Spanish Composition Part 22

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_Santos hay donde menos se piensa._[26]


=78.= The verb _to appear_ is rendered =parecer= when the meaning is _to seem_; meaning _to put in an appearance_ it is translated =aparecer=, =deja.r.s.e ver=, =presenta.r.s.e=, or =asomar=, the last with the idea of _just coming into view_.

_He appears to be absolutely tired out._

=Parece estar cansado a mas no poder.=

_The moon appears and paints blue shadows._

=Aparece= (=asoma=) =la luna y pinta sombras azules.=


_At the same moment the face of the Catalan appeared through the window._

=Al mismo momento asomo el rostro del Catalan por la ventana.=


_He tried to appear in public as little as possible._

=Procuraba presenta.r.s.e en publica lo menos posible.=--ALARCoN.

=79.= The verb _to succeed_ is rendered =suceder= when the meaning is _to follow_; meaning _to be able to_, _manage to_, it is rendered =lograr= with the direct infinitive; in the sense of _to be successful_ it is translated =tener exito=.

_Edward VII. succeeded Queen Victoria._

=Eduardo Septimo sucedio a la reina Victoria.=

_And so I'm lost if I don't succeed in escaping?_

=Conque estoy perdido si no logro escaparme?=--ALARCoN.

_He'll succeed. Indeed he will!_

=Tendra exito. Vaya si lo tendra!=

=80.= The word _even_ used adverbially is =aun= or =hasta=. Used to emphasize a noun it is generally =hasta=. _Not even_ is translated =hasta ... no=, or =ni= (=siquiera=); and the phrase _even if not_ is =ya que no=.

_The landlady, the tailor, and even the night-watchman can wait._

=La patrona, el sastre, y hasta el sereno pueden esperar.=


_Not even so do I trust him._

=Ni aun asi me fio de el.=--GIL Y ZaRATE.

_I don't want anybody, not even her, to share this sacrifice with me._

=Yo no quiero que nadie, ni siquiera ella, comparta este sacrificio conmigo.=--LOS QUINTERO.

_Even if not rich, they are by no means poor._ =Ya que no ricos, no son de ningun modo pobres.=

=81.= _Toward_ indicating _direction_ is =hacia=. Denoting _inclination_ it is rendered =para con=.

_We saw that they were all walking toward the river._

=Vimos que todos caminaban hacia el rio.=

_Toward his own children he was always unjust._

=Para con sus propios hijos fue siempre injusto.=


(_a_) 1. Pegaron fuego hasta a las iglesias. 2. Le felicito a Vd. y aun mas a su familia. 3. Todavia no se ha dejado ver. 4. Quien sucedio al Presidente Lincoln? 5. Salto al agua y logro salvar al nino. 6. Logre alcanzarlos hacia la noche. 7. Era muy generoso para con sus amigos menos afortunados. 8. No tenian ni siquiera un duro. 9. Hasta su padre no sabia lo que habian hecho. 10. Parece que al momento de asoma.r.s.e el a la puerta le dijeron que tenia que presenta.r.s.e ante el juez.

(_b_) 1. They appear to be very happy even if they are not rich. 2.

Toward morning a light appeared in the house. 3. Even so, I don't like his conduct towards his family. 4. I haven't even answered the letters that they wrote me. 5. He even shook hands with the beggars in the street. 6. I think he will succeed in getting the money. 7. He went toward the door without looking at us. 8. I don't feel any anger toward him. 9. They have succeeded in opening the door, but even now they can't get in. 10. Even if not of as good material as mine, it is very well made.


_De la mentira sale mucha veces la verdad._[27]



(_a_) 1. I have _known_ him _only_ a short _time_. 2. They returned last night at the usual _time_. 3. They will always _need_ me and so I shall _keep on_ sacrificing myself for them. 4. She is _very pretty_, isn't she? Yes, _very_. 5. I don't _feel like playing_ with them now. 6. The least that it had cost him was money and _time_. 7. In one of the houses a lady _was playing_ the organ. 8. He _sat down like_ one who is not in a hurry. 9. They congregate there every day at the same _time_. 10.

_Without_ the money, I don't like to go to (=acudir a=) them. 11. It _must be_ time _for_ them to arrive.

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