Catalogue of British Columbia Birds Part 4

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Not common. Four specimens taken--Sicamous, October, 1890; Alexandria Bridge, September, 1895; Tranquille, August, 1897; Comox, September 8th, 1900. Mr. Brooks reports it from Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Said to breed in the Chilcotin country. (_Fannin_.)

47. California Brown Pelican.

_Peleca.n.u.s californicus_ (Ridgw.).

Not common. One specimen in the Museum killed at Race Rocks, January, 1897. Seen at Sumas Lake. (_Brooks_.)

Order ANSERES. Lamellirostral Swimmers.

Family ANATIDae. Mergansers, Ducks, Geese and Swans.


48. American Merganser.

_Merganser america.n.u.s_ (Ca.s.s.).

Found throughout the Province, have taken it on West Coast of Vancouver Island in May; also on Queen Charlotte Islands in July, 1895, I took four young birds. Brooks reports it found on Okanagan Lake all winter.

49. Red-breasted Merganser.

_Menganser serrator_ (Linn.).

Found distributed throughout the Province. I saw them at Sumas Lake May 17th, 1904. Rev. J. H. Keen says common at Metlakahtla, Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_.)

LOPHODYTES Reichenbach.

50. Hooded Merganser.

_Lophodytes cucullatus_ (Linn.).

This species is common throughout the Province and on the Pacific Coast. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan.

ANAS Linnaeus.

51. Mallard.

_Anas boschas_ (Linn.).

An abundant resident throughout the Province; breeds in suitable localities throughout its range.


52. Gadwall. Gray Duck.

_Chaulelasmus strepera_ (Linn.).

Not common; a few have been taken near Victoria. Mr. Brooks reports it from Chilliwhack and Okanagan.

MARECA Stephens.

53. European Widgeon.

_Mareca penelope_ (Linn.).

Rare. Two specimens, one taken near Victoria February 9th, 1899, and another near Saanich.

54. American Widgeon. Baldpate.

_Mareca americana_ (Gmel.).

A common winter resident on the coast. Brooks reports it from Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Breeds on lakes on Cariboo Road above Clinton. (_Fannin_.)


55. Green-winged Teal.

_Nettion carolinensis_ (Gmel.).

An abundant resident, Breeds in the interior of the Mainland. Common on the coast throughout the winter. Rare on Queen Charlotte Islands.

(_Rev. J. H. Keen_.)


56. Blue-winged Teal.

_Querquedula discors_ (Linn.).

Not common on the coast; a few are taken every year. Taken at Chilliwhack. (_Brooks_.)

57. Cinnamon Teal.

_Querquedula cyanoptera_ (Vieill.).

A summer visitor in the interior of the Province. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan.


58. Shoveller. Spoon-bill.

_Spatula clypeata_ (Linn.).

A common resident on the Mainland, rarely met with on Vancouver Island. Brooks says common resident in Lower Fraser Valley about Sumas Lake, has also taken it on Okanagan.

DAFILA Stephens.

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