon the figure on the ground. While it's definitely Jayden-my best Vegas friend and maybe something more-at the same time he looks... wrong somehow. Scarily skinny, all bones and sinew, his eyes are black and hollow looking and his mouth is bloodstained. I realize in horror he's holding something furry and dead and half-eaten in his hands.

"Oh my G.o.d!" I cry. "What happened to you?"

He looks up with pitiful, scared eyes. "Sunny," he whimpers. "You've got to help me. I think... I think I might have been turned into a vampire."

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